Type: desktop-application
ID: sonic-visualiser.desktop
Package: sonic-visualiser
C: Sonic Visualiser
fr: Affichage et analyse des contenus des fichiers audio de musique
C: Viewing and analysing the contents of music audio files
pl: >-
<p>Celem projektu Sonic Visualiser jest stworzenie programu, służącego do studiowania nagrania muzycznego zamiast jego
<p>Sonic Visualiser może być szczególnie interesujący dla muzykologów, archiwistów, badaczy zajmujących się przetwarzaniem
sygnału i każdego, kto szuka przyjaznego sposobu, aby przyjrzeć się temu, co znajduje się w pliku muzycznym.</p>
de: >-
<p>Das Programm Sonic Visualiser strebt danach Ihre erste Wahl zu sein, falls Sie eine Musikaufzeichnung nicht einfach
nur anhören, sondern studieren wollen.</p>
<p>Sonic Visualiser könnte von besonderem Interesse sein für Musikwissenschaftler, Archivare, Signalverarbeitungsforscher
und all jene, die auf angenehme Art und Weise auf den Inhalt einer Audiodatei schauen wollen.</p>
C: >-
<p>The aim of Sonic Visualiser is to be the first program you reach for when want to study a musical recording rather
than simply listen to it.</p>
<p>Sonic Visualiser could be of particular interest to musicologists, archivists, signal-processing researchers and anyone
else looking for a friendly way to take a look at what lies inside the audio file.</p>
en: >-
<p>The aim of Sonic Visualiser is to be the first program you reach for when want to study a musical recording rather
than simply listen to it.</p>
<p>Sonic Visualiser could be of particular interest to musicologists, archivists, signal-processing researchers and anyone
else looking for a friendly way to take a look at what lies inside the audio file.</p>
gl: >-
<p>The aim of Sonic Visualiser is to be the first program you reach for when want to study a musical recording rather
than simply listen to it.</p>
<p>Sonic Visualiser could be of particular interest to musicologists, archivists, signal-processing researchers and anyone
else looking for a friendly way to take a look at what lies inside the audio file.</p>
fr: >-
<p>L’objectif de Sonic Visualiser est d’être le premier programme recherché pour l’étude d’un enregistrement musical plutôt
qu’une simple écoute.</p>
<p>Sonic Visualiser peut être d’un intérêt particulier pour la musicologie, les archivistes, les chercheurs en traitement
du signal et pour toute recherche d’un moyen pratique pour explorer ce qui se cache à l’intérieur d’un fichier audio.</p>
it: >-
<p>Lo scopo di Sonic Visualiser è di essere il primo programma a cui si pensa quando si desidera studiare una registrazione
musicale, invece di ascoltarla semplicemente.</p>
<p>Sonic Visualiser potrebbe essere particolarmente interessante per i musicologi, gli archivisti, i ricercatori nel campo
dell'analisi dei segnali e chiunque altro cerchi un modo facile per dare un'occhiata a cosa c'è all'interno
di un file audio.</p>
da: >-
<p>Formålet med Sonic Visualiser er at være det første program, du anvender, når du ønsker at studere en musikalsk optagelse
frem for bare at lytte på den.</p>
<p>Sonic Visualiser kan være af specielt interesse for musikologer, arkivarer, forskere i signalbehandling og andre som
ønsker, at kigge på hvad der kan findes inden i en lydfil.</p>
- Audio
- AudioVideo
- audio
- ' sound'
- ' visualiser'
- ' sonic'
- name: sonic-visualiser_sonic-visualiser.png
width: 48
height: 48
- name: sonic-visualiser_sonic-visualiser.png
width: 64
height: 64
- name: sonic-visualiser_sonic-visualiser.png
width: 128
height: 128
stock: sonic-visualiser
- url: s/so/sonic-visualiser.desktop/8F1766E557C4C740077F95C52A22FC4F/icons/128x128/sonic-visualiser_sonic-visualiser.png
width: 128
height: 128
- sonic-visualiser.desktop
- application/x-sonicvisualiser
- application/x-sonicvisualiser-layer
- application/x-ogg
- audio/mp3
- audio/ogg
- audio/mpeg
- audio/mpegurl
- audio/x-flac
- audio/x-mp3
- audio/x-mpeg
- audio/x-mpegurl
- audio/x-wav
- audio/wav
- application/ogg
- audio/x-vorbis+ogg