⇦ | gbemol [universe]
Last updated on: 2020-04-23 11:40 [UTC]

Metadata for gbemol in universe

gbemol.desktop - 0.3.2-2ubuntu2 ⚙ amd64 ⚙ armhf ⚙ arm64 ⚙ ppc64el ⚙ s390x

Type: desktop-application
ID: gbemol.desktop
Package: gbemol
  C: gbemol
  C: MPD client
  de: >-
    <p>Mit gbemol erhält MPD eine benutzerfreundliche Schnittstelle. Vorhandene Merkmale sind ein leicht zu bedienender Bibliotheksbrowser
    der mit Tags arbeitet, Wiedergabelisten mit zwei Modi, Unterstützung für Cover-Bilder (derzeit nur APIC-Tag), Symbol für
    die Kontrollleiste sowie Informationen über Lied, Album und Künstler.</p>

    <p>Music Player Daemon (MPD) ist ein Server, der entfernte Zugriffsmöglichkeiten zum Abspielen von Audiodateien, Streaming
    und der Verwaltung von Wiedergabelisten bereitstellt. Der Daemon wird über einen Client gesteuert, der nicht unbedingt
    auf dem selben Rechner wie MPD laufen muss.</p>
  zh_CN: >-
    <p>gbemol 能让您用上界面友好的 MPD。它的功能包括音乐库浏览、具有两种模式的播放列表 (lines 和 columns)、支持显示音乐专辑封面(目前只支持 APIC标签)、可以驻留在系统托盘、提供歌曲、 专辑及艺术家信息等。</p>

    <p>MPD(音乐播放器守护程序)是一个服务器程序,允许用户远程访问以播放音频文件、流媒体以及管理 播放列表。该守护程序通过一个客户端来控制,而且客户端与 MPD无需运行在同一台电脑上。</p>
  C: >-
    <p>gbemol allows you to use MPD with a userfriendly interface. Features include an easy-to-use, tag-oriented library browser,
    a two mode playlist, cover art support (APIC tag only, for now), system tray icon docking, song, album and artist information.</p>

    <p>Music Player Daemon is a server that allows remote access for playing audio files, streams and managing playlists.
    The daemon is controlled through a client which need not run on the same computer mpd runs on.</p>
  en: >-
    <p>gbemol allows you to use MPD with a userfriendly interface. Features include an easy-to-use, tag-oriented library browser,
    a two mode playlist, cover art support (APIC tag only, for now), system tray icon docking, song, album and artist information.</p>

    <p>Music Player Daemon is a server that allows remote access for playing audio files, streams and managing playlists.
    The daemon is controlled through a client which need not run on the same computer mpd runs on.</p>
  en_CA: >-
    <p>gbemol allows you to use MPD with a userfriendly interface. Features include an easy-to-use, tag-oriented library browser,
    a two mode playlist, cover art support (APIC tag only, for now), system tray icon docking, song, album and artist information.</p>

    <p>Music Player Daemon is a server that allows remote access for playing audio files, streams and managing playlists.
    The daemon is controlled through a client which need not run on the same computer mpd runs on.</p>
  ru: >-
    <p>gbemol allows you to use MPD with a userfriendly interface. Features include an easy-to-use, tag-oriented library browser,
    a two mode playlist, cover art support (APIC tag only, for now), system tray icon docking, song, album and artist information.</p>

    <p>Music Player Daemon — это сервер, предоставляющий удалённый доступ к воспроизведению аудиофайлов и аудиопотоков, а
    также управлению списками воспроизведения. Управление демоном производится с помощью клиента, который не обязательно должен
    работать на том же компьютере, на котором запущен mpd.</p>
  fr: >-
    <p>gbemol allows you to use MPD with a userfriendly interface. Features include an easy-to-use, tag-oriented library browser,
    a two mode playlist, cover art support (APIC tag only, for now), system tray icon docking, song, album and artist information.</p>

    <p>Music Player Daemon is a server that allows remote access for playing audio files, streams and managing playlists.
    The daemon is controlled through a client which need not run on the same computer mpd runs on.</p>
  en_GB: >-
    <p>gbemol allows you to use MPD with a userfriendly interface. Features include an easy-to-use, tag-oriented library browser,
    a two mode playlist, cover art support (APIC tag only, for now), system tray icon docking, song, album and artist information.</p>

    <p>Music Player Daemon is a server that allows remote access for playing audio files, streams and managing playlists.
    The daemon is controlled through a client which need not run on the same computer mpd runs on.</p>
  it: >-
    <p>gbemol permette di usare MPD attraverso un&apos;interfaccia amichevole. Tra le caratteristiche sono inclusi: un navigatore
    di mediateca facile da usare e orientato alle etichette, una scaletta in due modalità, la gestione delle copertine (solo
    tag APIC, per il momento), icona agganciabile al vassoio di sistema, informazioni su canzone, album e artista.</p>

    <p>Music Player Daemon è un server che permette l&apos;accesso remoto per la riproduzione di flussi e file audio e la
    gestione di scalette. Il demone è controllato attraverso un client che non deve necessariamente essere in esecuzione sullo
    stesso computer su cui gira MPD.</p>
  da: >-
    <p>gbemol lader dig bruge MPD (Music Player Daemon) med en brugervenlig grænseflade. Funktioner inkluderer nem at bruge,
    mærkeorienteret biblioteksbrowser, en afspilningsliste i to tilstande, understøttelse af omslag (kun APIC-mærke indtil
    videre), dokning af statusfelt, sang-, album-  og kunsterinformation.</p>

    <p>Musikafspillerdæmonen er en server, som tillader ekstern adgang for afspilning af lydfiler, strømme og håndtering af
    afspilningslister. Dæmonen kontrolleres via en klient, som skal køre på den samme computer som mpd kører på.</p>
  en_AU: >-
    <p>gbemol allows you to use MPD with a userfriendly interface. Features include an easy-to-use, tag-oriented library browser,
    a two mode playlist, cover art support (APIC tag only, for now), system tray icon docking, song, album and artist information.</p>

    <p>Music Player Daemon is a server that allows remote access for playing audio files, streams and managing playlists.
    The daemon is controlled through a client which need not run on the same computer mpd runs on.</p>
- AudioVideo
- Player
  - name: gbemol_gbemol.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  - name: gbemol_gbemol.png
    width: 128
    height: 128