⇦ | solvespace [universe]
Last updated on: 2020-04-23 11:40 [UTC]

Metadata for solvespace in universe

solvespace.desktop - 2.3+repack1-3build3 ⚙ amd64 ⚙ armhf ⚙ arm64 ⚙ ppc64el ⚙ s390x

Type: desktop-application
ID: solvespace.desktop
Package: solvespace
  C: SolveSpace
  C: A parametric 2d/3d CAD
  C: >-
    <p>SolveSpace is a parametric 2d/3d CAD program. Applications include:</p>

    <p> * modeling 3d parts — draw with extrudes, revolves, and Boolean    (union / difference) operations;  * modeling 2d
    parts — draw the part as a single section, and export DXF,    PDF, SVG; use 3d assembly to verify fit;  * 3d-printed parts
    — export the STL or other triangle mesh expected by    most 3d printers;  * preparing CAM data — export 2d vector art
    for a waterjet machine or    laser cutter; or generate STEP or STL, for import into third-party    CAM software for machining; 
    * mechanism design — use the constraint solver to simulate planar or    spatial linkages, with pin, ball, or slide joints; 
    * plane and solid geometry — replace hand-solved trigonometry and    spreadsheets with a live dimensioned drawing.</p>
  en: >-
    <p>SolveSpace is a parametric 2d/3d CAD program. Applications include:</p>

    <p> * modeling 3d parts — draw with extrudes, revolves, and Boolean    (union / difference) operations;  * modeling 2d
    parts — draw the part as a single section, and export DXF,    PDF, SVG; use 3d assembly to verify fit;  * 3d-printed parts
    — export the STL or other triangle mesh expected by    most 3d printers;  * preparing CAM data — export 2d vector art
    for a waterjet machine or    laser cutter; or generate STEP or STL, for import into third-party    CAM software for machining; 
    * mechanism design — use the constraint solver to simulate planar or    spatial linkages, with pin, ball, or slide joints; 
    * plane and solid geometry — replace hand-solved trigonometry and    spreadsheets with a live dimensioned drawing.</p>
- Graphics
  - parametric
  - cad
  - 2d
  - 3d
  - name: solvespace_solvespace.png
    width: 48
    height: 48
  - name: solvespace_solvespace.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  - solvespace.desktop