⇦ | psi [universe]
Last updated on: 2020-04-23 11:40 [UTC]

Metadata for psi in universe

psi.desktop - 1.3-5build1 ⚙ amd64 ⚙ armhf ⚙ arm64 ⚙ ppc64el ⚙ s390x

Type: desktop-application
ID: psi.desktop
Package: psi
  C: Psi
  de: Im XMPP-Netzwerk kommunizieren
  pl: Komunikacja poprzez sieć XMPP
  pt_BR: Comunique-se através da rede XMPP
  sl: Takojšnje sporočanje prek omrežij XMPP
  he: תקשר על פני רשת XMPP
  C: Communicate over the XMPP network
  uk: Програма для спілкування в мережі XMPP
  ja: XMPPネットーワーク通信
  cs: Komunikujte přes XMPP po síti
  eo: Komunikiĝu per la ĵabbera reto
  ru: Общение в сети XMPP
  vi: Liên lạc qua mạng XMPP nhé
  es: Comunícate a través de la red XMPP
  fr: Communiquez via le réseau XMPP
  sv: Kommunicera över XMPPnätverket
  zh_TW: 在 XMPP 網路上交談
  mk: Комуницирајте преку XMPP мрежата
  ca: Comuniqui's a través de la xarxa XMPP
  it: Comunica sulla rete XMPP
  be: Размаўляйце ў сетцы XMPP
  nl: Communiceer over het XMPP netwerk
  bg: Комуникирайте през XMPP мрежата
  ur_PK: جیبر نیٹ ورک پر مواصلت کریں
  pl: >-
    <p>Psi jest komunikatorem internetowym zaprojektowanym do użycia w sieci Jabber (XMPP; w tym Google Talk). W pełni obsługuje
    Unicode, a także najważniejsze funkcje XMPP, takie jak przesyłanie plików, rozmowy grupowe, szyfrowanie itd.</p>

    <p>Psi korzysta z mechanizów szyfrujących biblioteki qca2. Z tego powodu należy zainstalować libqca2-plugin-ossl dla szyfrowania
    SSL (klient- serwer) i libqca2-plugin-gnupg dla szyfrowania PGP (pomiędzy klientami).</p>
  de: >-
    <p>Psi ist ein freies Instant-Messaging-Programm für das Jabber (XMPP) IM- Netzwerk (inklusive Google Talk). Es enthält
    vollständige Unicode- Unterstützung und unterstützt die wichtigsten XMPP-Funktionen wie Dateitransfers, Gruppenchat, Verschlüsselung

    <p>Die Verschlüsselungsfunktion von Psi basiert auf der qca2-Bibliothek. Deswegen ist es notwendig, die Pakete libqca2-plugin-ossl
    für SSL- Verschlüsselung (client-to-server) und libqca2-plugin-gnupg für PGP- Verschlüsselung (end-to-end) zu installieren.</p>
  sk: >-
    <p>Psi je slobodná aplikácia na posielanie okamžitých správ (IM) navrhnutá pre IM sieť Jabber (XMPP) (vrátane Google Talk).
    Má úplnú podporu Unicode a podporuje najdôležitejšie vlastnosti XMPP ako prenos súborov, skupinový rozhovor, šifrovanie

    <p>Psi na šifrovanie využíva knižnicu qca2. Preto je potrebné nainštalovať libqca2-plugin-ossl na šifrovanie SSL (medzi
    klientom a serverom) a libqca2-plugin-gnupg na šifrovanie PGP (medzi koncovými uzlami).</p>
  sl: >-
    <p>Psi is a free instant messaging application designed for the Jabber (XMPP) IM network (including Google Talk). It has
    full Unicode support, and supports most important XMPP features like file transfer, group chat, encryption etc.</p>

    <p>Psi relies on the qca2 library for its encryption features. Therefore, it&apos;s necessary to install libqca2-plugin-ossl
    for SSL (client-to-server) encryption and libqca2-plugin-gnupg for PGP (end-to-end) encryption.</p>
  uk: >-
    <p>Psi — це програма для миттєвого обміну повідомленнями, розроблена для мережі Jabber (XMPP) (включаючи Google Talk).
    Вона повністю підтримує юнікод, передачу файлів, чат, шифрування.</p>

    <p>Для шифрування Psi використовує бібліотеку qca2. Тому потрібно встановити libqca2-plugin-ossl для SSL (клієнт-сервер)
    та libqca2-plugin-gnupg для PGP (точка-точка).</p>
  C: >-
    <p>Psi is a free instant messaging application designed for the Jabber (XMPP) IM network (including Google Talk). It has
    full Unicode support, and supports most important XMPP features like file transfer, group chat, encryption etc.</p>

    <p>Psi relies on the qca2 library for its encryption features. Therefore, it&apos;s necessary to install libqca2-plugin-ossl
    for SSL (client-to-server) encryption and libqca2-plugin-gnupg for PGP (end-to-end) encryption.</p>
  en: >-
    <p>Psi is a free instant messaging application designed for the Jabber (XMPP) IM network (including Google Talk). It has
    full Unicode support, and supports most important XMPP features like file transfer, group chat, encryption etc.</p>

    <p>Psi relies on the qca2 library for its encryption features. Therefore, it&apos;s necessary to install libqca2-plugin-ossl
    for SSL (client-to-server) encryption and libqca2-plugin-gnupg for PGP (end-to-end) encryption.</p>
  en_CA: >-
    <p>Psi is a free instant messaging application designed for the Jabber (XMPP) IM network (including Google Talk). It has
    full Unicode support, and supports most important XMPP features like file transfer, group chat, encryption etc.</p>

    <p>Psi relies on the qca2 library for its encryption features. Therefore, it&apos;s necessary to install libqca2-plugin-ossl
    for SSL (client-to-server) encryption and libqca2-plugin-gnupg for PGP (end-to-end) encryption.</p>
  ru: >-
    <p>Psi -- это программа для обмена сообщениями через сеть Jabber (XMPP) включающую Google Talk). Она полностью поддерживает
    юникод, передачу файлов, режим чата, шифрование.</p>

    <p>Для шифрования psi использует библиотеку qca2. Поэтому требуется установить libqca2-plugin-ossl для SSL (клиент-сервер)
    и libqca2-plugin- gnupg для PGP (точка-точка).</p>
  es: >-
    <p>Psi is a free instant messaging application designed for the Jabber (XMPP) IM network (including Google Talk). It has
    full Unicode support, and supports most important XMPP features like file transfer, group chat, encryption etc.</p>

    <p>Psi relies on the qca2 library for its encryption features. Therefore, it&apos;s necessary to install libqca2-plugin-ossl
    for SSL (client-to-server) encryption and libqca2-plugin-gnupg for PGP (end-to-end) encryption.</p>
  fr: >-
    <p>Psi est une application de messagerie instantanée libre conçu pour le réseau Jabber (XMPP) (incluant Google Talk).
    Il dispose d&apos;un support Unicode complet et supporte les fonctionnalités Jabber les plus importantes comme le transfert
    de fichier, les salons de discussion, le chiffrement, etc.</p>

    <p>Psi est basé sur la bibliothèque qca2 pour assurer le chiffrement. Il est donc nécessaire d&apos;installer libqca2-plugin-ossl
    pour le chiffrement SSL (du client au serveur) et libqca2-plugin-gnupg pour le chiffrement PGP (bout à bout).</p>
  gl: >-
    <p>Psi é un aplicativo gratuíto de mensaxería instantánea deseñada para a rede Jabber (XMPP) (incluído Google Talk). É
    totalmenet compatíbel con Unicode e admite a maioría das funcionalidades deXMPP, como transferencia de ficheiros, conversas
    de grupo, cifrado,etc.</p>

    <p>Psi descansa na biblioteca qca2 para as súas funcionalidades de cifrado. Polo tanto, é necesario instalar libqca2-plugin-ossl
    para o cifrado SSL (cliente a servidor) e libqca2-plugin-gnupg para o cifrado PGP (extremo a extremo).</p>
  en_GB: >-
    <p>Psi is a free instant messaging application designed for the Jabber (XMPP) IM network (including Google Talk). It has
    full Unicode support, and supports most important XMPP features like file transfer, group chat, encryption etc.</p>

    <p>Psi relies on the qca2 library for its encryption features. Therefore, it&apos;s necessary to install libqca2-plugin-ossl
    for SSL (client-to-server) encryption and libqca2-plugin-gnupg for PGP (end-to-end) encryption.</p>
  it: >-
    <p>Psi è un&apos;applicazione di messaggistica istantanea libera progettata per la rete IM Jabber (XMPP), che comprende
    Google Talk. Supporta pienamente Unicode e supporta le funzioni XMPP più importanti come il trasferimento di file, le
    chat di gruppo, la cifratura, ecc.</p>

    <p>Psi si appoggia alla libreria qca2 per le funzioni di cifratura. Di conseguenza è necessario installare libqca2-plugin-ossl
    per usare la cifratura SSL (dal client al server) e libqca2-plugin-gnupg per la cifratura PGP (fra client).</p>
  da: >-
    <p>Psi er et frit lynbeskedprogram designet for Jabber (XMPP) IM-netværket (inklusiv Google Talk). Programmet har fuld
    understøttelse af Unicode og understøtter de fleste vigtige XMPP-funktioner såsom filoverførsel, gruppesnak, kryptering
    et cetera.</p>

    <p>Psi afhænger af biblioteket qca2 for sine krypteringsfunktioner. Derfor er det nødvendigt at installere libqca2-plugin-ossl
    for SSL-kryptering (klient til server) og libqca2-plugin-gnupg for PGP-kryptering (slut til slut).</p>
  en_AU: >-
    <p>Psi is a free instant messaging application designed for the Jabber (XMPP) IM network (including Google Talk). It has
    full Unicode support, and supports most important XMPP features like file transfer, group chat, encryption etc.</p>

    <p>Psi relies on the qca2 library for its encryption features. Therefore, it&apos;s necessary to install libqca2-plugin-ossl
    for SSL (client-to-server) encryption and libqca2-plugin-gnupg for PGP (end-to-end) encryption.</p>
- Network
- InstantMessaging
  - XMPP
  - Jabber
  - Chat
  - InstantMessaging
  - name: psi_psi.png
    width: 48
    height: 48
  - name: psi_psi.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  - name: psi_psi.png
    width: 128
    height: 128
  - url: p/ps/psi.desktop/D94EE47EC8ED7E647D5B35B6EBD1F663/icons/128x128/psi_psi.png
    width: 128
    height: 128
  - psi.desktop
  - x-scheme-handler/xmpp