⇦ | g3dviewer [universe]
Last updated on: 2020-04-23 11:40 [UTC]

Metadata for g3dviewer in universe

g3dviewer.desktop - ⚙ amd64 ⚙ armhf ⚙ arm64 ⚙ ppc64el ⚙ s390x

Type: desktop-application
ID: g3dviewer.desktop
Package: g3dviewer
  C: G3DViewer
  de_DE: 3D-Modell-Betrachter
  C: 3D model viewer
  de: >-
    <p>G3DViewer, ein Betrachter von 3D-Dateien für GTK+, unterstützt eine Vielzahl an Dateitypen, indem die Erweiterungsmöglichkeit
    von LibG3D verwendet wird. Modelle können mit OpenGL untersucht und angezeigt werden. Die Anzeigeoptionen umfassen Wireframe
    Rendering, Schatten, isometrische Ansicht, Reflexionen und Texturen.</p>

    <p>Für unterstützte Formate, siehe die Pakete »libg3d-plugin*«.</p>
  zh_CN: >-
    <p>G3DViewer 是一个 GTK+ 3D 模型查看器,使用 LibG3D 插件工具,支持许多相关的文件格式。模型 可以通过 OpenGL 来查看、渲染。配置的选项包括:网架渲染、阴影、等轴视图、镜面反射、纹理等。</p>

    <p>可以查看 &apos;libg3d-plugin*&apos; 所支持的文件格式。</p>
  uk: >-
    <p>G3DViewer — переглядач тривимірних моделей для GTK+ з підтримкою різноманітних типів файлів використовуючи можливості
    втулку LibG3D. Перегляд та візуалізація моделей може здійснюватись за допомогою OpenGL. Параметри візуалізації включають
    каркасну візуалізацію, тіні, ізометричну проекцію, відблискування та текстури.</p>

    <p>Щоб отримати інформацію про підтримуванні формати звертайтесь до libg3d- plugin*.</p>
  C: >-
    <p>G3DViewer is a 3D file viewer for GTK+ supporting a variety of file types by using the LibG3D plugin facility. Models
    can be inspected and rendered using OpenGL. Rendering options includes wireframe rendering, shadows, isometric view, specular
    lightning, and textures.</p>

    <p>See &apos;libg3d-plugin*&apos; for supported formats.</p>
  en: >-
    <p>G3DViewer is a 3D file viewer for GTK+ supporting a variety of file types by using the LibG3D plugin facility. Models
    can be inspected and rendered using OpenGL. Rendering options includes wireframe rendering, shadows, isometric view, specular
    lightning, and textures.</p>

    <p>See &apos;libg3d-plugin*&apos; for supported formats.</p>
  en_CA: >-
    <p>G3DViewer is a 3D file viewer for GTK+ supporting a variety of file types by using the LibG3D plugin facility. Models
    can be inspected and rendered using OpenGL. Rendering options includes wireframe rendering, shadows, isometric view, specular
    lightning, and textures.</p>

    <p>See &apos;libg3d-plugin*&apos; for supported formats.</p>
  ru: >-
    <p>G3DViewer is a 3D file viewer for GTK+ supporting a variety of file types by using the LibG3D plugin facility. Models
    can be inspected and rendered using OpenGL. Rendering options includes wireframe rendering, shadows, isometric view, specular
    lightning, and textures.</p>

    <p>Поддерживаемые форматы смотрите в описании &apos;libg3d-plugin*&apos;.</p>
  fr: >-
    <p>G3DViewer est un visualiseur de fichier 3D pour GTK+ prenant en charge une multitude de types de fichiers en utilisant
    l&apos;installation du greffon LibG3D. Les modèles peuvent être inspectés et rendus en utilisant OpenGL. Les options de
    rendu incluent le rendu filaire, les ombres, la vue isométrique, la lumière spéculaire et les textures.</p>

    <p>Voir « libg3d-plugin* » pour les formats pris en charge.</p>
  en_GB: >-
    <p>G3DViewer is a 3D file viewer for GTK+ supporting a variety of file types by using the LibG3D plugin facility. Models
    can be inspected and rendered using OpenGL. Rendering options includes wireframe rendering, shadows, isometric view, specular
    lightning, and textures.</p>

    <p>See &apos;libg3d-plugin*&apos; for supported formats.</p>
  it: >-
    <p>G3DViewer è un visualizzatore di file 3D per GTK+ che supporta una varietà di tipi di file grazie all&apos;uso delle
    funzionalità per plugin di LibG3D. I modelli possono essere ispezionati e se ne può fare il rendering usando OpenGL. Le
    opzioni di rendering includono wireframe, ombre, viste isometriche, illuminazioni speculari e texture.</p>

    <p>Per i formati supportati vedere &quot;libg3d-plugin*&quot;.</p>
  da: >-
    <p>G3DViewer er en 3D-filfremviser for GTK+, der understøtter en række filtyper ved at bruge udvidelsesfaciliteten i LibG3D.
    Modeller kan inspiceres og optegnes med brug af OpenGL. Optegningsindstillinger inkluderer trådrammeoptegning, skygger,
    isometrisk visning, spejlrefleksion og teksturer.</p>

    <p>Se »libg3d-plugin*« for understøttede formater.</p>
  en_AU: >-
    <p>G3DViewer is a 3D file viewer for GTK+ supporting a variety of file types by using the LibG3D plugin facility. Models
    can be inspected and rendered using OpenGL. Rendering options includes wireframe rendering, shadows, isometric view, specular
    lightning, and textures.</p>

    <p>See &apos;libg3d-plugin*&apos; for supported formats.</p>
- 3DGraphics
- Graphics
  - 3D
  - View
  - Enhance
  - Special Effects
  - name: g3dviewer_g3d48.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  - model/vnd.collada+xml
  - x-world/x-3dmf
  - application/dxf
  - application/x-collada
  - application/x-3ds
  - image/x-autocad
  - image/vnd.dxf
  - application/x-autocad
  - application/x-dxf
  - x-world/x-vrml
  - image/x-3ds
  - drawing/x-dxf
  - model/vrml
  - application/x-md3
  - application/x-md2
  - image/x-dxf
  - zz-application/zz-winassoc-dxf
  - application/earthviewer
  - application/x-wavefront-obj
  - image/x-lwo