⇦ | mate-terminal [universe]
Last updated on: 2020-04-23 11:40 [UTC]

Metadata for mate-terminal in universe

mate-terminal.desktop - 1.24.0-2ubuntu1 ⚙ amd64 ⚙ armhf ⚙ arm64 ⚙ ppc64el ⚙ s390x

Type: desktop-application
ID: mate-terminal.desktop
Package: mate-terminal
  lv: MATE Terminālis
  xh: I-Terminal ye-MATE
  af: MATE-terminaal
  ps: جنومي پايالی
  pt: Consola MATE
  tr: MATE Uçbirim
  ast: Terminal MATE
  ku_IQ: تێرمیناڵی MATE
  am: የ ሜት ተርሚናል
  ie: Terminal MATE
  pt_BR: Terminal MATE
  el: Τερματικό MATE
  ca@valencia: Terminal del MATE
  ar: طرفيّة متّة
  as: MATE Terminal
  eo: MATE-Terminalo
  mg: Terminal an'ny MATE
  es: Terminal de MATE
  et: MATE terminal
  az: MATE Terminalı
  eu: MATEko terminala
  ml: ഗ്നോം ടെര്‍മിനല്‍
  id: Terminal MATE
  it: Terminale di MATE
  mai: गनोम टर्मिनल
  mr: MATE टर्मिनल
  ms: Terminal MATE
  mn: ГНОМЕ Терминал
  mk: Терминал за MATE
  uk: Термінал MATE
  be: Тэрмінал MATE
  fa: پایانه‌ی گنوم
  bg: Терминал на MATE
  sr@latin: Gnom terminal
  es_AR: Terminal de MATE
  ur: میٹ کا ٹرمنل
  ja: MATE 端末
  zh_CN: MATE 终端
  bn: MATE টার্মিনাল
  fi: MATEn Pääte
  nb: MATE terminal
  br: MATE Termenell
  bs: MATE terminal
  ne: जिनोम टर्मिनल
  uz: MATE Terminali
  fr: Terminal MATE
  fur: Terminâl di MATE
  nl: MATE Terminalvenster
  nn: MATE terminal
  jv: MATE Terminal
  en_AU: MATE Terminal
  ca: Terminal de MATE
  ro: Terminal MATE
  vi: Thiết bị cuối MATE
  ga: Teirminéal MATE
  ru: Терминал MATE
  ka: გნომის ტერმინალი
  zh_HK: MATE 終端機
  cmn: MATE 終端機
  bn_IN: MATE Terminal
  gl: Terminal do MATE
  cs: Terminál MATE
  frp: Tèrminâl de MATE
  kk: MATE терминалы
  C: MATE Terminal
  kn: MATE ಟರ್ಮಿನಲ್
  cy: Terfynell MATE
  gu: જીનોમ ટર્મિનલ
  wa: Terminå di MATE
  ko: 마테 터미널
  si: MATE අග්‍රය
  ku: Termînala MATE
  sk: Terminál prostredia MATE
  nds: MATE Terminal
  da: Mate-terminal
  ky: MATE терминалы
  or: MATE ଟର୍ମିନାଲ
  sq: Terminali i MATE
  de: MATE-Terminal
  es_CO: Terminal de MATE
  zh_TW: MATE 終端機
  sr: Мејтов терминал
  sl: MATE Terminal
  he: מסוף MATE
  la: MATE Termināle
  en_CA: MATE Terminal
  oc: Terminal MATE
  hi: गनोम टर्मिनल
  crh: MATE Terminal
  pa: ਗਨੋਮ ਟਰਮੀਨਲ
  en_GB: MATE Terminal
  sv: MATE-terminal
  ta: க்னோம் முனையம்
  hr: MATE Terminal
  ug: MATE تېرمىنال
  te: MATE టెర్మినల్
  dz: ཇི་ནོམ་ ཊར་མི་ནཱལ།
  hu: MATE Terminál
  pl: Terminal MATE
  th: เทอร์มินัลของ MATE
  hy: ԳՆՈՄ Տերմինալ
  lt: MATE terminalas
  lv: Izmantot komandrindu
  ps: بولۍ ليکه کارول
  pt: Utilizar a linha de comandos
  tr: Komut satırını kullan
  ast: Usar llinia de comandos
  am: የ ትእዛዝ መስመር ይጠቀሙ
  id: Gunakan perintah baris
  ie: Usar li linea de comandes
  pt_BR: Usar a linha de comando
  el: Χρήση γραμμής εντολών
  ca@valencia: Utilitza la línia d'ordres
  ar: استخدم سطر الأوامر
  as: আদেশ লাইন ব্যৱহাৰ কৰক
  eo: Uzi komandolinion
  mg: Hampiasa ny lazam-baiko
  es: Usar la línea de órdenes
  et: Kasuta käsurida
  mk: Користи ја командната линија
  ml: കമാന്‍ഡ് ലൈന്‍ ഉപയോഗിക്കുക
  mn: Тушаалын мөр хэрэглэ
  it: Usa la riga di comando
  eu: Erabili komando-lerroa
  mr: आदेश पंक्ती वापरा
  ms: Guna baris perintah
  mai: कमांड लाइन क' प्रयोग करू
  uk: Використовувати командний рядок
  be: Адкрыць загадны радок
  fa: استفاده از سطر فرمان
  bg: Използване на команден ред
  sr@latin: Koristite liniju naredbi
  ug: بۇيرۇق قۇرىنى ئىشلەت
  ur: کمانڈ لائن استعمال کریں
  ja: コマンドラインを使用
  zh_CN: 使用命令行
  bn: কমান্ড লাইন ব্যবহার করুন
  fi: Käytä komentoriviä
  nb: Bruk kommandolinjen
  br: Arverañ an arc'hadoù
  bs: Koristite komandnu liniju
  ne: आदेश रेखा प्रयोग गर्नुहोस्
  uz: Buyruq satridan foydalanish
  fr: Utiliser la ligne de commande
  is: Nota skipanalínu
  fur: Dopre la rie di comant
  nl: Gebruik de opdrachtregel
  nn: Bruk kommandolinja
  jv: Nggunakake baris printah
  en_AU: Use the command line
  ca: Utilitzeu la línia d'ordres
  ro: Folosiți linia de comandă
  vi: Dùng dòng lệnh
  ga: Bain úsáid as líne na n-orduithe
  ru: Использовать командную строку
  ka: ბრზანების ხაზის გამოყენება
  zh_HK: 使用命令列
  cmn: 使用命令列
  bn_IN: কমান্ড লাইন ব্যবহার করুন
  gl: Usar a liña de ordes
  cs: Používat příkazový řádek
  kk: Командалық жолды қолдану
  kn: ಆಜ್ಞಾ ಸಾಲನ್ನು ಬಳಸು
  cy: Defnyddio'r llinel orchymyn
  gu: આદેશ વાક્ય વાપરો
  wa: Eployî l' roye di comande
  ko: 명령문를 이용하세요
  ku: Rêzika fermanan bikar bîne
  sk: Použiť príkazový riadok
  nds: De Orderreeg bruken
  da: Brug kommandolinjen
  ky: Командалык сапты колдонуу
  or: ନିର୍ଦ୍ଦେଶ ଧାରାକୁ ବ୍ୟବହାର କରନ୍ତୁ
  sq: Përdor rreshtin e komandës
  de: Befehlszeile verwenden
  es_CO: Utilice la línea de comandos
  zh_TW: 使用命令列
  sr: Користите линију наредби
  sl: Uporabi ukazno vrstico
  he: השתמש בשורת הפקודה
  en_CA: Use the command line
  oc: Utilizar la linha de comanda
  hi: कमांड लाइन का प्रयोग करें
  sv: Använd kommandoraden
  pa: ਕਮਾਂਡ ਲਾਇਨ ਵਰਤੋਂ
  en_GB: Use the command line
  C: Use the command line
  ta: கட்டளை வரியை பயன்படுத்து
  hr: Koristi naredbeni redak
  te: ఆదేశ లైను ను ఉపయోగించండి
  dz: བཀོད་ལམ་ལག་ལེན་འཐབ།
  hu: Parancssor használata
  pl: Użyj linii poleceń
  th: ใช้บรรทัดคำสั่ง
  hy: Օգտագործել հրամանային տողը
  lt: Naudoti komandų eilutę
  de: >-
    <p>MATE Terminal is a terminal emulation application that you can use to perform the following actions:  - Access a UNIX
    shell in the MATE environment.  - Run any application that is designed to run on VT102, VT220, and xterm  terminals.</p>

    <p>MATE Terminal kann mehrere Terminals in einem Fenster öffnen (Tabs) und unterstützt Profile.</p>
  pl: >-
    <p>MATE Terminal is a terminal emulation application that you can use to perform the following actions:  - Access a UNIX
    shell in the MATE environment.  - Run any application that is designed to run on VT102, VT220, and xterm  terminals.</p>

    <p>MATE Terminal umożliwia korzystanie z kilku terminali w jednym oknie (za pomocą zakładek) oraz obsługę profili.</p>
  zh_CN: >-
    <p>MATE Terminal is a terminal emulation application that you can use to perform the following actions:  - Access a UNIX
    shell in the MATE environment.  - Run any application that is designed to run on VT102, VT220, and xterm  terminals.</p>

    <p>MATE 终端的特点是能够在单窗口中使用多个终端(标签页方式),以及配置支持。</p>
  pt_BR: >-
    <p>MATE Terminal is a terminal emulation application that you can use to perform the following actions:  - Access a UNIX
    shell in the MATE environment.  - Run any application that is designed to run on VT102, VT220, and xterm  terminals.</p>

    <p>Terminal MATE possui a capacidade de utilizar múltiplos terminais em uma única janela (guias) e suporta perfis.</p>
  sk: >-
    <p>MATE Terminal is a terminal emulation application that you can use to perform the following actions:  - Access a UNIX
    shell in the MATE environment.  - Run any application that is designed to run on VT102, VT220, and xterm  terminals.</p>

    <p>Terminál MATE dokáže používať viaceré termináli v jednom okne (karty) a podporuje profily.</p>
  ja: >-
    <p>MATE Terminal is a terminal emulation application that you can use to perform the following actions:  - Access a UNIX
    shell in the MATE environment.  - Run any application that is designed to run on VT102, VT220, and xterm  terminals.</p>

    <p>MATE 端末は、複数の端末を一つのウィンドウ (タブ) で利用する機能、 プロファイルのサポートなどを備えています。</p>
  C: >-
    <p>MATE Terminal is a terminal emulation application that you can use to perform the following actions:  - Access a UNIX
    shell in the MATE environment.  - Run any application that is designed to run on VT102, VT220, and xterm terminals.</p>

    <p>MATE Terminal features the ability to use multiple terminals in a single window (tabs) and profiles support.</p>
  en: >-
    <p>MATE Terminal is a terminal emulation application that you can use to perform the following actions:  - Access a UNIX
    shell in the MATE environment.  - Run any application that is designed to run on VT102, VT220, and xterm terminals.</p>

    <p>MATE Terminal features the ability to use multiple terminals in a single window (tabs) and profiles support.</p>
  fr: >-
    <p>MATE Terminal is a terminal emulation application that you can use to perform the following actions:  - Access a UNIX
    shell in the MATE environment.  - Run any application that is designed to run on VT102, VT220, and xterm  terminals.</p>

    <p>MATE Terminal offre la possibilité d&apos;utiliser plusieurs terminaux dans une fenêtre unique (onglets) et il gère
    les profils.</p>
  it: >-
    <p>MATE Terminal is a terminal emulation application that you can use to perform the following actions:  - Access a UNIX
    shell in the MATE environment.  - Run any application that is designed to run on VT102, VT220, and xterm  terminals.</p>

    <p>MATE Terminal ha la capacità di usare più terminali in un&apos;unica finestra (con schede) e gestisce i profili.</p>
  da: >-
    <p>MATE Terminal is a terminal emulation application that you can use to perform the following actions:  - Access a UNIX
    shell in the MATE environment.  - Run any application that is designed to run on VT102, VT220, and xterm  terminals.</p>

    <p>MATE Terminal kan bruge flere terminaler i et enkelt vindue (faner) og har understøttelse af profiler.</p>
- System
- Utility
- TerminalEmulator
  - name: mate-terminal_utilities-terminal.png
    width: 48
    height: 48
  - name: mate-terminal_utilities-terminal.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  - name: mate-terminal_utilities-terminal.png
    width: 128
    height: 128
  stock: utilities-terminal
  - url: m/ma/mate-terminal.desktop/C40194F4D78C4F799141F0220567AC62/icons/128x128/mate-terminal_utilities-terminal.png
    width: 128
    height: 128
  - mate-terminal.desktop