⇦ | garden-of-coloured-lights [universe]
Last updated on: 2020-04-23 11:40 [UTC]

Metadata for garden-of-coloured-lights in universe

garden.desktop - 1.0.9-1build1 ⚙ amd64 ⚙ armhf ⚙ arm64 ⚙ ppc64el ⚙ s390x

Type: desktop-application
ID: garden.desktop
Package: garden-of-coloured-lights
  C: Garden of Coloured Lights
  C: Abstract vertical shooter with music elements
  uk: >-
    <p>Ця забавка є в основному вертикальною стрілялкою з елементами музики. Вороги, по суті, є свого роду музичними. Лінлі
    додав просту фонову мелодію, яка змішується з різноманітними нотами, відтворюваними коли вороги стріляють.</p>

    <p>Дещо з того чим вирізняється „Сад кольорових вогнів“ це графіка, яка хоча є досить простою, проте ретельно підібрана.
    Кожен корабель має рухомі частини та механізми, які відкриваються і закриваються, і кожен рівень відрізняється, хоча всі
    вони поділяють спільні теми.</p>

    <p>Ваш корабель оснащений одним з 3 наборів, кожен зі своєю унікальною зброєю. Є кілька заздалегідь заданих схем, щоб
    гратися з ними, або ж Ви можете створити свою власну комбінацію зброї.</p>

    <p>„Сад кольорових вогнів“ був вступним завданням Лінлі Ензелі {Linley Henzel} на другий раунд конкурсу SHMUP-DEV 2k7.</p>
  C: >-
    <p>The game is basically a vertical shooter with music elements. The enemies, in fact, are kind of musical. Linley has
    added a simple background tune, that gets mixed with the diffetent notes played when enemies shoot.</p>

    <p>Part of what stands out about Garden of Coloured Lights are its graphics, that even though are kept quite simple, are
    also carefully taken care of. Every ship still has moving parts and mechanisms that open and close, and every level is
    different, even though all of them share a common theme.</p>

    <p>Your ship comes equipped with 3 options, each with its own unique weapon. There are a few pre-designed schemes to play
    with, or you can create your own combination of weapons.</p>

    <p>Garden of Coloured Lights was Linley Henzel&apos;s entry for the SHMUP-DEV Competition 2k7 Round 2.</p>
  en: >-
    <p>The game is basically a vertical shooter with music elements. The enemies, in fact, are kind of musical. Linley has
    added a simple background tune, that gets mixed with the diffetent notes played when enemies shoot.</p>

    <p>Part of what stands out about Garden of Coloured Lights are its graphics, that even though are kept quite simple, are
    also carefully taken care of. Every ship still has moving parts and mechanisms that open and close, and every level is
    different, even though all of them share a common theme.</p>

    <p>Your ship comes equipped with 3 options, each with its own unique weapon. There are a few pre-designed schemes to play
    with, or you can create your own combination of weapons.</p>

    <p>Garden of Coloured Lights was Linley Henzel&apos;s entry for the SHMUP-DEV Competition 2k7 Round 2.</p>
  en_CA: >-
    <p>The game is basically a vertical shooter with music elements. The enemies, in fact, are kind of musical. Linley has
    added a simple background tune, that gets mixed with the diffetent notes played when enemies shoot.</p>

    <p>Part of what stands out about Garden of Coloured Lights are its graphics, that even though are kept quite simple, are
    also carefully taken care of. Every ship still has moving parts and mechanisms that open and close, and every level is
    different, even though all of them share a common theme.</p>

    <p>Your ship comes equipped with 3 options, each with its own unique weapon. There are a few pre-designed schemes to play
    with, or you can create your own combination of weapons.</p>

    <p>Garden of Coloured Lights was Linley Henzel&apos;s entry for the SHMUP-DEV Competition 2k7 Round 2.</p>
  gl: >-
    <p>The game is basically a vertical shooter with music elements. The enemies, in fact, are kind of musical. Linley has
    added a simple background tune, that gets mixed with the diffetent notes played when enemies shoot.</p>

    <p>Part of what stands out about Garden of Coloured Lights are its graphics, that even though are kept quite simple, are
    also carefully taken care of. Every ship still has moving parts and mechanisms that open and close, and every level is
    different, even though all of them share a common theme.</p>

    <p>Your ship comes equipped with 3 options, each with its own unique weapon. There are a few pre-designed schemes to play
    with, or you can create your own combination of weapons.</p>

    <p>Garden of Coloured Lights was Linley Henzel&apos;s entry for the SHMUP-DEV Competition 2k7 Round 2.</p>
  ru: >-
    <p>Эта игра — вертикальный шутер с элементами музыки. Враги, фактически, тоже в некотором роде музыкальны. Линли добавил
    простую фоновую мелодию, которая смешивается с различными нотами, звучащими при выстрелах врагов.</p>

    <p>Одна из отличительных черт Garden of Coloured Lights — это графика, которая хоть и сделана намеренно упрощённой, но
    тщательно прорисована. Каждый корабль имеет движущиеся части и механизмы, которые открываются и закрываются. Все уровни
    отличаются друг от друга, хотя и имеют общую тему.</p>

    <p>Your ship comes equipped with 3 options, each with its own unique weapon. There are a few pre-designed schemes to play
    with, or you can create your own combination of weapons.</p>

    <p>Linley Henzel создал Garden of Coloured Lights для конкурса SHMUP-DEV Competition 2k7 Round 2.</p>
  fr: >-
    <p>Le jeu est à la base un jeu de tir vertical avec des effets sonores. Les ennemis sont en fait des sortes de musique.
    Linley a ajouté un fond musical simple qui est mixé avec les différentes notes émises par les ennemis quand ils tirent.</p>

    <p>Une des choses que l&apos;on peut remarquer dans « Garden of Coloured Lights » ce sont ses graphiques, même s&apos;ils
    restent relativement simples, ils n&apos;en demeurent pas moins très soignés. Chaque vaisseau dispose d&apos;éléments
    mobiles et de mécanismes d&apos;ouverture et de fermeture. Chaque niveau est différent, même s&apos;ils partagent tous
    un thème graphique commun.</p>

    <p>Votre vaisseau dispose de trois options, chacune fournissant sa propre arme. On peut choisir de jouer avec une des
    configurations prédéfinies ou bien on peut paramétrer sa propre configuration d&apos;armes.</p>

    <p>Le jeu « Garden of Coloured Lights » a placé Linley Henzel dans la compétition SHMUP-DEV 2k7 Round 2.</p>
  en_GB: >-
    <p>The game is basically a vertical shooter with music elements. The enemies, in fact, are kind of musical. Linley has
    added a simple background tune, that gets mixed with the diffetent notes played when enemies shoot.</p>

    <p>Part of what stands out about Garden of Coloured Lights are its graphics, that even though are kept quite simple, are
    also carefully taken care of. Every ship still has moving parts and mechanisms that open and close, and every level is
    different, even though all of them share a common theme.</p>

    <p>Your ship comes equipped with 3 options, each with its own unique weapon. There are a few pre-designed schemes to play
    with, or you can create your own combination of weapons.</p>

    <p>Garden of Coloured Lights was Linley Henzel&apos;s entry for the SHMUP-DEV Competition 2k7 Round 2.</p>
  it: >-
    <p>Il gioco è fondamentalmente uno sparatutto verticale con elementi musicali. I nemici, infatti, sono piuttosto musicali.
    Linley ha aggiunto una semplice melodia di sottofondo che viene mescolata con le diverse note suonate quando i nemici

    <p>Parte di ciò che si fa notare riguardo Garden of Coloured Lights è la sua grafica che, benché sia mantenuta piuttosto
    semplice, è anche attentamente curata. Ogni navicella ha parti in movimento e meccanismi che si aprono e chiudono e ogni
    livello è diverso anche se tutti condividono un tema comune.</p>

    <p>La navicella dell&apos;utente è dotata di 3 opzioni, ciascuna con le proprie armi uniche. Ci sono alcuni schemi predisegnati
    con cui giocare, oppure si può creare la propria combinazione di armi.</p>

    <p>Garden of Coloured Lights è stata la proposta di Linley Henzel per la competizione SHMUP-DEV 2k7 Round 2.</p>
  da: >-
    <p>Spillet er grundlæggende et lodret skydespil med musikelementer. Fjenderne er på en måde musikalske. Linley har tilføjet
    en simpel baggrundsmelodi, som bliver blandet ind med de forskellige noder, som spilles når fjenderne skyder.</p>

    <p>Det som skiller sig ud i Garden of Coloured Lights er dets grafik, som selv om den holdes ret så simpel, er lavet omhyggeligt.
    Hvert skib har dele der bevæger sig og mekanismer som åbner og lukker sig, og hver bane er forskellig, selv om de alle
    deler et fælles tema.</p>

    <p>Dit skib er udrustet med 3 dele, som hver har sit unikke våben. Der er nogle få prædefinerede våbenvalg, eller også
    kan du selv oprette en kombination af våben.</p>

    <p>Garden of Coloured Lights var Linley Henzels bidrag i SHMUP-DEV- konkurrencen 2k7 runde 2.</p>
  en_AU: >-
    <p>The game is basically a vertical shooter with music elements. The enemies, in fact, are kind of musical. Linley has
    added a simple background tune, that gets mixed with the diffetent notes played when enemies shoot.</p>

    <p>Part of what stands out about Garden of Coloured Lights are its graphics, that even though are kept quite simple, are
    also carefully taken care of. Every ship still has moving parts and mechanisms that open and close, and every level is
    different, even though all of them share a common theme.</p>

    <p>Your ship comes equipped with 3 options, each with its own unique weapon. There are a few pre-designed schemes to play
    with, or you can create your own combination of weapons.</p>

    <p>Garden of Coloured Lights was Linley Henzel&apos;s entry for the SHMUP-DEV Competition 2k7 Round 2.</p>
- Game
  - name: garden-of-coloured-lights_garden.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  - name: garden-of-coloured-lights_garden.png
    width: 128
    height: 128
  stock: garden