⇦ | schism [universe]
Last updated on: 2020-04-23 11:40 [UTC]

Metadata for schism in universe

schism.desktop - 2:20190805-3 ⚙ amd64 ⚙ armhf ⚙ arm64 ⚙ ppc64el ⚙ s390x

Type: desktop-application
ID: schism.desktop
Package: schism
  C: Schism Tracker
  fr: Clone d'Impulse Tracker
  C: Impulse Tracker clone
  de: >-
    <p>Dieses Programm ist ein Editor für »gespurte« Musik, das sind relativ zu den Noten in der Tonhöhe verschobene Aufnahmen
    von Instrumenten.</p>

    <p>The Impulse Tracker ist gegenwärtig eines der populärsten »tracker«- Programme. Schism Tracker versucht, der Benutzerschnittstellengestaltung
    im Rahmen des Möglichen zu folgen, um Nutzern den Umstieg zu erleichtern.</p>
  pt_BR: >-
    <p>Este é um editor de músicas &quot;tracked&quot;, i.e., amostras de áudio de instrumentos que foram modificadas através
    de efeitos (&quot;pitch shifted&quot;) de acordo com os dados da nota.</p>

    <p>O Impulse Tracker é um dos programas de &quot;tracker&quot; mais populares atualmente, e o Schism Tracker tenta seguir
    a diagramação da sua interface de usuário sempre que possível para facilitar que os usuários troquem de programa.</p>
  sk: >-
    <p>Toto je editor hudobných „stôp”, teda zvukových vzoriek rôznych nástrojov, ktoré sa menia podľa zadaných nôt.</p>

    <p>Impulse Tracker je jeden z najpopulárnejších súčasných „trackerov“ a Schism Tracker sa pokúša kopírovať rozloženie
    jeho používateľského rozhrania, kde je to možné, aby uľahčil používateľom prechod.</p>
  sl: >-
    <p>To je urejevalnik za glasbo s &quot;sledmi&quot;, na primer zvočnimi vzorci višine inštrumentov, ki so zamaknjeni glede
    na podatke not.</p>

    <p>The Impulse Tracker is one of the most popular &quot;tracker&quot; programs at present, and Schism Tracker attempts
    to follow their UI layout wherever possible in order to make it easy for existing users to switch.</p>
  ja: >-
    <p>これは &quot;tracked&quot; された音楽、すなわち楽譜データに従いピッチがシフトされた 楽器のオーディオサンプル向けのエディタです。</p>

    <p>Impulse Tracker は現時点では最も有名な &quot;tracker&quot; プログラムの一つであり、 Schism Tracker は既存ユーザによる切り替えが容易になるように UI 配置を 可能な限り模倣しようとしています。</p>
  fi: >-
    <p>Tämä on muokkain ”tracker”-musiikille, joka perustuu soitinsamplejen äänenkorkeuden muuttamiseen nuottidatan mukaan.</p>

    <p>The Impulse Tracker is one of the most popular &quot;tracker&quot; programs at present, and Schism Tracker attempts
    to follow their UI layout wherever possible in order to make it easy for existing users to switch.</p>
  C: >-
    <p>This is an editor for &quot;tracked&quot; music, i.e. audio samples of instruments pitch shifted according to the note

    <p>The Impulse Tracker is one of the most popular &quot;tracker&quot; programs at present, and Schism Tracker attempts
    to follow their UI layout wherever possible in order to make it easy for existing users to switch.</p>
  en: >-
    <p>This is an editor for &quot;tracked&quot; music, i.e. audio samples of instruments pitch shifted according to the note

    <p>The Impulse Tracker is one of the most popular &quot;tracker&quot; programs at present, and Schism Tracker attempts
    to follow their UI layout wherever possible in order to make it easy for existing users to switch.</p>
  en_CA: >-
    <p>This is an editor for &quot;tracked&quot; music, i.e. audio samples of instruments pitch shifted according to the note

    <p>The Impulse Tracker is one of the most popular &quot;tracker&quot; programs at present, and Schism Tracker attempts
    to follow their UI layout wherever possible in order to make it easy for existing users to switch.</p>
  pt: >-
    <p>Este é um editor de música &quot;monitorizada&quot;, ou seja, amostras de áudio de instrumentos com variação do passo
    (pitch) de acordo com os dados da nota.</p>

    <p>O Impulse Tracker é um dos mais populares programas &quot;monitores&quot; no presente, e o Schism Tracker tenta seguir
    sua apresentação UI sempre que possível, a fim de tornar aos utilizadores existentes uma mudança fácil.</p>
  es: >-
    <p>Este es un editor de música «en pistas», es decir, muestras de audio de instrumentos con el tono cambiado de acuerdo
    con la nota que se quiera obtener.</p>

    <p>«The Impulse Tracker» es uno de los «trackers» más populares, y Schism Tracker pretende seguir su interfaz gráfica
    de usuario siempre que sea posible para hacer que los usuarios existentes del primero lo tengan fácil para cambiarse.</p>
  fr: >-
    <p>Il s’agit d’un éditeur pour la musique « par morceaux », par exemple, des modifications de tons d’échantillons audio
    suivant des données de note.</p>

    <p>Impulse Tracker est un des programmes de « tracker » les plus populaires actuellement et Schism Tracker tente de suivre
    son interface graphique autant que possible pour faciliter le passage de l&apos;un à l&apos;autre pour ses utilisateurs.</p>
  en_GB: >-
    <p>This is an editor for &quot;tracked&quot; music, i.e. audio samples of instruments pitch shifted according to the note

    <p>The Impulse Tracker is one of the most popular &quot;tracker&quot; programs at present, and Schism Tracker attempts
    to follow their UI layout wherever possible in order to make it easy for existing users to switch.</p>
  ko: >-
    <p>이 프로그램은 악기의 오디오 샘플 핏치가 음 데이타에 따라 쉬프트되는, &quot;tracked&quot; 된 음악을 편집합니다,</p>

    <p>Impulse Tracker는 헌재 가장 인기있는 &quot;tracker&quot; 프로그램중에 하나이며, Schism Tracker는 기존의 사용자가 Impulse Tracker에서 Schism Tracker로
    더 쉽게 전환할 수 있도록 하기 위해 가능한 Impulse Tracker의 UI 레이아웃을 따르려 하고 있습니다.</p>
  it: >-
    <p>Questo programma è un editor per musica &quot;tracked&quot;, cioè campioni audio del tono di strumenti, variato in
    accordo alla nota.</p>

    <p>Impulse Tracker, al momento, è uno dei più famosi programmi di &quot;registrazione&quot;; Schism Tracker tenta di seguire
    l&apos;aspetto della loro interfaccia, ove possibile, per rendere più facile il cambiamento agli utenti di Impulse Tracker.</p>
  da: >-
    <p>Dette er et redigeringsprogram for »tracked« musik, for eksempel lydprøver over instrumenttonelejer lagt jævnfør notedata.</p>

    <p>Impulse Tracker er ét af de mest populære »tracker«-programmer i øjeblikket, og Schism Tracker forsøger at følge deres
    udseende af brugerflade, hvor som helst det er muligt, for at gøre det nemt for eksisterende brugere af skifte.</p>
  en_AU: >-
    <p>This is an editor for &quot;tracked&quot; music, i.e. audio samples of instruments pitch shifted according to the note

    <p>The Impulse Tracker is one of the most popular &quot;tracker&quot; programs at present, and Schism Tracker attempts
    to follow their UI layout wherever possible in order to make it easy for existing users to switch.</p>
- Audio
- Midi
- Sequencer
- Player
- Music
  - impulse
  - module
  - midi
  - music
  - name: schism_schism-icon-128.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  - schism.desktop
  - audio/x-it
  - audio/x-s3m
  - audio/x-xm
  - audio/x-mod