⇦ | qgo [universe]
Last updated on: 2020-04-23 11:40 [UTC]

Metadata for qgo in universe

qgo.desktop - 2.1~git-20180413-1build1 ⚙ amd64 ⚙ armhf ⚙ arm64 ⚙ ppc64el ⚙ s390x

Type: desktop-application
ID: qgo.desktop
Package: qgo
  C: qGo
  C: Play Go online and against computer, view and edit SGF files
  de: >-
    <p>qGo ist ein Computer-Spielfeld, mit dem Sie das Spiel Go gegen andere Spieler*innen spielen, »smart-go«-Dateien ansehen
    und bearbeiten und sich mit Go-Servern im Internet verbinden können. Es kann sich auch mit Go- Programmen verbinden, die
    wie GNU Go das Go-Modem-Protokoll »sprechen«. Falls Sie sich für einen Go-Client mit weniger Paketabhängigkeiten interessieren,
    schauen Sie sich das Paket cgoban an.</p>

    <p>Das Paket gnugo enthält eine kurze Beschreibung des Spiels.</p>
  sl: >-
    <p>qGo is a computerized board on which you can play the game of Go against another player, view and edit smart-go files,
    and connect to Go servers on the internet. It can also interface with computer Go programs such as GNU Go that speak the
    Go modem protocol. Have a look at the cgoban package if you are interested in a Go client with less package dependencies.</p>

    <p>See description of the gnugo package for a short description of the game.</p>
  C: >-
    <p>qGo is a computerized board on which you can play the game of Go against another player, view and edit smart-go files,
    and connect to Go servers on the internet. It can also interface with computer Go programs such as GNU Go that speak the
    Go modem protocol. Have a look at the cgoban package if you are interested in a Go client with less package dependencies.</p>

    <p>See description of the gnugo package for a short description of the game.</p>
  en: >-
    <p>qGo is a computerized board on which you can play the game of Go against another player, view and edit smart-go files,
    and connect to Go servers on the internet. It can also interface with computer Go programs such as GNU Go that speak the
    Go modem protocol. Have a look at the cgoban package if you are interested in a Go client with less package dependencies.</p>

    <p>See description of the gnugo package for a short description of the game.</p>
  ru: >-
    <p>qGo is a computerized board on which you can play the game of Go against another player, view and edit smart-go files,
    and connect to Go servers on the internet. It can also interface with computer Go programs such as GNU Go that speak the
    Go modem protocol. Have a look at the cgoban package if you are interested in a Go client with less package dependencies.</p>

    <p>See description of the gnugo package for a short description of the game.</p>
  en_CA: >-
    <p>qGo is a computerized board on which you can play the game of Go against another player, view and edit smart-go files,
    and connect to Go servers on the internet. It can also interface with computer Go programs such as GNU Go that speak the
    Go modem protocol. Have a look at the cgoban package if you are interested in a Go client with less package dependencies.</p>

    <p>See description of the gnugo package for a short description of the game.</p>
  fr: >-
    <p>QGo est un échiquier informatisé sur lequel vous pouvez jouer au jeu de Go contre un autre joueur, visualiser et modifier
    des fichiers smart-go et vous connecter à des serveurs de Go sur Internet. Il peut aussi s&apos;interfacer avec des programmes
    informatiques de Go tels que GNU Go qui comprennent le protocole modem de Go. Jetez un œil au paquet cgoban si vous êtes
    intéressé par un client de Go possédant moins de dépendances de paquets.</p>

    <p>Voir la description du paquet gnugo pour une brève description du jeu.</p>
  en_GB: >-
    <p>qGo is a computerized board on which you can play the game of Go against another player, view and edit smart-go files,
    and connect to Go servers on the internet. It can also interface with computer Go programs such as GNU Go that speak the
    Go modem protocol. Have a look at the cgoban package if you are interested in a Go client with less package dependencies.</p>

    <p>See description of the gnugo package for a short description of the game.</p>
  it: >-
    <p>qGo è un tabellone computerizzato su cui si sfida a Go un altro giocatore, si visualizzano e modificano file smart-go,
    ci si connette a server Go su Internet. Può anche interfacciarsi con altri programmi Go per computer, come GNU Go, che
    utilizzano il protocollo modem Go. Se invece si è interessati ad un client Go con meno dipendenze si può dare un&apos;occhiata
    al pacchetto cgoban.</p>

    <p>Vedere la descrizione del pacchetto gnugo per una breve descrizione del gioco.</p>
  da: >-
    <p>qGo is a computerbræt hvor du kan spille Go mod en anden spiller, se og redigere smart-go-filer, og forbinde til Go-servere
    på internettet. Spillet kan også kommunikere med Go-computerprogrammer såsom GNU Go, som taler GO-modemprotokollen. Se
    pakken cgoban hvis du er interesseret i en Go-klient med færre pakkeafhængigheder.</p>

    <p>Se pakken gnugo for en kort beskrivelse af spillet.</p>
  en_AU: >-
    <p>qGo is a computerized board on which you can play the game of Go against another player, view and edit smart-go files,
    and connect to Go servers on the internet. It can also interface with computer Go programs such as GNU Go that speak the
    Go modem protocol. Have a look at the cgoban package if you are interested in a Go client with less package dependencies.</p>

    <p>See description of the gnugo package for a short description of the game.</p>
- Game
- BoardGame
  - name: qgo_qgo.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  - qgo.desktop
  - application/x-go-sgf