⇦ | rakarrack [universe]
Last updated on: 2020-04-23 11:40 [UTC]

Metadata for rakarrack in universe

rakarrack.desktop - 0.6.1-5build1 ⚙ amd64 ⚙ armhf ⚙ arm64 ⚙ ppc64el ⚙ s390x

Type: desktop-application
ID: rakarrack.desktop
Package: rakarrack
  C: Rakarrack
  C: Guitar Effects Processor
  de: >-
    <p>Rakarrack is a guitar effects processor for GNU / Linux simple and easy to use but it contains features that make it
    unique in this field of applications.</p>

    <p>Currently it contains 17 effects:  * Linear Equalizer  * Parametric Equalizer  * Compressor  * Distorsion  * Overdrive 
    * Echo  * Chorus  * Phaser  * Flanger  * Reverb  * WahWah  * Alienwah  * Harmonizer  * NoiseGate  * Musical Delay  * Cabinet 
    * AutoPan/Extra Stereo</p>

    <p>Rakarrack integrates a tuner and a MIDI converter. It can also be handled by an external MIDI controller. The settings
    designed by the user can be stored in presets and these presets can be used to create banks of effects.</p>
  sl: >-
    <p>Rakarrack je obdelovalnik učinkov kitare za GNU/Linux, ki je enostaven za uporabo, vendar vsebuje zmožnosti, ki ga
    naredijo edinstvenega med to vrsto programov.</p>

    <p>Trenutno vsebuje 17 učinkov:  * linearni izenačevalnik  * parametrični izenačevalnik  * stiskalnik  * popoačenje  *
    prehod  * odmev  * zbor  * fazirnik  * flanger  * odmev  * WahWah  * Alienwah  * harmonizator  * vrata šume  * zamik glasbe 
    * kabinet  * dodatni stereo</p>

    <p>Rakarrack vključuje uglaševalnik in pretvorniki MIDI. Upravlja ga lahko tudi zunanji nadzorniki MIDI. Nastavitve, ki
    jih je zasnoval uporabnik, je mogoče shraniti, jih narediti prednastavljene in uporabiti za ustvarjanje bank učinkov.</p>
  C: >-
    <p>Rakarrack is a guitar effects processor for GNU / Linux simple and easy to use but it contains features that make it
    unique in this field of applications.</p>

    <p>Currently it contains 17 effects:  * Linear Equalizer  * Parametric Equalizer  * Compressor  * Distorsion  * Overdrive 
    * Echo  * Chorus  * Phaser  * Flanger  * Reverb  * WahWah  * Alienwah  * Harmonizer  * NoiseGate  * Musical Delay  * Cabinet 
    * AutoPan/Extra Stereo</p>

    <p>Rakarrack integrates a tuner and a MIDI converter. It can also be handled by an external MIDI controller. The settings
    designed by the user can be stored in presets and these presets can be used to create banks of effects.</p>
  en: >-
    <p>Rakarrack is a guitar effects processor for GNU / Linux simple and easy to use but it contains features that make it
    unique in this field of applications.</p>

    <p>Currently it contains 17 effects:  * Linear Equalizer  * Parametric Equalizer  * Compressor  * Distorsion  * Overdrive 
    * Echo  * Chorus  * Phaser  * Flanger  * Reverb  * WahWah  * Alienwah  * Harmonizer  * NoiseGate  * Musical Delay  * Cabinet 
    * AutoPan/Extra Stereo</p>

    <p>Rakarrack integrates a tuner and a MIDI converter. It can also be handled by an external MIDI controller. The settings
    designed by the user can be stored in presets and these presets can be used to create banks of effects.</p>
  en_CA: >-
    <p>Rakarrack is a guitar effects processor for GNU / Linux simple and easy to use but it contains features that make it
    unique in this field of applications.</p>

    <p>Currently it contains 17 effects:  * Linear Equalizer  * Parametric Equalizer  * Compressor  * Distorsion  * Overdrive 
    * Echo  * Chorus  * Phaser  * Flanger  * Reverb  * WahWah  * Alienwah  * Harmonizer  * NoiseGate  * Musical Delay  * Cabinet 
    * AutoPan/Extra Stereo</p>

    <p>Rakarrack integrates a tuner and a MIDI converter. It can also be handled by an external MIDI controller. The settings
    designed by the user can be stored in presets and these presets can be used to create banks of effects.</p>
  gl: >-
    <p>Rakarrack is a guitar effects processor for GNU / Linux simple and easy to use but it contains features that make it
    unique in this field of applications.</p>

    <p>Currently it contains 17 effects:  * Linear Equalizer  * Parametric Equalizer  * Compressor  * Distorsion  * Overdrive 
    * Echo  * Chorus  * Phaser  * Flanger  * Reverb  * WahWah  * Alienwah  * Harmonizer  * NoiseGate  * Musical Delay  * Cabinet 
    * AutoPan/Extra Stereo</p>

    <p>Rakarrack integrates a tuner and a MIDI converter. It can also be handled by an external MIDI controller. The settings
    designed by the user can be stored in presets and these presets can be used to create banks of effects.</p>
  ru: >-
    <p>Rakarrack is a guitar effects processor for GNU / Linux simple and easy to use but it contains features that make it
    unique in this field of applications.</p>

    <p>Currently it contains 17 effects:  * Linear Equalizer  * Parametric Equalizer  * Compressor  * Distorsion  * Overdrive 
    * Echo  * Chorus  * Phaser  * Flanger  * Reverb  * WahWah  * Alienwah  * Harmonizer  * NoiseGate  * Musical Delay  * Cabinet 
    * AutoPan/Extra Stereo</p>

    <p>Rakarrack integrates a tuner and a MIDI converter. It can also be handled by an external MIDI controller. The settings
    designed by the user can be stored in presets and these presets can be used to create banks of effects.</p>
  fr: >-
    <p>Rakarrack est un processeur d&apos;effets guitare pour GNU/Linux, simple et facile à utiliser, mais il contient aussi
    des fonctionnalités qui le rendent unique dans ce domaine d&apos;application.</p>

    <p>Actuellement, il contient 17 effets :  * égaliseur linéaire  * égaliseur paramétrique  * compresseur  * distorsion 
    * overdrive  * écho  * chorus  * phaser  * flanger  * reverb  * wah-wah  * alienwah  * harmonizer  * noisegate  * delay 
    * cabinet  * AutoPan / Extra Stereo</p>

    <p>Rakarrack intègre un accordeur et un convertisseur MIDI. Il peut également être géré par un contrôleur MIDI externe.
    Les réglages conçus par l&apos;utilisateur peuvent être stockés dans les pré-réglages et ces pré- réglages peuvent être
    utilisés pour créer des banques d&apos;effets.</p>
  en_GB: >-
    <p>Rakarrack is a guitar effects processor for GNU / Linux simple and easy to use but it contains features that make it
    unique in this field of applications.</p>

    <p>Currently it contains 17 effects:  * Linear Equalizer  * Parametric Equalizer  * Compressor  * Distorsion  * Overdrive 
    * Echo  * Chorus  * Phaser  * Flanger  * Reverb  * WahWah  * Alienwah  * Harmonizer  * NoiseGate  * Musical Delay  * Cabinet 
    * AutoPan/Extra Stereo</p>

    <p>Rakarrack integrates a tuner and a MIDI converter. It can also be handled by an external MIDI controller. The settings
    designed by the user can be stored in presets and these presets can be used to create banks of effects.</p>
  en_AU: >-
    <p>Rakarrack is a guitar effects processor for GNU / Linux simple and easy to use but it contains features that make it
    unique in this field of applications.</p>

    <p>Currently it contains 17 effects:  * Linear Equalizer  * Parametric Equalizer  * Compressor  * Distorsion  * Overdrive 
    * Echo  * Chorus  * Phaser  * Flanger  * Reverb  * WahWah  * Alienwah  * Harmonizer  * NoiseGate  * Musical Delay  * Cabinet 
    * AutoPan/Extra Stereo</p>

    <p>Rakarrack integrates a tuner and a MIDI converter. It can also be handled by an external MIDI controller. The settings
    designed by the user can be stored in presets and these presets can be used to create banks of effects.</p>
- AudioVideo
- Audio
  - name: rakarrack_icono_rakarrack_128x128.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  - name: rakarrack_icono_rakarrack_128x128.png
    width: 128
    height: 128