⇦ | gtkpod [universe]
Last updated on: 2020-04-23 11:40 [UTC]

Metadata for gtkpod in universe

gtkpod.desktop - 2.1.5-7build1 ⚙ amd64 ⚙ armhf ⚙ arm64 ⚙ ppc64el ⚙ s390x

Type: desktop-application
ID: gtkpod.desktop
Package: gtkpod
  pt_BR: gtkpod
  zh_CN: gtkpod
  ro: gtkpod
  ja: gtkpod
  C: gtkpod
  ru: gtkpod
  es: gtkpod
  fr: gtkpod
  zh_TW: gtkpod
  it: gtkpod
  C: Manage music, video and photos on an Apple iPod
  it: Gestisce musica, video e foto negli iPod Apple
  pl: >-
    <p>Gtkpod jest platformowo niezależnym graficznym interfejsem użytkownika dla iPodów firmy Apple, napisanym przy użyciu
    GTK3. Pozwala na przesyłanie piosenek oraz list utworów do iPoda. Obsługuje edycję tagów ID3, wiele zestawów znaków dla
    tagów ID3, wykrywanie duplikatów piosenek, modyfikowanie bazy danych w trybie offline z późniejszą synchronizacją itd.</p>
  de: >-
    <p>Gtkpod ist eine plattformunabhängige GTK3-Oberfläche für Apples iPod. Mit ihr können Sie Lieder und Wiedergabelisten
    auf Ihren iPod laden. Gtkpod unterstützt das Editieren von ID3-Tags, mehrere Zeichencodierungen für ID3- Tags, erkennt
    doppelte Lieder, ermöglicht Offline-Modifikationen an der Datenbank mit späterer Synchronisierung und mehr.</p>
  sk: >-
    <p>gtkpod je platformovo nezávislé grafické rozhranie pre Apple iPod používajúce GTK3. Umožňuje vám nahrávať piesne a
    zoznamy stôp do vášho iPodu. Podporuje úpravu značiek ID3, viaceré znakové sady značiek ID3, detekciu duplicitných piesní,
    umožňuje zmeny databázy offline s možnosťou neskoršej synchronizácie a ďalšie možnosti.</p>
  sl: >-
    <p>gtkpod is a platform independent GUI for Apple&apos;s iPod using GTK3. It allows you to upload songs and playlists
    to your iPod. It supports ID3 tag editing, multiple charsets for ID3 tags, detects duplicate songs, allows offline modification
    of the database with later synchronisation, and more.</p>
  C: >-
    <p>gtkpod is a platform independent GUI for Apple&apos;s iPod using GTK3. It allows you to upload songs and playlists
    to your iPod. It supports ID3 tag editing, multiple charsets for ID3 tags, detects duplicate songs, allows offline modification
    of the database with later synchronisation, and more.</p>
  en: >-
    <p>gtkpod is a platform independent GUI for Apple&apos;s iPod using GTK3. It allows you to upload songs and playlists
    to your iPod. It supports ID3 tag editing, multiple charsets for ID3 tags, detects duplicate songs, allows offline modification
    of the database with later synchronisation, and more.</p>
  ru: >-
    <p>gtkpod — платформонезависимый GUI для Apple iPod, использующий GTK3. Позволяет загружать музыку и списки воспроизведения
    на ваш iPod. Поддерживает редактирование тегов ID3, различные кодировки тегов, обнаруживает дубликаты музыкальных композиций,
    позволяет изменять базу данных в оффлайн-режиме с последующей синхронизацией и многое другое.</p>
  en_CA: >-
    <p>gtkpod is a platform independent GUI for Apple&apos;s iPod using GTK3. It allows you to upload songs and playlists
    to your iPod. It supports ID3 tag editing, multiple charsets for ID3 tags, detects duplicate songs, allows offline modification
    of the database with later synchronisation, and more.</p>
  es: >-
    <p>gtkpod is a platform independent GUI for Apple&apos;s iPod using GTK3. It allows you to upload songs and playlists
    to your iPod. It supports ID3 tag editing, multiple charsets for ID3 tags, detects duplicate songs, allows offline modification
    of the database with later synchronisation, and more.</p>
  zh_TW: >-
    <p>gtkpod is a platform independent GUI for Apple&apos;s iPod using GTK3. It allows you to upload songs and playlists
    to your iPod. It supports ID3 tag editing, multiple charsets for ID3 tags, detects duplicate songs, allows offline modification
    of the database with later synchronisation, and more.</p>
  fr: >-
    <p>gtkpod est une interface graphique multiplate-forme pour Apple iPod utilisant GTK3. Il vous permet de charger des morceaux
    et des listes de lecture vers votre iPod. Il prend en charge l&apos;édition d&apos;étiquettes ID3, de multiples jeux de
    caractères pour l&apos;ID3, détecte les morceaux en double, permet la modification hors-ligne de la base de données, avec
    une synchronisation différée, et plus encore.</p>
  en_GB: >-
    <p>gtkpod is a platform independent GUI for Apple&apos;s iPod using GTK3. It allows you to upload songs and playlists
    to your iPod. It supports ID3 tag editing, multiple charsets for ID3 tags, detects duplicate songs, allows offline modification
    of the database with later synchronisation, and more.</p>
  it: >-
    <p>gtkpod è una GUI indipendente dalla piattaforma che usa GTK3 per l&apos;iPod Apple. Permette di caricare canzoni e
    scalette sull&apos;iPod. Gestisce la modifica di tag ID3, l&apos;uso di codifiche di carattere multiple per i tag ID3,
    rileva le canzoni duplicate, permette la modifica offline del database con una sincronizzazione successiva e altro ancora.</p>
  nl: >-
    <p>gtkpod is een platform-onafhankelijke GUI voor Apple&apos;s iPod, die gebruikmaakt van GTK3. Het biedt de mogelijkheid
    om muzieknummers en afspeellijsten te uploaden naar een iPod. Het ondersteunt ook het bewerken van ID3-tags, meerdere
    tekensets voor ID3-tags, herkennen van dubbele nummers, offline aanpassing van de database met latere synchronisatie,
    en meer.</p>
  da: >-
    <p>Gtkpod er en af platform uafhængig grafisk brugerflade for Apples iPod, der bruger GTK3. Brugerfladen giver dig mulighed
    for at overføre sange og afspilningslister til din iPod. Den understøtter ID3-mærkeredigering, flere tegnsæt for ID3-mærker,
    detekterer ens sange, tillader frakoblet ændring af databasen med senere synkronisering og meget mere.</p>
  en_AU: >-
    <p>gtkpod is a platform independent GUI for Apple&apos;s iPod using GTK3. It allows you to upload songs and playlists
    to your iPod. It supports ID3 tag editing, multiple charsets for ID3 tags, detects duplicate songs, allows offline modification
    of the database with later synchronisation, and more.</p>
- AudioVideo
  - name: gtkpod_gtkpod.png
    width: 48
    height: 48
  - name: gtkpod_gtkpod.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  - name: gtkpod_gtkpod.png
    width: 128
    height: 128
  stock: gtkpod
  - url: g/gt/gtkpod.desktop/AF14B2183A9358033257D52F0973302C/icons/128x128/gtkpod_gtkpod.png
    width: 128
    height: 128
  - gtkpod.desktop