⇦ | sagcad [universe]
Last updated on: 2020-04-23 11:40 [UTC]

Metadata for sagcad in universe

sagcad.desktop - 0.9.14-0ubuntu4 ⚙ amd64 ⚙ armhf ⚙ arm64 ⚙ ppc64el ⚙ s390x

Type: desktop-application
ID: sagcad.desktop
Package: sagcad
  C: SagCAD
  fr: Dessinez et concevez
  C: Draw and create
  fr: >-
    <p>Application d&apos;élaboration et de modélisation 2D assistées par ordinateur ayant les caractéristiques suivantes : 
    * CAO 2D  * Ouverture/Sauvegarde/Création de fichiers  * Annuler/Rétablir  * Utilisation des polices Qcad cxf  * Couper/Copier/Coller 
    * Sortie SGY/DXF/IGES/NC  * Entrée SGY/DXF/NC  * sortie de fichier ps(PostScript)  * CAM  * Ellipse et polyligne</p>
  ru: >-
    <p>Easy to use 2D Computer Aided Drafting and Modelling application with the following features:  * 2D CAD  * Opening/Saving/Creating
    of files  * Undo/Redo  * Font use Qcad cxf Font  * Cut/Copy/Paste  * SGY/DXF/IGES/NC output  * SGY/DXF/NC input  * ps(PostScript)
    file output  * CAM  * Ellipse and polyline</p>
  C: >-
    <p>Easy to use 2D Computer Aided Drafting and Modelling application with the following features:  * 2D CAD  * Opening/Saving/Creating
    of files  * Undo/Redo  * Font use Qcad cxf Font  * Cut/Copy/Paste  * SGY/DXF/IGES/NC output  * SGY/DXF/NC input  * ps(PostScript)
    file output  * CAM  * Ellipse and polyline</p>
  sl: >-
    <p>Enostaven program 2D CAD in modeliranja z naslednjimi zmožnostmi:  * 2D CAD  * odpiranje/shranjevanje/ustvarjanje datotek 
    * razveljavi/uveljavi  * uporaba pisave Qcad cxf  * izreži/kopiraj/prilepi  * izhod SGY/DXF/IGES/NC  * vhod SGY/DXF/NC 
    * izhod datotek ps(PostScript)   * CAM  * elipsa in poličrte</p>
  en: >-
    <p>Easy to use 2D Computer Aided Drafting and Modelling application with the following features:  * 2D CAD  * Opening/Saving/Creating
    of files  * Undo/Redo  * Font use Qcad cxf Font  * Cut/Copy/Paste  * SGY/DXF/IGES/NC output  * SGY/DXF/NC input  * ps(PostScript)
    file output  * CAM  * Ellipse and polyline</p>
  de: >-
    <p>Easy to use 2D Computer Aided Drafting and Modelling application with the following features:  * 2D CAD  * Opening/Saving/Creating
    of files  * Undo/Redo  * Font use Qcad cxf Font  * Cut/Copy/Paste  * SGY/DXF/IGES/NC output  * SGY/DXF/NC input  * ps(PostScript)
    file output  * CAM  * Ellipse and polyline</p>
- Graphics
  - name: sagcad_sagcad.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  - name: sagcad_sagcad.png
    width: 128
    height: 128