⇦ | kbibtex [universe]
Last updated on: 2020-04-23 11:40 [UTC]

Metadata for kbibtex in universe

org.kde.kbibtex - 0.8.1-1ubuntu5 ⚙ amd64 ⚙ armhf ⚙ arm64 ⚙ ppc64el ⚙ s390x

Type: desktop-application
ID: org.kde.kbibtex
Package: kbibtex
  sv: Kbibtex
  de: KBibTeX
  pl: KBibTeX
  zh_TW: KBibTeX
  pt_BR: KBibTeX
  sk: KBibTeX
  zh_CN: KBibTeX
  fi: KBibTeX
  C: KBibTeX
  bs: KBibTeX
  pt: KBibTeX
  ast: KBibTeX
  cs: KBibTeX
  gl: KBibTeX
  ca@valencia: KBibTeX
  es: KBibTeX
  et: KBibTeX
  fr: KBibTeX
  ru: KBibTeX
  tr: KBibTeX
  en_GB: KBibTeX
  hu: KBibTeX
  ca: KBibTeX
  it: KBibTeX
  da: KBibTeX
  nl: KBibTeX
  uk: KBibTeX
  zh_TW: KDE 下的 bibliographic 檔編輯器
  de: KDE-basierter Editor für Bibliographiedateien
  pl: Edytor plików bibliografii oparty na KDE
  pt_BR: Editor de arquivos bibliográficos baseado no KDE
  sk: Editor založený na KDE pre bibliografické súbory
  zh_CN: 基于 KDE 的参考文献文件编辑器
  fi: KDE-pohjainen lähdeluettelotiedostomuokkain
  C: KDE-based editor for bibliographic files
  bs: KDE-baziran uređivač za bibliografske datoteke
  pt: Editor baseado no KDE para ficheiros bibliográficos
  uk: Заснований на KDE редактор файлів бібліографій
  gl: Editor de KDE para ficheiros bibliográficos.
  tr: Kaynakça dosyaları için KDE tabanlı düzenleyici
  ca@valencia: Editor basat en el KDE per a fitxers bibliogràfics
  es: Editor de archivos bibliográficos basado en KDE
  et: KDE bibliograafiafailide redaktor
  fr: Éditeur de fichiers de bibliographie fondé sur KDE
  sv: KDE-baserad editor för bibliografiska filer
  en_GB: KDE-based editor for bibliographic files
  hu: KDE-alapú szerkesztő könyvészeti fájlokhoz
  ca: Editor basat en el KDE per a fitxers bibliogràfics
  it: Editor basato su KDE per file bibliografici
  da: KDE-baseret editor til bibliografiske filer
  nl: Op KDE gebaseerde bewerker van bibliografische bestanden
  de: >-
    <p>Eine Anwendung zur Verwaltung von bibliografischen Datenbanken im BibTeX- Format. KBibTeX kann als eigenständiges Programm
    eingesetzt werden, kann aber auch in eine andere KDE-Anwendung integriert werden (z.B. als bibliografischer Editor in

    <p>KBibTeX kann Onlinequellen abfragen (z.B. Googles »scholar«). Dies geschieht mittels anpassbarer Abfrage-URLs. Sie
    kann auch komplette Datensätze von »NCBI Pubmed« importieren. Auch unterstützt sie Markierungen im Text (tagging references)
    mittels Schlüsselwörtern und verwaltet die Verweise zu den lokalen Dateien.</p>

    <p>BibTeX-Dateien können in den Formaten HTML, XML, PDF, PS und RTF exportiert werden. Sie können zwischen einer Reihe
    von Notationen für Literaturstellen wählen.</p>
  pt_BR: >-
    <p>Uma aplicação para gerenciar bancos de dados de bibliografias no formato BibTeX. KBibTeX pode ser usado como um programa
    autônomo, mas pode também ser embarcado dentro de outras aplicações KDE (e.g. como editor de bibliografia dentro do Kile).</p>

    <p>KBibTeX can query online resources (e.g. Google scholar) via customizable search URLs. It is also able to import complete
    datasets from NCBI Pubmed. It also supports tagging references with keywords and manages references to local files.</p>

    <p>Arquivos BibTeX podem ser exportados para os formatos HTML, XML, PDF, PS e RTF usando um número de estilos de citação.</p>
  sk: >-
    <p>Aplikácia na správu bibliografických databáz vo formáte BibTeX. KBibTeX možno používať ako samostatný program, ale
    tiež ho možno vkladať do iných aplikácií KDE (napr. ako editor bibliografie do Kile).</p>

    <p>KBibTeX can query online resources (e.g. Google scholar) via customizable search URLs. It is also able to import complete
    datasets from NCBI Pubmed. It also supports tagging references with keywords and manages references to local files.</p>

    <p>Súbory BibTeX možno exportovať do HTML, XML, PDF, PS a RTF v mnohých citačných štýloch.</p>
  sl: >-
    <p>An application to manage bibliography databases in the BibTeX format. KBibTeX can be used as a standalone program,
    but can also be embedded into other KDE applications (e.g. as bibliography editor into Kile).</p>

    <p>KBibTeX can query online resources (e.g. Google scholar) via customizable search URLs. It is also able to import complete
    datasets from NCBI Pubmed. It also supports tagging references with keywords and manages references to local files.</p>

    <p>BibTeX files can be exported into HTML, XML, PDF, PS and RTF format using a number of citation styles.</p>
  ja: >-
    <p>BibTeX フォーマットで参考文献データベースを管理するためのアプリケーション です。KBibTeX はスタンドアロンのプログラムとしても、他の KDE アプリケーション に組み込んだ形式 (例えば Kile への参考文献エディタとしての組み込み)
    としても 利用できます。</p>

    <p>KBibTeX can query online resources (e.g. Google scholar) via customizable search URLs. It is also able to import complete
    datasets from NCBI Pubmed. It also supports tagging references with keywords and manages references to local files.</p>

    <p>BibTeX ファイルは数多くの引用スタイルを使って HTML, XML, PDF, PS および RTF フォーマットで出力可能です。</p>
  uk: >-
    <p>Додаток для керування бібліографічними базами даних в форматі BibTeX. KBibTeX може бути використаний як окрема програма,
    але може також бути впроваджений у інші програми KDE (наприклад, як бібліографічний редактор в Kile).</p>

    <p>KBibTeX can query online resources (e.g. Google scholar) via customizable search URLs. It is also able to import complete
    datasets from NCBI Pubmed. It also supports tagging references with keywords and manages references to local files.</p>

    <p>Файли BibTeX можуть бути експортовані у формати HTML, XML, PDF, PS та RTF, використовуючи велику кількість стилів цитування.</p>
  C: >-
    <p>An application to manage bibliography databases in the BibTeX format. KBibTeX can be used as a standalone program,
    but can also be embedded into other KDE applications (e.g. as bibliography editor into Kile).</p>

    <p>KBibTeX can query online resources (e.g. Google scholar) via customizable search URLs. It is also able to import complete
    datasets from NCBI Pubmed. It also supports tagging references with keywords and manages references to local files.</p>

    <p>BibTeX files can be exported into HTML, XML, PDF, PS and RTF format using a number of citation styles.</p>
  en: >-
    <p>An application to manage bibliography databases in the BibTeX format. KBibTeX can be used as a standalone program,
    but can also be embedded into other KDE applications (e.g. as bibliography editor into Kile).</p>

    <p>KBibTeX can query online resources (e.g. Google scholar) via customizable search URLs. It is also able to import complete
    datasets from NCBI Pubmed. It also supports tagging references with keywords and manages references to local files.</p>

    <p>BibTeX files can be exported into HTML, XML, PDF, PS and RTF format using a number of citation styles.</p>
  en_CA: >-
    <p>An application to manage bibliography databases in the BibTeX format. KBibTeX can be used as a standalone program,
    but can also be embedded into other KDE applications (e.g. as bibliography editor into Kile).</p>

    <p>KBibTeX can query online resources (e.g. Google scholar) via customizable search URLs. It is also able to import complete
    datasets from NCBI Pubmed. It also supports tagging references with keywords and manages references to local files.</p>

    <p>BibTeX files can be exported into HTML, XML, PDF, PS and RTF format using a number of citation styles.</p>
  ru: >-
    <p>Приложение для управления библиографическими базами данных в формате BibTeX. KBibTeX может быть использован как отдельная
    программа, но может также быть внедрён в другие приложения KDE (например, как библиографический редактор в Kile).</p>

    <p>KBibTeX can query online resources (e.g. Google scholar) via customizable search URLs. It is also able to import complete
    datasets from NCBI Pubmed. It also supports tagging references with keywords and manages references to local files.</p>

    <p>Файлы BibTeX могут быть экспортированы в форматы HTML, XML, PDF, PS и RTF, используя большое количество стилей цитирования.</p>
  es: >-
    <p>Una aplicación para gestionar bases de datos bibliográficas en formato BibTex. KBibTex puede utilizarse como programa
    independiente, pero también puede integrarse en otras aplicaciones KDE (p.e. como editor de bibliografías en Kile)</p>

    <p>KBibTeX can query online resources (e.g. Google scholar) via customizable search URLs. It is also able to import complete
    datasets from NCBI Pubmed. It also supports tagging references with keywords and manages references to local files.</p>

    <p>Los ficheros de BibTex se pueden exportar a formatos HTML, XML, PDF y RTF usando diversos estilos de citación</p>
  fr: >-
    <p>Une application pour gérer les bases de données bibliographiques au format BibTeX. KBibTex peut être utilisé comme
    un programme autonome, mais peut également être intégré dans d&apos;autres applications KDE (par exemple, en tant qu&apos;éditeur
    de bibliographie dans Kile).</p>

    <p>KBibTeX can query online resources (e.g. Google scholar) via customizable search URLs. It is also able to import complete
    datasets from NCBI Pubmed. It also supports tagging references with keywords and manages references to local files.</p>

    <p>Les fichiers BibTeX peuvent être exportés aux formats HTML, XML, PDF, PS et le format RTF à l&apos;aide d&apos;un certain
    nombre de styles de citation.</p>
  pt: >-
    <p>Uma aplicação para gerir bases de dados bibliográficas no formato BibTeX. O KBibTeX pode ser usado como um programa
    standalone, mas também pode ser embebido noutras aplicações do KDE (ex. como editor bibliográfico no Kile).</p>

    <p>KBibTeX can query online resources (e.g. Google scholar) via customizable search URLs. It is also able to import complete
    datasets from NCBI Pubmed. It also supports tagging references with keywords and manages references to local files.</p>

    <p>Os ficheiros BibTeX podem ser exportados para formatos HTML, XML, PDF, PS e RTF usando um número de estilos de citação.</p>
  gl: >-
    <p>Un aplicativo para xestionar bases de datos de bibliografía no formato BibTeX. O KBibTeX pódese empregar como programa
    autónomo mais tamén pode incorporarse a outros aplicativos de KDE (p.ex. como editor de bibliografías do Kile).</p>

    <p>KBibTeX can query online resources (e.g. Google scholar) via customizable search URLs. It is also able to import complete
    datasets from NCBI Pubmed. It also supports tagging references with keywords and manages references to local files.</p>

    <p>BibTeX files can be exported into HTML, XML, PDF, PS and RTF format using a number of citation styles.</p>
  en_GB: >-
    <p>An application to manage bibliography databases in the BibTeX format. KBibTeX can be used as a standalone program,
    but can also be embedded into other KDE applications (e.g. as bibliography editor into Kile).</p>

    <p>KBibTeX can query online resources (e.g. Google scholar) via customizable search URLs. It is also able to import complete
    datasets from NCBI Pubmed. It also supports tagging references with keywords and manages references to local files.</p>

    <p>BibTeX files can be exported into HTML, XML, PDF, PS and RTF format using a number of citation styles.</p>
  ko: >-
    <p>BibTeX 형식으로 참고문헌 데이터베이스를 관리하는 응용 프로그램입니다. KBibTeX는 독립 프로그램으로 쓸 수도 있고 다른 KDE 응용 프로그램에 임베드할 수도 있습니다(예: Kile에 참고문헌 편집기로).</p>

    <p>KBibTeX can query online resources (e.g. Google scholar) via customizable search URLs. It is also able to import complete
    datasets from NCBI Pubmed. It also supports tagging references with keywords and manages references to local files.</p>

    <p>BibTeX은 여러 가지 인용 방식을 이용해 HTML, XML, PDF, PS, RTF 형식으로 내보 낼 수 있습니다.</p>
  it: >-
    <p>Applicazione per gestire database bibliografici nel formato BibTeX. KBibTeX può essere usata come programma autonomo,
    ma può anche essere integrata in altre applicazioni KDE (ad esempio come editor bibliografico in Kile).</p>

    <p>KBibTeX può interrogare risorse in rete (ad es., Google Scholar) attraverso URL di ricerca personalizzabili. È inoltre
    capace di importare insiemi di dati completi da NCBI Pubmed. Supporta anche l&apos;etichettatura dei riferimenti con parole
    chiave e gestisce i riferimenti a file locali.</p>

    <p>I file BibTeX possono essere esportati in formato HTML, XML, PDF, PS e RTF usando svariati stili di citazione.</p>
  nl: >-
    <p>An application to manage bibliography databases in the BibTeX format. KBibTeX can be used as a standalone program,
    but can also be embedded into other KDE applications (e.g. as bibliography editor into Kile).</p>

    <p>KBibTeX can query online resources (e.g. Google scholar) via customizable search URLs. It is also able to import complete
    datasets from NCBI Pubmed. It also supports tagging references with keywords and manages references to local files.</p>

    <p>BibTeX files can be exported into HTML, XML, PDF, PS and RTF format using a number of citation styles.</p>
  da: >-
    <p>Et program til at håndtere bibliografidatabaser i BibTeX-formatet. KBibTeX kan anvendes som et enkeltstående program,
    men kan også indlejres i andre KDE-programmer (f.eks. som bibliografiredigeringsværktøj i Kile).</p>

    <p>KBibTeX kan søge i onlineressourcer (f.eks. Google Scholar) gennem tilpasselige søge-URL&apos;er. Det kan også importere
    komplette datasæt fra NCBI Pubmed. Det understøtter desuden referencemarkering med nøgleord og håndterer referencer til
    lokale filer.</p>

    <p>BibTeX-filer kan eksporteres til formater som HTML, XML, PDF, PS og RTF gennem en række citationsformer.</p>
  en_AU: >-
    <p>An application to manage bibliography databases in the BibTeX format. KBibTeX can be used as a standalone program,
    but can also be embedded into other KDE applications (e.g. as bibliography editor into Kile).</p>

    <p>KBibTeX can query online resources (e.g. Google scholar) via customizable search URLs. It is also able to import complete
    datasets from NCBI Pubmed. It also supports tagging references with keywords and manages references to local files.</p>

    <p>BibTeX files can be exported into HTML, XML, PDF, PS and RTF format using a number of citation styles.</p>
- Office
- Database
- Science
- Literature
- Education
  - BibTeX
  - Bibliographie
  - editor
  - LaTeX
  - BibTeX
  - bibliografia
  - edytor
  - LaTeX
  - BibTeX
  - bibliografia
  - editor
  - LaTeX
  - BibTeX
  - bibliografia
  - editor
  - LaTeX
  - BibTeX
  - bibliography
  - editor
  - LaTeX
  - 编辑器
  - 参考书目
  - 文献目录
  - BibTeX
  - lähdeluettelo
  - muokkain
  - LaTeX
  - BibTeX
  - bibliography
  - editor
  - LaTeX
  - BibTeX
  - bibliography
  - editor
  - LaTeX
  - бібтех
  - бібліографія
  - редактор
  - латех
  - лейтех
  - BibTeX
  - bibliografia
  - editor
  - LaTeX
  - BibTeX
  - bibliography
  - bibliografía
  - editor
  - LaTeX
  - BibTeX
  - kaynakça
  - düzenleyici
  - LaTeX
  - BibTeX
  - bibliografia
  - editor
  - LaTeX
  - BibTeX
  - bibliografía
  - editor
  - LaTeX
  - Bibtex
  - bibliographie
  - éditeur
  - LaTeX
  - Bibtex
  - bibliografi
  - editor
  - Latex
  - BibTeX
  - bibliography
  - editor
  - LaTeX
  - BibTeX
  - bibliografia
  - editor
  - LaTeX
  - BibTeX
  - bibliografia
  - editor
  - LaTeX
  - BibTeX
  - bibliografie
  - editor
  - bewerker
  - LaTeX
  - name: kbibtex_kbibtex.png
    width: 48
    height: 48
  - name: kbibtex_kbibtex.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  - name: kbibtex_kbibtex.png
    width: 128
    height: 128
  stock: kbibtex
  - url: org/kde/kbibtex/845924BEB2650ED1F5C1710C8609F0D8/icons/128x128/kbibtex_kbibtex.png
    width: 128
    height: 128
  - org.kde.kbibtex.desktop
  - text/x-bibtex
  - application/x-research-info-systems