⇦ | gnome-keysign [universe]
Last updated on: 2020-04-23 11:40 [UTC]

Metadata for gnome-keysign in universe

org.gnome.Keysign - 1.2.0-2 ⚙ all

Type: desktop-application
ID: org.gnome.Keysign
Package: gnome-keysign
  C: Keysign
  C: OpenPGP Keysigning helper
  pl: >-
          GNOME Keysign umożliwia wygodne i bezpieczne podpisywanie kluczy
          OpenPGP przez sieć lokalną lub Bluetooth.
          Można zeskanować kod kreskowy innego klucza i bezpiecznie go
          przesłać, co umożliwia przeprowadzanie nieformalnych sesji
          podpisywania kluczy przez dwie osoby.
          Program używa sprawdzonych zasad, wysyłając zaszyfrowane podpisy
          do UID klucza za pomocą klienta poczty skonfigurowanego przez
  fur: "<p>\n      Al pues scansionâ un codiç a sbaris di une altre clâf e trasferî la \n      clâf in sigurece, permetint
    a dôs personis di fâ sessions casuâls di firme des clâfs.\n      Al seguìs il miôr costum di inviâ lis firmis cifradis\n
    \     al UIDs di une clâf doprant il client E-mail che l'utent al à configurât\n      di doprâ.\n    </p>"
  de: >-
          Das Programm scannt den Barcode eines anderen Schlüssels und überträgt
          den Schlüssel sicher, was spontane Signierpartys zu zweit ermöglicht. Es hält
          sich dabei an die übliche Vorgehensweise. So schickt es die verschlüsselten
          Signaturen als E-Mail-Anhang an die Benutzerkennungen des Schlüssels unter
          Benutzung des E-Mail-Clients, den der Benutzer schon eingerichtet hat.
  pt_BR: >-
          GNOME Keysign permite assinar chaves OpenPGP de forma
          confortável e segura por meio da rede local ou do Bluetooth.
          Ele pode escanear o código de barras de outra tecla e
          transferir a chave com segurança, permitindo sessões
          informais de sinalização de duas partes.
          Ele segue as práticas recomendadas enviando as assinaturas
          criptografadas para os UIDs de uma chave usando o cliente
          de e-mail que o usuário configurou para usar.
  C: >-
          GNOME Keysign allows signing OpenPGP keys comfortably and securely
          via the local network or Bluetooth.
          It can scan another key's barcode and transfer the key securely,
          allowing for casual two-party key signing sessions.
          It follows best practises by sending the encrypted signatures
          to the UIDs of a key using the Email client the user configured
          to use.
  id: "<p>\n      GNOME-Keysign memungkinkan penandatanganan kunci OpenPGP dengan nyaman dan aman\n      melalui jaringan
    lokal atau Bluetooth.\n    </p>\n<p>\n      Ini dapat memindai kode kunci lain dan mentransfer kunci secara aman, \n      memungkinkan
    sesi penandatanganan dua-pihak kasual.\n      Ini mengikuti praktik terbaik dengan mengirimkan tanda tangan terenkripsi\n
    \     ke UID kunci menggunakan klien Surel yang dikonfigurasi pengguna\n      untuk digunakan.\n    </p>"
  cs: >-

    Umí číst čárový kód jiného klíče a klíče bezpečně přenášet, což se hodí pro dvoustranné podepisování klíčů. Drží se osvědčené
    praxe posílání šifrovaných podpisů do UID klíče pomocí e-mailového klienta, kterého pro daný účel uživatel nastavil.</p>
  es_ES: >-
          GNOME-Keysign permite firmar llaves OpenPGP de manera cómoda y segura
          a través de la red local o Bluetooth.
          Puede escanear el código de barra de otra llave y transferirla
          de manera segura, permitiendo sesiones casuales bipartitas de firma de llave.
          Siga buenas prácticas al enviar las firmas cifradas a los UID
          de una llave usando el cliente de correo configurado por
          el usuario.
  fr: >-
          Il peut lire le code-barre d’une autre clé et transférer la clé
          de façon sûre, permettant des sessions de signature de clés bipartites.
          Il suit les bonnes pratiques en envoyant les signatures chiffrées aux
          identifiants UID d’une clé avec le client de messagerie configuré par
  hu: >-
          A GNOME Kulcsaláíró lehetővé teszi, hogy OpenPGP kulcsokat írjon
          alá kényelmesen és biztonságosan a helyi hálózaton vagy
          Bluetoothon keresztül.
          Képes leolvasni egy másik kulcs vonalkódját, és biztonságosan
          átküldeni a kulcsot, így egyszerű kétszereplős kulcsaláírást
          biztosít. Követi a legjobb gyakorlatokat azáltal, hogy a
          felhasználó által beállított levelezőprogramot használja a
          kulcs UID-jaihoz tartozó titkosított aláírások elküldéséhez.
  it: >-
          GNOME-Keysign permette di firmare chiavi OpenPGP in modo semplice e sicuro
          utilizzando la rete locale o il Bluetooth.
          È possibile leggere il codice a barre di un altro e trasferire la chiave
          in modo sicuro, permettendo a due persone di effettuare una sessione di
          firma delle chiavi.
          Segue le linee guida inviando le firme cifrate agli UID della chiave
          utilizzando il client email configurato dall'utente.
  nl: >-
          Gnome Keysign laat u eenvoudig en veilig OpenPGP-sleutels ondertekenen
          via het lokale netwerk of Bluetooth.
          Het kan de barcode van een andere sleutel scannen en de sleutel veilig overdragen,
          wat informele sleutelondertekeningssessies tussen twee partijen mogelijk maakt.
          Het verzendt de versleutelde ondertekeningen naar de UID’s van een sleutel
          met de door de gebruiker ingestelde e-mailcliënt.
  da: >-
          GNOME Nøgleunderskriver gør det muligt at underskrive OpenPGP-nøgler
          komfortabelt og sikkert via det lokale netværk eller Bluetooth.
          Den kan skanne andre nøglers stregkode og overføre nøglen sikkert,
          hvilket giver afslappede nøgleunderskrivningssessioner mellem to parter.
          Den følger bedste praksisser ved at sende de krypterede underskrifter
          til UID'erne af en nøgle med den e-mailklient brugeren har
ProjectGroup: GNOME
ProjectLicense: GPL-3.0+
- Utility
  - python
  - gpg
  - gnupg
  - clâf
  - openpgp
  - python
  - gpg
  - gnupg
  - Schlüssel
  - openpgp
  - gpg
  - gnupg
  - klucz
  - openpgp
  - podpisz
  - podpisywanie
  - python
  - gpg
  - gnupg
  - chave
  - openpgp
  - python
  - gpg
  - gnupg
  - key
  - openpgp
  - avain
  - python
  - gpg
  - gnupg
  - key
  - openpgp
  - python
  - gpg
  - gnupg
  - kunci
  - openpgp
  - python
  - gpg
  - gnupg
  - clé
  - openpgp
  - python
  - gpg
  - gnupg
  - kulcs
  - openpgp
  - python
  - gpg
  - gnupg
  - chiave
  - openpgp
  - python
  - gpg
  - gnupg
  - nøgle
  - openpgp
  - python
  - gpg
  - gnupg
  - key
  - openpgp
  - sleutel
  - versleuteling
  homepage: https://wiki.gnome.org/Apps/Keysign
  bugtracker: https://github.com/gnome-keysign/gnome-keysign/issues
  - name: gnome-keysign_org.gnome.Keysign.png
    width: 48
    height: 48
  - name: gnome-keysign_org.gnome.Keysign.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  - name: gnome-keysign_org.gnome.Keysign.png
    width: 128
    height: 128
  stock: org.gnome.Keysign
  - url: org/gnome/Keysign/247D6CE8FB95EF0ABCE2FF273F63B7D1/icons/128x128/gnome-keysign_org.gnome.Keysign.png
    width: 128
    height: 128
  - org.gnome.Keysign.desktop
- default: true
  - url: org/gnome/Keysign/247D6CE8FB95EF0ABCE2FF273F63B7D1/screenshots/image-1_624x510.png
    width: 624
    height: 510
  - url: org/gnome/Keysign/247D6CE8FB95EF0ABCE2FF273F63B7D1/screenshots/image-1_224x183.png
    width: 224
    height: 183
    url: org/gnome/Keysign/247D6CE8FB95EF0ABCE2FF273F63B7D1/screenshots/image-1_orig.png
    width: 646
    height: 529
- thumbnails:
  - url: org/gnome/Keysign/247D6CE8FB95EF0ABCE2FF273F63B7D1/screenshots/image-2_624x510.png
    width: 624
    height: 510
  - url: org/gnome/Keysign/247D6CE8FB95EF0ABCE2FF273F63B7D1/screenshots/image-2_224x183.png
    width: 224
    height: 183
    url: org/gnome/Keysign/247D6CE8FB95EF0ABCE2FF273F63B7D1/screenshots/image-2_orig.png
    width: 646
    height: 529
- version: 1.2.0
  type: stable
  unix-timestamp: 1571788800
    C: >-
               * Fix error stemming from removing the crashing gpgme detection
               * build: Unvendorise babel-glade python module
               * change email message to facilitate usage of certifications
- version: 1.1.1
  type: stable
  unix-timestamp: 1568332800
    C: >-
               * Allow to drag and drop an email or its attachment into the app
               * show options to save produced certification as a file
               * Added a tooltip to the Internet button
               * Change logo to a wax seal
               * select usable private keys for signing, only
               * made appdata file validate under stricter requirements
- version: 1.0.1
  type: stable
  unix-timestamp: 1548028800
    C: >-
               * fixed up appdata
               * Cater for newer wormhole close() semantics
- version: 1.0.0
  type: stable
  unix-timestamp: 1546905600
    C: >-
               * Run with python3 from the desktop file
               * Removed monkeysign support
               * Stop installing gks-qrcode
               * Increased Python2 support in the tests
               * Fixed stopping wormhole discovery
               * Ship a new icon for the app
               * Removed gpgmh wrapper module
- version: 0.9.9
  type: stable
  unix-timestamp: 1535587200
    C: >-
      <p>Transfer keys via the Internet through Magic Wormhole</p>
- version: 0.9.8
  type: stable
  unix-timestamp: 1530662400
    C: >-
      <p>Check for Bluetooth in a separate thread, detect powered off Bluetooth device, do not show offline keys</p>
    violence-cartoon: none
    violence-fantasy: none
    violence-realistic: none
    violence-bloodshed: none
    violence-sexual: none
    drugs-alcohol: none
    drugs-narcotics: none
    drugs-tobacco: none
    sex-nudity: none
    sex-themes: none
    language-profanity: none
    language-humor: none
    language-discrimination: none
    social-chat: none
    social-info: none
    social-audio: none
    social-location: none
    social-contacts: intense
    money-purchasing: none
    money-gambling: none