Type: desktop-application
ID: rasmol-classic.desktop
Package: rasmol
C: RasMol (classic version)
en_GB: RasMol (classic version)
C: View macro-molecules and prepare publication-quality images of them
de: >-
<p>RasMol ist ein Grafikprogramm zur Moleküldarstellung, das die dreidimensionale Anordnung von Proteinen, Nukleinsäuren
und beliebigen kleinen Molekülen visualisiert. Hierbei wird auf die Verwendbarkeit in der Forschung und Lehre Wert gelegt
und auch auf eine druckreife Qualität der Darstellungen.</p>
<p>Das Programm liest eine Datei mit Koordinaten ein und zeigt das Molekül interaktiv am Bildschirm an, mit der Möglichkeit
zur Veränderung von Farben und der Gestalt der Atome. Derzeit verfügbare Abbildungen sind »depth-cued«-Drahtmodelle, »Dreiding«-Sticks,
raumfüllende (CPK-)Kugeln, Stäbchenmodell, sekundäre Strukturen wie Faltblätter und Helices, Atombeschriftungen und Punktoberflächen.</p>
<p>Unterstützt werden Dateien aus der Protein Data Bank (PDB), Tripos Associates' Alchemy und Sybyl-Mol2-Formate,
Molecular Design Limiteds (MDL) Mol-Dateiformat, Minnesota Supercomputer Centers (MSC) XYZ- (XMol-)Format, CHARMm-Format,
CIF-Format und mmCIF formatierte Dateien.</p>
<p>Dieses Paket installiert zwei Versionen von RasMol, rasmol-gtk hat eine moderne GTK-basierte Bedienoberfläche und rasmol-classic
die Xlib-GUI.</p>
pt_BR: >-
<p>RasMol é um programa de gráficos moleculares planejado para a visualização de proteínas, ácidos nucléicos e pequenas
moléculas. O programa destina-se à exibição, ensino e geração de imagens de qualidade de publicação.</p>
<p>O programa lê um arquivo de coordenada de moléculas e interativamente exibe a molécula na tela em uma variedade de
esquemas de cores e representações de moléculas. As representações disponíveis atualmente incluem wireframes com dica
de profundidade ("depth-cued"), ligações de 'Dreiding', esferas de preenchimento de espaços (CPK),
bolas e bastões, tiras biomoleculares sólidas e desatadas, etiquetas de átomos e superfícies de pontos.</p>
<p>Os formatos de arquivos de entrada para os quais há suporte incluem Protein Data Bank (PDB), formatos Tripos Associates'
Alchemy e Sybyl Mol2, formato de arquivo Molecular Design Limited's (MDL) Mol, formato Minnesota Supercomputer Center's
(MSC) XYZ (XMol), formato CHARMm, formato CIF e arquivos de formato mmCIF.</p>
<p>Este pacote instala duas versões do RasMol, a rasmol-gtk tem uma interface de usuário moderna baseada em GTK e a rasmol-classic
é a versão com a antiga GUI Xlib.</p>
sk: >-
<p>RasMol je program na molekulárnu grafiku s účelom vizualizácie proteínov, nukleových kyselín a malých molekúl. Program
je určený na zobrazovanie, výuku a tvorbu obrázkov v tlačovej kvalite.</p>
<p>Program načíta súbor so súradnicami molekúl a interaktívne zobrazuje molekulu na obrazovke v rozličných farebných schémach
a reprezentáciách molekúl. Medzi momentálne dostupné reprezentácie patria hĺbkové drôtené modely, „Dreidingove“ paličky,
gule vypĺňajúce priestor (CPK), gule a paličky, pevné a zreťazené biomolekulárne reťazce, označenia atómov a bodové povrchy.</p>
<p>Medzi podporované vstupné formáty patria Protein Data Bank (PDB), formáty Alchemy od Tripos Associates a Sybyl Mol2,
formát (MDL) Mol od Molecular Design Limited, XYZ (XMol) od Minnesota Supercomputer Center (MSC), formát CHARMm, formát
CIF a formát mmCIF.</p>
<p>Tento balík nainštaluje dve verzie RasMol, rasmol-gtk s moderným používateľským rozhraním založeným na GTK a rasmol-classic
so starým rozhraním Xlib.</p>
sl: >-
<p>RasMol je program molekulske grafike, ki je namenjen za predočenje proteinov, nukleinskih kislin in majhnih molekul.
Ta program je namenjen za prikaz, učenje in ustvarjanje slik kakovosti za objavo.</p>
<p>Program prebere datoteko koordinat molekul in vzajemno prikaže molekulo na zaslonu v različnih barvnih shemah in predstavitvah
molekule. Trenutno so na voljo predstavitve žičnega ogrodja, paličice, prostor zapolnjujoče krogle, kroglice in paličice,
polni in vrvasti biomolekulski trakovi, oznake atomov in pikčaste površine.</p>
<p>Podprte vhodne vrste datotek vključujejo Protein Data Bank (PDB), Alchemy Tripos Associates, Sybyl Mol2, MDL Mol, Minnesota
Supercomupter Center (MSC) XYZ (XMol), CHARMm, CIF in mmCIF.</p>
<p>Ta paket namesti dve različici RasMol. rasmol-gtk ima moderen uporabniški vmesnik osnovan na GTK in rasmol-classic
je različica s starim grafičnim uporabniškim vmesnikom Xlib.</p>
ja: >-
<p>RasMol は分子グラフィックプログラムであり、たんぱく質、核酸および小分子の可視化が 目的です。本プログラムは印刷品質の画像の表示、教育及び生成が目標です。</p>
<p>本プログラムは分子座標ファイルを読み込み、分子を対話的に様々な色手法や分子表現を使って 画面に表示します。現在利用可能な分子表現としては 、depth-cued ワイヤフレーム、 'Dreiding' スティック、spacefilling
(CPK) 球、ボールと棒、 固体および繊維生物分子リボン、原子ラベルやドット表面が含まれます。</p>
<p>入力ファるフォーマットとしては、プロテインデータバンク (PDB)、Tripos Associates の Alchemy および Sybyl Mol2 フォーマット、Molecular Design Limited (MDL)
の Mol ファイルフォーマット、ミネソタスーパーコンピュータセンター (MSC) の XYZ (XMol) フォーマット、CHARMm フォーマット、CIF フォーマットおよび mmCIF フォーマットファイルをサポートします。</p>
<p>本パッケージは二バージョンの RasMol をインストールします。rasmol-gtk には 現代的な GTK ベースの GUI を提供し、旧版の rasmol-classic は Xlib GUI を 利用しています。</p>
uk: >-
<p>RasMol — молекулярна графічна програма призначена для візуалізації протеїнів, нуклеїнових кислот та малих молекул.
Програма використовується для показу, навчання та створення зображень видавничої якості.</p>
<p>Програма зчитує молекулярні координати з файлу та у інтерактивному режимі показує молекулу на екрані підсвічуючи її
різноманітними колірними схемами та використовуючи різні схеми для показу молекул. Серед наявний на поточний момент схем
показу є об’ємні каркаси, палички „Дрейдинга“, зафарбовані сфери (CPK), кулі та палички, одножильні та багатожильні біомолекулярні
стрічки, позначки атомів та точкові поверхні.</p>
<p>Серед вхідних форматів підтримуються файли Protein Data Bank (PDB), формати Tripos Associates' Alchemy та Sybyl
Mol2, файли формату Molecular Design Limited's (MDL), формат Minnesota Supercomputer Center's (MSC) XYZ (XMol),
формат CHARMm, файли форматів CIF та mmCIF.</p>
<p>Цей пакунок встановлює дві версії RasMol: „rasmol-gtk“ — має сучасний інтерфейс користувача на основі GTK та „rasmol-classic“ —
з ГІК на основі Xlib.</p>
C: >-
<p>RasMol is a molecular graphics program intended for the visualisation of proteins, nucleic acids and small molecules.
The program is aimed at display, teaching and generation of publication quality images.</p>
<p>The program reads in a molecule coordinate file and interactively displays the molecule on the screen in a variety
of colour schemes and molecule representations. Currently available representations include depth-cued wireframes, 'Dreiding'
sticks, spacefilling (CPK) spheres, ball and stick, solid and strand biomolecular ribbons, atom labels and dot surfaces.</p>
<p>Supported input file formats include Protein Data Bank (PDB), Tripos Associates' Alchemy and Sybyl Mol2 formats,
Molecular Design Limited's (MDL) Mol file format, Minnesota Supercomputer Center's (MSC) XYZ (XMol) format,
CHARMm format, CIF format and mmCIF format files.</p>
<p>This package installs two versions of RasMol, rasmol-gtk has a modern GTK-based user interface and rasmol-classic is
the version with the old Xlib GUI.</p>
en: >-
<p>RasMol is a molecular graphics program intended for the visualisation of proteins, nucleic acids and small molecules.
The program is aimed at display, teaching and generation of publication quality images.</p>
<p>The program reads in a molecule coordinate file and interactively displays the molecule on the screen in a variety
of colour schemes and molecule representations. Currently available representations include depth-cued wireframes, 'Dreiding'
sticks, spacefilling (CPK) spheres, ball and stick, solid and strand biomolecular ribbons, atom labels and dot surfaces.</p>
<p>Supported input file formats include Protein Data Bank (PDB), Tripos Associates' Alchemy and Sybyl Mol2 formats,
Molecular Design Limited's (MDL) Mol file format, Minnesota Supercomputer Center's (MSC) XYZ (XMol) format,
CHARMm format, CIF format and mmCIF format files.</p>
<p>This package installs two versions of RasMol, rasmol-gtk has a modern GTK-based user interface and rasmol-classic is
the version with the old Xlib GUI.</p>
en_CA: >-
<p>RasMol is a molecular graphics program intended for the visualisation of proteins, nucleic acids and small molecules.
The program is aimed at display, teaching and generation of publication quality images.</p>
<p>The program reads in a molecule coordinate file and interactively displays the molecule on the screen in a variety
of colour schemes and molecule representations. Currently available representations include depth-cued wireframes, 'Dreiding'
sticks, spacefilling (CPK) spheres, ball and stick, solid and strand biomolecular ribbons, atom labels and dot surfaces.</p>
<p>Supported input file formats include Protein Data Bank (PDB), Tripos Associates' Alchemy and Sybyl Mol2 formats,
Molecular Design Limited's (MDL) Mol file format, Minnesota Supercomputer Center's (MSC) XYZ (XMol) format,
CHARMm format, CIF format and mmCIF format files.</p>
<p>This package installs two versions of RasMol, rasmol-gtk has a modern GTK- based user interface and rasmol-classic
is the version with the old Xlib GUI.</p>
ru: >-
<p>RasMol is a molecular graphics program intended for the visualisation of proteins, nucleic acids and small molecules.
The program is aimed at display, teaching and generation of publication quality images.</p>
<p>The program reads in a molecule coordinate file and interactively displays the molecule on the screen in a variety
of colour schemes and molecule representations. Currently available representations include depth-cued wireframes, 'Dreiding'
sticks, spacefilling (CPK) spheres, ball and stick, solid and strand biomolecular ribbons, atom labels and dot surfaces.</p>
<p>Supported input file formats include Protein Data Bank (PDB), Tripos Associates' Alchemy and Sybyl Mol2 formats,
Molecular Design Limited's (MDL) Mol file format, Minnesota Supercomputer Center's (MSC) XYZ (XMol) format,
CHARMm format, CIF format and mmCIF format files.</p>
<p>This package installs two versions of RasMol, rasmol-gtk has a modern GTK- based user interface and rasmol-classic
is the version with the old Xlib GUI.</p>
es: >-
<p>RasMol es un programa de gráficos moleculares previsto para la visualización de proteínas, ácidos nucléicos y pequeñas
moléculas. El propósito del programa es la visualización, la docencia y la generación de imágenes con calidad para publicarse.</p>
<p>El programa lee un archivo de coordenadas de moléculas y muestra las moléculas de forma interactiva en la pantalla
con varios esquemas de colores y representaciones de moléculas. Actualmente pone a su disposición cuadros de conexiones
indicando profundidad, líneas de «Dreiding», esferas (CPK) de rellenado de espacio, bolas y palos, cintas de biomoléculas
sólidas y de hebras, etiquetas de átomos y superficies de puntos.</p>
<p>Los formatos de archivo para introducir datos que se pueden usar incluyen el «Protein Data Bank» (PDB), los formatos
de Mol2 de Sybyl y de Alchemy de Tripos Associates, el formato de MOL de Molecular Design Limited (MDL), el formato XYZ
(XMol) del Centro de supercomputación de Minnesota (MSC), el formato CHARMm y los formatos CIF y mmCIF.</p>
<p>Este paquete instala dos versiones de RasMol, rasmol-gtk tiene una interfaz de usuario moderna basada en gtk y rasmol-classic
es la versión con la antigua interfaz de usuario en Xlib.</p>
fr: >-
<p>RasMol est un programme graphique moléculaire destiné à la visualisation de protéines, d'acides nucléiques et
de petites molécules. Le programme est destiné à l'affichage, l'apprentissage et la génération d'images
de la qualité des publications.</p>
<p>Le programme lit un fichier de coordonnées de molécule et l'affiche interactivement à l'écran avec diverses
couleurs et représentations. Les molécules chargées peuvent être montrées comme des structures filaires, des liaisons
cylindriques (drieding), des sphères remplissant l'espace (CPK), des rubans macromoléculaires, des boules avec des
liaisons, des rubans de biomoléculaires solides et en brins, des étiquettes d'atomes et des surfaces de points.</p>
<p>Sont actuellement supportés les formats Brookhaven Protein Databank (PDB), Tripos' Alchemy et Sybyl Mol2, les
formats de fichiers Molecular Design Limited's (MDL) Mol, le format Minnesota Supercomputer Center's (MSC) XMol
XYZ et les formats de fichiers CHARMm, CIF et mmCIF.</p>
<p>Ce paquet installe deux versions de RasMol : rasmol-gtk possède une interface moderne en GTK et rasmol-classic est
la version avec l'ancienne interface graphique Xlib.</p>
pt: >-
<p>RasMol é um programa de gráficos moleculares destinado à visualização de proteínas, ácidos nucleicos e pequenas moléculas.
O programa está focado em mostrar, ensinar e gerar imagens com qualidade de publicação.</p>
<p>O programa lê um ficheiro de coordenadas de molécula e mostra interactivamente a molécula no ecrã numa variedade de
esquemas de cores e representações moleculares. As representações disponíveis actualmente incluem contornos de profundidade,
varas 'Dreiding', esferas de preenchimento de espaços (CPK), bolas e varas, fitas bio-moleculares sólidas e
de rebordo, etiquetas de átomos e superfícies de pontos.</p>
<p>Os ficheiros de entrada suportados incluem Protein Data Bank (PDB), formatos Alchemy e Sybyl da Tripos Associates,
formato Mol (MDL) da Molecular Design Limited, formato (MSC) XYZ (XMol) da Minnesota Supercomputer Center, formato CHARMm,
formato CIF e formato mmCIF.</p>
<p>Este pacote instala duas versões do RasMol, rasmol-gtk que é uma interface de utilizador moderna baseada em GTK e rasmol-classic
que é a versão com a antiga GUI em Xlib.</p>
en_GB: >-
<p>RasMol is a molecular graphics program intended for the visualisation of proteins, nucleic acids and small molecules.
The program is aimed at display, teaching and generation of publication quality images.</p>
<p>The program reads in a molecule coordinate file and interactively displays the molecule on the screen in a variety
of colour schemes and molecule representations. Currently available representations include depth-cued wireframes, 'Dreiding'
sticks, spacefilling (CPK) spheres, ball and stick, solid and strand biomolecular ribbons, atom labels and dot surfaces.</p>
<p>Supported input file formats include Protein Data Bank (PDB), Tripos Associates' Alchemy and Sybyl Mol2 formats,
Molecular Design Limited's (MDL) Mol file format, Minnesota Supercomputer Center's (MSC) XYZ (XMol) format,
CHARMm format, CIF format and mmCIF format files.</p>
<p>This package installs two versions of RasMol, rasmol-gtk has a modern GTK- based user interface and rasmol-classic
is the version with the old Xlib GUI.</p>
it: >-
<p>RasMol è un programma di disegno molecolare progettato per visualizzare proteine, acidi nucleici e piccole molecole.
Il programma è volto a fini illustrativi, didattici e alla produzione di immagini di qualità per la pubblicazione.</p>
<p>Il programma legge da un file le coordinate molecolari e visualizza interattivamente la molecola sullo schermo in una
varietà di colori e di rappresentazioni. Attualmente le rappresentazioni disponibili includono insiemi di linee, con segmenti
cilindrici rappresentanti i legami, con sfere solide (CPK), con palline e bastoncini, con nastri macromolecolari (sia
nastri solidi ombreggiati che filamenti paralleli), con etichette per gli atomi e superfici punteggiate.</p>
<p>I formati di input attualmente supportati comprendono: Protein Data Bank (BPD), i formati Mol2 per Alchemy e Sybyl
della Tripos, il formato Mol della Molecular Design Limited (MDL), il formato XMol XYZ del Minnesota Supercomputer Center
(MSC), il formato CHARMm, il formato CIF e il formato mmCIF.</p>
<p>Questo pacchetto installa due versioni di RasMol, rasmol-gtk ha una moderna interfaccia basata su GTK e rasmol-classic
è la vecchia versione con la GUI Xlib.</p>
da: >-
<p>RasMol er et molekylært grafikprogram lavet til visualisering af proteiner, xxx syrer og små molekyler. Programmet
har som formål at vise, lære og oprette billeder i udgivelseskvalitet.</p>
<p>Programmet læser i en molekylær koordinatfil og viser interaktivt molekylet på skærmen i forskellige farveskemaer og
molekylerepræsentationer. Blandt de tilgængelige repræsentationer findes trådgitter med dybdeeffekt, Dreiding-pinde, kalotmodeller
(CPK), kugler og pinde, biomolekylære bånd (eller »ribbons«; massive og som tråde), atometiketter samt prikoverflader.</p>
<p>Understøttede filformater inkluderer Protein Data Bank (PDB), Tripos Asscociates' Alchemy- og Sybyl Mo12-formater,
Molecular Design Limiteds (MDL) Mol-filformat, Minnesota Supercomputer Centers (MSC) XYZ-format (XMol), CHARMm-format,
CIF-format og mmCIF-formatfiler.</p>
<p>Denne pakke installerer to versioner af RasMol: rasmol-gtk har en moderne GTK-baseret brugerflade og rasmol-classic
har versionen med den gamle Xlib-grafiske brugerflade.</p>
en_AU: >-
<p>RasMol is a molecular graphics program intended for the visualisation of proteins, nucleic acids and small molecules.
The program is aimed at display, teaching and generation of publication quality images.</p>
<p>The program reads in a molecule coordinate file and interactively displays the molecule on the screen in a variety
of colour schemes and molecule representations. Currently available representations include depth-cued wireframes, 'Dreiding'
sticks, spacefilling (CPK) spheres, ball and stick, solid and strand biomolecular ribbons, atom labels and dot surfaces.</p>
<p>Supported input file formats include Protein Data Bank (PDB), Tripos Associates' Alchemy and Sybyl Mol2 formats,
Molecular Design Limited's (MDL) Mol file format, Minnesota Supercomputer Center's (MSC) XYZ (XMol) format,
CHARMm format, CIF format and mmCIF format files.</p>
<p>This package installs two versions of RasMol, rasmol-gtk has a modern GTK- based user interface and rasmol-classic
is the version with the old Xlib GUI.</p>
- Science
- Education
- Biology
- chemistry
- biology
- molecule
- protein
- pdb
- name: rasmol_rasmol.png
width: 64
height: 64
- rasmol-classic.desktop
- chemical/x-pdb
- chemical/x-xyz
- chemical/x-mol2
- chemical/x-mopac-input
- chemical/x-alchemy
- chemical/x-cif
- chemical/x-mmcif
Type: desktop-application
ID: rasmol-gtk.desktop
Package: rasmol
C: RasMol (GTK version)
en_GB: RasMol (GTK version)
C: View macro-molecules and prepare publication-quality images of them
de: >-
<p>RasMol ist ein Grafikprogramm zur Moleküldarstellung, das die dreidimensionale Anordnung von Proteinen, Nukleinsäuren
und beliebigen kleinen Molekülen visualisiert. Hierbei wird auf die Verwendbarkeit in der Forschung und Lehre Wert gelegt
und auch auf eine druckreife Qualität der Darstellungen.</p>
<p>Das Programm liest eine Datei mit Koordinaten ein und zeigt das Molekül interaktiv am Bildschirm an, mit der Möglichkeit
zur Veränderung von Farben und der Gestalt der Atome. Derzeit verfügbare Abbildungen sind »depth-cued«-Drahtmodelle, »Dreiding«-Sticks,
raumfüllende (CPK-)Kugeln, Stäbchenmodell, sekundäre Strukturen wie Faltblätter und Helices, Atombeschriftungen und Punktoberflächen.</p>
<p>Unterstützt werden Dateien aus der Protein Data Bank (PDB), Tripos Associates' Alchemy und Sybyl-Mol2-Formate,
Molecular Design Limiteds (MDL) Mol-Dateiformat, Minnesota Supercomputer Centers (MSC) XYZ- (XMol-)Format, CHARMm-Format,
CIF-Format und mmCIF formatierte Dateien.</p>
<p>Dieses Paket installiert zwei Versionen von RasMol, rasmol-gtk hat eine moderne GTK-basierte Bedienoberfläche und rasmol-classic
die Xlib-GUI.</p>
pt_BR: >-
<p>RasMol é um programa de gráficos moleculares planejado para a visualização de proteínas, ácidos nucléicos e pequenas
moléculas. O programa destina-se à exibição, ensino e geração de imagens de qualidade de publicação.</p>
<p>O programa lê um arquivo de coordenada de moléculas e interativamente exibe a molécula na tela em uma variedade de
esquemas de cores e representações de moléculas. As representações disponíveis atualmente incluem wireframes com dica
de profundidade ("depth-cued"), ligações de 'Dreiding', esferas de preenchimento de espaços (CPK),
bolas e bastões, tiras biomoleculares sólidas e desatadas, etiquetas de átomos e superfícies de pontos.</p>
<p>Os formatos de arquivos de entrada para os quais há suporte incluem Protein Data Bank (PDB), formatos Tripos Associates'
Alchemy e Sybyl Mol2, formato de arquivo Molecular Design Limited's (MDL) Mol, formato Minnesota Supercomputer Center's
(MSC) XYZ (XMol), formato CHARMm, formato CIF e arquivos de formato mmCIF.</p>
<p>Este pacote instala duas versões do RasMol, a rasmol-gtk tem uma interface de usuário moderna baseada em GTK e a rasmol-classic
é a versão com a antiga GUI Xlib.</p>
sk: >-
<p>RasMol je program na molekulárnu grafiku s účelom vizualizácie proteínov, nukleových kyselín a malých molekúl. Program
je určený na zobrazovanie, výuku a tvorbu obrázkov v tlačovej kvalite.</p>
<p>Program načíta súbor so súradnicami molekúl a interaktívne zobrazuje molekulu na obrazovke v rozličných farebných schémach
a reprezentáciách molekúl. Medzi momentálne dostupné reprezentácie patria hĺbkové drôtené modely, „Dreidingove“ paličky,
gule vypĺňajúce priestor (CPK), gule a paličky, pevné a zreťazené biomolekulárne reťazce, označenia atómov a bodové povrchy.</p>
<p>Medzi podporované vstupné formáty patria Protein Data Bank (PDB), formáty Alchemy od Tripos Associates a Sybyl Mol2,
formát (MDL) Mol od Molecular Design Limited, XYZ (XMol) od Minnesota Supercomputer Center (MSC), formát CHARMm, formát
CIF a formát mmCIF.</p>
<p>Tento balík nainštaluje dve verzie RasMol, rasmol-gtk s moderným používateľským rozhraním založeným na GTK a rasmol-classic
so starým rozhraním Xlib.</p>
sl: >-
<p>RasMol je program molekulske grafike, ki je namenjen za predočenje proteinov, nukleinskih kislin in majhnih molekul.
Ta program je namenjen za prikaz, učenje in ustvarjanje slik kakovosti za objavo.</p>
<p>Program prebere datoteko koordinat molekul in vzajemno prikaže molekulo na zaslonu v različnih barvnih shemah in predstavitvah
molekule. Trenutno so na voljo predstavitve žičnega ogrodja, paličice, prostor zapolnjujoče krogle, kroglice in paličice,
polni in vrvasti biomolekulski trakovi, oznake atomov in pikčaste površine.</p>
<p>Podprte vhodne vrste datotek vključujejo Protein Data Bank (PDB), Alchemy Tripos Associates, Sybyl Mol2, MDL Mol, Minnesota
Supercomupter Center (MSC) XYZ (XMol), CHARMm, CIF in mmCIF.</p>
<p>Ta paket namesti dve različici RasMol. rasmol-gtk ima moderen uporabniški vmesnik osnovan na GTK in rasmol-classic
je različica s starim grafičnim uporabniškim vmesnikom Xlib.</p>
ja: >-
<p>RasMol は分子グラフィックプログラムであり、たんぱく質、核酸および小分子の可視化が 目的です。本プログラムは印刷品質の画像の表示、教育及び生成が目標です。</p>
<p>本プログラムは分子座標ファイルを読み込み、分子を対話的に様々な色手法や分子表現を使って 画面に表示します。現在利用可能な分子表現としては 、depth-cued ワイヤフレーム、 'Dreiding' スティック、spacefilling
(CPK) 球、ボールと棒、 固体および繊維生物分子リボン、原子ラベルやドット表面が含まれます。</p>
<p>入力ファるフォーマットとしては、プロテインデータバンク (PDB)、Tripos Associates の Alchemy および Sybyl Mol2 フォーマット、Molecular Design Limited (MDL)
の Mol ファイルフォーマット、ミネソタスーパーコンピュータセンター (MSC) の XYZ (XMol) フォーマット、CHARMm フォーマット、CIF フォーマットおよび mmCIF フォーマットファイルをサポートします。</p>
<p>本パッケージは二バージョンの RasMol をインストールします。rasmol-gtk には 現代的な GTK ベースの GUI を提供し、旧版の rasmol-classic は Xlib GUI を 利用しています。</p>
uk: >-
<p>RasMol — молекулярна графічна програма призначена для візуалізації протеїнів, нуклеїнових кислот та малих молекул.
Програма використовується для показу, навчання та створення зображень видавничої якості.</p>
<p>Програма зчитує молекулярні координати з файлу та у інтерактивному режимі показує молекулу на екрані підсвічуючи її
різноманітними колірними схемами та використовуючи різні схеми для показу молекул. Серед наявний на поточний момент схем
показу є об’ємні каркаси, палички „Дрейдинга“, зафарбовані сфери (CPK), кулі та палички, одножильні та багатожильні біомолекулярні
стрічки, позначки атомів та точкові поверхні.</p>
<p>Серед вхідних форматів підтримуються файли Protein Data Bank (PDB), формати Tripos Associates' Alchemy та Sybyl
Mol2, файли формату Molecular Design Limited's (MDL), формат Minnesota Supercomputer Center's (MSC) XYZ (XMol),
формат CHARMm, файли форматів CIF та mmCIF.</p>
<p>Цей пакунок встановлює дві версії RasMol: „rasmol-gtk“ — має сучасний інтерфейс користувача на основі GTK та „rasmol-classic“ —
з ГІК на основі Xlib.</p>
C: >-
<p>RasMol is a molecular graphics program intended for the visualisation of proteins, nucleic acids and small molecules.
The program is aimed at display, teaching and generation of publication quality images.</p>
<p>The program reads in a molecule coordinate file and interactively displays the molecule on the screen in a variety
of colour schemes and molecule representations. Currently available representations include depth-cued wireframes, 'Dreiding'
sticks, spacefilling (CPK) spheres, ball and stick, solid and strand biomolecular ribbons, atom labels and dot surfaces.</p>
<p>Supported input file formats include Protein Data Bank (PDB), Tripos Associates' Alchemy and Sybyl Mol2 formats,
Molecular Design Limited's (MDL) Mol file format, Minnesota Supercomputer Center's (MSC) XYZ (XMol) format,
CHARMm format, CIF format and mmCIF format files.</p>
<p>This package installs two versions of RasMol, rasmol-gtk has a modern GTK-based user interface and rasmol-classic is
the version with the old Xlib GUI.</p>
en: >-
<p>RasMol is a molecular graphics program intended for the visualisation of proteins, nucleic acids and small molecules.
The program is aimed at display, teaching and generation of publication quality images.</p>
<p>The program reads in a molecule coordinate file and interactively displays the molecule on the screen in a variety
of colour schemes and molecule representations. Currently available representations include depth-cued wireframes, 'Dreiding'
sticks, spacefilling (CPK) spheres, ball and stick, solid and strand biomolecular ribbons, atom labels and dot surfaces.</p>
<p>Supported input file formats include Protein Data Bank (PDB), Tripos Associates' Alchemy and Sybyl Mol2 formats,
Molecular Design Limited's (MDL) Mol file format, Minnesota Supercomputer Center's (MSC) XYZ (XMol) format,
CHARMm format, CIF format and mmCIF format files.</p>
<p>This package installs two versions of RasMol, rasmol-gtk has a modern GTK-based user interface and rasmol-classic is
the version with the old Xlib GUI.</p>
en_CA: >-
<p>RasMol is a molecular graphics program intended for the visualisation of proteins, nucleic acids and small molecules.
The program is aimed at display, teaching and generation of publication quality images.</p>
<p>The program reads in a molecule coordinate file and interactively displays the molecule on the screen in a variety
of colour schemes and molecule representations. Currently available representations include depth-cued wireframes, 'Dreiding'
sticks, spacefilling (CPK) spheres, ball and stick, solid and strand biomolecular ribbons, atom labels and dot surfaces.</p>
<p>Supported input file formats include Protein Data Bank (PDB), Tripos Associates' Alchemy and Sybyl Mol2 formats,
Molecular Design Limited's (MDL) Mol file format, Minnesota Supercomputer Center's (MSC) XYZ (XMol) format,
CHARMm format, CIF format and mmCIF format files.</p>
<p>This package installs two versions of RasMol, rasmol-gtk has a modern GTK- based user interface and rasmol-classic
is the version with the old Xlib GUI.</p>
ru: >-
<p>RasMol is a molecular graphics program intended for the visualisation of proteins, nucleic acids and small molecules.
The program is aimed at display, teaching and generation of publication quality images.</p>
<p>The program reads in a molecule coordinate file and interactively displays the molecule on the screen in a variety
of colour schemes and molecule representations. Currently available representations include depth-cued wireframes, 'Dreiding'
sticks, spacefilling (CPK) spheres, ball and stick, solid and strand biomolecular ribbons, atom labels and dot surfaces.</p>
<p>Supported input file formats include Protein Data Bank (PDB), Tripos Associates' Alchemy and Sybyl Mol2 formats,
Molecular Design Limited's (MDL) Mol file format, Minnesota Supercomputer Center's (MSC) XYZ (XMol) format,
CHARMm format, CIF format and mmCIF format files.</p>
<p>This package installs two versions of RasMol, rasmol-gtk has a modern GTK- based user interface and rasmol-classic
is the version with the old Xlib GUI.</p>
es: >-
<p>RasMol es un programa de gráficos moleculares previsto para la visualización de proteínas, ácidos nucléicos y pequeñas
moléculas. El propósito del programa es la visualización, la docencia y la generación de imágenes con calidad para publicarse.</p>
<p>El programa lee un archivo de coordenadas de moléculas y muestra las moléculas de forma interactiva en la pantalla
con varios esquemas de colores y representaciones de moléculas. Actualmente pone a su disposición cuadros de conexiones
indicando profundidad, líneas de «Dreiding», esferas (CPK) de rellenado de espacio, bolas y palos, cintas de biomoléculas
sólidas y de hebras, etiquetas de átomos y superficies de puntos.</p>
<p>Los formatos de archivo para introducir datos que se pueden usar incluyen el «Protein Data Bank» (PDB), los formatos
de Mol2 de Sybyl y de Alchemy de Tripos Associates, el formato de MOL de Molecular Design Limited (MDL), el formato XYZ
(XMol) del Centro de supercomputación de Minnesota (MSC), el formato CHARMm y los formatos CIF y mmCIF.</p>
<p>Este paquete instala dos versiones de RasMol, rasmol-gtk tiene una interfaz de usuario moderna basada en gtk y rasmol-classic
es la versión con la antigua interfaz de usuario en Xlib.</p>
fr: >-
<p>RasMol est un programme graphique moléculaire destiné à la visualisation de protéines, d'acides nucléiques et
de petites molécules. Le programme est destiné à l'affichage, l'apprentissage et la génération d'images
de la qualité des publications.</p>
<p>Le programme lit un fichier de coordonnées de molécule et l'affiche interactivement à l'écran avec diverses
couleurs et représentations. Les molécules chargées peuvent être montrées comme des structures filaires, des liaisons
cylindriques (drieding), des sphères remplissant l'espace (CPK), des rubans macromoléculaires, des boules avec des
liaisons, des rubans de biomoléculaires solides et en brins, des étiquettes d'atomes et des surfaces de points.</p>
<p>Sont actuellement supportés les formats Brookhaven Protein Databank (PDB), Tripos' Alchemy et Sybyl Mol2, les
formats de fichiers Molecular Design Limited's (MDL) Mol, le format Minnesota Supercomputer Center's (MSC) XMol
XYZ et les formats de fichiers CHARMm, CIF et mmCIF.</p>
<p>Ce paquet installe deux versions de RasMol : rasmol-gtk possède une interface moderne en GTK et rasmol-classic est
la version avec l'ancienne interface graphique Xlib.</p>
pt: >-
<p>RasMol é um programa de gráficos moleculares destinado à visualização de proteínas, ácidos nucleicos e pequenas moléculas.
O programa está focado em mostrar, ensinar e gerar imagens com qualidade de publicação.</p>
<p>O programa lê um ficheiro de coordenadas de molécula e mostra interactivamente a molécula no ecrã numa variedade de
esquemas de cores e representações moleculares. As representações disponíveis actualmente incluem contornos de profundidade,
varas 'Dreiding', esferas de preenchimento de espaços (CPK), bolas e varas, fitas bio-moleculares sólidas e
de rebordo, etiquetas de átomos e superfícies de pontos.</p>
<p>Os ficheiros de entrada suportados incluem Protein Data Bank (PDB), formatos Alchemy e Sybyl da Tripos Associates,
formato Mol (MDL) da Molecular Design Limited, formato (MSC) XYZ (XMol) da Minnesota Supercomputer Center, formato CHARMm,
formato CIF e formato mmCIF.</p>
<p>Este pacote instala duas versões do RasMol, rasmol-gtk que é uma interface de utilizador moderna baseada em GTK e rasmol-classic
que é a versão com a antiga GUI em Xlib.</p>
en_GB: >-
<p>RasMol is a molecular graphics program intended for the visualisation of proteins, nucleic acids and small molecules.
The program is aimed at display, teaching and generation of publication quality images.</p>
<p>The program reads in a molecule coordinate file and interactively displays the molecule on the screen in a variety
of colour schemes and molecule representations. Currently available representations include depth-cued wireframes, 'Dreiding'
sticks, spacefilling (CPK) spheres, ball and stick, solid and strand biomolecular ribbons, atom labels and dot surfaces.</p>
<p>Supported input file formats include Protein Data Bank (PDB), Tripos Associates' Alchemy and Sybyl Mol2 formats,
Molecular Design Limited's (MDL) Mol file format, Minnesota Supercomputer Center's (MSC) XYZ (XMol) format,
CHARMm format, CIF format and mmCIF format files.</p>
<p>This package installs two versions of RasMol, rasmol-gtk has a modern GTK- based user interface and rasmol-classic
is the version with the old Xlib GUI.</p>
it: >-
<p>RasMol è un programma di disegno molecolare progettato per visualizzare proteine, acidi nucleici e piccole molecole.
Il programma è volto a fini illustrativi, didattici e alla produzione di immagini di qualità per la pubblicazione.</p>
<p>Il programma legge da un file le coordinate molecolari e visualizza interattivamente la molecola sullo schermo in una
varietà di colori e di rappresentazioni. Attualmente le rappresentazioni disponibili includono insiemi di linee, con segmenti
cilindrici rappresentanti i legami, con sfere solide (CPK), con palline e bastoncini, con nastri macromolecolari (sia
nastri solidi ombreggiati che filamenti paralleli), con etichette per gli atomi e superfici punteggiate.</p>
<p>I formati di input attualmente supportati comprendono: Protein Data Bank (BPD), i formati Mol2 per Alchemy e Sybyl
della Tripos, il formato Mol della Molecular Design Limited (MDL), il formato XMol XYZ del Minnesota Supercomputer Center
(MSC), il formato CHARMm, il formato CIF e il formato mmCIF.</p>
<p>Questo pacchetto installa due versioni di RasMol, rasmol-gtk ha una moderna interfaccia basata su GTK e rasmol-classic
è la vecchia versione con la GUI Xlib.</p>
da: >-
<p>RasMol er et molekylært grafikprogram lavet til visualisering af proteiner, xxx syrer og små molekyler. Programmet
har som formål at vise, lære og oprette billeder i udgivelseskvalitet.</p>
<p>Programmet læser i en molekylær koordinatfil og viser interaktivt molekylet på skærmen i forskellige farveskemaer og
molekylerepræsentationer. Blandt de tilgængelige repræsentationer findes trådgitter med dybdeeffekt, Dreiding-pinde, kalotmodeller
(CPK), kugler og pinde, biomolekylære bånd (eller »ribbons«; massive og som tråde), atometiketter samt prikoverflader.</p>
<p>Understøttede filformater inkluderer Protein Data Bank (PDB), Tripos Asscociates' Alchemy- og Sybyl Mo12-formater,
Molecular Design Limiteds (MDL) Mol-filformat, Minnesota Supercomputer Centers (MSC) XYZ-format (XMol), CHARMm-format,
CIF-format og mmCIF-formatfiler.</p>
<p>Denne pakke installerer to versioner af RasMol: rasmol-gtk har en moderne GTK-baseret brugerflade og rasmol-classic
har versionen med den gamle Xlib-grafiske brugerflade.</p>
en_AU: >-
<p>RasMol is a molecular graphics program intended for the visualisation of proteins, nucleic acids and small molecules.
The program is aimed at display, teaching and generation of publication quality images.</p>
<p>The program reads in a molecule coordinate file and interactively displays the molecule on the screen in a variety
of colour schemes and molecule representations. Currently available representations include depth-cued wireframes, 'Dreiding'
sticks, spacefilling (CPK) spheres, ball and stick, solid and strand biomolecular ribbons, atom labels and dot surfaces.</p>
<p>Supported input file formats include Protein Data Bank (PDB), Tripos Associates' Alchemy and Sybyl Mol2 formats,
Molecular Design Limited's (MDL) Mol file format, Minnesota Supercomputer Center's (MSC) XYZ (XMol) format,
CHARMm format, CIF format and mmCIF format files.</p>
<p>This package installs two versions of RasMol, rasmol-gtk has a modern GTK- based user interface and rasmol-classic
is the version with the old Xlib GUI.</p>
- Science
- Education
- Biology
- chemistry
- biology
- molecule
- protein
- pdb
- name: rasmol_rasmol.png
width: 64
height: 64
- rasmol-gtk.desktop
- chemical/x-pdb
- chemical/x-xyz
- chemical/x-mol2
- chemical/x-mopac-input
- chemical/x-alchemy
- chemical/x-cif
- chemical/x-mmcif