⇦ | plover [universe]
Last updated on: 2020-04-23 11:40 [UTC]

Metadata for plover in universe

plover.desktop - 4.0.0~dev8~66~g685bd33-1 ⚙ all

Type: desktop-application
ID: plover.desktop
Package: plover
  C: Plover
  C: stenographic input and translation
  C: >-
    <p>Plover is a small, slick Python application that runs in the background and acts as a translator to read steno movements
    and emulate keystrokes in a way that the programs you are using can&apos;t even tell you&apos;re using steno.</p>

    <p>Plover is used today by hundreds of people, ranging from professional stenographers, transcriptionists, programmers,
    and hobbyists.  It supports:</p>

    <p> - Regular keyboards and real steno machines  - Media key support to control media, change volume, etc.  - Comes with
    a well-developed theory extended from StenEd,    but with over 50,000 new strokes.  - Supports JSON and RTF/CRE dictionaries 
    - Includes training tools to help you learn</p>
  en: >-
    <p>Plover is a small, slick Python application that runs in the background and acts as a translator to read steno movements
    and emulate keystrokes in a way that the programs you are using can&apos;t even tell you&apos;re using steno.</p>

    <p>Plover is used today by hundreds of people, ranging from professional stenographers, transcriptionists, programmers,
    and hobbyists.  It supports:</p>

    <p> - Regular keyboards and real steno machines  - Media key support to control media, change volume, etc.  - Comes with
    a well-developed theory extended from StenEd,    but with over 50,000 new strokes.  - Supports JSON and RTF/CRE dictionaries 
    - Includes training tools to help you learn</p>
- Utility
- Accessibility
  - steno
  - input
  - keyboard
  - name: plover_plover.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  stock: plover
  - plover.desktop