⇦ | microhope [universe]
Last updated on: 2020-04-23 11:40 [UTC]

Metadata for microhope in universe

microhope-doc.desktop - 4.6.2-1 ⚙ amd64 ⚙ armhf ⚙ arm64 ⚙ ppc64el ⚙ s390x

Type: desktop-application
ID: microhope-doc.desktop
Package: microhope
  C: microHOPE Manual
  C: microHOPE User Manual
  fr: >-
    <p>Ce paquet fournit un ensemble d&apos;exemples de programmes pour piloter un microcontrôleur ATmega32, avec un tutoriel
    expliquant comment les compiler et de les télécharger vers celui-ci ainsi que la façon d&apos;apporter des modifications
    simples ou plus complexes. Il est destiné à être utilisé avec la carte « microhope » qui rend facile le téléchargement
    de code dans le microcontrôleur par une liaison USB.</p>

    <p>In addition to examples there is a library to drive all of the peripherals available on the &quot;microhope&quot; board:
    LED, LCD display, ADC connected to sensors.</p>

    <p>Une interface utilisateur graphique est également fournie.</p>
  C: >-
    <p>This package provides a set of example programs to drive an ATmega32 microcontroller, together with a tutorial explaining
    how to compile them, upload them to the microcontroller, and how to make simple and more complicated modifications. It
    is meant to be used with the &quot;microhope&quot; board which makes it easy to upload code to the microcontroller through
    a USB link.</p>

    <p>In addition to examples there is a library to drive all of the peripherals available on the &quot;microhope&quot; board:
    LED, LCD display, ADC connected to sensors.</p>

    <p>A Graphic User Interface is provided too.</p>
  en: >-
    <p>This package provides a set of example programs to drive an ATmega32 microcontroller, together with a tutorial explaining
    how to compile them, upload them to the microcontroller, and how to make simple and more complicated modifications. It
    is meant to be used with the &quot;microhope&quot; board which makes it easy to upload code to the microcontroller through
    a USB link.</p>

    <p>In addition to examples there is a library to drive all of the peripherals available on the &quot;microhope&quot; board:
    LED, LCD display, ADC connected to sensors.</p>

    <p>A Graphic User Interface is provided too.</p>
- Electronics
- Education
- Science
  - name: microhope_gnome-word.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  - name: microhope_gnome-word.png
    width: 128
    height: 128
  stock: gnome-word

microhope-avr.desktop - 4.6.2-1 ⚙ amd64 ⚙ armhf ⚙ arm64 ⚙ ppc64el ⚙ s390x

Type: desktop-application
ID: microhope-avr.desktop
Package: microhope
  C: µHOPE
  C: MicroHOPE microcontroller programming system
  fr: >-
    <p>Ce paquet fournit un ensemble d&apos;exemples de programmes pour piloter un microcontrôleur ATmega32, avec un tutoriel
    expliquant comment les compiler et de les télécharger vers celui-ci ainsi que la façon d&apos;apporter des modifications
    simples ou plus complexes. Il est destiné à être utilisé avec la carte « microhope » qui rend facile le téléchargement
    de code dans le microcontrôleur par une liaison USB.</p>

    <p>In addition to examples there is a library to drive all of the peripherals available on the &quot;microhope&quot; board:
    LED, LCD display, ADC connected to sensors.</p>

    <p>Une interface utilisateur graphique est également fournie.</p>
  C: >-
    <p>This package provides a set of example programs to drive an ATmega32 microcontroller, together with a tutorial explaining
    how to compile them, upload them to the microcontroller, and how to make simple and more complicated modifications. It
    is meant to be used with the &quot;microhope&quot; board which makes it easy to upload code to the microcontroller through
    a USB link.</p>

    <p>In addition to examples there is a library to drive all of the peripherals available on the &quot;microhope&quot; board:
    LED, LCD display, ADC connected to sensors.</p>

    <p>A Graphic User Interface is provided too.</p>
  en: >-
    <p>This package provides a set of example programs to drive an ATmega32 microcontroller, together with a tutorial explaining
    how to compile them, upload them to the microcontroller, and how to make simple and more complicated modifications. It
    is meant to be used with the &quot;microhope&quot; board which makes it easy to upload code to the microcontroller through
    a USB link.</p>

    <p>In addition to examples there is a library to drive all of the peripherals available on the &quot;microhope&quot; board:
    LED, LCD display, ADC connected to sensors.</p>

    <p>A Graphic User Interface is provided too.</p>
- Education
- Science
  - name: microhope_mh-logo.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  - name: microhope_mh-logo.png
    width: 128
    height: 128