Type: desktop-application
ID: jugglinglab.desktop
Package: jugglinglab
C: JugglingLab
C: Application for creating and animating juggling patterns
C: >-
<p>Juggling Lab is an application written in Java for creating and animating juggling patterns.</p>
<p>Its main goals are to help people learn juggling patterns, and to assist in inventing new ones.</p>
<p>It generates and animates synchronous and asynchronous siteswaps and also multiplex siteswaps. Hand and body movement
can be adjusted.</p>
<p>Part of the program is its siteswap generator, which allows one to generate siteswaps automatically by entering parameters
like the number of objects, maximum height of throws and length of the pattern.</p>
da: >-
<p>Juggling Lab er et program skrevet i Java til at oprette og animere juggling-mønstre.</p>
<p>Dets hovedformål er at hjælpe folk med at lære juggling-mønstre og assistere med at opfinde nye.</p>
<p>Det opretter og animerer synkrone og asynkrone »siteswaps« og også »multiplex siteswaps«. Hånd- og kropsbevægelse kan
<p>En del af programmet er dets siteswap-opretter, som giver mulighed for at oprette »siteswaps« automatisk ved at indtaste
parametre såsom antallet af objekter, maksimal højde for kast og mønsterlængden.</p>
it: >-
<p>Juggling Lab è un'applicazione scritta in Java per creare e animare schemi di giocoleria.</p>
<p>I suoi scopi principali sono aiutare le persone ad imparare schemi di giocoleria e assistere nell'invenzione di
nuovi schemi.</p>
<p>Genera e anima siteswap sincroni e asincroni e anche siteswap con multiplexing. I movimenti di mani e corpo possono
essere regolati.</p>
<p>Parte del programma è il suo generatore di siteswap che permette di generare automaticamente siteswap inserendo parametri
come il numero di oggetti, l'altezza massima dei lanci e la lunghezza dello schema.</p>
en: >-
<p>Juggling Lab is an application written in Java for creating and animating juggling patterns.</p>
<p>Its main goals are to help people learn juggling patterns, and to assist in inventing new ones.</p>
<p>It generates and animates synchronous and asynchronous siteswaps and also multiplex siteswaps. Hand and body movement
can be adjusted.</p>
<p>Part of the program is its siteswap generator, which allows one to generate siteswaps automatically by entering parameters
like the number of objects, maximum height of throws and length of the pattern.</p>
- Education
- Sports
- juggling
- siteswap
- name: jugglinglab_jugglinglab.png
width: 48
height: 48
- name: jugglinglab_jugglinglab.png
width: 64
height: 64
- name: jugglinglab_jugglinglab.png
width: 128
height: 128
stock: jugglinglab
- url: j/ju/jugglinglab.desktop/BF4CBC5381EA37DBAB43665AF125FB4D/icons/128x128/jugglinglab_jugglinglab.png
width: 128
height: 128
- jugglinglab.desktop