⇦ | geneweb [universe]
Last updated on: 2020-04-23 11:40 [UTC]

Metadata for geneweb in universe

geneweb.desktop - 6.08+git20181019+dfsg-2 ⚙ amd64 ⚙ armhf ⚙ arm64 ⚙ ppc64el ⚙ s390x

Type: desktop-application
ID: geneweb.desktop
Package: geneweb
  C: geneweb
  fr: Logiciel de généalogie Geneweb - page d'accueil
  C: Geneweb genealogy software - start page
  pl: >-
    <p>Geneweb służy do monitorowania danych genealogicznych. Jest potężnym systemem do utrzymywania zbioru informacji na
    temat historii danej rodziny. Obsługuje znaczącą część systemu znaczników GEDCOM do przechowywania danych i może być używany
    zarówno jako główny system do archiwizowania danych genealogicznych, jak i usługa WWW (za pośrednictwem interfejsu CGI),
    do publikowania danych na użytek innych osób.</p>
  de: >-
    <p>Mit Geneweb kann man einen Überblick über die Vorfahren betreffenden Daten behalten. Es ist ein leistungsstarkes System,
    mit dem ein Datensatz über die Familiengeschichte gepflegt werden kann. Unterstützt wird ein Großteil des GEDCOM-Kennzeichnungssystems
    (GEDCOM: GEnealogical Data COMmunication). Geneweb kann direkt als System zur Archivierung genealogischer Daten oder als
    (mit einer CGI-Schnittstelle) Webdienst zur Veröffentlichung ihrer Daten zur Nutzung für andere verwendet werden.</p>
  pt_BR: >-
    <p>Geneweb allows keeping track of ancestral data. It is a powerful system for maintaining a set of data about your family
    history. It supports much of the GEDCOM tag system for data storage, and can be used either as your primary system for
    archiving genealogical data, or as a web service (through a CGI interface) for publishing your data for others to use.</p>
  ja: >-
    <p>Geneweb allows keeping track of ancestral data. It is a powerful system for maintaining a set of data about your family
    history. It supports much of the GEDCOM tag system for data storage, and can be used either as your primary system for
    archiving genealogical data, or as a web service (through a CGI interface) for publishing your data for others to use.</p>
  uk: >-
    <p>Geneweb дозволяє відслідковувати родинні стосунки. Це потужна система для роботи з даними про сімейну історію. Підтримує
    значну частину системи міток GEDCOM для зберігання даних, може використовуватися як основна система для ведення архіву
    генеалогічних даних або як веб-cервіс (через інтерфейс CGI) для надання доступу до даних іншим особам.</p>
  C: >-
    <p>Geneweb allows keeping track of ancestral data. It is a powerful system for maintaining a set of data about your family
    history. It supports much of the GEDCOM tag system for data storage, and can be used either as your primary system for
    archiving genealogical data, or as a web service (through a CGI interface) for publishing your data for others to use.</p>
  en: >-
    <p>Geneweb allows keeping track of ancestral data. It is a powerful system for maintaining a set of data about your family
    history. It supports much of the GEDCOM tag system for data storage, and can be used either as your primary system for
    archiving genealogical data, or as a web service (through a CGI interface) for publishing your data for others to use.</p>
  ru: >-
    <p>Geneweb allows keeping track of ancestral data. It is a powerful system for maintaining a set of data about your family
    history. It supports much of the GEDCOM tag system for data storage, and can be used either as your primary system for
    archiving genealogical data, or as a web service (through a CGI interface) for publishing your data for others to use.</p>
  en_CA: >-
    <p>Geneweb allows keeping track of ancestral data. It is a powerful system for maintaining a set of data about your family
    history. It supports much of the GEDCOM tag system for data storage, and can be used either as your primary system for
    archiving genealogical data, or as a web service (through a CGI interface) for publishing your data for others to use.</p>
  es: >-
    <p>Geneweb allows keeping track of ancestral data. It is a powerful system for maintaining a set of data about your family
    history. It supports much of the GEDCOM tag system for data storage, and can be used either as your primary system for
    archiving genealogical data, or as a web service (through a CGI interface) for publishing your data for others to use.</p>
  fr: >-
    <p>Geneweb allows keeping track of ancestral data. It is a powerful system for maintaining a set of data about your family
    history. It supports much of the GEDCOM tag system for data storage, and can be used either as your primary system for
    archiving genealogical data, or as a web service (through a CGI interface) for publishing your data for others to use.</p>
  pt: >-
    <p>Geneweb allows keeping track of ancestral data. It is a powerful system for maintaining a set of data about your family
    history. It supports much of the GEDCOM tag system for data storage, and can be used either as your primary system for
    archiving genealogical data, or as a web service (through a CGI interface) for publishing your data for others to use.</p>
  en_GB: >-
    <p>Geneweb allows keeping track of ancestral data. It is a powerful system for maintaining a set of data about your family
    history. It supports much of the GEDCOM tag system for data storage, and can be used either as your primary system for
    archiving genealogical data, or as a web service (through a CGI interface) for publishing your data for others to use.</p>
  ko: >-
    <p>Geneweb은 조상의 데이타를 추적할 수 있도록 합니다. Geneweb은 사용자 가족사 에 대한 데이타 세트를 관리하기 위한 강력한 시스템입니다. Geneweb은 GEDCOM 태그 시스템의 대부분을 지원하며,
    족보 데이타를 보관하기 위한 당신의 주 시스 템으로 사용하거나, 또는 다른 사람이 사용할 수 있도록 당신의 데이타를 웹 서 비스 (CGI 인터페이스를 통해)로 게시할 수도 있습니다.</p>
  it: >-
    <p>Geneweb permette di tenere traccia dei dati degli antenati. È un potente sistema per conservare un insieme di dati
    sulla storia della propria famiglia. Gestisce buona parte del sistema di tag GEDCOM per la memorizzazione dei dati e può
    essere usato sia come sistema primario per archiviare i propri dati genealogici, sia come servizio web (attraverso un&apos;interfaccia
    CGI) per rendere tali informazioni disponibili ad altri.</p>
  da: >-
    <p>Geneweb giver mulighed for at holde styr på forfædres data. Det er et kraftigt system til at opretholde et sæt af data
    om din families historie. Det understøtter meget af GEDCOM-mærkesystemet til lagring af data, og kan bruges enten som
    dit primære system til arkivering af genealogiske data, eller som en nettjeneste (via en CGI-grænseflade) for udgivelse
    af dine data til andre.</p>
  en_AU: >-
    <p>Geneweb allows keeping track of ancestral data. It is a powerful system for maintaining a set of data about your family
    history. It supports much of the GEDCOM tag system for data storage, and can be used either as your primary system for
    archiving genealogical data, or as a web service (through a CGI interface) for publishing your data for others to use.</p>
- Office
- Database
  - Genealogy
  - Web
  - Database
  - Family tree
  - Consanguinity
  - gedcom
  - ged
  - gw
  - name: geneweb_geneweb.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  - geneweb.desktop