⇦ | gcx [universe]
Last updated on: 2020-04-23 11:40 [UTC]

Metadata for gcx in universe

gcx.desktop - 1.3-1.1build1 ⚙ amd64 ⚙ armhf ⚙ arm64 ⚙ ppc64el ⚙ s390x

Type: desktop-application
ID: gcx.desktop
Package: gcx
  C: GCX Astro-Image Processor
  C: Process astronomical images and control CCDs
  pl: >-
    <p>Gcx jest narzędziem do obróbki zdjęć astronomicznych i redukcji danych, o prostym graficznym interfejsie użytkownika.
    Dostarcza kompletny zestaw funkcji do  redukowania danych w fotometrii CCD, z dopasowywaniem obszaru WCS, automatyczną
    identyfikacją gwiazd, fotometrycznym przesłanianiem obiektu docelowego i standardowych gwiazd, wyszukiwaniem całkowitej
    fotometrii pojedynczego obrazu, dopasowywaniem współczynnika koloru z wielu zdjęć, dopasowywaniem współczynnika ekstynkcji
    oraz fotometrią całego nieba. Program dostarcza również uniwersalne funkcje do przetwarzania astronomicznych obrazów (bias,
    dark, flat, wyrównywanie i układanie zdjęć). Może funkcjonować jako przeglądarka plików w formacie FITS.</p>

    <p>Program może sterować kamerami CCD i teleskopami, a ponadto implementować skrypty do automatycznych obserwacji. Kamery
    kontrolowane są poprzez specyficzny dla sprzętu serwer, z którym Gcx łączy się poprzez gniazda TCP. Program generuje pliki
    FITS ze szczegółowymi informacjami nagłówkowymi.</p>
  C: >-
    <p>Gcx is an astronomical image processing and data reduction tool, with an easy to use graphical user interface. It provides
    a complete set of data reduction functions for CCD photometry, with frame WCS fitting, automatic star identification,
    aperture photometry of target and standard stars, single-frame ensemble photometry solution finding, multi-frame color
    coefficient fitting, extinction coefficient fitting, and all-sky photometry; as well as general-purpose astronomical image
    processing functions (bias, dark, flat, frame alignment and stacking); It can function as a FITS viewer.</p>

    <p>The program can control CCD cameras and telescopes, and implement automatic observation scripting. Cameras are controlled
    through a hardware-specific server, to which gcx connects through a TCP socket. It generates FITS files with comprehensive
    header information.</p>
  en: >-
    <p>Gcx is an astronomical image processing and data reduction tool, with an easy to use graphical user interface. It provides
    a complete set of data reduction functions for CCD photometry, with frame WCS fitting, automatic star identification,
    aperture photometry of target and standard stars, single-frame ensemble photometry solution finding, multi-frame color
    coefficient fitting, extinction coefficient fitting, and all-sky photometry; as well as general-purpose astronomical image
    processing functions (bias, dark, flat, frame alignment and stacking); It can function as a FITS viewer.</p>

    <p>The program can control CCD cameras and telescopes, and implement automatic observation scripting. Cameras are controlled
    through a hardware-specific server, to which gcx connects through a TCP socket. It generates FITS files with comprehensive
    header information.</p>
  en_CA: >-
    <p>Gcx is an astronomical image processing and data reduction tool, with an easy to use graphical user interface. It provides
    a complete set of data reduction functions for CCD photometry, with frame WCS fitting, automatic star identification,
    aperture photometry of target and standard stars, single-frame ensemble photometry solution finding, multi-frame color
    coefficient fitting, extinction coefficient fitting, and all-sky photometry; as well as general-purpose astronomical image
    processing functions (bias, dark, flat, frame alignment and stacking); It can function as a FITS viewer.</p>

    <p>The program can control CCD cameras and telescopes, and implement automatic observation scripting. Cameras are controlled
    through a hardware-specific server, to which gcx connects through a TCP socket. It generates FITS files with comprehensive
    header information.</p>
  ru: >-
    <p>Gcx is an astronomical image processing and data reduction tool, with an easy to use graphical user interface. It provides
    a complete set of data reduction functions for CCD photometry, with frame WCS fitting, automatic star identification,
    aperture photometry of target and standard stars, single-frame ensemble photometry solution finding, multi-frame color
    coefficient fitting, extinction coefficient fitting, and all-sky photometry; as well as general-purpose astronomical image
    processing functions (bias, dark, flat, frame alignment and stacking); It can function as a FITS viewer.</p>

    <p>The program can control CCD cameras and telescopes, and implement automatic observation scripting. Cameras are controlled
    through a hardware-specific server, to which gcx connects through a TCP socket. It generates FITS files with comprehensive
    header information.</p>
  fr: >-
    <p>Gcx is an astronomical image processing and data reduction tool, with an easy to use graphical user interface. It provides
    a complete set of data reduction functions for CCD photometry, with frame WCS fitting, automatic star identification,
    aperture photometry of target and standard stars, single-frame ensemble photometry solution finding, multi-frame color
    coefficient fitting, extinction coefficient fitting, and all-sky photometry; as well as general-purpose astronomical image
    processing functions (bias, dark, flat, frame alignment and stacking); It can function as a FITS viewer.</p>

    <p>The program can control CCD cameras and telescopes, and implement automatic observation scripting. Cameras are controlled
    through a hardware-specific server, to which gcx connects through a TCP socket. It generates FITS files with comprehensive
    header information.</p>
  en_GB: >-
    <p>Gcx is an astronomical image processing and data reduction tool, with an easy to use graphical user interface. It provides
    a complete set of data reduction functions for CCD photometry, with frame WCS fitting, automatic star identification,
    aperture photometry of target and standard stars, single-frame ensemble photometry solution finding, multi-frame color
    coefficient fitting, extinction coefficient fitting, and all-sky photometry; as well as general-purpose astronomical image
    processing functions (bias, dark, flat, frame alignment and stacking); It can function as a FITS viewer.</p>

    <p>The program can control CCD cameras and telescopes, and implement automatic observation scripting. Cameras are controlled
    through a hardware-specific server, to which gcx connects through a TCP socket. It generates FITS files with comprehensive
    header information.</p>
  it: >-
    <p>Gcx è uno strumento per elaborare immagini astronomiche e per la riduzione dati, con un&apos;interfaccia grafica semplice
    da usare. Fornisce un insieme completo di funzioni per la riduzione dati per fotometria CCD, con fit WCS del campo, identificazione
    automatica delle stelle, fotometria di apertura sia per il target che per le stelle standard, fotometria d&apos;insieme
    sulla singola immagine, fit su più immagini dei coefficienti per i colori e l&apos;estinzione, fotometria all-sky; oltre
    che funzioni generiche per elaborare le immagini (bias, dark, flat, allineamento e stacking). Può funzionare come visualizzatore
    di file FITS.</p>

    <p>Il programma può controllare fotocamere CCD e telescopi, e implementa procedure per le osservazioni automatizzate.
    Le fotocamere sono controllate attraverso un server specifico a cui gcx si collega attraverso socket TCP. Genera file
    FITS con informazioni dettagliate nell&apos;header.</p>
  en_AU: >-
    <p>Gcx is an astronomical image processing and data reduction tool, with an easy to use graphical user interface. It provides
    a complete set of data reduction functions for CCD photometry, with frame WCS fitting, automatic star identification,
    aperture photometry of target and standard stars, single-frame ensemble photometry solution finding, multi-frame color
    coefficient fitting, extinction coefficient fitting, and all-sky photometry; as well as general-purpose astronomical image
    processing functions (bias, dark, flat, frame alignment and stacking); It can function as a FITS viewer.</p>

    <p>The program can control CCD cameras and telescopes, and implement automatic observation scripting. Cameras are controlled
    through a hardware-specific server, to which gcx connects through a TCP socket. It generates FITS files with comprehensive
    header information.</p>
- Education
- Science
- Astronomy
  - name: gcx_gcx.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  - name: gcx_gcx.png
    width: 128
    height: 128