Type: desktop-application
ID: imagination.desktop
Package: imagination
ku: Imagination
de: Imagination
pt_BR: Imagination
zh_CN: Imagination 想像
ja: Imagination
C: Imagination
cs: Imagination
ru: Imagination
sl_SI: Domišljija
es: Imagination
fr: Imagination
sv: Imagination
zh_TW: Imagination 想像
en_GB: Imagination
ca: Imagination
it: Imagination
fr: Un programme léger de création de diaporama qui utilise GTK+2
C: A lightweight slideshow maker using GTK+2
de: >-
<p>Imagination ist ein leichtgewichtiger und benutzerfreundlicher Generator für DVD-Diaschauen. Er hat eine saubere Oberfläche,
wenig Abhängigkeiten, beherrscht Übergangseffekte und erfordert für die Produktion eines Films lediglich den FFmpeg-Kodierer.
Der Film muss mit einem anderen Programm gebrannt werden.</p>
<p>Imagination has the following features: - Easy to operate. - It can make a slideshow from photos selected by user.
- Support to VOB (DVD Video), OGV (Theora Vorbis), FLV (Flash Video) and 3GP (Mobile Phones) when exporting videos.
- Support screen resolutions from 128x96 pixels up to 1920x1080 pixels, when exporting videos. - Background audio
(music, as MP3 files, or other audio files). - Auto resize (optional) for images. - Allow the users to select a background
color. - Over 50 transition effects. - Zoom effect with duration time. - Allow users to add explanatory texts (e.g.
<p>Imagination can be used to make presentations to be shown by a projector or by a smart TV.</p>
pl: >-
<p>Imagination to lekki i przyjazny dla użytkownika program do robienia pokazu slajdów na DVD z przejrzystym interfejsem
i kilkoma zależnościami. Wymaga jedynie enkodera ffmpeg do produkcji filmu, który zostanie nagrany z inną aplikacją.</p>
<p>Imagination has the following features: - Easy to operate. - It can make a slideshow from photos selected by user.
- Support to VOB (DVD Video), OGV (Theora Vorbis), FLV (Flash Video) and 3GP (Mobile Phones) when exporting videos.
- Support screen resolutions from 128x96 pixels up to 1920x1080 pixels, when exporting videos. - Background audio
(music, as MP3 files, or other audio files). - Auto resize (optional) for images. - Allow the users to select a background
color. - Over 50 transition effects. - Zoom effect with duration time. - Allow users to add explanatory texts (e.g.
<p>Imagination can be used to make presentations to be shown by a projector or by a smart TV.</p>
sk: >-
<p>Imagination je odľahčený a používateľsky prívetivý program na tvorbu prezentácií na DVD s prehľadným rozhraním a malým
počtom závislostí. Vyžaduje iba kódovač ffmpeg na tvorbu filmu, ktorý napáli iná aplikácia.</p>
<p>Imagination has the following features: - Easy to operate. - It can make a slideshow from photos selected by user.
- Support to VOB (DVD Video), OGV (Theora Vorbis), FLV (Flash Video) and 3GP (Mobile Phones) when exporting videos.
- Support screen resolutions from 128x96 pixels up to 1920x1080 pixels, when exporting videos. - Background audio
(music, as MP3 files, or other audio files). - Auto resize (optional) for images. - Allow the users to select a background
color. - Over 50 transition effects. - Zoom effect with duration time. - Allow users to add explanatory texts (e.g.
<p>Imagination je možné použiť na tvorbu prezentácií na zobrazenie na projektore alebo inteligentnej TV.</p>
sl: >-
<p>Imagination je lahek in uporabniku prijazen ustvarjalnik predstavitev DVD s čistim vmesnikom in malo odvisnosti. Za
proizvajanje filma za zapis z drugim programom zahteva le kodirnik ffmpeg.</p>
<p>Imagination has the following features: - Easy to operate. - It can make a slideshow from photos selected by user.
- Support to VOB (DVD Video), OGV (Theora Vorbis), FLV (Flash Video) and 3GP (Mobile Phones) when exporting videos.
- Support screen resolutions from 128x96 pixels up to 1920x1080 pixels, when exporting videos. - Background audio
(music, as MP3 files, or other audio files). - Auto resize (optional) for images. - Allow the users to select a background
color. - Over 50 transition effects. - Zoom effect with duration time. - Allow users to add explanatory texts (e.g.
<p>Imagination can be used to make presentations to be shown by a projector or by a smart TV.</p>
pt: >-
<p>Imagination é um criador de apresentações em DVD, leve e amigável com uma interface simples e poucas dependências.
Exige apenas o codificador ffmpeg para produzir um filme para ser gravado com outro aplicativo.</p>
<p>Imagination has the following features: - Easy to operate. - It can make a slideshow from photos selected by user.
- Support to VOB (DVD Video), OGV (Theora Vorbis), FLV (Flash Video) and 3GP (Mobile Phones) when exporting videos.
- Support screen resolutions from 128x96 pixels up to 1920x1080 pixels, when exporting videos. - Background audio
(music, as MP3 files, or other audio files). - Auto resize (optional) for images. - Allow the users to select a background
color. - Over 50 transition effects. - Zoom effect with duration time. - Allow users to add explanatory texts (e.g.
<p>Imagination can be used to make presentations to be shown by a projector or by a smart TV.</p>
C: >-
<p>Imagination is a lightweight and user-friendly DVD slide show maker with a clean interface and few dependencies. It
only requires the ffmpeg encoder to produce a movie to be burned with another application.</p>
<p>Imagination has the following features: - Easy to operate. - It can make a slideshow from photos selected by user.
- Support to VOB (DVD Video), OGV (Theora Vorbis), FLV (Flash Video) and 3GP (Mobile Phones) when exporting videos.
- Support screen resolutions from 128x96 pixels up to 1920x1080 pixels, when exporting videos. - Background audio
(music, as MP3 files, or other audio files). - Auto resize (optional) for images. - Allow the users to select a background
color. - Over 50 transition effects. - Zoom effect with duration time. - Allow users to add explanatory texts (e.g.
<p>Imagination can be used to make presentations to be shown by a projector or by a smart TV.</p>
uk: >-
<p>Imagination — невимогливий застосунок для створення DVD-слайдшоу зі зрозумілим інтерфейсом та мінімумом залежностей.
Для кодування відео потрібно лише ffmpeg, і потім його можна записати на диск з допомогою іншої програми.</p>
<p>Imagination has the following features: - Easy to operate. - It can make a slideshow from photos selected by user.
- Support to VOB (DVD Video), OGV (Theora Vorbis), FLV (Flash Video) and 3GP (Mobile Phones) when exporting videos.
- Support screen resolutions from 128x96 pixels up to 1920x1080 pixels, when exporting videos. - Background audio
(music, as MP3 files, or other audio files). - Auto resize (optional) for images. - Allow the users to select a background
color. - Over 50 transition effects. - Zoom effect with duration time. - Allow users to add explanatory texts (e.g.
<p>Imagination can be used to make presentations to be shown by a projector or by a smart TV.</p>
en: >-
<p>Imagination is a lightweight and user-friendly DVD slide show maker with a clean interface and few dependencies. It
only requires the ffmpeg encoder to produce a movie to be burned with another application.</p>
<p>Imagination has the following features: - Easy to operate. - It can make a slideshow from photos selected by user.
- Support to VOB (DVD Video), OGV (Theora Vorbis), FLV (Flash Video) and 3GP (Mobile Phones) when exporting videos.
- Support screen resolutions from 128x96 pixels up to 1920x1080 pixels, when exporting videos. - Background audio
(music, as MP3 files, or other audio files). - Auto resize (optional) for images. - Allow the users to select a background
color. - Over 50 transition effects. - Zoom effect with duration time. - Allow users to add explanatory texts (e.g.
<p>Imagination can be used to make presentations to be shown by a projector or by a smart TV.</p>
ru: >-
<p>Imagination — нетребовательное приложение для создания DVD-слайдшоу с понятным интерфейсом и минимумом зависимостей.
Требуется только ffmpeg для кодирования видео, которое затем можно записать на диск с помощью другого приложения.</p>
<p>Imagination has the following features: - Easy to operate. - It can make a slideshow from photos selected by user.
- Support to VOB (DVD Video), OGV (Theora Vorbis), FLV (Flash Video) and 3GP (Mobile Phones) when exporting videos.
- Support screen resolutions from 128x96 pixels up to 1920x1080 pixels, when exporting videos. - Background audio
(music, as MP3 files, or other audio files). - Auto resize (optional) for images. - Allow the users to select a background
color. - Over 50 transition effects. - Zoom effect with duration time. - Allow users to add explanatory texts (e.g.
<p>Imagination может использоваться для создания презентаций на проекторе или Smart-TV.</p>
gl: >-
<p>Imagination is a lightweight and user-friendly DVD slide show maker with a clean interface and few dependencies. It
only requires the ffmpeg encoder to produce a movie to be burned with another application.</p>
<p>Imagination has the following features: - Easy to operate. - It can make a slideshow from photos selected by user.
- Support to VOB (DVD Video), OGV (Theora Vorbis), FLV (Flash Video) and 3GP (Mobile Phones) when exporting videos.
- Support screen resolutions from 128x96 pixels up to 1920x1080 pixels, when exporting videos. - Background audio
(music, as MP3 files, or other audio files). - Auto resize (optional) for images. - Allow the users to select a background
color. - Over 50 transition effects. - Zoom effect with duration time. - Allow users to add explanatory texts (e.g.
<p>Imagination can be used to make presentations to be shown by a projector or by a smart TV.</p>
fr: >-
<p>Imagination est un programme de réalisation de diaporamas pour DVD, léger et d’utilisation aisée, avec une interface
agréable et peu de dépendances. Il demande seulement l’encodeur ffmpeg pour produire un film, pouvant être gravé avec
une autre application.</p>
<p>Imagination has the following features: - Easy to operate. - It can make a slideshow from photos selected by user.
- Support to VOB (DVD Video), OGV (Theora Vorbis), FLV (Flash Video) and 3GP (Mobile Phones) when exporting videos.
- Support screen resolutions from 128x96 pixels up to 1920x1080 pixels, when exporting videos. - Background audio
(music, as MP3 files, or other audio files). - Auto resize (optional) for images. - Allow the users to select a background
color. - Over 50 transition effects. - Zoom effect with duration time. - Allow users to add explanatory texts (e.g.
<p>Imagination peut être utilisé pour des présentations à l’aide d’un projecteur ou d’une télévision connectée.</p>
it: >-
<p>Imagination è uno strumento leggero e facile da usare per creare presentazioni su DVD, con un'interfaccia pulita
e poche dipendenze. Richiede solo il codificatore ffmpeg per creare un filmato che deve essere masterizzato con un'altra
<p>Imagination has the following features: - Easy to operate. - It can make a slideshow from photos selected by user.
- Support to VOB (DVD Video), OGV (Theora Vorbis), FLV (Flash Video) and 3GP (Mobile Phones) when exporting videos.
- Support screen resolutions from 128x96 pixels up to 1920x1080 pixels, when exporting videos. - Background audio
(music, as MP3 files, or other audio files). - Auto resize (optional) for images. - Allow the users to select a background
color. - Over 50 transition effects. - Zoom effect with duration time. - Allow users to add explanatory texts (e.g.
<p>Imagination può essere usato per creare presentazioni da mostrare con un proiettore o uno smart TV.</p>
da: >-
<p>Imagination er et lille og brugervenligt program for dvd-diasshow med en nydelig grænseflade og få afhængigheder. Programmet
kræver kun ffmpeg- koderen til at lave en film, som kan brændes med et andet program.</p>
<p>Imagination has the following features: - Easy to operate. - It can make a slideshow from photos selected by user.
- Support to VOB (DVD Video), OGV (Theora Vorbis), FLV (Flash Video) and 3GP (Mobile Phones) when exporting videos.
- Support screen resolutions from 128x96 pixels up to 1920x1080 pixels, when exporting videos. - Background audio
(music, as MP3 files, or other audio files). - Auto resize (optional) for images. - Allow the users to select a background
color. - Over 50 transition effects. - Zoom effect with duration time. - Allow users to add explanatory texts (e.g.
<p>Imagination kan bruges til at lave præsentationer for en projektor eller et smart-tv.</p>
- AudioVideo
- slideshow
- video
- audio
- photos
- name: imagination_imagination.png
width: 48
height: 48
- name: imagination_imagination.png
width: 64
height: 64
- name: imagination_imagination.png
width: 128
height: 128
stock: imagination
- url: i/im/imagination.desktop/A6FFE584D6904646594BC9BD6A5E5238/icons/128x128/imagination_imagination.png
width: 128
height: 128
- imagination.desktop