Type: desktop-application
ID: org.gnome.Recipes.desktop
Package: gnome-recipes
pl: Przepisy
fur: Ricetis
de: Rezepte
pt_BR: Receitas
sk: Recepty
fi: Reseptit
C: Recipes
id: Resep
sr: Рецепти
cs: Recepty
sv: Recept
es: Recetas
hr: Recepti
en_GB: Recipes
ko: 요리
hu: Receptek
ca: Receptes
nl: Recepten
pl: GNOME uwielbia gotować
fur: GNOME al adore cusinâ
de: GNOME kocht gerne
pt_BR: GNOME ama cozinhar
fi: Gnome rakastaa kokkausta
id: GNOME suka memasak
C: GNOME loves to cook
sr: Гном воли да кува
cs: GNOME miluje vaření
sv: GNOME älskar att laga mat
es: A GNOME le encanta cocinar
hr: GNOME voli kuhati
en_GB: GNOME loves to cook
ko: 그놈은 요리를 좋아해요 :)
hu: A GNOME imád főzni
ca: Al GNOME li encanta cuinar
nl: Gnome houdt van koken
pl: >-
<p>Przepisy to łatwy w obsłudze program pomagający odkrywać przepisy na dzisiaj, jutro i resztę tygodnia, a także na specjalne
<p>Program zawiera kolekcję przepisów zebranych przez współtwórców GNOME z całego świata. Umożliwia także dodawanie własnych
przepisów i wysyłanie ich znajomym.</p>
<p>Główne funkcje programu:</p>
<li>Dodawanie i modyfikowanie swoich przepisów</li>
<li>Wysyłanie przepisów znajomym</li>
<li>Eksportowanie i drukowanie list zakupów</li>
<li>Podawanie ilości składników według liczby porcji</li>
<li>Oznaczanie przepisów jako do ugotowania później i dodawanie ich do ulubionych</li>
<li>Dodawanie notatek do przepisów</li>
<li>Tryb czytania instrukcji bez użycia rąk, przydatny w czasie gotowania</li>
de: >-
<p>Rezepte ist eine einfache Anwendung, die dabei hilft zu entdecken, was wir heute, morgen, den Rest der Woche und zu
besonderen Anlässen kochen können.</p>
<p>Rezepte kommt mit einer Sammlung von Rezepten, die von GNOME Benutzern und Entwicklern aus der ganzen Welt zusammengestellt
worden ist. Es lässt Sie auch Ihre eigenen Rezepte eintragen und mit Ihren Freuden teilen.</p>
<p>Die Hauptfunktionen von GNOME Rezepte sind:</p>
<li>Eigene Rezepte hinzufügen und bearbeiten</li>
<li>Rezepte mit Ihren Freunden teilen</li>
<li>Einkaufslisten exportieren und drucken</li>
<li>Mengen anhand der Portionsanzahl anpassen</li>
<li>Rezepte markieren, um sie später zuzubereiten oder zu den Lieblingsrezepten hinzuzufügen</li>
<li>Notizen zu Rezepten hinzufügen</li>
<li>Anweisungsmodus für freihändiges Kochen</li>
pt_BR: >-
<p>O Receitas é um aplicativo fácil de ser usado que irá lhe ajudar a descobrir o que cozinhar hoje, amanhã, pelo resto
da semana e para as suas ocasiões especiais.</p>
<p>O aplicativo Receitas vem com uma coleção de receitas que foram coletadas por contribuidores do GNOME de todo o mundo.
Ele também permite que você armazene suas próprias receitas e as compartilhe com seus amigos.</p>
<p>Os principais recursos do Receitas incluem:</p>
<li>Adicionar e editar suas próprias receitas</li>
<li>Compartilhar receitas com seus amigos</li>
<li>Exportar e imprimir listas de compras</li>
<li>Ajustar quantidades baseado no número de porções</li>
<li>Marcar receitas para cozinhar posteriormente ou adicioná-las a seus favoritos</li>
<li>Adicionar notas às receitas</li>
<li>Modo de instrução de cozimento a mãos-livres</li>
fi: >-
<p>Reseptit on helppokäyttöinen sovellus, jonka avulla löydät kokkausideoita kuluvalle päivälle, huomiselle ja loppuviikolle
sekä erikoistilaisuuksiin.</p>
<p>Reseptit sisältää kokoelman Gnome-avustajien ympäri maailmaa keräämiä reseptejä. Sen avulla voit myös luoda omia reseptejä
ja jakaa niitä ystävien kesken.</p>
<p>Reseptien pääominaisuuksia:</p>
<li>Lisää ja muokkaa omia reseptejä</li>
<li>Jaa reseptejä ystävien kesken</li>
<li>Vie ja tulosta ostoslistoja</li>
<li>Säädä ainesmääriä annosten määrän mukaan</li>
<li>Merkitse reseptejä myöhemmin kokattavaksi ja lisää reseptejä suosikkeihin</li>
<li>Lisää huomioita resepteihin</li>
C: >-
Recipes is an easy-to-use application that will help you to discover what to cook
today, tomorrow, the rest of the week and for your special occasions.
Recipes comes with a collection of recipes that have been collected by GNOME contributors
from all over the world. It also lets you store your own recipes and share them with your
The major features of Recipes include:
<li>Add and edit your own recipes</li>
<li>Share recipes with your friends</li>
<li>Export and print shopping lists</li>
<li>Adjust quantities based on the number of servings</li>
<li>Mark recipes to cook later or add them to your favorites</li>
<li>Add notes to recipes</li>
<li>Hands-free cooking instruction mode</li>
id: >-
<p>Resep adalah aplikasi yang mudah digunakan, yang akan membantu Anda untuk menemukan apa yang akan dimasak hari ini,
besok, sisa minggu dan untuk acara khusus Anda.</p>
<p>Resep hadir dengan koleksi resep yang telah dikumpulkan oleh kontributor GNOME dari seluruh dunia. Hal ini juga memungkinkan
Anda menyimpan resep Anda sendiri, dan membaginya dengan teman-teman Anda.</p>
<p>Fitur utama dari Resep meliputi:</p>
<li>Menambah dan menyunting resep Anda sendiri</li>
<li>Berbagi resep dengan teman Anda</li>
<li>Ekspor dan cetak daftar belanja</li>
<li>Sesuaikan jumlah berdasarkan jumlah porsi</li>
<li>Tandai resep untuk memasak nanti atau menambahkannya ke favorit Anda</li>
<li>Menambahkan catatan ke resep</li>
<li>Mode instruksi memasak hands-free</li>
cs: >-
<p>Recepty jsou snadno použitelnou aplikací, která vám pomůže vybrat, co si uvařit dnes, zítra, po zbytek týdne a při
zvláštních příležitostech.</p>
<p>Recepty přicházejí se sbírkou receptů, které sesbírali přispěvatelé GNOME z celého světa. Můžete si do nich ukládat
i vlastní recepty a sdílet je s přáteli.</p>
<p>K hlavním funkcím aplikace Recepty patří:</p>
<li>Přidávání a úpravy svých vlastních receptů</li>
<li>Sdílení receptů s přáteli</li>
<li>Export a tisk nákupních seznamů</li>
<li>Přepočet množství surovin pro porcí</li>
<li>Označování receptů k pozdějšímu uvaření a označování oblíbených</li>
<li>Přidávání poznámek do receptů</li>
<li>Režim instrukcí pro volén ruce pro vaření</li>
sv: >-
<p>Recept är ett lättanvänt program som hjälper dig med vad du ska laga för mat idag, imorgon, resten av veckan och andra
speciella tillfällen.</p>
<p>Recept kommer med en samling recept som har samlats ihop av GNOME-volontärer från hela världen. Det låter dig också
lagra dina egna recept och dela dem med vänner.</p>
<p>De stora funktionerna för Recept inkluderar:</p>
<li>Lägg till och redigera dina egna recept</li>
<li>Dela recept med dina vänner</li>
<li>Exportera och skriv ut inköpslistor</li>
<li>Anpassa mängder baserat på antalet portioner</li>
<li>Markera recept att laga senare eller lägg till dem till dina favoriter</li>
<li>Lägg till anteckningar till recept</li>
<li>Handlöst tillagningsinstruktionsläge</li>
es: >-
<p>Recetas es una aplicación sencilla de usar que le ayudará a descubrir qué cocinar hoy, mañana, el resto de la semana
y en ocasiones especiales.</p>
<p>Incluye una colección de recetas de colaboradores de GNOME de todo el mundo. También le permite guardar sus propias
recetas y compartirlas con sus amigos.</p>
<p>Entre las principales características de Recetas se incluyen:</p>
<li>Añadir y editar sus propias recetas</li>
<li>Compartir recetas con sus amigos</li>
<li>Exportar e imprimir listas de la compra</li>
<li>Ajustar las cantidades en función de las raciones</li>
<li>Marcar recetas para cocinarlas después o añadirlas a favoritos</li>
<li>Añadir notas a las recetas</li>
<li>Modo de instrucciones de preparación en manos libres</li>
hr: >-
<p>Recepti su jednostavna aplikacija za korištenje koja će vam pomoći da otkrijete što ćete kuhati danas, sutra, ostatak
tjedna ili u vašim posebnim prigodama.</p>
<p>Recepti dolaze sa kolekcijom recepata koje su prikupili GNOME doprinositelji iz cijeloga svijeta. Isto tako vam dopušta
da pohranite svoje vlastite recepte i dijelite ih sa svojim prijateljima.</p>
<p>Glavnina značajki Recepata uključuje:</p>
<li>Dodavanje i uređivanje svojih vlastitih recepata</li>
<li>Dijeljenje recepata sa svojim prijateljima</li>
<li>Izvoz i ispis popisa za kupovinu</li>
<li>Prilagodba količine temeljene na broja porcija</li>
<li>Označavanje recepata za kasnije kuhanje ili dodavanje u omiljene recepte</li>
<li>Dodavanje napomena u recepte</li>
<li>Način rada uputa kuhanja bez upotreba ruku</li>
en_GB: >-
<p>Recipes is an easy-to-use application that will help you to discover what to cook today, tomorrow, the rest of the
week and for your special occasions.</p>
<p>Recipes comes with a collection of recipes that have been collected by GNOME contributors from all over the world.
It also lets you store your own recipes and share them with your friends.</p>
<p>The major features of Recipes include:</p>
<li>Add and edit your own recipes</li>
<li>Share recipes with your friends</li>
<li>Export and print shopping lists</li>
<li>Adjust quantities based on the number of servings</li>
<li>Mark recipes to cook later or add them to your favourites</li>
<li>Add notes to recipes</li>
<li>Hands-free cooking instruction mode</li>
hu: >-
<p>A Receptek egy könnyedén használható alkalmazás, amely a segítségére lesz annak kitalálásában, hogy mit főzzön ma,
holnap, a hét többi napján és különleges alkalmakkor.</p>
<p>A Receptek egy olyan receptgyűjteménnyel érkezik, amelyet a GNOME közreműködők gyűjtöttek össze a világ minden tájáról.
Lehetővé teszi a saját receptjei tárolását is, és megoszthatja azokat az ismerőseivel.</p>
<p>A Receptek főbb funkciói a következők:</p>
<li>Saját receptek hozzáadása és szerkesztése</li>
<li>Receptek megosztása az ismerőseivel</li>
<li>Bevásárlólisták exportálása és nyomtatása</li>
<li>Mennyiségek beállítása az adagok száma alapján</li>
<li>Receptek megjelölése későbbi elkészítéshez, vagy azok hozzáadása a kedvencekhez</li>
<li>Jegyzetek hozzáadása a receptekhez</li>
<li>Kihangosítható főzési utasítások mód</li>
ko: >-
<p>요리는 오늘, 내일 다음주, 특별한 날에 무슨 요리를 할 지 찾아보는데 도움을 주는 쓰기 쉬운 프로그램입니다.</p>
<p>요리는 전세계 여러 그놈 기여자가 모아둔 조리법을 모아두었습니다. 여러분의 조리법을 저장할 수 있고, 이 조리법을 친구와 공유할 수 있습니다.</p>
<p>요리의 주요 기능은 다음과 같습니다:</p>
<li>여러분의 조리법을 추가하고 편집합니다</li>
<li>친구와 조리법을 공유합니다</li>
<li>장보기 목록 내보내고 인쇄하기</li>
<li>제공량에 따라 양을 조절합니다</li>
<li>나중에 요리할 조리법을 표시하거나 즐겨찾기에 추가합니다</li>
<li>조리법에 메모를 추기합니다</li>
<li>간단한 요리 방법 모드</li>
ca: >-
<p>El Receptes és una aplicació fàcil d'utilitzar que us ajudarà a descobrir què cuinar avui, demà, la resta de la setmana
o en les seves ocasions especials.</p>
<p>El Receptes inclou una col·lecció de receptes que han estat recollides pels col·laboradors del GNOME de tot el món.
També us permet emmagatzemar les vostres pròpies receptes i compartir-les amb els vostres amics.</p>
<p>Les funcionalitats del Receptes inclouen:</p>
<li>Afegeix o edita les teves pròpies receptes</li>
<li>Compartiu receptes amb els vostres amics</li>
<li>Exporta i imprimeix llistes de la compra</li>
<li>Afegeix notes a les receptes</li>
C: Matthias Clasen and others
ProjectLicense: GPL-3.0+
- Utility
homepage: https://wiki.gnome.org/Apps/Recipes
bugtracker: https://bugzilla.gnome.org/browse.cgi?product=recipes
donation: https://www.gnome.org/friends
translate: https://wiki.gnome.org/TranslationProject
- name: gnome-recipes_org.gnome.Recipes.png
width: 48
height: 48
- name: gnome-recipes_org.gnome.Recipes.png
width: 64
height: 64
- name: gnome-recipes_org.gnome.Recipes.png
width: 128
height: 128
stock: org.gnome.Recipes
- url: org/gnome/Recipes.desktop/E16C1FD2C1580B6F72493EAC34DF97CE/icons/128x128/gnome-recipes_org.gnome.Recipes.png
width: 128
height: 128
- org.gnome.Recipes.desktop
- application/vnd.gnome.recipes.export
- default: true
pl: Początkowy ekran programu
fur: Schermade iniziâl pe aplicazion
de: Anfangsseite der Anwendung
pt_BR: Tela inicial para o aplicativo
id: Layar awal untuk aplikasi
C: Initial screen for the application
sr: Почетни екран програма
cs: Úvodní obrazovka aplikace
sv: Programmets startskärm
es: Pantalla inicial de la aplicación
hr: Početni prozor aplikacije
en_GB: Initial screen for the application
ko: 프로그램 초기 화면
hu: Az alkalmazás kezdőképernyője
ca: Pantalla inicial de l'aplicació
nl: Openingsscherm voor de toepassing
- url: org/gnome/Recipes.desktop/E16C1FD2C1580B6F72493EAC34DF97CE/screenshots/image-1_752x722.png
width: 752
height: 722
- url: org/gnome/Recipes.desktop/E16C1FD2C1580B6F72493EAC34DF97CE/screenshots/image-1_624x599.png
width: 624
height: 599
- url: org/gnome/Recipes.desktop/E16C1FD2C1580B6F72493EAC34DF97CE/screenshots/image-1_224x215.png
width: 224
height: 215
url: org/gnome/Recipes.desktop/E16C1FD2C1580B6F72493EAC34DF97CE/screenshots/image-1_orig.png
width: 992
height: 953
- caption:
pl: Strona kuchni
fur: La pagjine des cusinis
de: Küchen-Ansicht
pt_BR: A página das cozinhas
fi: Keittiösivu
id: Halaman masakan
C: The cuisines page
sr: Кухињска страница
cs: Stránka kuchyní
sv: Sidan för kokkonst
es: La página de tipos de cocina
hr: Stranica kuhinja
en_GB: The cuisines page
ko: 요리 페이지
hu: A konyhák oldala
ca: Pàgina de les cuines
nl: De gerechtenpagina
- url: org/gnome/Recipes.desktop/E16C1FD2C1580B6F72493EAC34DF97CE/screenshots/image-2_752x778.png
width: 752
height: 778
- url: org/gnome/Recipes.desktop/E16C1FD2C1580B6F72493EAC34DF97CE/screenshots/image-2_624x645.png
width: 624
height: 645
- url: org/gnome/Recipes.desktop/E16C1FD2C1580B6F72493EAC34DF97CE/screenshots/image-2_224x231.png
width: 224
height: 231
url: org/gnome/Recipes.desktop/E16C1FD2C1580B6F72493EAC34DF97CE/screenshots/image-2_orig.png
width: 1004
height: 1039
- caption:
pl: Lista zakupów
fur: Une liste di spese
de: Eine Einkaufsliste
pt_BR: Uma lista de compras
sk: Nákupný zoznam
fi: Ostoslista
C: A shopping list
id: Daftar belanja
sr: Списак за куповину
cs: Nákupní seznam
sv: En inköpslista
es: Una lista de la compra
hr: Popis za kupovinu
en_GB: A shopping list
ko: 장보기 목록
hu: Egy bevásárlólista
ca: Una llista de la compra
- url: org/gnome/Recipes.desktop/E16C1FD2C1580B6F72493EAC34DF97CE/screenshots/image-3_752x762.png
width: 752
height: 762
- url: org/gnome/Recipes.desktop/E16C1FD2C1580B6F72493EAC34DF97CE/screenshots/image-3_624x632.png
width: 624
height: 632
- url: org/gnome/Recipes.desktop/E16C1FD2C1580B6F72493EAC34DF97CE/screenshots/image-3_224x227.png
width: 224
height: 227
url: org/gnome/Recipes.desktop/E16C1FD2C1580B6F72493EAC34DF97CE/screenshots/image-3_orig.png
width: 940
height: 953
- caption:
pl: Gotowanie przepisu
fur: Cusinâ une ricete
de: Nach einem Rezept kochen
pt_BR: Cozinhando uma receita
sk: Varenie receptu
C: Cooking a recipe
id: Memasak resep
sr: Кување рецепта
cs: Vaření podle receptu
sv: Tillaga efter recept
es: Cocinar una receta
hr: Kuhaj recept
en_GB: Cooking a recipe
ko: 조리법 대로 요리하기
hu: Egy recept elkészítése
ca: Cuinant una recepta
- url: org/gnome/Recipes.desktop/E16C1FD2C1580B6F72493EAC34DF97CE/screenshots/image-4_1248x702.png
width: 1248
height: 702
- url: org/gnome/Recipes.desktop/E16C1FD2C1580B6F72493EAC34DF97CE/screenshots/image-4_752x423.png
width: 752
height: 423
- url: org/gnome/Recipes.desktop/E16C1FD2C1580B6F72493EAC34DF97CE/screenshots/image-4_624x351.png
width: 624
height: 351
- url: org/gnome/Recipes.desktop/E16C1FD2C1580B6F72493EAC34DF97CE/screenshots/image-4_224x126.png
width: 224
height: 126
url: org/gnome/Recipes.desktop/E16C1FD2C1580B6F72493EAC34DF97CE/screenshots/image-4_orig.png
width: 1920
height: 1080
- caption:
pl: Modyfikowanie przepisu
fur: Daûr a modificâ une ricete
de: Ein Rezept bearbeiten
pt_BR: Editando uma receita
sk: Úprava receptu
fi: Reseptin muokkausta
C: Editing a recipe
id: Menyunting resep
sr: Уређивање рецепта
cs: Úprava receptu
sv: Redigera ett recept
es: Editando una receta
hr: Uredi recept
en_GB: Editing a recipe
ko: 조리법 편집
hu: Egy recept szerkesztése
ca: Edició d'una recepta
- url: org/gnome/Recipes.desktop/E16C1FD2C1580B6F72493EAC34DF97CE/screenshots/image-5_752x779.png
width: 752
height: 779
- url: org/gnome/Recipes.desktop/E16C1FD2C1580B6F72493EAC34DF97CE/screenshots/image-5_624x646.png
width: 624
height: 646
- url: org/gnome/Recipes.desktop/E16C1FD2C1580B6F72493EAC34DF97CE/screenshots/image-5_224x232.png
width: 224
height: 232
url: org/gnome/Recipes.desktop/E16C1FD2C1580B6F72493EAC34DF97CE/screenshots/image-5_orig.png
width: 1004
height: 1041
- caption:
pl: Jeden przepis
fur: Une ricete individuâl
de: Ein individuelles Rezept
pt_BR: Uma receita individual
sk: Individuálny recept
C: An individual recipe
id: Resep individual
sr: Рецепт појединца
cs: Jednotlivý recept
sv: Ett individuellt recept
es: Una receta individual
hr: Pojedinačni recept
en_GB: An individual recipe
ko: 개별 조리법
hu: Egy egyedi recept
ca: Una recepta individual
nl: Een individueel recept
- url: org/gnome/Recipes.desktop/E16C1FD2C1580B6F72493EAC34DF97CE/screenshots/image-6_752x761.png
width: 752
height: 761
- url: org/gnome/Recipes.desktop/E16C1FD2C1580B6F72493EAC34DF97CE/screenshots/image-6_624x631.png
width: 624
height: 631
- url: org/gnome/Recipes.desktop/E16C1FD2C1580B6F72493EAC34DF97CE/screenshots/image-6_224x226.png
width: 224
height: 226
url: org/gnome/Recipes.desktop/E16C1FD2C1580B6F72493EAC34DF97CE/screenshots/image-6_orig.png
width: 940
height: 952
- caption:
pl: Jedna kuchnia
fur: Une cusine individuâl
de: Eine individuelle Küche
pt_BR: Uma cozinha individual
sk: Individuálna kuchyňa
C: An individual cuisine
id: Masakan individu
sr: Кухиња појединца
cs: Jednotlivá kuchyně
sv: En individuell kokkonst
es: Una cocina individual
hr: Pojedinačna kuhinja
en_GB: An individual cuisine
ko: 개별 요리
hu: Egy egyedi konyha
ca: Una cuina individual
nl: Een individueel gerecht
- url: org/gnome/Recipes.desktop/E16C1FD2C1580B6F72493EAC34DF97CE/screenshots/image-7_752x715.png
width: 752
height: 715
- url: org/gnome/Recipes.desktop/E16C1FD2C1580B6F72493EAC34DF97CE/screenshots/image-7_624x593.png
width: 624
height: 593
- url: org/gnome/Recipes.desktop/E16C1FD2C1580B6F72493EAC34DF97CE/screenshots/image-7_224x213.png
width: 224
height: 213
url: org/gnome/Recipes.desktop/E16C1FD2C1580B6F72493EAC34DF97CE/screenshots/image-7_orig.png
width: 1092
height: 1039
- version: 2.0.2
type: stable
unix-timestamp: 1510358400
C: >-
This release fixes a serious bug in version 2.0.0, which could cause
all ingredients to lose their amounts when editing a recipe.
We also fixed an issue where ingredients without amount would always
get displayed with an errant '1' as amount.
<li>Allow recipes to have long names</li>
<li>New recipes: Tzatziki, Soy Chicken, Rice Maize Apple Cake</li>
<li>New and updated translations: Czech, German</li>
- version: 2.0.0
type: stable
unix-timestamp: 1509321600
C: >-
This release adds new features.
Unit conversion support has landed. There are new settings, volume-unit
and weight-unit, which can be set to 'locale' (the default), 'metric' or
'imperial' to control how units are displayed. We are also formatting
numbers in a human-friendly way and separate them into multiple units
where appropriate. This work was done by Outreachy intern Paxana Amanda Xander.
Support for sharing shopping lists to the Todoist mobile app has landed.
This work was done by Summer of Code intern Ekta Nandwani.
<li>New recipes: Colita con Chimichurri, Fårikål, Marinade, Chicken gravy, Rouladen, Okonomiyaki, various juices,
Boef Bourguignon, Grilled salad, Midsummer nights dream, Sous vide, Struwen</li>
<li>The list of ingredients has been revised and expanded</li>
<li>New and updated translations: Catalan, Croatian, Czech, Finnish, German, Indonesian, Polish, Spanish</li>
- version: 1.6.2
type: stable
unix-timestamp: 1501027200
C: >-
A quick follow-up release to fix some issues.
<li>Avoid a crash when editing ingredients</li>
<li>Use better glyphs as markers in instructions</li>
- version: 1.6.0
type: stable
unix-timestamp: 1501027200
C: >-
This release adds new features.
<li>Improved formatting of numbers as mixed fractions</li>
<li>Recipes can specify a more general yield, instead of just servings, and the amount can be fractional</li>
<li>Lists can be sorted either by name or by recency</li>
<li>The My Recipes list indicates which recipes have been contributed</li>
<li>Recipes can be imported in the Gourmet XML file format</li>
<li>New recipes: Beef Pho, Hawaiian Fish salad, Arroz amarillo, Homemade Mayonnaise and Pad Priew Wan Goong</li>
<li>New and updated translations: Czech, German, Polish</li>
- version: 1.4.6
type: stable
unix-timestamp: 1498089600
C: >-
This release contains a number of bug fixes and minor improvements.
<li>Drag-and-Drop of ingredients is improved</li>
<li>Completion for units is improved</li>
<li>Display of temperature units avoids font fallback</li>
<li>Miscellaneous improvements to editing recipes</li>
<li>Formatting of printed recipes is nicer</li>
<li>New recipe: Henry's original stew</li>
<li>Miscellaneous build fixes (OpenBSD, OS X)</li>
<li>Several crash fixes</li>
<li>New and updated translations: Polish, Spanish</li>
- version: 1.4.4
type: stable
unix-timestamp: 1495411200
C: >-
This release completes the new editing experience for ingredients.
<li>Error handling on the edit page has been improved</li>
<li>A commandline option has been added for starting with a category view</li>
<li>Temperatures are now displayed according to the locale</li>
<li>Ingredients rows can now be reordered with the keyboard</li>
<li>Fix crashes during import and when showing cuisines</li>
<li>Make exporting work with recent GTK+ versions</li>
<li>Add mm, cm and m to the list of known units</li>
<li>Minor fixes on the shopping list and with printing</li>
<li>New and updated translations: German, Indonesian, Polish, Slovenian, Spanish</li>