Type: desktop-application
ID: nethack-x11.desktop
Package: nethack-x11
C: X NetHack
C: Dungeon crawl game - GUI version
pl: >-
<p>NetHack to niezwykle zabawna, a przy tym dość uzależniająca gra przygodowa w stylu Dungeons & Dragons. Można zagrać
postacią z jednej z wielu klas (jak czarodziej, wojownik lub turysta), walcząc schodzi się coraz głębiej, aby odzyskać
Amulet of Yendor (spróbuj powiedzieć TO od tyłu) dla swojego boga. Na drodze można spotkać fizyka kwantowego albo dwóch,
być może króla Artura, a jeśli grający jest PRAWDZIWYM szczęściarzem - Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal.</p>
<p>You should install a front-end for NetHack if you wish to play the game. Each of them includes the original non-graphical
version, and they can all be installed at the same time: - nethack-console: no graphics, just plain NetHack; - nethack-x11
: original X11/Athena-based graphical version; - nethack-lisp : Lisp window version.</p>
<p>This package provides the text and X11/Athena-based graphical versions of NetHack.</p>
de: >-
<p>Nethack ist ein wundervoll dummes, dennoch einfach süchtig machendes, Abenteuerspiel im »Verließe und Drachen«-Stil
(dungeons & dragons). Sie können die Rolle eines aggressiven Kämpfers, Zauberers oder einer der anderen unzähligen
Klassen spielen und kämpfen sich Ihren Weg entlang, um das Amulett von Yendor (versuchen Sie DAS mal rückwärts auszusprechen!)
für ihren Gott wiederzuerlangen. Auf dem Weg können sie einem oder zwei Quantenmechanikern begegnen, oder möglicherweise
einer mikroskopischen Weltraumflotte, oder - mit RICHTIG viel Glück - dem ausgehungerten Bugblatter-Biest von Traal.</p>
<p>You should install a front-end for NetHack if you wish to play the game. Each of them includes the original non-graphical
version, and they can all be installed at the same time: - nethack-console: no graphics, just plain NetHack; - nethack-x11
: original X11/Athena-based graphical version; - nethack-lisp : Lisp window version.</p>
<p>This package provides the text and X11/Athena-based graphical versions of NetHack.</p>
pt_BR: >-
<p>NetHack é um jogo de aventura, maravilhosamente tolo, no entanto bastante viciante, ao estilo do Dungeons & Dragons.
Você pode jogar com um personagem de uma das muitas classes (como feiticeiro, ranger ou turista) lutando e abrindo caminho
até recuperar o Amuleto de Yendor (tente DIZÊ-LO para trás!) para o seu deus. No caminho, pode encontrar um mecânico quântico
ou dois, ou talvez o Rei Arthur, ou - se estiver com muita SORTE - A Besta Ravenous Bugblatter de Traal.</p>
<p>You should install a front-end for NetHack if you wish to play the game. Each of them includes the original non-graphical
version, and they can all be installed at the same time: - nethack-console: no graphics, just plain NetHack; - nethack-x11
: original X11/Athena-based graphical version; - nethack-lisp : Lisp window version.</p>
<p>This package provides the text and X11/Athena-based graphical versions of NetHack.</p>
ja: >-
<p>NetHack は素晴らしく馬鹿げた、それでいてかなり中毒性のある、ダンジョンズ & ドラゴンズスタイルのアドベンチャーゲームです。あなたは、いくつもの職 (魔法 使い、レンジャー、観光客など) のひとつを選び、あなたの信仰する神のために
イェンダーの魔除け (Amulet of Yender - 逆から読んでみてください!) を取り戻 すべくダンジョンを闘います。途中、量子物理学者に、ひょっとしたらアーサー王 に、そして (本当に運が良ければ) がつがつむしゃむしゃトラアル獣に出会えるか
<p>You should install a front-end for NetHack if you wish to play the game. Each of them includes the original non-graphical
version, and they can all be installed at the same time: - nethack-console: no graphics, just plain NetHack; - nethack-x11
: original X11/Athena-based graphical version; - nethack-lisp : Lisp window version.</p>
<p>This package provides the text and X11/Athena-based graphical versions of NetHack.</p>
uk: >-
<p>Nethack — захоплююча гра у стилі „Dungeons & Dragons“. Грати можна за воїна, чарівника, туриста чи за когось іншого
з десятка персонажів. Спускаючись у підземелля та воюючи Вам потрібно знайти амулет Йендора. Під час пошуків Ви можете
зустрітися з квантовим механіком, Королем Артуром та, якщо ДУЖЕ повезе, з ненажерливим ПоглиноЗавром з Трааля.</p>
<p>You should install a front-end for NetHack if you wish to play the game. Each of them includes the original non-graphical
version, and they can all be installed at the same time: - nethack-console: no graphics, just plain NetHack; - nethack-x11
: original X11/Athena-based graphical version; - nethack-lisp : Lisp window version.</p>
<p>This package provides the text and X11/Athena-based graphical versions of NetHack.</p>
C: >-
<p>NetHack is a wonderfully silly, yet quite addictive, Dungeons & Dragons-style adventure game. You play a character
from one of many classes (such as wizard, ranger, or tourist), fighting your way down to retrieve the Amulet of Yendor
(try saying THAT one backwards!) for your god. On the way, you might encounter a quantum mechanic or two, or perhaps King
Arthur, or - if you're REALLY lucky - the Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal.</p>
<p>You should install a front-end for NetHack if you wish to play the game. Each of them includes the original non-graphical
version, and they can all be installed at the same time: - nethack-console: no graphics, just plain NetHack; - nethack-x11
: original X11/Athena-based graphical version; - nethack-lisp : Lisp window version.</p>
<p>This package provides the text and X11/Athena-based graphical versions of NetHack.</p>
en: >-
<p>NetHack is a wonderfully silly, yet quite addictive, Dungeons & Dragons-style adventure game. You play a character
from one of many classes (such as wizard, ranger, or tourist), fighting your way down to retrieve the Amulet of Yendor
(try saying THAT one backwards!) for your god. On the way, you might encounter a quantum mechanic or two, or perhaps King
Arthur, or - if you're REALLY lucky - the Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal.</p>
<p>You should install a front-end for NetHack if you wish to play the game. Each of them includes the original non-graphical
version, and they can all be installed at the same time: - nethack-console: no graphics, just plain NetHack; - nethack-x11
: original X11/Athena-based graphical version; - nethack-lisp : Lisp window version.</p>
<p>This package provides the text and X11/Athena-based graphical versions of NetHack.</p>
ru: >-
<p>Nethack — это увлекательная игра в стиле Dungeons & Dragons. Играть можно за воина, волшебника, туриста или за
кого-то другого из десятка персонажей. Спускаясь в подземелье и сражаясь вам нужно найти амулета Йендора. Находясь в поиске,
вы можете встретиться в игре с квантовым механиком, Королём Артуром, и если ОЧЕНЬ повезёт, то с Прожорливым Заглотозавером
из Трааля.</p>
<p>You should install a front-end for NetHack if you wish to play the game. Each of them includes the original non-graphical
version, and they can all be installed at the same time: - nethack-console: no graphics, just plain NetHack; - nethack-x11
: original X11/Athena-based graphical version; - nethack-lisp : Lisp window version.</p>
<p>This package provides the text and X11/Athena-based graphical versions of NetHack.</p>
en_CA: >-
<p>NetHack is a wonderfully silly, yet quite addictive, Dungeons & Dragons- style adventure game. You play a character
from one of many classes (such as wizard, ranger, or tourist), fighting your way down to retrieve the Amulet of Yendor
(try saying THAT one backwards!) for your god. On the way, you might encounter a quantum mechanic or two, or perhaps King
Arthur, or - if you're REALLY lucky - the Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal.</p>
<p>You should install a front-end for NetHack if you wish to play the game. Each of them includes the original non-graphical
version, and they can all be installed at the same time: - nethack-console: no graphics, just plain NetHack; - nethack-x11
: original X11/Athena-based graphical version; - nethack-lisp : Lisp window version.</p>
<p>This package provides the text and X11/Athena-based graphical versions of NetHack.</p>
es: >-
<p>Nethack es un juego de aventuras al estilo de Dungeons and Dragons increíblemente simple pero bastante adictivo. Juegue
como un feroz luchador, mago o cualquier otra clase, luche para abrirse camino en las profundidades para encontrar el
amuleto de Yendor (intente decir eso al revés) para su dios. Cuando esté en su busca, puede que encuentre una mecánica
cuántica, o dos, o quizás al rey Arturo o (si realmente tiene suerte) la bestia Bugblatter devoradora de Traal.</p>
<p>You should install a front-end for NetHack if you wish to play the game. Each of them includes the original non-graphical
version, and they can all be installed at the same time: - nethack-console: no graphics, just plain NetHack; - nethack-x11
: original X11/Athena-based graphical version; - nethack-lisp : Lisp window version.</p>
<p>This package provides the text and X11/Athena-based graphical versions of NetHack.</p>
fr: >-
<p>Nethack est un jeu d’aventure de type Donjons & Dragons merveilleusement décalé, mais assez captivant. Le joueur
choisit un type de personnage (comme magicien, garde ou touriste) et se met en quête de l’amulette de Yendor (essayez
de le lire à l'envers) pour son dieu. En chemin il peut rencontrer un ou deux « mécaniciens quantiques » (monstres
télé-porteurs) ou peut-être le roi Arthur, ou s'il a vraiment de la chance la « Bête vorace et microbienne de Traal ».</p>
<p>You should install a front-end for NetHack if you wish to play the game. Each of them includes the original non-graphical
version, and they can all be installed at the same time: - nethack-console: no graphics, just plain NetHack; - nethack-x11
: original X11/Athena-based graphical version; - nethack-lisp : Lisp window version.</p>
<p>Ce paquet fournit la version en mode texte et la version graphique basée sur X11/Athena.</p>
pt: >-
<p>NetHack é um jogo de aventura, maravilhosamente tolo, no entanto bastante viciante, ao estilo do Dungeons & Dragons.
Você pode jogar com um personagem de uma das muitas classes (como feiticeiro, ranger ou turista) lutando e abrindo caminho
até recuperar o Amuleto de Yendor (tente DIZÊ-LO para trás!) para o seu deus. No caminho, pode encontrar um mecânico quântico
ou dois, ou talvez o Rei Arthur, ou - se estiver com muita SORTE - A Besta Ravenous Bugblatter de Traal.</p>
<p>You should install a front-end for NetHack if you wish to play the game. Each of them includes the original non-graphical
version, and they can all be installed at the same time: - nethack-console: no graphics, just plain NetHack; - nethack-x11
: original X11/Athena-based graphical version; - nethack-lisp : Lisp window version.</p>
<p>This package provides the text and X11/Athena-based graphical versions of NetHack.</p>
en_GB: >-
<p>NetHack is a wonderfully silly, yet quite addictive, Dungeons & Dragons- style adventure game. You play a character
from one of many classes (such as wizard, ranger, or tourist), fighting your way down to retrieve the Amulet of Yendor
(try saying THAT one backwards!) for your god. On the way, you might encounter a quantum mechanic or two, or perhaps King
Arthur, or - if you're REALLY lucky - the Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal.</p>
<p>You should install a front-end for NetHack if you wish to play the game. Each of them includes the original non-graphical
version, and they can all be installed at the same time: - nethack-console: no graphics, just plain NetHack; - nethack-x11
: original X11/Athena-based graphical version; - nethack-lisp : Lisp window version.</p>
<p>This package provides the text and X11/Athena-based graphical versions of NetHack.</p>
it: >-
<p>Nethack è un gioco d'avventura meravigliosamente sciocco eppur piuttosto avvincente, in stile Dungeons and Dragons.
Si vestono i panni di un personaggio di una tra molte classi (ad esempio mago, ranger o turista), combattendo, durante
la discesa, per recuperare l'Amuleto di Yendor (provate a dirLO al contrario!) per la propria divinità. Sulla strada
si possono incontrare uno o due meccanici quantistici, o magari re Artù o, se si è VERAMENTE fortunati, l'affamatissimo
scarafaggio bestia di Traal (Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal).</p>
<p>You should install a front-end for NetHack if you wish to play the game. Each of them includes the original non-graphical
version, and they can all be installed at the same time: - nethack-console: no graphics, just plain NetHack; - nethack-x11
: original X11/Athena-based graphical version; - nethack-lisp : Lisp window version.</p>
<p>This package provides the text and X11/Athena-based graphical versions of NetHack.</p>
da: >-
<p>NetHack er et vidunderligt fjollet, men ret vanedannede, Dungeons & Dragons-eventyrspil. Du spiller en rolle fra
en af mange klasser (såsom troldmand, skovrider eller turist), kæmper din vej ned for at finde amuletten Yendor (prøv
at sige det baglæns!) for din gud. På vejen møder du måske en kvantemekaniker eller to eller måske kong Arthur, eller
- hvis du er VIRKELIG heldig - bæstet Ravenous Bugblatter fra Traal.</p>
<p>You should install a front-end for NetHack if you wish to play the game. Each of them includes the original non-graphical
version, and they can all be installed at the same time: - nethack-console: no graphics, just plain NetHack; - nethack-x11
: original X11/Athena-based graphical version; - nethack-lisp : Lisp window version.</p>
<p>This package provides the text and X11/Athena-based graphical versions of NetHack.</p>
en_AU: >-
<p>NetHack is a wonderfully silly, yet quite addictive, Dungeons & Dragons- style adventure game. You play a character
from one of many classes (such as wizard, ranger, or tourist), fighting your way down to retrieve the Amulet of Yendor
(try saying THAT one backwards!) for your god. On the way, you might encounter a quantum mechanic or two, or perhaps King
Arthur, or - if you're REALLY lucky - the Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal.</p>
<p>You should install a front-end for NetHack if you wish to play the game. Each of them includes the original non-graphical
version, and they can all be installed at the same time: - nethack-console: no graphics, just plain NetHack; - nethack-x11
: original X11/Athena-based graphical version; - nethack-lisp : Lisp window version.</p>
<p>This package provides the text and X11/Athena-based graphical versions of NetHack.</p>
- Game
- AdventureGame
- adventure
- roguelike
- maze
- dungeon
- name: nethack-x11_nethack.png
width: 48
height: 48
- name: nethack-x11_nethack.png
width: 64
height: 64
stock: nethack
- nethack-x11.desktop