⇦ | lebiniou [universe]
Last updated on: 2020-04-23 11:40 [UTC]

Metadata for lebiniou in universe

lebiniou.desktop - 3.40-1 ⚙ amd64 ⚙ armhf ⚙ arm64 ⚙ ppc64el ⚙ s390x

Type: desktop-application
ID: lebiniou.desktop
Package: lebiniou
  C: Le Biniou
  fr: Affiche des images qui évoluent avec le son
  C: Displays images that evolve with sound
  C: >-
    <p>Le Biniou works with music, voice, ambient sounds, whatever acoustic source you choose.</p>

    <p>When you run Le Biniou it gives an evolutionary rendering of the sound you are playing.</p>

    <p>You are given two options to run Le Biniou: You can manage entirely the sequences and choose your own series of images
    from the default library, your colour scales, the kind of alteration you want to apply or you can let Le Biniou&apos;s
    artificial intelligence run on its own.</p>

    <p>Forget the old visualizations you are familiar with, discover a new multidimensional – spatial and chromatic – way
    of comprehending music and sounds for either artistic, recreational or didactic purposes.</p>
  en: >-
    <p>Le Biniou works with music, voice, ambient sounds, whatever acoustic source you choose.</p>

    <p>When you run Le Biniou it gives an evolutionary rendering of the sound you are playing.</p>

    <p>You are given two options to run Le Biniou: You can manage entirely the sequences and choose your own series of images
    from the default library, your colour scales, the kind of alteration you want to apply or you can let Le Biniou&apos;s
    artificial intelligence run on its own.</p>

    <p>Forget the old visualizations you are familiar with, discover a new multidimensional – spatial and chromatic – way
    of comprehending music and sounds for either artistic, recreational or didactic purposes.</p>
  ru: >-
    <p>Le Biniou работает с музыкой, голосом, окружающими звуками — с любым выбранным вами акустическим источником.</p>

    <p>When you run Le Biniou it gives an evolutionary rendering of the sound you are playing.</p>

    <p>You are given two options to run Le Biniou: You can manage entirely the sequences and choose your own series of pictures
    from the default library, your colour scales, the kind of alteration you want to apply or you can let Le Biniou&apos;s
    artificial intelligence run on its own.</p>

    <p>Forget the old visualizations you are familiar with, discover a new multidimensional – spatial and chromatic – way
    of comprehending music and sounds for either artistic, recreational or didactic purposes.</p>
  en_CA: >-
    <p>Le Biniou works with music, voice, ambient sounds, whatever acoustic source you choose.</p>

    <p>When you run Le Biniou it gives an evolutionary rendering of the sound you are playing.</p>

    <p>You are given two options to run Le Biniou: You can manage entirely the sequences and choose your own series of pictures
    from the default library, your colour scales, the kind of alteration you want to apply or you can let Le Biniou&apos;s
    artificial intelligence run on its own.</p>

    <p>Forget the old visualizations you are familiar with, discover a new multidimensional – spatial and chromatic – way
    of comprehending music and sounds for either artistic, recreational or didactic purposes.</p>
  gl: >-
    <p>Le Biniou works with music, voice, ambient sounds, whatever acoustic source you choose.</p>

    <p>When you run Le Biniou it gives an evolutionary rendering of the sound you are playing.</p>

    <p>You are given two options to run Le Biniou: You can manage entirely the sequences and choose your own series of pictures
    from the default library, your colour scales, the kind of alteration you want to apply or you can let Le Biniou&apos;s
    artificial intelligence run on its own.</p>

    <p>Forget the old visualizations you are familiar with, discover a new multidimensional – spatial and chromatic – way
    of comprehending music and sounds for either artistic, recreational or didactic purposes.</p>
  fr: >-
    <p>Le Biniou travaille avec de la musique, de la voix, des sons ambiants, quelle que soit la source sonore que vous choisissez.</p>

    <p>Lorsque vous exécutez Le Biniou il donne un rendu de l&apos;évolution du son que vous jouez.</p>

    <p>On vous donne deux options permettant d&apos;exécuter Le Biniou : Vous pouvez gérer entièrement les séquences et choisissez
    votre propre série de photos de la bibliothèque par défaut, vos échelles de couleurs, le type d&apos;altération que vous
    souhaitez appliquer ou vous pouvez laisser l&apos;intelligence artificielle de Le Biniou fonctionner toute seule.</p>

    <p>Forget the old visualizations you are familiar with, discover a new multidimensional – spatial and chromatic – way
    of comprehending music and sounds for either artistic, recreational or didactic purposes.</p>
  en_GB: >-
    <p>Le Biniou works with music, voice, ambient sounds, whatever acoustic source you choose.</p>

    <p>When you run Le Biniou it gives an evolutionary rendering of the sound you are playing.</p>

    <p>You are given two options to run Le Biniou: You can manage entirely the sequences and choose your own series of pictures
    from the default library, your colour scales, the kind of alteration you want to apply or you can let Le Biniou&apos;s
    artificial intelligence run on its own.</p>

    <p>Forget the old visualizations you are familiar with, discover a new multidimensional – spatial and chromatic – way
    of comprehending music and sounds for either artistic, recreational or didactic purposes.</p>
  da: >-
    <p>Le Biniou fungerer med musik, stemme, omgivende lyde, uanset hvilken akustisk lyd du vælger.</p>

    <p>Når du afvikler Le Biniou laver programmet en evolutionær optegning af lyden du afspiller.</p>

    <p>Du får to muligheder for at afvikle Le Biniou: Du kan håndtere hele sekvenser og vælge din egen serie af billeder fra
    standardbiblioteket, dine farveskalaer, typen af ændring du ønsker at anvende eller du kan lade Le Binious kunstige intelligens
    køre på egen hånd.</p>

    <p>Glem de gamle visualiseringer du kender, find en ny flerdimensional - delvis og kromatisk - måde at forstå musik og
    lyde for enten kunstneriske, rekreative eller didaktiske formål</p>
  en_AU: >-
    <p>Le Biniou works with music, voice, ambient sounds, whatever acoustic source you choose.</p>

    <p>When you run Le Biniou it gives an evolutionary rendering of the sound you are playing.</p>

    <p>You are given two options to run Le Biniou: You can manage entirely the sequences and choose your own series of pictures
    from the default library, your colour scales, the kind of alteration you want to apply or you can let Le Biniou&apos;s
    artificial intelligence run on its own.</p>

    <p>Forget the old visualizations you are familiar with, discover a new multidimensional – spatial and chromatic – way
    of comprehending music and sounds for either artistic, recreational or didactic purposes.</p>
- AudioVideo
  - Vjtool
  - Graphics
  - Sound
  - name: lebiniou_lebiniou.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  - lebiniou.desktop