Type: desktop-application
ID: time.desktop
Package: gnome-system-tools
C: Time and Date
C: Change system time, date, and timezone
pl: >-
<p>Narzędzia Systemowe GNOME są w pełni zintegrowane z zestawem narzędzi w celu ułatwienia prac administracyjnych w systemach
UNIX lub Linux. Zostały pomyślane w taki sposób, aby ułatwić nowym użytkownikom systemów Linux bądź UNIX administrację
<p>Its main advantages are: * Full integration with the new GNOME Control Center. * An user-friendly interface to carry
out the main administration tasks. * The use of a common user interface in every system. * A common structure that makes
easy the development of new system tools. Nowadays there are tools for managing: - Users and groups - Date and time
- Network options - Services - Shares (NFS and Samba)</p>
de: >-
<p>Die GNOME-Systemwerkzeuge sind eine voll integrierte Werkzeugsammlung, um die Administration von UNIX- oder Linux-Computern
zu vereinfachen. Sie soll Allen - vom neuen Linux- oder Unix-Anwender bis hin zum Systemverwalter - helfen.</p>
<p>Its main advantages are: * Full integration with the new GNOME Control Center. * An user-friendly interface to carry
out the main administration tasks. * The use of a common user interface in every system. * A common structure that makes
easy the development of new system tools. Nowadays there are tools for managing: - Users and groups - Date and time
- Network options - Services - Shares (NFS and Samba)</p>
pt_BR: >-
<p>As ferramentas de sistema GNOME ("GNOME System Tools") são um conjunto de ferramentas totalmente integradas
para facilitar o trabalho que é administrar computadores nos sistemas UNIX ou Linux. Elas foram pensadas para ajudar desde
o novo usuário Linux ou UNIX até os administradores de sistema.</p>
<p>Its main advantages are: * Full integration with the new GNOME Control Center. * An user-friendly interface to carry
out the main administration tasks. * The use of a common user interface in every system. * A common structure that makes
easy the development of new system tools. Nowadays there are tools for managing: - Users and groups - Date and time
- Network options - Services - Shares (NFS and Samba)</p>
sk: >-
<p>Systémové nástroje GNOME sú integrovanou sadou nástrojov na uľahčenie správy systému unixových a linuxových systémov.
Majú pomôcť všetkým od nových používateľov po správcov systémov.</p>
<p>Its main advantages are: * Full integration with the new GNOME Control Center. * An user-friendly interface to carry
out the main administration tasks. * The use of a common user interface in every system. * A common structure that makes
easy the development of new system tools. Nowadays there are tools for managing: - Users and groups - Date and time
- Network options - Services - Shares (NFS and Samba)</p>
sl: >-
<p>Sistemska orodja GNOME je polno enovit niz orodij, ki olajša računalniško skrbništvo na sistemih UNIX ali Linux. Mišljena
so za pomoč vsem od novih Linux ali UNIX uporabnikov do sistemskih skrbnikov.</p>
<p>Its main advantages are: * Full integration with the new GNOME Control Center. * An user-friendly interface to carry
out the main administration tasks. * The use of a common user interface in every system. * A common structure that makes
easy the development of new system tools. Nowadays there are tools for managing: - Users and groups - Date and time
- Network options - Services - Shares (NFS and Samba)</p>
ja: >-
<p>GNOME System Tools は UNIX や Linux システムにおけるコンピュータ管理の 仕事を容易にすることを目的とした完全に統合化されたツール群です。新たに Linux や UNIX を使用することとなったユーザからシステム管理者までに役立
<p>Its main advantages are: * Full integration with the new GNOME Control Center. * An user-friendly interface to carry
out the main administration tasks. * The use of a common user interface in every system. * A common structure that makes
easy the development of new system tools. Nowadays there are tools for managing: - Users and groups - Date and time
- Network options - Services - Shares (NFS and Samba)</p>
uk: >-
<p>GNOME System Tools є повним набором інструментів для полегшення роботи, яка полягає в адмініструванні комп’ютерів у
UNIX або Linux системах. Він стане у нагоді як новачкам Linux чи UNIX, так і досвідченим системним адміністраторам.</p>
<p>Its main advantages are: * Full integration with the new GNOME Control Center. * An user-friendly interface to carry
out the main administration tasks. * The use of a common user interface in every system. * A common structure that makes
easy the development of new system tools. Nowadays there are tools for managing: - Users and groups - Date and time
- Network options - Services - Shares (NFS and Samba)</p>
C: >-
<p>The GNOME System Tools are a fully integrated set of tools aimed to make easy the job that means the computer administration
on an UNIX or Linux system. They're thought to help from the new Linux or UNIX user to the system administrators.</p>
<p>Its main advantages are: * Full integration with the new GNOME Control Center. * An user-friendly interface to carry
out the main administration tasks. * The use of a common user interface in every system. * A common structure that makes
easy the development of new system tools. Nowadays there are tools for managing: - Users and groups - Date and time
- Network options - Services - Shares (NFS and Samba)</p>
en: >-
<p>The GNOME System Tools are a fully integrated set of tools aimed to make easy the job that means the computer administration
on an UNIX or Linux system. They're thought to help from the new Linux or UNIX user to the system administrators.</p>
<p>Its main advantages are: * Full integration with the new GNOME Control Center. * An user-friendly interface to carry
out the main administration tasks. * The use of a common user interface in every system. * A common structure that makes
easy the development of new system tools. Nowadays there are tools for managing: - Users and groups - Date and time
- Network options - Services - Shares (NFS and Samba)</p>
sr: >-
<p>Гномови системски алати је потпуно обједињени скуп алата намењених за олакшавање посла што значи администрирање рачунара
на систему ЈУНИКСА или Линукса. Замишљени су као помоћ од нових корисника Линукса или ЈУНИКСА до администратора система.</p>
<p>Its main advantages are: * Full integration with the new GNOME Control Center. * An user-friendly interface to carry
out the main administration tasks. * The use of a common user interface in every system. * A common structure that makes
easy the development of new system tools. Nowadays there are tools for managing: - Users and groups - Date and time
- Network options - Services - Shares (NFS and Samba)</p>
en_CA: >-
<p>The GNOME System Tools are a fully integrated set of tools aimed to make easy the job that means the computer administration
on an UNIX or Linux system. They're thought to help from the new Linux or UNIX user to the system administrators.</p>
<p>Its main advantages are: * Full integration with the new GNOME Control Center. * An user-friendly interface to carry
out the main administration tasks. * The use of a common user interface in every system. * A common structure that makes
easy the development of new system tools. Nowadays there are tools for managing: - Users and groups - Date and time
- Network options - Services - Shares (NFS and Samba)</p>
ru: >-
<p>GNOME System Tools — это интегрированный набор инструментов для упрощения управления компьютером с UNIX или Linux.
Он может помочь как новичкам в Linux или UNIX, так и системным администраторам.</p>
<p>Its main advantages are: * Full integration with the new GNOME Control Center. * An user-friendly interface to carry
out the main administration tasks. * The use of a common user interface in every system. * A common structure that makes
easy the development of new system tools. Nowadays there are tools for managing: - Users and groups - Date and time
- Network options - Services - Shares (NFS and Samba)</p>
es: >-
<p>Las herramientas del sistema de GNOME son un conjunto de herramientas totalmente integradas destinadas a hacer fácil
el trabajo de administración de una máquina con un sistema UNIX o Linux. Están pensadas para ayudar desde usuarios noveles
hasta administradores de sistemas UNIX o Linux.</p>
<p>Its main advantages are: * Full integration with the new GNOME Control Center. * An user-friendly interface to carry
out the main administration tasks. * The use of a common user interface in every system. * A common structure that makes
easy the development of new system tools. Nowadays there are tools for managing: - Users and groups - Date and time
- Network options - Services - Shares (NFS and Samba)</p>
fr: >-
<p>Les utilitaires système de Gnome sont une série d'outils intégrés facilitant l'administration de systèmes
Unix ou Linux. Ils ont été conçus pour aider le nouvel utilisateur Linux ou Unix aussi bien que les administrateurs systèmes.</p>
<p>Its main advantages are: * Full integration with the new GNOME Control Center. * An user-friendly interface to carry
out the main administration tasks. * The use of a common user interface in every system. * A common structure that makes
easy the development of new system tools. Nowadays there are tools for managing: - Users and groups - Date and time
- Network options - Services - Shares (NFS and Samba)</p>
pt: >-
<p>O GNOME System Tools é um conjunto de ferramentas totalmente integrado que visa facilitar o trabalho de administrar
um computador num sistema Unix ou Linux. São pensadas para ajudar desde o novo utilizador de Linux ou Unix até aos administradores
de sistemas.</p>
<p>Its main advantages are: * Full integration with the new GNOME Control Center. * An user-friendly interface to carry
out the main administration tasks. * The use of a common user interface in every system. * A common structure that makes
easy the development of new system tools. Nowadays there are tools for managing: - Users and groups - Date and time
- Network options - Services - Shares (NFS and Samba)</p>
en_GB: >-
<p>The GNOME System Tools are a fully integrated set of tools aimed to make easy the job that means the computer administration
on an UNIX or Linux system. They're thought to help from the new Linux or UNIX user to the system administrators.</p>
<p>Its main advantages are: * Full integration with the new GNOME Control Center. * An user-friendly interface to carry
out the main administration tasks. * The use of a common user interface in every system. * A common structure that makes
easy the development of new system tools. Nowadays there are tools for managing: - Users and groups - Date and time
- Network options - Services - Shares (NFS and Samba)</p>
hu: >-
<p>A GNOME rendszereszközök eszközök teljesen integrált gyűjteménye, amelyek célja a számítógép adminisztrációjának megkönnyítése
UNIX vagy Linux rendszeren. Célja, hogy az új Linux vagy UNIX felhasználótól a rendszergazdákig mindenkit segítsen a rendszer
<p>Its main advantages are: * Full integration with the new GNOME Control Center. * An user-friendly interface to carry
out the main administration tasks. * The use of a common user interface in every system. * A common structure that makes
easy the development of new system tools. Nowadays there are tools for managing: - Users and groups - Date and time
- Network options - Services - Shares (NFS and Samba)</p>
it: >-
<p>I GNOME System Tools sono un insieme completamente integrato di strumenti mirati a rendere facili i compiti relativi
all'amministrazione del sistema su sistemi UNIX o Linux. Sono stati pensati per aiutare sia i nuovi utenti Linux
o UNIX, sia gli amministratori di sistema.</p>
<p>Its main advantages are: * Full integration with the new GNOME Control Center. * An user-friendly interface to carry
out the main administration tasks. * The use of a common user interface in every system. * A common structure that makes
easy the development of new system tools. Nowadays there are tools for managing: - Users and groups - Date and time
- Network options - Services - Shares (NFS and Samba)</p>
da: >-
<p>GNOME System Tools er et fuldt integreret værktøjssæt med det formål, at gøre computeradministrationen nem på et UNIX-
eller LINUX-system. De er tænkt som en hjælp for den nye Linux- eller UNIX-bruger for systemadministratorne.</p>
<p>Its main advantages are: * Full integration with the new GNOME Control Center. * An user-friendly interface to carry
out the main administration tasks. * The use of a common user interface in every system. * A common structure that makes
easy the development of new system tools. Nowadays there are tools for managing: - Users and groups - Date and time
- Network options - Services - Shares (NFS and Samba)</p>
en_AU: >-
<p>The GNOME System Tools are a fully integrated set of tools aimed to make easy the job that means the computer administration
on an UNIX or Linux system. They're thought to help from the new Linux or UNIX user to the system administrators.</p>
<p>Its main advantages are: * Full integration with the new GNOME Control Center. * An user-friendly interface to carry
out the main administration tasks. * The use of a common user interface in every system. * A common structure that makes
easy the development of new system tools. Nowadays there are tools for managing: - Users and groups - Date and time
- Network options - Services - Shares (NFS and Samba)</p>
- System
- Settings
- name: gnome-system-tools_time-admin.png
width: 48
height: 48
- name: gnome-system-tools_time-admin.png
width: 64
height: 64
- name: gnome-system-tools_time-admin.png
width: 128
height: 128
- url: t/ti/time.desktop/742A5BB40EE94296A7D849999F3772A2/icons/128x128/gnome-system-tools_time-admin.png
width: 128
height: 128
- time.desktop
Type: desktop-application
ID: users.desktop
Package: gnome-system-tools
C: Users and Groups
C: Add or remove users and groups
pl: >-
<p>Narzędzia Systemowe GNOME są w pełni zintegrowane z zestawem narzędzi w celu ułatwienia prac administracyjnych w systemach
UNIX lub Linux. Zostały pomyślane w taki sposób, aby ułatwić nowym użytkownikom systemów Linux bądź UNIX administrację
<p>Its main advantages are: * Full integration with the new GNOME Control Center. * An user-friendly interface to carry
out the main administration tasks. * The use of a common user interface in every system. * A common structure that makes
easy the development of new system tools. Nowadays there are tools for managing: - Users and groups - Date and time
- Network options - Services - Shares (NFS and Samba)</p>
de: >-
<p>Die GNOME-Systemwerkzeuge sind eine voll integrierte Werkzeugsammlung, um die Administration von UNIX- oder Linux-Computern
zu vereinfachen. Sie soll Allen - vom neuen Linux- oder Unix-Anwender bis hin zum Systemverwalter - helfen.</p>
<p>Its main advantages are: * Full integration with the new GNOME Control Center. * An user-friendly interface to carry
out the main administration tasks. * The use of a common user interface in every system. * A common structure that makes
easy the development of new system tools. Nowadays there are tools for managing: - Users and groups - Date and time
- Network options - Services - Shares (NFS and Samba)</p>
pt_BR: >-
<p>As ferramentas de sistema GNOME ("GNOME System Tools") são um conjunto de ferramentas totalmente integradas
para facilitar o trabalho que é administrar computadores nos sistemas UNIX ou Linux. Elas foram pensadas para ajudar desde
o novo usuário Linux ou UNIX até os administradores de sistema.</p>
<p>Its main advantages are: * Full integration with the new GNOME Control Center. * An user-friendly interface to carry
out the main administration tasks. * The use of a common user interface in every system. * A common structure that makes
easy the development of new system tools. Nowadays there are tools for managing: - Users and groups - Date and time
- Network options - Services - Shares (NFS and Samba)</p>
sk: >-
<p>Systémové nástroje GNOME sú integrovanou sadou nástrojov na uľahčenie správy systému unixových a linuxových systémov.
Majú pomôcť všetkým od nových používateľov po správcov systémov.</p>
<p>Its main advantages are: * Full integration with the new GNOME Control Center. * An user-friendly interface to carry
out the main administration tasks. * The use of a common user interface in every system. * A common structure that makes
easy the development of new system tools. Nowadays there are tools for managing: - Users and groups - Date and time
- Network options - Services - Shares (NFS and Samba)</p>
sl: >-
<p>Sistemska orodja GNOME je polno enovit niz orodij, ki olajša računalniško skrbništvo na sistemih UNIX ali Linux. Mišljena
so za pomoč vsem od novih Linux ali UNIX uporabnikov do sistemskih skrbnikov.</p>
<p>Its main advantages are: * Full integration with the new GNOME Control Center. * An user-friendly interface to carry
out the main administration tasks. * The use of a common user interface in every system. * A common structure that makes
easy the development of new system tools. Nowadays there are tools for managing: - Users and groups - Date and time
- Network options - Services - Shares (NFS and Samba)</p>
ja: >-
<p>GNOME System Tools は UNIX や Linux システムにおけるコンピュータ管理の 仕事を容易にすることを目的とした完全に統合化されたツール群です。新たに Linux や UNIX を使用することとなったユーザからシステム管理者までに役立
<p>Its main advantages are: * Full integration with the new GNOME Control Center. * An user-friendly interface to carry
out the main administration tasks. * The use of a common user interface in every system. * A common structure that makes
easy the development of new system tools. Nowadays there are tools for managing: - Users and groups - Date and time
- Network options - Services - Shares (NFS and Samba)</p>
uk: >-
<p>GNOME System Tools є повним набором інструментів для полегшення роботи, яка полягає в адмініструванні комп’ютерів у
UNIX або Linux системах. Він стане у нагоді як новачкам Linux чи UNIX, так і досвідченим системним адміністраторам.</p>
<p>Its main advantages are: * Full integration with the new GNOME Control Center. * An user-friendly interface to carry
out the main administration tasks. * The use of a common user interface in every system. * A common structure that makes
easy the development of new system tools. Nowadays there are tools for managing: - Users and groups - Date and time
- Network options - Services - Shares (NFS and Samba)</p>
C: >-
<p>The GNOME System Tools are a fully integrated set of tools aimed to make easy the job that means the computer administration
on an UNIX or Linux system. They're thought to help from the new Linux or UNIX user to the system administrators.</p>
<p>Its main advantages are: * Full integration with the new GNOME Control Center. * An user-friendly interface to carry
out the main administration tasks. * The use of a common user interface in every system. * A common structure that makes
easy the development of new system tools. Nowadays there are tools for managing: - Users and groups - Date and time
- Network options - Services - Shares (NFS and Samba)</p>
en: >-
<p>The GNOME System Tools are a fully integrated set of tools aimed to make easy the job that means the computer administration
on an UNIX or Linux system. They're thought to help from the new Linux or UNIX user to the system administrators.</p>
<p>Its main advantages are: * Full integration with the new GNOME Control Center. * An user-friendly interface to carry
out the main administration tasks. * The use of a common user interface in every system. * A common structure that makes
easy the development of new system tools. Nowadays there are tools for managing: - Users and groups - Date and time
- Network options - Services - Shares (NFS and Samba)</p>
sr: >-
<p>Гномови системски алати је потпуно обједињени скуп алата намењених за олакшавање посла што значи администрирање рачунара
на систему ЈУНИКСА или Линукса. Замишљени су као помоћ од нових корисника Линукса или ЈУНИКСА до администратора система.</p>
<p>Its main advantages are: * Full integration with the new GNOME Control Center. * An user-friendly interface to carry
out the main administration tasks. * The use of a common user interface in every system. * A common structure that makes
easy the development of new system tools. Nowadays there are tools for managing: - Users and groups - Date and time
- Network options - Services - Shares (NFS and Samba)</p>
en_CA: >-
<p>The GNOME System Tools are a fully integrated set of tools aimed to make easy the job that means the computer administration
on an UNIX or Linux system. They're thought to help from the new Linux or UNIX user to the system administrators.</p>
<p>Its main advantages are: * Full integration with the new GNOME Control Center. * An user-friendly interface to carry
out the main administration tasks. * The use of a common user interface in every system. * A common structure that makes
easy the development of new system tools. Nowadays there are tools for managing: - Users and groups - Date and time
- Network options - Services - Shares (NFS and Samba)</p>
ru: >-
<p>GNOME System Tools — это интегрированный набор инструментов для упрощения управления компьютером с UNIX или Linux.
Он может помочь как новичкам в Linux или UNIX, так и системным администраторам.</p>
<p>Its main advantages are: * Full integration with the new GNOME Control Center. * An user-friendly interface to carry
out the main administration tasks. * The use of a common user interface in every system. * A common structure that makes
easy the development of new system tools. Nowadays there are tools for managing: - Users and groups - Date and time
- Network options - Services - Shares (NFS and Samba)</p>
es: >-
<p>Las herramientas del sistema de GNOME son un conjunto de herramientas totalmente integradas destinadas a hacer fácil
el trabajo de administración de una máquina con un sistema UNIX o Linux. Están pensadas para ayudar desde usuarios noveles
hasta administradores de sistemas UNIX o Linux.</p>
<p>Its main advantages are: * Full integration with the new GNOME Control Center. * An user-friendly interface to carry
out the main administration tasks. * The use of a common user interface in every system. * A common structure that makes
easy the development of new system tools. Nowadays there are tools for managing: - Users and groups - Date and time
- Network options - Services - Shares (NFS and Samba)</p>
fr: >-
<p>Les utilitaires système de Gnome sont une série d'outils intégrés facilitant l'administration de systèmes
Unix ou Linux. Ils ont été conçus pour aider le nouvel utilisateur Linux ou Unix aussi bien que les administrateurs systèmes.</p>
<p>Its main advantages are: * Full integration with the new GNOME Control Center. * An user-friendly interface to carry
out the main administration tasks. * The use of a common user interface in every system. * A common structure that makes
easy the development of new system tools. Nowadays there are tools for managing: - Users and groups - Date and time
- Network options - Services - Shares (NFS and Samba)</p>
pt: >-
<p>O GNOME System Tools é um conjunto de ferramentas totalmente integrado que visa facilitar o trabalho de administrar
um computador num sistema Unix ou Linux. São pensadas para ajudar desde o novo utilizador de Linux ou Unix até aos administradores
de sistemas.</p>
<p>Its main advantages are: * Full integration with the new GNOME Control Center. * An user-friendly interface to carry
out the main administration tasks. * The use of a common user interface in every system. * A common structure that makes
easy the development of new system tools. Nowadays there are tools for managing: - Users and groups - Date and time
- Network options - Services - Shares (NFS and Samba)</p>
en_GB: >-
<p>The GNOME System Tools are a fully integrated set of tools aimed to make easy the job that means the computer administration
on an UNIX or Linux system. They're thought to help from the new Linux or UNIX user to the system administrators.</p>
<p>Its main advantages are: * Full integration with the new GNOME Control Center. * An user-friendly interface to carry
out the main administration tasks. * The use of a common user interface in every system. * A common structure that makes
easy the development of new system tools. Nowadays there are tools for managing: - Users and groups - Date and time
- Network options - Services - Shares (NFS and Samba)</p>
hu: >-
<p>A GNOME rendszereszközök eszközök teljesen integrált gyűjteménye, amelyek célja a számítógép adminisztrációjának megkönnyítése
UNIX vagy Linux rendszeren. Célja, hogy az új Linux vagy UNIX felhasználótól a rendszergazdákig mindenkit segítsen a rendszer
<p>Its main advantages are: * Full integration with the new GNOME Control Center. * An user-friendly interface to carry
out the main administration tasks. * The use of a common user interface in every system. * A common structure that makes
easy the development of new system tools. Nowadays there are tools for managing: - Users and groups - Date and time
- Network options - Services - Shares (NFS and Samba)</p>
it: >-
<p>I GNOME System Tools sono un insieme completamente integrato di strumenti mirati a rendere facili i compiti relativi
all'amministrazione del sistema su sistemi UNIX o Linux. Sono stati pensati per aiutare sia i nuovi utenti Linux
o UNIX, sia gli amministratori di sistema.</p>
<p>Its main advantages are: * Full integration with the new GNOME Control Center. * An user-friendly interface to carry
out the main administration tasks. * The use of a common user interface in every system. * A common structure that makes
easy the development of new system tools. Nowadays there are tools for managing: - Users and groups - Date and time
- Network options - Services - Shares (NFS and Samba)</p>
da: >-
<p>GNOME System Tools er et fuldt integreret værktøjssæt med det formål, at gøre computeradministrationen nem på et UNIX-
eller LINUX-system. De er tænkt som en hjælp for den nye Linux- eller UNIX-bruger for systemadministratorne.</p>
<p>Its main advantages are: * Full integration with the new GNOME Control Center. * An user-friendly interface to carry
out the main administration tasks. * The use of a common user interface in every system. * A common structure that makes
easy the development of new system tools. Nowadays there are tools for managing: - Users and groups - Date and time
- Network options - Services - Shares (NFS and Samba)</p>
en_AU: >-
<p>The GNOME System Tools are a fully integrated set of tools aimed to make easy the job that means the computer administration
on an UNIX or Linux system. They're thought to help from the new Linux or UNIX user to the system administrators.</p>
<p>Its main advantages are: * Full integration with the new GNOME Control Center. * An user-friendly interface to carry
out the main administration tasks. * The use of a common user interface in every system. * A common structure that makes
easy the development of new system tools. Nowadays there are tools for managing: - Users and groups - Date and time
- Network options - Services - Shares (NFS and Samba)</p>
- System
- Settings
- name: gnome-system-tools_config-users.png
width: 48
height: 48
- name: gnome-system-tools_config-users.png
width: 64
height: 64
- name: gnome-system-tools_config-users.png
width: 128
height: 128
stock: config-users
- url: u/us/users.desktop/859ADB1B6E68C40D42823F5E7D77E3EB/icons/128x128/gnome-system-tools_config-users.png
width: 128
height: 128
- users.desktop