⇦ | jackeq [universe]
Last updated on: 2020-04-23 11:40 [UTC]

Metadata for jackeq in universe

jackeq.desktop - 0.5.9-3 ⚙ amd64 ⚙ armhf ⚙ arm64 ⚙ ppc64el ⚙ s390x

Type: desktop-application
ID: jackeq.desktop
Package: jackeq
  C: JackEQ
  C: routes and manipulates audio from/to multiple sources
  de: >-
    <p>jackEQ is a tool for routing and manipulating audio from/to multiple input/output sources. It runs in the JACK Audio
    Connection Kit, and uses LADSPA for its backend DSP work, specifically the DJ EQ swh plugin created by Steve Harris, one
    of jackEQ&apos;s main authors.</p>

    <p>jackEQ is intended to provide an accessible method for tweaking the treble, mid and bass of any JACK aware applications
    output. Designed specifically for live performance, it is modelled on various DJ mixing consoles which the main author
    has used.</p>

    <p>jackEQ wll allow sound as rich and powerful as Jackie O, as street smart as Jackie Brown. jackEQ may be the first female
    entity in JACKs realm. Is jackEQ more than you can handle?</p>
  pt_BR: >-
    <p>jackEQ is a tool for routing and manipulating audio from/to multiple input/output sources. It runs in the JACK Audio
    Connection Kit, and uses LADSPA for its backend DSP work, specifically the DJ EQ swh plugin created by Steve Harris, one
    of jackEQ&apos;s main authors.</p>

    <p>jackEQ is intended to provide an accessible method for tweaking the treble, mid and bass of any JACK aware applications
    output. Designed specifically for live performance, it is modelled on various DJ mixing consoles which the main author
    has used.</p>

    <p>jackEQ wll allow sound as rich and powerful as Jackie O, as street smart as Jackie Brown. jackEQ may be the first female
    entity in JACKs realm. Is jackEQ more than you can handle?</p>
  sk: >-
    <p>jackEQ je nástroj na smerovanie a manipuláciu zvukom z/do viacerých zdrojov vstupu/výstupu. Beží v JACK Audio Connection
    Kit a používa LADSPA na svoje úlohy DSP, konkrétne zásuvný modul DJ EQ swh, ktorý vytvoril Steve Harris, jeden z hlavných
    autorov jackEQ.</p>

    <p>jackEQ má poskytovať dostupný spôsob doladenia výšok, stredov a basov výstupu akejkoľvek aplikácie podporujúcej výstup
    JACK. Je navrhnutý konkrétne pre živé vystúpenia a postavený na základe rôznych zmiešavacích konzol DJ-ov, ktoré používal
    jeho hlavný autor.</p>

    <p>jackEQ umožní aby bol zvuk taký bohatý a výkonný ako Jackie O, a ostrý ako Jackie Brown. jackEQ môže byť prvou ženskou
    entitou v ríši JACK. Je jackEQ viac, ako zvládnete?</p>
  sl: >-
    <p>jaceEQ je orodje za usmerjanje in obdelovanje zvoka z/na več vhodnih/izhodnih virov. Izvaja se v zbirki orodij zvočnih
    povezav JACK in za svoje delo začelja DSP uporablja LADSPA, bolj natančno vstavek DJ EQ swh, ki ga je ustvaril Steve Harris,
    en od glavnih avtorjev jackEQ.</p>

    <p>jackEQ je namenjen kot dostopen način za prilagajanje visokih, srednjih in nizkih tonov za katerikoli izhod, ki se
    zaveda JACK. Zasnovan je bil za živo izvajanje in je modeliran po različnih mešalnih konzolah DJ, ki ji je uporabljal
    glavni avtor.</p>

    <p>jackEQ omogoča tako bogat in zmogljiv zvok kot Jackie O in tako ulično pameten zvok kot Jackie Brown. jackEQ je morda
    prva ženska entiteta v kraljestvu JACK. Je jackEQ preveč za vas?</p>
  pt: >-
    <p>jackEQ is a tool for routing and manipulating audio from/to multiple input/output sources. It runs in the JACK Audio
    Connection Kit, and uses LADSPA for its backend DSP work, specifically the DJ EQ swh plugin created by Steve Harris, one
    of jackEQ&apos;s main authors.</p>

    <p>jackEQ is intended to provide an accessible method for tweaking the treble, mid and bass of any JACK aware applications
    output. Designed specifically for live performance, it is modelled on various DJ mixing consoles which the main author
    has used.</p>

    <p>jackEQ wll allow sound as rich and powerful as Jackie O, as street smart as Jackie Brown. jackEQ may be the first female
    entity in JACKs realm. Is jackEQ more than you can handle?</p>
  C: >-
    <p>jackEQ is a tool for routing and manipulating audio from/to multiple input/output sources. It runs in the JACK Audio
    Connection Kit, and uses LADSPA for its backend DSP work, specifically the DJ EQ swh plugin created by Steve Harris, one
    of jackEQ&apos;s main authors.</p>

    <p>jackEQ is intended to provide an accessible method for tweaking the treble, mid and bass of any JACK aware applications
    output. Designed specifically for live performance, it is modelled on various DJ mixing consoles which the main author
    has used.</p>

    <p>jackEQ wll allow sound as rich and powerful as Jackie O, as street smart as Jackie Brown. jackEQ may be the first female
    entity in JACKs realm. Is jackEQ more than you can handle?</p>
  en: >-
    <p>jackEQ is a tool for routing and manipulating audio from/to multiple input/output sources. It runs in the JACK Audio
    Connection Kit, and uses LADSPA for its backend DSP work, specifically the DJ EQ swh plugin created by Steve Harris, one
    of jackEQ&apos;s main authors.</p>

    <p>jackEQ is intended to provide an accessible method for tweaking the treble, mid and bass of any JACK aware applications
    output. Designed specifically for live performance, it is modelled on various DJ mixing consoles which the main author
    has used.</p>

    <p>jackEQ wll allow sound as rich and powerful as Jackie O, as street smart as Jackie Brown. jackEQ may be the first female
    entity in JACKs realm. Is jackEQ more than you can handle?</p>
  sr: >-
    <p>џекЕКу је алт за усмеравање и управљање звуком од/до вишеструких извора улаза/излаза. Ради у Џековом комплету повезивања
    звука, и користи ЛАДСПА за свој позадински ДСП рад, посебно прикључак ДЈ ЕКу свх који је створио Стив Харис, један од
    главних аутора џекЕКу-а.</p>

    <p>џекЕКу је осмишљен да обезбеди приступачан начин за дотеривање високих и средњих тонова и басова на било ком излазу
    ЏЕК-ове апликације. Направљен посебно за перформансе уживо, моделисан је на разним конзолама за ДЈ мешање које је главни
    аутор користио.</p>

    <p>џекЕКу ће омогућити звук тако богат и јак као Џеки О, као улица паметан као Џеки Браун. џекЕКу може бити прво женско
    биће у ЏЕК -овом царству. Да ли је џекЕКу више од онога што вам треба?</p>
  en_CA: >-
    <p>jackEQ is a tool for routing and manipulating audio from/to multiple input/output sources. It runs in the JACK Audio
    Connection Kit, and uses LADSPA for its backend DSP work, specifically the DJ EQ swh plugin created by Steve Harris, one
    of jackEQ&apos;s main authors.</p>

    <p>jackEQ is intended to provide an accessible method for tweaking the treble, mid and bass of any JACK aware applications
    output. Designed specifically for live performance, it is modelled on various DJ mixing consoles which the main author
    has used.</p>

    <p>jackEQ wll allow sound as rich and powerful as Jackie O, as street smart as Jackie Brown. jackEQ may be the first female
    entity in JACKs realm. Is jackEQ more than you can handle?</p>
  gl: >-
    <p>jackEQ é unha ferramenta para encamiñar e manipular son desde/a varias fontes de entrada/saída. Execútase no Kit de
    Conexión de Son JACK e emprega LADSPA para que funcione a súa infraestrutura DSP, en concreto o engadido DJ EQ swh, creado
    por Steve Harris, un dos autores principais de jackEQ.</p>

    <p>jackEQ is intended to provide an accessible method for tweaking the treble, mid and bass of any JACK aware applications
    output. Designed specifically for live performance, it is modelled on various DJ mixing consoles which the main author
    has used.</p>

    <p>jackEQ wll allow sound as rich and powerful as Jackie O, as street smart as Jackie Brown. jackEQ may be the first female
    entity in JACKs realm. Is jackEQ more than you can handle?</p>
  fr: >-
    <p>jackEQ is a tool for routing and manipulating audio from/to multiple input/output sources. It runs in the JACK Audio
    Connection Kit, and uses LADSPA for its backend DSP work, specifically the DJ EQ swh plugin created by Steve Harris, one
    of jackEQ&apos;s main authors.</p>

    <p>Jackeq est destiné à fournir une méthode simple pour peaufiner les aigus, médiums et basses de toute sortie d&apos;applications
    JACK. Conçu spécialement pour le direct, il est calqué sur les différentes consoles de mixage DJ que l&apos;auteur principal
    a utilisées.</p>

    <p>jackEQ wll allow sound as rich and powerful as Jackie O, as street smart as Jackie Brown. jackEQ may be the first female
    entity in JACKs realm. Is jackEQ more than you can handle?</p>
  ja: >-
    <p>jackEQ is a tool for routing and manipulating audio from/to multiple input/output sources. It runs in the JACK Audio
    Connection Kit, and uses LADSPA for its backend DSP work, specifically the DJ EQ swh plugin created by Steve Harris, one
    of jackEQ&apos;s main authors.</p>

    <p>jackEQ is intended to provide an accessible method for tweaking the treble, mid and bass of any JACK aware applications
    output. Designed specifically for live performance, it is modelled on various DJ mixing consoles which the main author
    has used.</p>

    <p>jackEQ wll allow sound as rich and powerful as Jackie O, as street smart as Jackie Brown. jackEQ may be the first female
    entity in JACKs realm. Is jackEQ more than you can handle?</p>
  en_GB: >-
    <p>jackEQ is a tool for routing and manipulating audio from/to multiple input/output sources. It runs in the JACK Audio
    Connection Kit, and uses LADSPA for its backend DSP work, specifically the DJ EQ swh plugin created by Steve Harris, one
    of jackEQ&apos;s main authors.</p>

    <p>jackEQ is intended to provide an accessible method for tweaking the treble, mid and bass of any JACK aware applications
    output. Designed specifically for live performance, it is modelled on various DJ mixing consoles which the main author
    has used.</p>

    <p>jackEQ wll allow sound as rich and powerful as Jackie O, as street smart as Jackie Brown. jackEQ may be the first female
    entity in JACKs realm. Is jackEQ more than you can handle?</p>
  it: >-
    <p>jackEQ è uno strumento per instradare e manipolare audio da e verso sorgenti di input/output multiple. Gira nel JACK
    Audio Connection Kit e usa LADSPA per il suo lavoro DSP di backend, in particolare il plugin DJ EQ swh creato da Steve
    Harris, uno degli autori principali di jackEQ.</p>

    <p>jackEQ è pensato per fornire un metodo accessibile per modificare gli alti, medi e bassi dell&apos;output di qualsiasi
    applicazione compatibile con JACK. Progettato specificatamente per le esibizioni live, è modellato sulla base di varie
    console di missaggio per DJ che l&apos;autore ha usato.</p>

    <p>jackEQ permette un suono ricco e potente come Jackie Onassis, tanto di mondo quanto Jackie Brown. jackEQ può essere
    la prima entità femminile nell&apos;universo JACK. Chi può tenere testa a jackEQ?</p>
  da: >-
    <p>jackEQ er et værktøj til at rute og manipulere lyd fra/til flere inddata /uddata-kilder. Det kører i »JACK Audio Connection
    Kit«, og bruger LADSPA som motor til at udføre arbejdet, specifikt modulet DJ EQ swh som er fremstillet af Steve Harris,
    en af jackEQs hovedforfattere.</p>

    <p>jackEQ har til formål at tilbyde en tilgængelig metode til at justere diskanten, mellemtonen og bassen for enhver applikation
    som registrerer JACK-uddata. Det er designet specifikt til levende optrædener, det er modelleret efter forskellige DJ-mikserkonsoller
    som hoveforfatteren har anvendt.</p>

    <p>jackEQ tillader lyd som er så rig og kraftfuld som Jackie O, så gadesmart som Jackie Brown. jackEQ er muligvis det
    første kvindelige indslag i JACK- verdenen. Er jackEQ mere end du kan håndtere?</p>
  en_AU: >-
    <p>jackEQ is a tool for routing and manipulating audio from/to multiple input/output sources. It runs in the JACK Audio
    Connection Kit, and uses LADSPA for its backend DSP work, specifically the DJ EQ swh plugin created by Steve Harris, one
    of jackEQ&apos;s main authors.</p>

    <p>jackEQ is intended to provide an accessible method for tweaking the treble, mid and bass of any JACK aware applications
    output. Designed specifically for live performance, it is modelled on various DJ mixing consoles which the main author
    has used.</p>

    <p>jackEQ wll allow sound as rich and powerful as Jackie O, as street smart as Jackie Brown. jackEQ may be the first female
    entity in JACKs realm. Is jackEQ more than you can handle?</p>
- AudioVideo
  - name: jackeq_thai-gold.png
    width: 64
    height: 64