⇦ | gabedit [universe]
Last updated on: 2020-04-23 11:40 [UTC]

Metadata for gabedit in universe

gabedit.desktop - 2.5.0-1 ⚙ amd64 ⚙ armhf ⚙ arm64 ⚙ ppc64el ⚙ s390x

Type: desktop-application
ID: gabedit.desktop
Package: gabedit
  C: Gabedit QC-GUI
  C: graphical user interface to computational chemistry packages
  de: >-
    <p>Gabedit ist eine grafische Benutzerschnittstelle für Chemoinformatik- Pakete wie:</p>

    <p> - MPQC  - GAMESS-US  - Gaussian  - Molcas  - Molpro  - Q-Chem</p>

    <p>Diese Ab-Initio-Softwarepakete können lokal oder auf einem entfernten Server laufen (wenn diese FTP, RSH und SSH unterstützen).
    Das Programm kann eine Vielfalt von Berechnungsergebnissen anzeigen und unterstützt die Mehrzahl der wichtigen Dateiformate
    für Moleküldarstellungen. Der fortgeschrittene »Molecule Builder« ermöglicht den schnellen Entwurf von Molekülen und deren
    dreidimensionale Untersuchung. Die Grafiken können in verschiedene Formate exportiert werden, auch in Animationen.</p>
  pt_BR: >-
    <p>Gabedit is a graphical user interface to computational chemistry packages like:</p>

    <p> - MPQC  - GAMESS-US  - Gaussian  - Molcas  - Molpro  - Q-Chem</p>

    <p>These Ab Initio software packages might run locally or on a remote server (supporting FTP, RSH and SSH). Gabedit can
    display a variety of calculation results including most major molecular file formats. The advanced &quot;Molecule Builder&quot;
    allows one to rapidly sketch in molecules and examine them in 3D. Graphics can further be exported to various formats,
    including animations.</p>
  sk: >-
    <p>Gabedit je grafické používateľské rozhranie k balíkom výpočtovej chémie ako:</p>

    <p> - MPQC  - GAMESS-US  - Gaussian  - Molcas  - Molpro  - Q-Chem</p>

    <p>Tieto balíky softvéru Ab Inition môžu bežať lokálne alebo na vzdialenom serveri (s podporou FTP, RSH a SSH). Gabedit
    dokáže zobrazovať rozličné výsledky výpočtov vrátane najčastejších formátov súborov molekúl. Pokročilý „Molecule Builder“
    umožňuje tvoriť rýchle náčrty molekúl a prezerať ich v 3D. Grafiku je možné ďalej exportovať do rozličných formátov vrátane
  ja: >-
    <p>Gabedit は、次のような計算化学パッケージへのインターフェイスです。</p>

    <p> - MPQC  - GAMESS-US  - Gaussian  - Molcas  - Molpro  - Q-Chem</p>

    <p>これらの Ab Initio ソフトウェアパッケージは、ローカルで走らせることもリモー トサーバ上で走らせることもできます(FTP、RSH、SSH をサポート)。ほとんどのメ ジャーな分子ファイルフォーマットを読みこむことができ、様々な計算結果を表示
    することができます。進歩した「分子ビルダ」によりすばやく分子を組み立て、三 次元的に検査することができます。アニメーションを含めてさまざまな画像フォー マットへのエクスポートも可能です。</p>
  pt: >-
    <p>Gabedit is a graphical user interface to computational chemistry packages like:</p>

    <p> - MPQC  - GAMESS-US  - Gaussian  - Molcas  - Molpro  - Q-Chem</p>

    <p>These Ab Initio software packages might run locally or on a remote server (supporting FTP, RSH and SSH). Gabedit can
    display a variety of calculation results including most major molecular file formats. The advanced &quot;Molecule Builder&quot;
    allows one to rapidly sketch in molecules and examine them in 3D. Graphics can further be exported to various formats,
    including animations.</p>
  C: >-
    <p>Gabedit is a graphical user interface to computational chemistry packages like:</p>

    <p> - MPQC  - GAMESS-US  - Gaussian  - Molcas  - Molpro  - Q-Chem</p>

    <p>These Ab Initio software packages might run locally or on a remote server (supporting FTP, RSH and SSH). Gabedit can
    display a variety of calculation results including most major molecular file formats. The advanced &quot;Molecule Builder&quot;
    allows one to rapidly sketch in molecules and examine them in 3D. Graphics can further be exported to various formats,
    including animations.</p>
  en: >-
    <p>Gabedit is a graphical user interface to computational chemistry packages like:</p>

    <p> - MPQC  - GAMESS-US  - Gaussian  - Molcas  - Molpro  - Q-Chem</p>

    <p>These Ab Initio software packages might run locally or on a remote server (supporting FTP, RSH and SSH). Gabedit can
    display a variety of calculation results including most major molecular file formats. The advanced &quot;Molecule Builder&quot;
    allows one to rapidly sketch in molecules and examine them in 3D. Graphics can further be exported to various formats,
    including animations.</p>
  ru: >-
    <p>Gabedit — графический пользовательский интерфейс для пакетов вычислительной химии типа:</p>

    <p> - MPQC  - GAMESS-US  - Gaussian  - Molcas  - Molpro  - Q-Chem</p>

    <p>These Ab Initio software packages might run locally or on a remote server (supporting FTP, RSH and SSH). Gabedit can
    display a variety of calculation results including most major molecular file formats. The advanced &quot;Molecule Builder&quot;
    allows one to rapidly sketch in molecules and examine them in 3D. Graphics can further be exported to various formats,
    including animations.</p>
  en_CA: >-
    <p>Gabedit is a graphical user interface to computational chemistry packages like:</p>

    <p> - MPQC  - GAMESS-US  - Gaussian  - Molcas  - Molpro  - Q-Chem</p>

    <p>These Ab Initio software packages might run locally or on a remote server (supporting FTP, RSH and SSH). Gabedit can
    display a variety of calculation results including most major molecular file formats. The advanced &quot;Molecule Builder&quot;
    allows one to rapidly sketch in molecules and examine them in 3D. Graphics can further be exported to various formats,
    including animations.</p>
  fr: >-
    <p>Gabedit est une interface utilisateur graphique pour les paquets de chimie computationnelle tels que⋅:</p>

    <p> - MPQC  - GAMESS-US  - Gaussian  - Molcas  - Molpro  - Q-Chem</p>

    <p>Ces paquets logiciels Ab Initio peuvent être lancés localement ou sur un serveur distant (prenant en charge FTP, RSH
    et SSH). Gabedit peut afficher différents résultats de calcul comprenant la plupart des formats majeurs de fichier de
    molécule. Le perfectionné «⋅Molecule Builder⋅» permet d&apos;esquisser rapidement des molécules et de les examiner en
    3D. Les graphiques peuvent de plus être exportés vers divers formats, y compris ceux animés.</p>
  en_GB: >-
    <p>Gabedit is a graphical user interface to computational chemistry packages like:</p>

    <p> - MPQC  - GAMESS-US  - Gaussian  - Molcas  - Molpro  - Q-Chem</p>

    <p>These Ab Initio software packages might run locally or on a remote server (supporting FTP, RSH and SSH). Gabedit can
    display a variety of calculation results including most major molecular file formats. The advanced &quot;Molecule Builder&quot;
    allows one to rapidly sketch in molecules and examine them in 3D. Graphics can further be exported to various formats,
    including animations.</p>
  ko: >-
    <p>Gabedit는 아래의 계산 화익 패키지에 대한 그래픽 사용자 인터페이스입니다:</p>

    <p> - MPQC  - GAMESS-US  - Gaussian  - Molcas  - Molpro  - Q-Chem</p>

    <p>Ab Initio 소프트웨어 패키지는 내부 또는 외부 서버 (FTP, RSH, SSH를 지원)에 서 실행됩니다. Gabedit는 대부분의 주요 분자 파일 형식을 포함하는 다양한 계 산 결과를 표시할 수 있습니다.
    발전되 &quot;분자 빌더&quot;는 분자에서 빠른 스케치와 3D로 그것들을 실험할 수 있도록 합니다. 그래픽은 애니메이션을 포함한 다양한 형식으로 익스포트될 수 있습니다.</p>
  it: >-
    <p>Gabedit è un&apos;interfaccia utente grafica per pacchetti di chimica computazionale come:</p>

    <p> - MPQC  - GAMESS-US  - Gaussian  - Molcas  - Molpro  - Q-Chem</p>

    <p>Questi pacchetti software Ab Initio possono essere eseguiti localmente o su un server remoto (con gestione di FTP,
    RSH e SSH). Gabedit può visualizzare una varietà di risultati di calcoli, inclusa la maggior parte dei principali formati
    di file molecolari. L&apos;avanzato &quot;Molecule Builder&quot; (creatore di molecole) permette di tratteggiare rapidamente
    molecole e di esaminarle in 3D. I risultati grafici possono essere esportati in vari formati, incluse animazioni.</p>
  da: >-
    <p>Gabedit er en grafisk brugerflade til kemiske beregningspakker såsom:</p>

    <p> - MPQC  - GAMESS-US  - Gaussian  - Molcas  - Molpro  - Q-Chem</p>

    <p>Disse Ab Initio-programpakker kan køre lokalt eller på en ekstern server (der understøtter FTP, RSH og SSH). Gabedit
    kan vise en række beregningsresultater inklusiv understøttelse for de væsentligste molekulære filformater. Den avancerede
    »molekylebygger« tillader hurtigt optegning i molekyler og undersøgelse af dem i 3D. Grafik kan eksporteres til forskellige
    formater, inklusiv animationer.</p>
  en_AU: >-
    <p>Gabedit is a graphical user interface to computational chemistry packages like:</p>

    <p> - MPQC  - GAMESS-US  - Gaussian  - Molcas  - Molpro  - Q-Chem</p>

    <p>These Ab Initio software packages might run locally or on a remote server (supporting FTP, RSH and SSH). Gabedit can
    display a variety of calculation results including most major molecular file formats. The advanced &quot;Molecule Builder&quot;
    allows one to rapidly sketch in molecules and examine them in 3D. Graphics can further be exported to various formats,
    including animations.</p>
- Education
- Science
- Chemistry
  - name: gabedit_gabedit.png
    width: 48
    height: 48
  - name: gabedit_gabedit.png
    width: 48
    height: 48
  - gabedit.desktop