Type: desktop-application
ID: net.sourceforge.gscan2pdf
Package: gscan2pdf
cs_CZ: gscan2pdf
C: gscan2pdf
en_GB: gscan2pdf
cs_CZ: Grafické rozhraní na výrobu PDF nebo DjVu dokumentů z naskenovaných dokumentů
C: GUI to produce PDFs or DjVus from scanned documents
en_GB: GUI to produce PDFs or DjVus from scanned documents
cs_CZ: >-
Jen dva kliky stačí, abyste naskenovali několik stránek a poté je
všechny nebo jen některé uložili jako PDF nebo DjVu soubor, a to včetně
metadat, jsou-li třeba.
gscan2pdf umí ovládat běžné skenery i skenery s podavačem (ADF) pomocí
libsane-perl, scanimage nebo scanadf a umí skenovat více stránek
najednou. Ukazuje náhledy naskenovaných stránek a dovoluje jednoduché
operace jako ořez, rotaci a mazání stránek.
V naskenovaných obrázcích lze najít text pomocí optického rozpoznávání
znaků (OCR) a výstup lze začlenit do PDF nebo DjVu.
Výsledný dokument lze uložit jako PDF, DjVu, vícestránkový TIFF soubor
nebo obrázek s jednou stránkou.
C: >-
Only two clicks are required to scan several pages and then save all or a
selection as a PDF or DjVu file, including metadata if required.
gscan2pdf can control regular or sheet-fed (ADF) scanners with SANE via
libimage-sane-perl, scanimage or scanadf, and can scan multiple pages at once.
It presents a thumbnail view of scanned pages, and permits simple operations
such as cropping, rotating and deleting pages.
OCR can be used to recognise text in the scans, and the output
embedded in the PDF or DjVu.
The resulting document may be saved as a PDF, DjVu, multipage TIFF file, or
single page image file.
en_GB: >-
Only two clicks are required to scan several pages and then save all or a
selection as a PDF or DjVu file, including metadata if required.
gscan2pdf can control regular or sheet-fed (ADF) scanners with SANE via
libsane-perl, scanimage or scanadf, and can scan multiple pages at once.
It presents a thumbnail view of scanned pages, and permits simple operations
such as cropping, rotating and deleting pages.
OCR can be used to recognise text in the scans, and the output
embedded in the PDF or DjVu.
The resulting document may be saved as a PDF, DjVu, multipage TIFF file, or
single page image file.
ProjectLicense: GPL-3.0+
- Graphics
- Scanning
- sane
- graphics
- scanning
- scan
- DjVu
homepage: https://gscan2pdf.sourceforge.net/
donation: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?lc=us&cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=GYQGXYD5UZS6S
translate: https://translations.launchpad.net/gscan2pdf
- name: gscan2pdf_gscan2pdf.png
width: 64
height: 64
stock: gscan2pdf
- net.sourceforge.gscan2pdf.desktop
- gscan2pdf.desktop
- application/pdf
- default: true
- url: net/sourceforge/gscan2pdf/17A915604B24B1495AD400BFA4D86C04/screenshots/image-1_1248x975.png
width: 1248
height: 975
- url: net/sourceforge/gscan2pdf/17A915604B24B1495AD400BFA4D86C04/screenshots/image-1_752x588.png
width: 752
height: 588
- url: net/sourceforge/gscan2pdf/17A915604B24B1495AD400BFA4D86C04/screenshots/image-1_624x487.png
width: 624
height: 487
- url: net/sourceforge/gscan2pdf/17A915604B24B1495AD400BFA4D86C04/screenshots/image-1_224x175.png
width: 224
height: 175
url: net/sourceforge/gscan2pdf/17A915604B24B1495AD400BFA4D86C04/screenshots/image-1_orig.png
width: 1280
height: 1001
- locale: bg
percentage: 32
- locale: ca
percentage: 54
- locale: cs
percentage: 99
- locale: da
percentage: 88
- locale: de
percentage: 100
- locale: el
percentage: 72
- locale: en_GB
percentage: 100
- locale: es
percentage: 98
- locale: eu
percentage: 87
- locale: fi
percentage: 26
- locale: fr
percentage: 72
- locale: gu
percentage: 34
- locale: he
percentage: 29
- locale: hu
percentage: 99
- locale: it
percentage: 98
- locale: ja
percentage: 57
- locale: ko
percentage: 29
- locale: nb
percentage: 52
- locale: nl
percentage: 68
- locale: pl
percentage: 78
- locale: pt
percentage: 32
- locale: pt_BR
percentage: 65
- locale: ru
percentage: 98
- locale: sk
percentage: 90
- locale: sl
percentage: 51
- locale: sv
percentage: 64
- locale: tr
percentage: 73
- locale: uk
percentage: 100
- locale: zh_CN
percentage: 62