Type: desktop-application
ID: gpomme.desktop
Package: gpomme
C: pommed GTK client
C: A graphical client for pommed
de: >-
<p>Pommed handhabt die Hotkeys, die auf den Laptops Apple MacBook Pro, MacBook Air, MacBook, PowerBook und iBook zu finden
sind und regelt dementsprechend die LCD-Hintergrundbeleuchtung, Lautstärke, Tastaturhintergrundbeleuchtung oder wirft
das CD-ROM-Laufwerk aus.</p>
<p>Gpomme ist ein graphischer Client für pommed. Es hört die von pommed auf dem D-Bus gesendeten Signale ab und zeigt
die von pommed durchgeführte Aktion und deren aktuellen Status an.</p>
zh_CN: >-
<p>pommed 用于处理苹果 MacBook Pro、MacBook Air、MacBook、PowerBook 和 iBook 上的快捷键,可以调节 LCD 背光、音量大小、键盘背光或弹出 CD-ROM 驱动器。</p>
<p>gpomme 是 pommed 的图形界面客户端,它会监听 pommed 通过 D-Bus 发送的信号, 并显示 pommed 执行的操作以及与此相关的状态。</p>
sk: >-
<p>pommed obsluhuje skratkové klávesy nachádzajúce sa na notebookoch Apple MacBook Pro, MacBook Air, MacBook, PowerBook
a iBook a prispôsobuje podsvietenie LCD, hlasitosť zvuku alebo vysunutie CD-ROM.</p>
<p>gpomme je grafický klient pre pommed. Očakáva signály, ktoré posiela pommed po D-Bus a zobrazuje operáciu, ktorú pommed
vykonal spolu s aktuálnym stavom operácie.</p>
sl: >-
<p>pommed handles the hotkeys found on the Apple MacBook Pro, MacBook Air, MacBook, PowerBook and iBook laptops and adjusts
the LCD backlight, sound volume, keyboard backlight or ejects the CD-ROM drive accordingly.</p>
<p>gpomme is a graphical client for pommed. It listens for signals sent by pommed on D-Bus and displays the action taken
by pommed along with the current state associated to this action.</p>
pt_BR: >-
<p>O pommed trata as teclas de atalho encontradas em laptops Apple MacBook Pro, MacBook Air, MacBook, PowerBook e iBook
e ajusta a luz de fundo do LCD, volume do som, luz do teclado ou ejeta o CD-ROM.</p>
<p>O gpomme é um cliente gráfico para o pommed. Escuta por sinais no D-Bus enviados pelo pommed e mostra a acção tomada
pelo pommed junto com o estado corrente associado a esta acção.</p>
pt: >-
<p>O pommed lida adequadamente com as teclas de atalho encontradas no Apple MacBook Pro, MacBook Air, MacBook e portáteis
PowerBook e iBook e ajusta a luz de fundo do LCD, volume de som, luz de fundo do teclado ou ejecta a drive CD-ROM.</p>
<p>O gpomme é um cliente gráfico para o pommed. Escuta por sinais no D-Bus enviados pelo pommed e mostra a acção tomada
pelo pommed junto com o estado corrente associado a esta acção.</p>
C: >-
<p>pommed handles the hotkeys found on the Apple MacBook Pro, MacBook Air, MacBook, PowerBook and iBook laptops and adjusts
the LCD backlight, sound volume, keyboard backlight or ejects the CD-ROM drive accordingly.</p>
<p>gpomme is a graphical client for pommed. It listens for signals sent by pommed on D-Bus and displays the action taken
by pommed along with the current state associated to this action.</p>
uk: >-
<p>pommed handles the hotkeys found on the Apple MacBook Pro, MacBook Air, MacBook, PowerBook and iBook laptops and adjusts
the LCD backlight, sound volume, keyboard backlight or ejects the CD-ROM drive accordingly.</p>
<p>gpomme - це графічний клієнт до pommed. Він слідкує за сигналами, що надсилає через D-Bus pommed та показує, що робить
pommed разом з поточним станом атрибуту, пов’язаного з цією дією.</p>
en: >-
<p>pommed handles the hotkeys found on the Apple MacBook Pro, MacBook Air, MacBook, PowerBook and iBook laptops and adjusts
the LCD backlight, sound volume, keyboard backlight or ejects the CD-ROM drive accordingly.</p>
<p>gpomme is a graphical client for pommed. It listens for signals sent by pommed on D-Bus and displays the action taken
by pommed along with the current state associated to this action.</p>
ru: >-
<p>pommed handles the hotkeys found on the Apple MacBook Pro, MacBook Air, MacBook, PowerBook and iBook laptops and adjusts
the LCD backlight, sound volume, keyboard backlight or ejects the CD-ROM drive accordingly.</p>
<p>gpomme is a graphical client for pommed. It listens for signals sent by pommed on D-Bus and displays the action taken
by pommed along with the current state associated to this action.</p>
ja: >-
<p>pommed handles the hotkeys found on the Apple MacBook Pro, MacBook Air, MacBook, PowerBook and iBook laptops and adjusts
the LCD backlight, sound volume, keyboard backlight or ejects the CD-ROM drive accordingly.</p>
<p>gpomme は pommed 用のグラフィカルなクライアントです。D-Bus 上で pommed により送信された信号を監視し、pommed が起こしたアクションとそのアクションに 関連した最新ステータスを表示します。</p>
tr: >-
<p>pommed handles the hotkeys found on the Apple MacBook Pro, MacBook Air, MacBook, PowerBook and iBook laptops and adjusts
the LCD backlight, sound volume, keyboard backlight or ejects the CD-ROM drive accordingly.</p>
<p>gpomme is a graphical client for pommed. It listens for signals sent by pommed on D-Bus and displays the action taken
by pommed along with the current state associated to this action.</p>
es: >-
<p>pommed handles the hotkeys found on the Apple MacBook Pro, MacBook Air, MacBook, PowerBook and iBook laptops and adjusts
the LCD backlight, sound volume, keyboard backlight or ejects the CD-ROM drive accordingly.</p>
<p>gpomme is a graphical client for pommed. It listens for signals sent by pommed on D-Bus and displays the action taken
by pommed along with the current state associated to this action.</p>
fr: >-
<p>Pommed gère les raccourcis clavier disponibles sur les ordinateurs portables MacBook Pro, MacBook Air, MacBook, PowerBook
et iBook d'Apple et ajuste le rétro-éclairage LCD, le volume sonore, le rétro-éclairage du clavier ou éjecte le lecteur
de CD-ROM en conséquence.</p>
<p>gpomme est un client graphique pour pommed. Il écoute les signaux envoyés par pommed sur D-Bus et affiche les actions
prises par pommed avec l'état actuel associé à cette action.</p>
en_CA: >-
<p>pommed handles the hotkeys found on the Apple MacBook Pro, MacBook Air, MacBook, PowerBook and iBook laptops and adjusts
the LCD backlight, sound volume, keyboard backlight or ejects the CD-ROM drive accordingly.</p>
<p>gpomme is a graphical client for pommed. It listens for signals sent by pommed on D-Bus and displays the action taken
by pommed along with the current state associated to this action.</p>
en_GB: >-
<p>pommed handles the hotkeys found on the Apple MacBook Pro, MacBook Air, MacBook, PowerBook and iBook laptops and adjusts
the LCD backlight, sound volume, keyboard backlight or ejects the CD-ROM drive accordingly.</p>
<p>gpomme is a graphical client for pommed. It listens for signals sent by pommed on D-Bus and displays the action taken
by pommed along with the current state associated to this action.</p>
it: >-
<p>pommed gestisce i tasti speciali dei laptop Apple MacBook Pro, MacBook Air, MacBook, PowerBook e iBook e li usa in
modo corretto per regolare la retroilluminazione LCD, il volume del suono, la retroilluminazione della tastiera o l'espulsione
del supporto dall'unità CDROM.</p>
<p>gpommed è un client grafico per pommed. Si mette in attesa dei segnali inviati da pommed su D-Bus e mostra l'azione
presa da pommed oltre allo stato corrente associato a quell'azione.</p>
da: >-
<p>pommed håndterer genvejstasterne på de bærbare Apple MacBook Pro, MacBook Air, MacBook, PowerBook og iBook og justere
LCD-baggrundslyset, lydstyrken, tastaturbaggrundslys eller skubbe cd-rom-drevet ud.</p>
<p>gpomme er en grafisk klient for pommed. Den lytter efter signaler sendt af pommed på D-Bus, og viser handlingen udført
af pommed sammen med den aktuelle tilstand, der er forbundet med denne handling.</p>
en_AU: >-
<p>pommed handles the hotkeys found on the Apple MacBook Pro, MacBook Air, MacBook, PowerBook and iBook laptops and adjusts
the LCD backlight, sound volume, keyboard backlight or ejects the CD-ROM drive accordingly.</p>
<p>gpomme is a graphical client for pommed. It listens for signals sent by pommed on D-Bus and displays the action taken
by pommed along with the current state associated to this action.</p>
- Utility
- name: gpomme_gpomme.png
width: 64
height: 64
- name: gpomme_gpomme.png
width: 128
height: 128
Type: desktop-application
ID: gpomme-c.desktop
Package: gpomme
C: pommed GTK client configuration GUI
C: A graphical client for pommed (configuration GUI)
de: >-
<p>Pommed handhabt die Hotkeys, die auf den Laptops Apple MacBook Pro, MacBook Air, MacBook, PowerBook und iBook zu finden
sind und regelt dementsprechend die LCD-Hintergrundbeleuchtung, Lautstärke, Tastaturhintergrundbeleuchtung oder wirft
das CD-ROM-Laufwerk aus.</p>
<p>Gpomme ist ein graphischer Client für pommed. Es hört die von pommed auf dem D-Bus gesendeten Signale ab und zeigt
die von pommed durchgeführte Aktion und deren aktuellen Status an.</p>
zh_CN: >-
<p>pommed 用于处理苹果 MacBook Pro、MacBook Air、MacBook、PowerBook 和 iBook 上的快捷键,可以调节 LCD 背光、音量大小、键盘背光或弹出 CD-ROM 驱动器。</p>
<p>gpomme 是 pommed 的图形界面客户端,它会监听 pommed 通过 D-Bus 发送的信号, 并显示 pommed 执行的操作以及与此相关的状态。</p>
sk: >-
<p>pommed obsluhuje skratkové klávesy nachádzajúce sa na notebookoch Apple MacBook Pro, MacBook Air, MacBook, PowerBook
a iBook a prispôsobuje podsvietenie LCD, hlasitosť zvuku alebo vysunutie CD-ROM.</p>
<p>gpomme je grafický klient pre pommed. Očakáva signály, ktoré posiela pommed po D-Bus a zobrazuje operáciu, ktorú pommed
vykonal spolu s aktuálnym stavom operácie.</p>
sl: >-
<p>pommed handles the hotkeys found on the Apple MacBook Pro, MacBook Air, MacBook, PowerBook and iBook laptops and adjusts
the LCD backlight, sound volume, keyboard backlight or ejects the CD-ROM drive accordingly.</p>
<p>gpomme is a graphical client for pommed. It listens for signals sent by pommed on D-Bus and displays the action taken
by pommed along with the current state associated to this action.</p>
pt_BR: >-
<p>O pommed trata as teclas de atalho encontradas em laptops Apple MacBook Pro, MacBook Air, MacBook, PowerBook e iBook
e ajusta a luz de fundo do LCD, volume do som, luz do teclado ou ejeta o CD-ROM.</p>
<p>O gpomme é um cliente gráfico para o pommed. Escuta por sinais no D-Bus enviados pelo pommed e mostra a acção tomada
pelo pommed junto com o estado corrente associado a esta acção.</p>
pt: >-
<p>O pommed lida adequadamente com as teclas de atalho encontradas no Apple MacBook Pro, MacBook Air, MacBook e portáteis
PowerBook e iBook e ajusta a luz de fundo do LCD, volume de som, luz de fundo do teclado ou ejecta a drive CD-ROM.</p>
<p>O gpomme é um cliente gráfico para o pommed. Escuta por sinais no D-Bus enviados pelo pommed e mostra a acção tomada
pelo pommed junto com o estado corrente associado a esta acção.</p>
C: >-
<p>pommed handles the hotkeys found on the Apple MacBook Pro, MacBook Air, MacBook, PowerBook and iBook laptops and adjusts
the LCD backlight, sound volume, keyboard backlight or ejects the CD-ROM drive accordingly.</p>
<p>gpomme is a graphical client for pommed. It listens for signals sent by pommed on D-Bus and displays the action taken
by pommed along with the current state associated to this action.</p>
uk: >-
<p>pommed handles the hotkeys found on the Apple MacBook Pro, MacBook Air, MacBook, PowerBook and iBook laptops and adjusts
the LCD backlight, sound volume, keyboard backlight or ejects the CD-ROM drive accordingly.</p>
<p>gpomme - це графічний клієнт до pommed. Він слідкує за сигналами, що надсилає через D-Bus pommed та показує, що робить
pommed разом з поточним станом атрибуту, пов’язаного з цією дією.</p>
en: >-
<p>pommed handles the hotkeys found on the Apple MacBook Pro, MacBook Air, MacBook, PowerBook and iBook laptops and adjusts
the LCD backlight, sound volume, keyboard backlight or ejects the CD-ROM drive accordingly.</p>
<p>gpomme is a graphical client for pommed. It listens for signals sent by pommed on D-Bus and displays the action taken
by pommed along with the current state associated to this action.</p>
ru: >-
<p>pommed handles the hotkeys found on the Apple MacBook Pro, MacBook Air, MacBook, PowerBook and iBook laptops and adjusts
the LCD backlight, sound volume, keyboard backlight or ejects the CD-ROM drive accordingly.</p>
<p>gpomme is a graphical client for pommed. It listens for signals sent by pommed on D-Bus and displays the action taken
by pommed along with the current state associated to this action.</p>
ja: >-
<p>pommed handles the hotkeys found on the Apple MacBook Pro, MacBook Air, MacBook, PowerBook and iBook laptops and adjusts
the LCD backlight, sound volume, keyboard backlight or ejects the CD-ROM drive accordingly.</p>
<p>gpomme は pommed 用のグラフィカルなクライアントです。D-Bus 上で pommed により送信された信号を監視し、pommed が起こしたアクションとそのアクションに 関連した最新ステータスを表示します。</p>
tr: >-
<p>pommed handles the hotkeys found on the Apple MacBook Pro, MacBook Air, MacBook, PowerBook and iBook laptops and adjusts
the LCD backlight, sound volume, keyboard backlight or ejects the CD-ROM drive accordingly.</p>
<p>gpomme is a graphical client for pommed. It listens for signals sent by pommed on D-Bus and displays the action taken
by pommed along with the current state associated to this action.</p>
es: >-
<p>pommed handles the hotkeys found on the Apple MacBook Pro, MacBook Air, MacBook, PowerBook and iBook laptops and adjusts
the LCD backlight, sound volume, keyboard backlight or ejects the CD-ROM drive accordingly.</p>
<p>gpomme is a graphical client for pommed. It listens for signals sent by pommed on D-Bus and displays the action taken
by pommed along with the current state associated to this action.</p>
fr: >-
<p>Pommed gère les raccourcis clavier disponibles sur les ordinateurs portables MacBook Pro, MacBook Air, MacBook, PowerBook
et iBook d'Apple et ajuste le rétro-éclairage LCD, le volume sonore, le rétro-éclairage du clavier ou éjecte le lecteur
de CD-ROM en conséquence.</p>
<p>gpomme est un client graphique pour pommed. Il écoute les signaux envoyés par pommed sur D-Bus et affiche les actions
prises par pommed avec l'état actuel associé à cette action.</p>
en_CA: >-
<p>pommed handles the hotkeys found on the Apple MacBook Pro, MacBook Air, MacBook, PowerBook and iBook laptops and adjusts
the LCD backlight, sound volume, keyboard backlight or ejects the CD-ROM drive accordingly.</p>
<p>gpomme is a graphical client for pommed. It listens for signals sent by pommed on D-Bus and displays the action taken
by pommed along with the current state associated to this action.</p>
en_GB: >-
<p>pommed handles the hotkeys found on the Apple MacBook Pro, MacBook Air, MacBook, PowerBook and iBook laptops and adjusts
the LCD backlight, sound volume, keyboard backlight or ejects the CD-ROM drive accordingly.</p>
<p>gpomme is a graphical client for pommed. It listens for signals sent by pommed on D-Bus and displays the action taken
by pommed along with the current state associated to this action.</p>
it: >-
<p>pommed gestisce i tasti speciali dei laptop Apple MacBook Pro, MacBook Air, MacBook, PowerBook e iBook e li usa in
modo corretto per regolare la retroilluminazione LCD, il volume del suono, la retroilluminazione della tastiera o l'espulsione
del supporto dall'unità CDROM.</p>
<p>gpommed è un client grafico per pommed. Si mette in attesa dei segnali inviati da pommed su D-Bus e mostra l'azione
presa da pommed oltre allo stato corrente associato a quell'azione.</p>
da: >-
<p>pommed håndterer genvejstasterne på de bærbare Apple MacBook Pro, MacBook Air, MacBook, PowerBook og iBook og justere
LCD-baggrundslyset, lydstyrken, tastaturbaggrundslys eller skubbe cd-rom-drevet ud.</p>
<p>gpomme er en grafisk klient for pommed. Den lytter efter signaler sendt af pommed på D-Bus, og viser handlingen udført
af pommed sammen med den aktuelle tilstand, der er forbundet med denne handling.</p>
en_AU: >-
<p>pommed handles the hotkeys found on the Apple MacBook Pro, MacBook Air, MacBook, PowerBook and iBook laptops and adjusts
the LCD backlight, sound volume, keyboard backlight or ejects the CD-ROM drive accordingly.</p>
<p>gpomme is a graphical client for pommed. It listens for signals sent by pommed on D-Bus and displays the action taken
by pommed along with the current state associated to this action.</p>
- Utility
- name: gpomme_gpomme.png
width: 64
height: 64
- name: gpomme_gpomme.png
width: 128
height: 128