⇦ | renpy [universe]
Last updated on: 2020-04-23 11:40 [UTC]

Metadata for renpy in universe

renpy.desktop - 7.3.5+dfsg-1 ⚙ all

Type: desktop-application
ID: renpy.desktop
Package: renpy
  C: Ren'Py
  C: visual-novel type games
  es: juegos de novela grafica
  de: Spiele in der Art von japanischen Bildromanen
  de: >-
    <p>Ren&apos;Py ist eine Programmiersprache und eine Laufzeitumgebung, ausgelegt um das Erschaffen von visual-novel-artigen
    Spielen zu erleichtern. Sie bietet Möglichkeiten, die es einfach machen  * Gedanken, Dialoge und Menüs anzuzeigen  * dem
    Nutzer Bilder anzuzeigen  * Spiel-Logik zu schreiben  * Spiele zu laden und zu speichern.</p>

    <p>Ren&apos;Py versucht, sich wie ein ausführbares Skript zu verhalten. Das ermöglicht Ihnen ein funktionierendes Spiel
    zu bekommen, mit unwesentlich mehr Aufwand, als den Entwurf des Spiels in den Computer zu tippen.</p>

    <p>Ren&apos;Py baut auf Python auf, und diese Erbschaft zeigt sich an vielen Stellen. Viele Ren&apos;Py-Anweisungen ermöglichen
    die Anwendung von Python- Ausdrücken. Ebenso gibt es Ren&apos;Py-Anweisungen, die die Ausführung von beliebigem Python-Code
    ermöglichen. Viele der weniger genutzten Möglichkeiten von Ren&apos;Py werden dem Nutzer über Python verfügbar gemacht.
    Da nur die Nutzung der einfachsten Möglichkeiten von Python erforderlich ist, wird Ren&apos;Py hoffentlich für alle Spieleentwickler
    nutzbar sein.</p>
  ja: >-
    <p>Ren&apos;Py は、プログラム言語かつランタイムであり、ビジュアルノベルタイプの ゲームの作成を簡単にすることが目標です。考え、ダイアログ、そしてメニュ の表示、ユーザへの画像の表示、ゲーム論理の作成、そしてゲームの保存と

    <p>Ren&apos;Py は実行ファイルであるように振る舞い、ゲームスクリプトをコンピュータに タイプするのに必要なものより少ない努力でゲームを動かすことができます。</p>

    <p>Ren&apos;Py は Python により実装されており、Python から継承したものが多くの場面 で現れます。Ren&apos;Py の多くの表記は Python の表現を利用できますし、任意の Python コードを実行可能な
    Ren&apos;Py の表記も存在します。頻繁に利用されない Ren&apos;Py の機能の多くは、Python の方法によりユーザに公開されています。 Python の最もシンプルな機能しか利用する必要が無いことから、 Ren&apos;Py
  C: >-
    <p>Ren&apos;Py is a programming language and runtime, intended to ease the creation of visual-novel type games. It contains
    features that make it easy to display thoughts, dialogue, and menus; to display images to the user; to write game logic;
    and to support the saving and loading of games.</p>

    <p>Ren&apos;Py tries to be like an executable script, allowing you to get a working game without much more effort than
    is required to type the game script into the computer.</p>

    <p>Ren&apos;Py is implemented on top of Python, and that Python heritage shows through in many places. Many Ren&apos;Py
    statements allow Python expressions to be used, and there are also Ren&apos;Py statements that allow for the execution
    of arbitrary Python code. Many of the less-used features of Ren&apos;Py are exposed to the user by way of Python. By only
    requiring use of the simplest features of Python, it&apos;s hoped that Ren&apos;Py will be usable by all game authors.</p>
  en: >-
    <p>Ren&apos;Py is a programming language and runtime, intended to ease the creation of visual-novel type games. It contains
    features that make it easy to display thoughts, dialogue, and menus; to display images to the user; to write game logic;
    and to support the saving and loading of games.</p>

    <p>Ren&apos;Py tries to be like an executable script, allowing you to get a working game without much more effort than
    is required to type the game script into the computer.</p>

    <p>Ren&apos;Py is implemented on top of Python, and that Python heritage shows through in many places. Many Ren&apos;Py
    statements allow Python expressions to be used, and there are also Ren&apos;Py statements that allow for the execution
    of arbitrary Python code. Many of the less-used features of Ren&apos;Py are exposed to the user by way of Python. By only
    requiring use of the simplest features of Python, it&apos;s hoped that Ren&apos;Py will be usable by all game authors.</p>
  ru: >-
    <p>Ren&apos;Py — язык программирования и среда исполнения, упрощающие создание игр в жанре «визуальный роман». Содержит
    элементы, упрощающие отображение мыслей, диалогов и меню, показ изображений пользователю, написание логики игры и поддержку
    сохранения и загрузки игр.</p>

    <p>Ren&apos;Py подобен исполняемому сценарию и позволяет получить работающую игру, затратив не больше усилий, чем требуется
    на набор текста сценария игры на компьютере.</p>

    <p>Ren&apos;Py is implemented on top of Python, and that Python heritage shows through in many places. Many Ren&apos;Py
    statements allow Python expressions to be used, and there are also Ren&apos;Py statements that allow for the execution
    of arbitrary Python code. Many of the less-used features of Ren&apos;Py are exposed to the user by way of Python. By only
    requiring use of the simplest features of Python, it&apos;s hoped that Ren&apos;Py will be usable by all game authors.</p>
  en_CA: >-
    <p>Ren&apos;Py is a programming language and runtime, intended to ease the creation of visual-novel type games. It contains
    features that make it easy to display thoughts, dialogue, and menus; to display images to the user; to write game logic;
    and to support the saving and loading of games.</p>

    <p>Ren&apos;Py tries to be like an executable script, allowing you to get a working game without much more effort than
    is required to type the game script into the computer.</p>

    <p>Ren&apos;Py is implemented on top of Python, and that Python heritage shows through in many places. Many Ren&apos;Py
    statements allow Python expressions to be used, and there are also Ren&apos;Py statements that allow for the execution
    of arbitrary Python code. Many of the less-used features of Ren&apos;Py are exposed to the user by way of Python. By only
    requiring use of the simplest features of Python, it&apos;s hoped that Ren&apos;Py will be usable by all game authors.</p>
  es: >-
    <p>Ren&apos;Py es un lenguaje y entorno de programación, cuyo objetivo es la creación sencilla de juegos tipo novela visual.
    Contiene características que hacen sencillo mostrar pensamientos, diálogos y menús; mostrar imágenes al usuario; escribir
    la lógica del juego; y permitir el guardado y cargado de partidas.</p>

    <p>Ren&apos;Py intenta ser como un script ejecutable, permitiéndole obtener un juego funcional sin realizar mucho más
    trabajo que el necesario para escribir el script del juego en la máquina.</p>

    <p>Ren&apos;Py está hecho en Python, y esa herencia de Python se pone de manifiesto en muchos sitios. Muchas declaraciones
    de Ren&apos;Py permiten usar expresiones en Python, y también hay declaraciones de Ren&apos;Py que permiten la ejecución
    de código arbitrario en Python. Algunas de las características menos usadas de Ren&apos;Py se exponen al usuario a través
    de Python. Necesitando sólo el uso de las características más sencilla de Python, se espera que Ren&apos;Py les sea útil
    a todos los autores de juegos.</p>
  fr: >-
    <p>Ren&apos;Py est un langage de programmation et un exécutable conçu pour faciliter la création de jeux de type « visual-novel »
    ou « Nouvelle visuelle » (populaire au Japon). Il comporte des fonctionnalités qui simplifient l&apos;affichage de pensées,
    de dialogues et de menus, l&apos;affichage des images, l&apos;écriture d&apos;une logique de jeu et le support de la sauvegarde
    et de la restauration de parties.</p>

    <p>Ren&apos;Py s&apos;efforce de ressembler à un script exécutable, vous permettant d&apos;obtenir un jeu fonctionnel
    sans plus d&apos;effort que de taper le script sur l&apos;ordinateur.</p>

    <p>Ren&apos;Py est implémenté en Python et cet héritage est visible de plusieurs façons. De nombreuses instructions Ren&apos;Py
    permettent l&apos;utilisation d&apos;expressions Python et d&apos;autres instructions autorisent l&apos;exécution de code
    Python. Parmi les possibilités les moins couramment employées du langage Ren&apos;Py, beaucoup sont accessibles  à l&apos;utilisateur
    à l&apos;aide de Python. En ne nécessitant qu&apos;une connaissance  des possibilités les plus simples de Python, on espère
    que Ren&apos;Py sera utilisable par tous les auteurs de jeux.</p>
  en_GB: >-
    <p>Ren&apos;Py is a programming language and runtime, intended to ease the creation of visual-novel type games. It contains
    features that make it easy to display thoughts, dialogue, and menus; to display images to the user; to write game logic;
    and to support the saving and loading of games.</p>

    <p>Ren&apos;Py tries to be like an executable script, allowing you to get a working game without much more effort than
    is required to type the game script into the computer.</p>

    <p>Ren&apos;Py is implemented on top of Python, and that Python heritage shows through in many places. Many Ren&apos;Py
    statements allow Python expressions to be used, and there are also Ren&apos;Py statements that allow for the execution
    of arbitrary Python code. Many of the less-used features of Ren&apos;Py are exposed to the user by way of Python. By only
    requiring use of the simplest features of Python, it&apos;s hoped that Ren&apos;Py will be usable by all game authors.</p>
  it: >-
    <p>Ren&apos;Py è un linguaggio di programmazione e un ambiente di esecuzione pensato per facilitare la creazione di giochi
    tipo romanzo visivo. Contiene funzionalità che rendono semplice visualizzare pensieri, dialoghi e menu, mostrare immagini
    all&apos;utente, scrivere logiche di gioco, salvare e caricare i giochi.</p>

    <p>Ren&apos;Py cerca di essere simile ad uno script eseguibile, permettendo di ottenere un gioco funzionante senza molto
    più sforzo di quanto sia richiesto per scrivere lo script del gioco nel computer.</p>

    <p>Ren&apos;Py è implementato in Python e la discendenza da Python viene alla luce in molte situazioni. Molte dichiarazioni
    Ren&apos;Py permettono di usare espressioni Python e ce ne sono persino alcune che permettono di eseguire codice Python
    arbitrario. Molte delle funzioni meno usate di Ren&apos;Py sono mostrate all&apos;utente tramite Python. Richiedendo solo
    l&apos;uso delle funzioni più semplici di Python, si spera che Ren&apos;Py sia utilizzabile da tutti gli autori di giochi.</p>
  da: >-
    <p>Ren&apos;Py er et programmeringssprog og udførselsmiljø, der er beregnet til at gøre det nemmere at skabe spil af typen
    visual novel (visuel roman). Det indeholder funktionalitet, som gør det nemt at vise tanker, dialog og menuer; at vise
    billeder til brugeren; at skrive spillogik; at understøtte lagring og indlæsning af spil.</p>

    <p>Ren&apos;Py forsøger at være som et skript, der kan udføres, hvilket giver dig et fungerende spil uden en større indsats.
    Kravet er blot at spilskriptet tastes ind i maskinen.</p>

    <p>Ren&apos;Py er implementeret oven på Python, og denne arv fra Python skinner igennem mange steder. Mange Ren&apos;Py-sætninger
    tillader anvendelse af udtryk fra Python, og der er også sætninger fra Ren&apos;Py som tillader at arbitrær Pythonkode
    kan afvikles. Mange af de mindre hyppigt anvendte egenskaber i Ren&apos;Py udstilles for brugeren på samme facon som Python
    gør. Ved kun at kræve brug af den simpleste funktionalitet fra Python, så er det håbet at Ren&apos;Py kan anvendes af
    alle spilforfattere.</p>
  en_AU: >-
    <p>Ren&apos;Py is a programming language and runtime, intended to ease the creation of visual-novel type games. It contains
    features that make it easy to display thoughts, dialogue, and menus; to display images to the user; to write game logic;
    and to support the saving and loading of games.</p>

    <p>Ren&apos;Py tries to be like an executable script, allowing you to get a working game without much more effort than
    is required to type the game script into the computer.</p>

    <p>Ren&apos;Py is implemented on top of Python, and that Python heritage shows through in many places. Many Ren&apos;Py
    statements allow Python expressions to be used, and there are also Ren&apos;Py statements that allow for the execution
    of arbitrary Python code. Many of the less-used features of Ren&apos;Py are exposed to the user by way of Python. By only
    requiring use of the simplest features of Python, it&apos;s hoped that Ren&apos;Py will be usable by all game authors.</p>
- Game
- AdventureGame
  - visual
  - novel
  - japanese
  - development
  - name: renpy_renpy.png
    width: 128
    height: 128
  - name: renpy_renpy.png
    width: 64
    height: 64