⇦ | mpv [universe]
Last updated on: 2020-04-23 11:40 [UTC]

Metadata for mpv in universe

mpv.desktop - 0.32.0-1ubuntu1 ⚙ amd64 ⚙ armhf ⚙ arm64 ⚙ ppc64el ⚙ s390x

Type: desktop-application
ID: mpv.desktop
Package: mpv
  pl: Odtwarzacz mpv
  zh_CN: mpv 媒体播放器
  C: mpv Media Player
  cs: mpv přehrávač
  ru: Проигрыватель mpv
  zh_TW: mpv 媒體播放器
  fr: Lecteur multimédia mpv
  ca: Reproductor multimèdia mpv
  da: mpv-medieafspiller
  de: Filme und Musik abspielen
  pl: Odtwarzaj filmy i muzykę
  zh_CN: 播放电影和歌曲
  C: Play movies and songs
  cs: Přehrává filmy a hudbu
  ru: Воспроизвести фильмы и музыку
  es: Reproduzca vídeos y canciones
  fr: Lire des vidéos et des musiques
  zh_TW: 播放電影和歌曲
  ca: Reproduïu vídeos i cançons
  it: Lettore multimediale
  da: Afspil film og sange
  C: >-
    <p>mpv is a movie player based on MPlayer and mplayer2. It supports a wide variety of video file formats, audio and video
    codecs, and subtitle types.</p>

    <p>Changes from mplayer2 to mpv include:  * Removal of lots of unneeded code to encourage developer activity  * Better
    OSD rendering  * Cleaned up terminal output  * Improved OpenGL output  * Encoding functionality (replacement for mencoder) 
    * Wayland support  * Support for playing URLs of popular streaming sites  * Screenshot improvements  * ... See mpv(1)
    for more info regarding changes between MPlayer, mplayer2 and mpv.</p>
  en: >-
    <p>mpv is a movie player based on MPlayer and mplayer2. It supports a wide variety of video file formats, audio and video
    codecs, and subtitle types.</p>

    <p>Changes from mplayer2 to mpv include:  * Removal of lots of unneeded code to encourage developer activity  * Better
    OSD rendering  * Cleaned up terminal output  * Improved OpenGL output  * Encoding functionality (replacement for mencoder) 
    * Wayland support  * Support for playing URLs of popular streaming sites  * Screenshot improvements  * ... See mpv(1)
    for more info regarding changes between MPlayer, mplayer2 and mpv.</p>
- AudioVideo
- Audio
- Video
- Player
- TV
  - mpv
  - media
  - player
  - video
  - audio
  - tv
  - name: mpv_mpv.png
    width: 48
    height: 48
  - name: mpv_mpv.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  - name: mpv_mpv.png
    width: 128
    height: 128
  - url: m/mp/mpv.desktop/C93FAFEB6EE42676344EA336188C5C08/icons/128x128/mpv_mpv.png
    width: 128
    height: 128
  - mpv.desktop
  - application/ogg
  - application/x-ogg
  - application/mxf
  - application/sdp
  - application/smil
  - application/x-smil
  - application/streamingmedia
  - application/x-streamingmedia
  - application/vnd.rn-realmedia
  - application/vnd.rn-realmedia-vbr
  - audio/aac
  - audio/x-aac
  - audio/vnd.dolby.heaac.1
  - audio/vnd.dolby.heaac.2
  - audio/aiff
  - audio/x-aiff
  - audio/m4a
  - audio/x-m4a
  - application/x-extension-m4a
  - audio/mp1
  - audio/x-mp1
  - audio/mp2
  - audio/x-mp2
  - audio/mp3
  - audio/x-mp3
  - audio/mpeg
  - audio/mpeg2
  - audio/mpeg3
  - audio/mpegurl
  - audio/x-mpegurl
  - audio/mpg
  - audio/x-mpg
  - audio/rn-mpeg
  - audio/musepack
  - audio/x-musepack
  - audio/ogg
  - audio/scpls
  - audio/x-scpls
  - audio/vnd.rn-realaudio
  - audio/wav
  - audio/x-pn-wav
  - audio/x-pn-windows-pcm
  - audio/x-realaudio
  - audio/x-pn-realaudio
  - audio/x-ms-wma
  - audio/x-pls
  - audio/x-wav
  - video/mpeg
  - video/x-mpeg2
  - video/x-mpeg3
  - video/mp4v-es
  - video/x-m4v
  - video/mp4
  - application/x-extension-mp4
  - video/divx
  - video/vnd.divx
  - video/msvideo
  - video/x-msvideo
  - video/ogg
  - video/quicktime
  - video/vnd.rn-realvideo
  - video/x-ms-afs
  - video/x-ms-asf
  - audio/x-ms-asf
  - application/vnd.ms-asf
  - video/x-ms-wmv
  - video/x-ms-wmx
  - video/x-ms-wvxvideo
  - video/x-avi
  - video/avi
  - video/x-flic
  - video/fli
  - video/x-flc
  - video/flv
  - video/x-flv
  - video/x-theora
  - video/x-theora+ogg
  - video/x-matroska
  - video/mkv
  - audio/x-matroska
  - application/x-matroska
  - video/webm
  - audio/webm
  - audio/vorbis
  - audio/x-vorbis
  - audio/x-vorbis+ogg
  - video/x-ogm
  - video/x-ogm+ogg
  - application/x-ogm
  - application/x-ogm-audio
  - application/x-ogm-video
  - application/x-shorten
  - audio/x-shorten
  - audio/x-ape
  - audio/x-wavpack
  - audio/x-tta
  - audio/AMR
  - audio/ac3
  - audio/eac3
  - audio/amr-wb
  - video/mp2t
  - audio/flac
  - audio/mp4
  - application/x-mpegurl
  - video/vnd.mpegurl
  - application/vnd.apple.mpegurl
  - audio/x-pn-au
  - video/3gp
  - video/3gpp
  - video/3gpp2
  - audio/3gpp
  - audio/3gpp2
  - video/dv
  - audio/dv
  - audio/opus
  - audio/vnd.dts
  - audio/vnd.dts.hd
  - audio/x-adpcm
  - application/x-cue
  - audio/m3u