⇦ | gvb [universe]
Last updated on: 2020-04-23 11:40 [UTC]

Metadata for gvb in universe

gvb.desktop - 1.4-1.1 ⚙ all

Type: desktop-application
ID: gvb.desktop
Package: gvb
  C: Gvb
  fr: Joue avec les ondes e les vibrations
  C: Play with waves and vibrations
  it: Gioca con onde e vibrazioni
  de: >-
    <p>Good ViBrations (gvb) is a small program that aims at providing a nice interface to play with waves in 1 or 2 dimensions.</p>

    <p>It features several ways of setting initial conditions, as well as different calculation methods and graphic outputs.
    It is also possible to dump animation frames to png images in order to make a movie with them.</p>

    <p>It relies on the Python library scipy to get the best possible performance in calculations.</p>
  pt_BR: >-
    <p>Good ViBrations (gvb) (ou boas vibrações) é um pequeno programa cujo objetivo é fornecer uma boa interface para brincar
    com ondas em 1 e 2 dimensões.</p>

    <p>Ele possui várias formas de configurar as condições iniciais, assim como diferentes métodos de cálculo e saídas gráficas.
    Também é possível descarregar os quadros da animação para imagens png para fazer um vídeo com eles.</p>

    <p>Ele depende da biblioteca Python scipy para obter o melhor desempenho possível nos cálculos.</p>
  sk: >-
    <p>Good ViBrations (gvb) je malý program, ktorého cieľom je poskytnúť pekné rozhranie na hranie sa s vlnami v jednom alebo
    dvoch rozmeroch.</p>

    <p>Umožňuje niekoľko spôsobov nastavovania prvotných podmienok a výber z niekoľkých metód výpočtov a grafických výstupov.
    Tiež je možné ukladať rámce animácie do súborov png a urobiť z nich tak film.</p>

    <p>Spolieha sa na knižnicu Pythonu scipy, aby dosiahol čo najlepšieho výpočtového výkonu.</p>
  fi: >-
    <p>Good ViBrations (gvb, hyvät värinät) on pieni ohjelma, jonka tavoitteena on tarjota mukava käyttöliittymä, jolla pelata
    1- ja 2-ulotteisilla aalloilla.</p>

    <p>Se sisältää useita tapoja asettaa lähtötilanteen, samoin kuin erilaisia laskennallisia metodeja ja grafiikkatiloja.
    On myös mahdollista tallettaa animaation kuvaruudut PNG-kuviksi, jolloin niistä pystyy tekemään videon.</p>

    <p>Pohjautuu Python-kirjasto Scipyyn parhaan mahdollisen laskentatehon saamiseksi.</p>
  C: >-
    <p>Good ViBrations (gvb) is a small program that aims at providing a nice interface to play with waves in 1 or 2 dimensions.</p>

    <p>It features several ways of setting initial conditions, as well as different calculation methods and graphic outputs.
    It is also possible to dump animation frames to png images in order to make a movie with them.</p>

    <p>It relies on the Python library scipy to get the best possible performance in calculations.</p>
  en: >-
    <p>Good ViBrations (gvb) is a small program that aims at providing a nice interface to play with waves in 1 or 2 dimensions.</p>

    <p>It features several ways of setting initial conditions, as well as different calculation methods and graphic outputs.
    It is also possible to dump animation frames to png images in order to make a movie with them.</p>

    <p>It relies on the Python library scipy to get the best possible performance in calculations.</p>
  ru: >-
    <p>Good ViBrations (gvb) — небольшая программа, предоставляющая удобный интерфейс для экспериментов с волнами в одном
    или двух измерениях.</p>

    <p>Имеется несколько способов задания начальных условий, а также различные методы вычислений и графического отображения.
    Можно сохранять кадры анимации в виде png-изображений, чтобы в дальнейшем создать из них видеофайл.</p>

    <p>Для улучшения производительности вычислений использует библиотеку Python scipy.</p>
  en_CA: >-
    <p>Good ViBrations (gvb) is a small program that aims at providing a nice interface to play with waves in 1 or 2 dimensions.</p>

    <p>It features several ways of setting initial conditions, as well as different calculation methods and graphic outputs.
    It is also possible to dump animation frames to png images in order to make a movie with them.</p>

    <p>It relies on the Python library scipy to get the best possible performance in calculations.</p>
  fr: >-
    <p>Good ViBrations (GVB) est un petit programme qui vise à fournir une interface agréable pour jouer avec des ondes dans
    1 ou 2 dimensions.</p>

    <p>Il dispose de plusieurs façons de définir les conditions initiales, ainsi que de différentes méthodes de calcul et
    sorties graphiques. Il est également possible d&apos;exporter les images animées en images  png afin d&apos;en faire faire
    un film.</p>

    <p>Il s&apos;appuie sur la bibliothèque Python scipy pour obtenir les meilleures performances possibles dans les calculs.</p>
  en_GB: >-
    <p>Good ViBrations (gvb) is a small program that aims at providing a nice interface to play with waves in 1 or 2 dimensions.</p>

    <p>It features several ways of setting initial conditions, as well as different calculation methods and graphic outputs.
    It is also possible to dump animation frames to png images in order to make a movie with them.</p>

    <p>It relies on the Python library scipy to get the best possible performance in calculations.</p>
  it: >-
    <p>Good ViBrations (gvb) è un semplice programma il cui scopo è mettere a disposizione un&apos;interfaccia piacevole per
    sperimentare con onde in 1 o 2 dimensioni.</p>

    <p>È dotato di diversi modi di impostare le condizioni iniziali, nonché vari metodi di calcolo e modalità di visualizzazione.
    È anche possibile il salvataggio dei fotogrammi in immagini png per poterli poi trasformare in un video.</p>

    <p>Si appoggia su scipy, libreria Python, per ottenere le migliori prestazioni nell&apos;effettuare i calcoli.</p>
  da: >-
    <p>Good ViBrations (gvb) er et lille program, som forsøger at tilbyde en pæn grænseflade til at afspille bølger i 1 eller
    2 dimensioner.</p>

    <p>Programmet har flere måder at opsætte opstartsbetingelser, samt forskellige beregningsmetoder og grafisk resultat.
    Det er også muligt at dumpe animationsbilleder til png-billeder for at lave en film ud af dem.</p>

    <p>Programmet afhænger af Pythonbiblioteket scipy for bedst mulig ydelse i beregningerne.</p>
  en_AU: >-
    <p>Good ViBrations (gvb) is a small program that aims at providing a nice interface to play with waves in 1 or 2 dimensions.</p>

    <p>It features several ways of setting initial conditions, as well as different calculation methods and graphic outputs.
    It is also possible to dump animation frames to png images in order to make a movie with them.</p>

    <p>It relies on the Python library scipy to get the best possible performance in calculations.</p>
- Education
- Science
- Physics
  - name: gvb_gvb.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  - gvb.desktop