gchemtable-0.14.desktop - 0.14.17-3 ⚙ amd64
⚙ armhf
⚙ arm64
⚙ ppc64el
⚙ s390x
Type: desktop-application
ID: gchemtable-0.14.desktop
Package: gcu-bin
C: GChemTable
pl: Układ okresowy pierwiastków Mendelejewa
de: Mendelejew's Periodensystem der Elemente
pt_BR: Tabela de Mendeleiev dos elementos químicos
zh_CN: 化学元素周期表
C: A Mendeleiev table of the chemical elements
el: Ένας πίνακας Μεντελέγιεφ των χημικών στοιχείων
ru: Периодическая таблица химических элементов Д.И.Менделеева
zh_TW: 門得列夫週期表
fr: Tableau de Mendeleiev des éléments chimiques
eu: Elementu kimikoen Mendeleiev taula bat.
it: U tavola di Mendeleiev di elementi chimici
pl: >-
<p>GNOME Chemistry Utils dostarcza klasy C++ i 2 widżety GTK+ związane z chemią. Zostaną one wykorzystane w przyszłych
wersjach, zarówno gcrystal jak i gchempaint.</p>
<p>Pakiet udostępnia 4 aplikacje:</p>
<p> * a molecular structures viewer (GChem3D) * a molar mass calculator (GChemCalc) * a periodic table of the elements
(GChemTable) * a spectra viewer (GSpectrum)</p>
de: >-
<p>Die GNOME-Chemiewerkzeuge bieten chemiebezogene C++-Klassen und Gtk+-2-Oberflächenelemente. Sie werden in künftigen
Versionen von gcrystal und gchempaint zum Einsatz kommen.</p>
<p>This package provides 4 applications:</p>
<p> * a molecular structures viewer (GChem3D) * a molar mass calculator (GChemCalc) * a periodic table of the elements
(GChemTable) * a spectra viewer (GSpectrum)</p>
sk: >-
<p>Chemické nástroje GNOME poskytujú triedy C++ a ovládacie prvky Gtk+-2 týkajúce sa chémie. Budú použité v budúcich verziách
gcrystal a gchempaint.</p>
<p>Tento balík poskytuje 4 aplikácie:</p>
<p> * a molecular structures viewer (GChem3D) * a molar mass calculator (GChemCalc) * a periodic table of the elements
(GChemTable) * a spectra viewer (GSpectrum)</p>
sl: >-
<p>Kemijski pripomočki GNOME zagotavljajo razrede C++ in gradnike Gtk+-2, ki so povezani s kemijo. Uporabljale ju bodo
prihodnje različice programov gcrystal in chempaint.</p>
<p>Ta paket vsebuje 4 programe:</p>
<p> * pregledovalnik molekularnih struktur (GChem3D) * računalo molske mase (GChemCalc) * periodni sistem elementov
(GChemTable) * pregledovalnik spektrov (GSpectrum)</p>
ja: >-
<p>GNOME Chemistry Utils は化学関連の C++ クラスおよび Gtk+-2 ウィジェットを 提供します。これらは gcrystal および gchempaint の将来のバージョンで利用 される予定です。</p>
<p>本パッケージは 4 つのアプリケーションを提供します:</p>
<p> * a molecular structures viewer (GChem3D) * a molar mass calculator (GChemCalc) * a periodic table of the elements
(GChemTable) * a spectra viewer (GSpectrum)</p>
uk: >-
<p>Хімічні утиліти для GNOME надають пов’язані з хімією класи на Сі++ та візуальні компоненти на Gtk+ вер. 2. Вони будуть
використовуватися в майбутніх версіях застосунків gCrystal та gChemPaint.</p>
<p>Цей пакунок містить 4 застосунки:</p>
<p> * a molecular structures viewer (GChem3D) * a molar mass calculator (GChemCalc) * a periodic table of the elements
(GChemTable) * a spectra viewer (GSpectrum)</p>
C: >-
<p>The GNOME Chemistry Utils provide C++ classes and Gtk+-2 widgets related to chemistry. They will be used in future
versions of both gcrystal and gchempaint.</p>
<p>This package provides 4 applications:</p>
<p> * a molecular structures viewer (GChem3D) * a molar mass calculator (GChemCalc) * a periodic table of the elements
(GChemTable) * a spectra viewer (GSpectrum)</p>
en: >-
<p>The GNOME Chemistry Utils provide C++ classes and Gtk+-2 widgets related to chemistry. They will be used in future
versions of both gcrystal and gchempaint.</p>
<p>This package provides 4 applications:</p>
<p> * a molecular structures viewer (GChem3D) * a molar mass calculator (GChemCalc) * a periodic table of the elements
(GChemTable) * a spectra viewer (GSpectrum)</p>
ru: >-
<p>The GNOME Chemistry Utils provide C++ classes and Gtk+-2 widgets related to chemistry. They will be used in future
versions of both gcrystal and gchempaint.</p>
<p>Этот пакет содержит 4 приложения:</p>
<p> * средство просмотра молекулярных структур (GChem3D) * вычислитель молярной массы (GChemCalc) * периодическая таблица
элементов (GChemTable) * средство просмотра спектров (GSpectrum)</p>
en_CA: >-
<p>The GNOME Chemistry Utils provide C++ classes and Gtk+-2 widgets related to chemistry. They will be used in future
versions of both gcrystal and gchempaint.</p>
<p>This package provides 4 applications:</p>
<p> * a molecular structures viewer (GChem3D) * a molar mass calculator (GChemCalc) * a periodic table of the elements
(GChemTable) * a spectra viewer (GSpectrum)</p>
fr: >-
<p>Les utilitaires de chimie GNOME fournissent des classes C++ et des widgets Gtk+-2 relatifs à la chimie. Ils seront
utilisés dans les futures versions de gcrystal et gchempaint.</p>
<p>Ce paquet fournit 4 applications :</p>
<p> * une visionneuse de structures moléculaires (GChem3D) * un calculateur de masse molaire (GChemCalc) * un tableau
périodique des éléments (GChemTable) * une visionneuse de spectre (GSpectrum)</p>
en_GB: >-
<p>The GNOME Chemistry Utils provide C++ classes and Gtk+-2 widgets related to chemistry. They will be used in future
versions of both gcrystal and gchempaint.</p>
<p>This package provides 4 applications:</p>
<p> * a molecular structures viewer (GChem3D) * a molar mass calculator (GChemCalc) * a periodic table of the elements
(GChemTable) * a spectra viewer (GSpectrum)</p>
it: >-
<p>Le utilità GNOME per la chimica forniscono classi C++ e widget GTK+v2 relativi alla chimica. Saranno usate dalle versioni
future sia di gcrystal che di gchempaint.</p>
<p>Questo pacchetto contiene quattro applicazioni:</p>
<p> * a molecular structures viewer (GChem3D) * a molar mass calculator (GChemCalc) * a periodic table of the elements
(GChemTable) * a spectra viewer (GSpectrum)</p>
da: >-
<p>GNOME Chemistry Utils tilbyder C++-klasser og Gtk+-2-kontroller relateret til kemi. De vil blive brugt i fremtidige
versioner for både gcrystal og gchempaint.</p>
<p>Denne pakke tilbyder 4 programmer:</p>
<p> * a molecular structures viewer (GChem3D) * a molar mass calculator (GChemCalc) * a periodic table of the elements
(GChemTable) * a spectra viewer (GSpectrum)</p>
en_AU: >-
<p>The GNOME Chemistry Utils provide C++ classes and Gtk+-2 widgets related to chemistry. They will be used in future
versions of both gcrystal and gchempaint.</p>
<p>This package provides 4 applications:</p>
<p> * a molecular structures viewer (GChem3D) * a molar mass calculator (GChemCalc) * a periodic table of the elements
(GChemTable) * a spectra viewer (GSpectrum)</p>
- Education
- Science
- Chemistry
- chemistry
- Mendeleiev
- periodic table
- name: gcu-bin_gchemtable.png
width: 48
height: 48
- name: gcu-bin_gchemtable.png
width: 64
height: 64
- name: gcu-bin_gchemtable.png
width: 128
height: 128
- url: g/gc/gchemtable-0.14.desktop/76138E6C27FACA35DE879B80E5D514C9/icons/128x128/gcu-bin_gchemtable.png
width: 128
height: 128
- gchemtable-0.14.desktop
gchem3d-0.14.desktop - 0.14.17-3 ⚙ amd64
⚙ armhf
⚙ arm64
⚙ ppc64el
⚙ s390x
Type: desktop-application
ID: gchem3d-0.14.desktop
Package: gcu-bin
C: GChem3D
de: 3D-Struktur anzeigen
pl: Wyświetl trójwymiarowe struktury chemiczne
pt_BR: Mostra estruturas químicas em três dimensões
zh_CN: 显示 3D 化学结构
C: Display chemical 3D structures
el: Εμφάνιση 3Δ χημικών δομών
es: Visualizar estructuras químicas 3D
fr: Affiche des structures moléculaires en trois dimensions
eu: 3D-ko egitura kimikoak bistaratu
zh_TW: 顯示化學 3D 結構
it: Visualizza le strutture chimiche 3D
C: >-
<p>The GNOME Chemistry Utils provide C++ classes and Gtk+-2 widgets related to chemistry. They will be used in future
versions of both gcrystal and gchempaint.</p>
<p>This package provides 4 applications:</p>
<p> * a molecular structures viewer (GChem3D) * a molar mass calculator (GChemCalc) * a periodic table of the elements
(GChemTable) * a spectra viewer (GSpectrum)</p>
en: >-
<p>The GNOME Chemistry Utils provide C++ classes and Gtk+-2 widgets related to chemistry. They will be used in future
versions of both gcrystal and gchempaint.</p>
<p>This package provides 4 applications:</p>
<p> * a molecular structures viewer (GChem3D) * a molar mass calculator (GChemCalc) * a periodic table of the elements
(GChemTable) * a spectra viewer (GSpectrum)</p>
- Education
- Science
- Chemistry
- chimie
- 3D
- affichage
- molécule
- imprimante
- chemistry
- 3D
- display
- molecule
- printer
- name: gcu-bin_gchem3d.png
width: 64
height: 64
- name: gcu-bin_gchem3d.png
width: 128
height: 128
- chemical/x-cml
- chemical/x-mdl-molfile
- chemical/x-xyz
- chemical/x-pdb
gchemcalc-0.14.desktop - 0.14.17-3 ⚙ amd64
⚙ armhf
⚙ arm64
⚙ ppc64el
⚙ s390x
Type: desktop-application
ID: gchemcalc-0.14.desktop
Package: gcu-bin
C: GChemCalc
de: Ein einfacher Rechner für Chemiker
pl: Prosty kalkulator chemiczny
pt_BR: Uma calculadora simples para químicos
zh_CN: 简单的化学计算器
C: A simple calculator for chemistry
el: Μια απλή αριθμομηχανή για χημεία
ru: Простой химический калькулятор
es: Una sencilla calculadora para química
fr: Une calculatrice simple pour chimiste
eu: Kimikarako kalkulagailu sinple bat
zh_TW: 化學簡易計算機
it: Un semplice calcolatore per chimica
C: >-
<p>The GNOME Chemistry Utils provide C++ classes and Gtk+-2 widgets related to chemistry. They will be used in future
versions of both gcrystal and gchempaint.</p>
<p>This package provides 4 applications:</p>
<p> * a molecular structures viewer (GChem3D) * a molar mass calculator (GChemCalc) * a periodic table of the elements
(GChemTable) * a spectra viewer (GSpectrum)</p>
en: >-
<p>The GNOME Chemistry Utils provide C++ classes and Gtk+-2 widgets related to chemistry. They will be used in future
versions of both gcrystal and gchempaint.</p>
<p>This package provides 4 applications:</p>
<p> * a molecular structures viewer (GChem3D) * a molar mass calculator (GChemCalc) * a periodic table of the elements
(GChemTable) * a spectra viewer (GSpectrum)</p>
- Education
- Science
- Chemistry
- chemistry
- calculator
- name: gcu-bin_gchemcalc.png
width: 64
height: 64
- name: gcu-bin_gchemcalc.png
width: 128
height: 128
gspectrum-0.14.desktop - 0.14.17-3 ⚙ amd64
⚙ armhf
⚙ arm64
⚙ ppc64el
⚙ s390x
Type: desktop-application
ID: gspectrum-0.14.desktop
Package: gcu-bin
C: GSpectrum
pl: Przeglądarka widm dla pulpitu GNOME
de: Ein Spektrenbetrachter für den GNOME Desktop
zh_CN: GNOME 桌面的光谱查看器
C: A spectrum viewer for the GNOME desktop
el: Ένας προβολέας φασμάτων για την επιφάνεια εργασίας GNOME
es: Un visualizador de espectros para el escritorio Gnome
fr: Une visionneuse de spectre pour le bureau de GNOME
eu: GNOME mahaigainerako espektro ikustatzaile bat
zh_TW: Gnome 桌面的光譜瀏覽軟體
C: >-
<p>The GNOME Chemistry Utils provide C++ classes and Gtk+-2 widgets related to chemistry. They will be used in future
versions of both gcrystal and gchempaint.</p>
<p>This package provides 4 applications:</p>
<p> * a molecular structures viewer (GChem3D) * a molar mass calculator (GChemCalc) * a periodic table of the elements
(GChemTable) * a spectra viewer (GSpectrum)</p>
en: >-
<p>The GNOME Chemistry Utils provide C++ classes and Gtk+-2 widgets related to chemistry. They will be used in future
versions of both gcrystal and gchempaint.</p>
<p>This package provides 4 applications:</p>
<p> * a molecular structures viewer (GChem3D) * a molar mass calculator (GChemCalc) * a periodic table of the elements
(GChemTable) * a spectra viewer (GSpectrum)</p>
- Education
- Science
- Chemistry
- chimie
- spectre
- affichage
- imprimante
- chemistry
- spectrum
- display
- printer
- name: gcu-bin_gspectrum.png
width: 64
height: 64
- name: gcu-bin_gspectrum.png
width: 128
height: 128
- chemical/x-jcamp-dx