⇦ | fityk [universe]
Last updated on: 2020-04-23 11:40 [UTC]

Metadata for fityk in universe

fityk.desktop - 1.3.1-5build1 ⚙ amd64 ⚙ armhf ⚙ arm64 ⚙ ppc64el ⚙ s390x

Type: desktop-application
ID: fityk.desktop
Package: fityk
  C: fityk
  C: Curve fitting (esp. peak fitting) and data analysis
  pl: >-
    <p>Fityk jest elastycznym i przenośnym programem do dopasowywania nieliniowych funkcji analitycznych (zwłaszcza modelowanych
    wierzchołkami) do danych (zwykle doświadczalnych). Innymi słowy służy do oddzielenia i analizy nieliniowych wierzchołków.</p>

    <p>Zaprojektowany został do analizy dyfraktogramów, ale może zostać użyty do innych celów, odkąd pojęcia i operacje specyficzne
    dla krystalografii są oddzielone od reszty programu.</p>

    <p>Fityk oferuje różnorodne metody dopasowywania nieliniowego, odejmowanie tła, kalibrację danych, łatwe umieszczanie
    wierzchołków i zmianę ich parametrów, automatyzację powszechnie używanych zadań poprzez skrypty, i dużo więcej. Główną
    zaletą programu jest elastyczność - parametry wierzchołków mogą być dowolnie powiązane między sobą np. szerokość wierzchołka
    może być niezależną zmienną, może być taka sama jak szerokość innego wierzchołka lub też może być złożoną - wspólną dla
    wszystkich wierzchołków - formułą.</p>

    <p>libjs-sphinxdoc is necessary for the Javascript stuff in the documentation.</p>
  de: >-
    <p>Fityk ist ein flexibles und portables Programm, um nichtlineare analytische Funktionen an (normalerweise experimentelle)
    Daten (insbesondere solche mit Peaks (Maxima)) anzupassen. Mit anderen Worten: für nichtlineare Aufteilung und Analyse
    von Peaks.</p>

    <p>Das Programm wurde entwickelt, um Beugungsmuster zu analysieren, kann jedoch ebenso in anderen Bereichen verwendet
    werden, da die Kristallographie-spezifischen Methoden und Konzepte vom restlichen Programm getrennt sind.</p>

    <p>Fityk bietet verschiedene nichtlineare Anpassungsmethoden, Hintergrundunterdrückung, Datenkalibrierungen, einfache
    Platzierung von Peaks und Änderung von deren Parametern, Automatisierung von Standardaufgaben mit Hilfe von Skripten und
    vieles mehr. Der größte Vorteil dieses Programms ist seine Flexibilität: Die Parameter der Peaks können beliebig miteinander
    verknüpft werden. Zum Beispiel kann die Breite eines Peaks eine unabhängige Variable sein oder sie kann dieselbe sein
    wie die Breite eines anderen Peaks oder sie kann durch eine komplexe Formel ausgedrückt werden, die allen Peaks gemein

    <p>libjs-sphinxdoc is necessary for the Javascript stuff in the documentation.</p>
  pt_BR: >-
    <p>O Fityk é um programa flexível e portátil para ajustamento não-linear de funções analíticas (especialmente em forma
    de picos) para dados (normalmente dados experimentais). Noutras palavras, para separação e análise de picos não-lineares.</p>

    <p>Foi desenvolvido para a análise de padrões de difracção, mas pode ser também usado noutros campos, pois os conceitos
    e operações específicas para cristalografia estão separados do resto do programa.</p>

    <p>O Fityk oferece vários métodos de ajustamento não-linear, subtracção do pano de fundo, calibração de dados, colocação
    fácil de picos e alteração dos parâmetros dos picos, automatização das tarefas mais comuns através de &apos;scripts&apos;,
    e muito mais. A maior vantagem do programa é a flexibilidade - os parâmetros dos picos podem ser arbitrariamente ligados
    uns aos outros, ex. a largura de um pico pode ser uma variável independente, pode ter a mesma largura de outro pico ou
    pode ser dada por uma formula complicada - comum a todos os picos.</p>

    <p>libjs-sphinxdoc is necessary for the Javascript stuff in the documentation.</p>
  ja: >-
    <p>Fityk は、柔軟性と移植性が高いデータ (通常実験データ) から解析的関数 (特にピークを持つ関数) への非線形当てはめ用プログラムです。 言い替えると、非線形ピーク分離および分析用です。</p>

    <p>回析パターンの分析用に設計されましたが、結晶学のための概念や操作はプログラムの 残りから分離されているため、他分野でも利用可能です。</p>

    <p>Fityk は、各種非線形当てはめメソッド、背景の抽出、データのキャリブレーション、 ピークの簡単な配置やピークパラメータの変更、スクリプトによる共通作業の自動化 などを提供します。 このプログラムのおもな利点は、柔軟性です -
    ピークのパラメータはお互いに任意に 割り当てできます。例えば、ピークの幅は、独立変数にも、他のピークと同じ値にも、 複雑な - 全てのピークに共通の - 式として与えることも可能です。</p>

    <p>libjs-sphinxdoc is necessary for the Javascript stuff in the documentation.</p>
  pt: >-
    <p>O Fityk é um programa flexível e portátil para ajustamento não-linear de funções analíticas (especialmente em forma
    de picos) para dados (normalmente dados experimentais). Noutras palavras, para separação e análise de picos não-lineares.</p>

    <p>Foi desenvolvido para a análise de padrões de difracção, mas pode ser também usado noutros campos, pois os conceitos
    e operações específicas para cristalografia estão separados do resto do programa.</p>

    <p>O Fityk oferece vários métodos de ajustamento não-linear, subtracção do pano de fundo, calibração de dados, colocação
    fácil de picos e alteração dos parâmetros dos picos, automatização das tarefas mais comuns através de &apos;scripts&apos;,
    e muito mais. A maior vantagem do programa é a flexibilidade - os parâmetros dos picos podem ser arbitrariamente ligados
    uns aos outros, ex. a largura de um pico pode ser uma variável independente, pode ter a mesma largura de outro pico ou
    pode ser dada por uma formula complicada - comum a todos os picos.</p>

    <p>libjs-sphinxdoc is necessary for the Javascript stuff in the documentation.</p>
  C: >-
    <p>Fityk is a flexible and portable program for nonlinear fitting of analytical functions (especially peak-shaped) to
    data (usually experimental data). In other words, for nonlinear peak separation and analysis.</p>

    <p>It was developed for analyzing diffraction patterns, but can be also used in other fields, since concepts and operations
    specific for crystallography are separated from the rest of the program.</p>

    <p>Fityk offers various nonlinear fitting methods, subtracting background, calibrating data, easy placement of peaks and
    changing peak parameters, automation of common tasks with scripts, and much more. The main advantage of the program is
    flexibility - parameters of peaks can be arbitrarily bound to each other, eg. the width of a peak can be an independent
    variable, can be the same as the width of another peak or can be given by a complicated - common to all peaks - formula.</p>

    <p>libjs-sphinxdoc is necessary for the Javascript stuff in the documentation.</p>
  en: >-
    <p>Fityk is a flexible and portable program for nonlinear fitting of analytical functions (especially peak-shaped) to
    data (usually experimental data). In other words, for nonlinear peak separation and analysis.</p>

    <p>It was developed for analyzing diffraction patterns, but can be also used in other fields, since concepts and operations
    specific for crystallography are separated from the rest of the program.</p>

    <p>Fityk offers various nonlinear fitting methods, subtracting background, calibrating data, easy placement of peaks and
    changing peak parameters, automation of common tasks with scripts, and much more. The main advantage of the program is
    flexibility - parameters of peaks can be arbitrarily bound to each other, eg. the width of a peak can be an independent
    variable, can be the same as the width of another peak or can be given by a complicated - common to all peaks - formula.</p>

    <p>libjs-sphinxdoc is necessary for the Javascript stuff in the documentation.</p>
  ru: >-
    <p>Fityk is a flexible and portable program for nonlinear fitting of analytical functions (especially peak-shaped) to
    data (usually experimental data). In other words, for nonlinear peak separation and analysis.</p>

    <p>Разработан для анализа дифракции рентгеновских лучей в кристаллах, но может использоваться и в других областях науки,
    так как концепции и действия, специфичные для кристаллографии, отделены от остальной части программы.</p>

    <p>Fityk offers various nonlinear fitting methods, subtracting background, calibrating data, easy placement of peaks and
    changing peak parameters, automation of common tasks with scripts, and much more. The main advantage of the program is
    flexibility - parameters of peaks can be arbitrarily bound to each other, eg. the width of a peak can be an independent
    variable, can be the same as the width of another peak or can be given by a complicated - common to all peaks - formula.</p>

    <p>libjs-sphinxdoc is necessary for the Javascript stuff in the documentation.</p>
  en_CA: >-
    <p>Fityk is a flexible and portable program for nonlinear fitting of analytical functions (especially peak-shaped) to
    data (usually experimental data). In other words, for nonlinear peak separation and analysis.</p>

    <p>It was developed for analyzing diffraction patterns, but can be also used in other fields, since concepts and operations
    specific for crystallography are separated from the rest of the program.</p>

    <p>Fityk offers various nonlinear fitting methods, subtracting background, calibrating data, easy placement of peaks and
    changing peak parameters, automation of common tasks with scripts, and much more. The main advantage of the program is
    flexibility - parameters of peaks can be arbitrarily bound to each other, eg. the width of a peak can be an independent
    variable, can be the same as the width of another peak or can be given by a complicated - common to all peaks - formula.</p>

    <p>libjs-sphinxdoc is necessary for the Javascript stuff in the documentation.</p>
  en_GB: >-
    <p>Fityk is a flexible and portable program for nonlinear fitting of analytical functions (especially peak-shaped) to
    data (usually experimental data). In other words, for nonlinear peak separation and analysis.</p>

    <p>It was developed for analyzing diffraction patterns, but can be also used in other fields, since concepts and operations
    specific for crystallography are separated from the rest of the program.</p>

    <p>Fityk offers various nonlinear fitting methods, subtracting background, calibrating data, easy placement of peaks and
    changing peak parameters, automation of common tasks with scripts, and much more. The main advantage of the program is
    flexibility - parameters of peaks can be arbitrarily bound to each other, eg. the width of a peak can be an independent
    variable, can be the same as the width of another peak or can be given by a complicated - common to all peaks - formula.</p>

    <p>libjs-sphinxdoc is necessary for the Javascript stuff in the documentation.</p>
  it: >-
    <p>Fityk è un programma flessibile e portabile per l&apos;interpolazione non lineare di funzioni analitiche (in particolare
    per funzioni con picchi) e l&apos;analisi dati (solitamente dati sperimentali). In altre parole, per l&apos;analisi e
    la separazione di picchi non lineari.</p>

    <p>È stato sviluppato per l&apos;analisi di pattern di diffrazione, ma può anche essere usato in altri campi, poiché il
    concetto e le operazioni specifiche per la cristallografia sono separati dal resto del programma.</p>

    <p>Fityk offre vari metodi di interpolazione non lineare, sottrazione di fondo, calibrazione di dati, posizionamento facilitato
    di picchi e variazione dei parametri del picco, automazione tramite script e molto altro. Il principale vantaggio del
    programma è la flessibilità: i parametri dei picchi possono essere arbitrariamente collegati con altri parametri, ad esempio
    la larghezza del picco può essere una variabile indipendente, può essere la stessa larghezza di un altro picco o un&apos;espressione
    complicata relativa a tutti i picchi.</p>

    <p>libjs-sphinxdoc is necessary for the Javascript stuff in the documentation.</p>
  da: >-
    <p>Fityk er et fleksibelt og portabelt program til ikkelineær tilpasning af analytiske funktioner (særligt spidsformede)
    af data (som regel eksperimentelle data). Med andre ord til ikkelineær spidsadskillelse og analyse.</p>

    <p>Det blev udviklet til at analysere diffraktionsmønstre, men kan også anvendes på andre felter, da begreber og operationer
    som er specifikke for krystallografi er adskilt fra resten af programmet.</p>

    <p>Fityk tilbyder forskellige ikkelineære tilpasningsmetoder, baggrundssubtraktion, datakalibrering, nem placering af
    spidser og ændring af spidsparametre, automatisering af rutineopgaver med skripter, og meget mere. Den største fordel
    i programmet er fleksibilitet - parametre fra spidser kan vilkårligt bindes til hinanden, dvs. bredden på en spids kan
    være en uafhængig variabel, kan være den samme som bredden på en anden spids eller kan være givet af en kompliceret -
    fælles for alle spidser - formel.</p>

    <p>libjs-sphinxdoc is necessary for the Javascript stuff in the documentation.</p>
  en_AU: >-
    <p>Fityk is a flexible and portable program for nonlinear fitting of analytical functions (especially peak-shaped) to
    data (usually experimental data). In other words, for nonlinear peak separation and analysis.</p>

    <p>It was developed for analyzing diffraction patterns, but can be also used in other fields, since concepts and operations
    specific for crystallography are separated from the rest of the program.</p>

    <p>Fityk offers various nonlinear fitting methods, subtracting background, calibrating data, easy placement of peaks and
    changing peak parameters, automation of common tasks with scripts, and much more. The main advantage of the program is
    flexibility - parameters of peaks can be arbitrarily bound to each other, eg. the width of a peak can be an independent
    variable, can be the same as the width of another peak or can be given by a complicated - common to all peaks - formula.</p>

    <p>libjs-sphinxdoc is necessary for the Javascript stuff in the documentation.</p>
- Science
- DataVisualization
- Chemistry
- Physics
- Engineering
  - name: fityk_fityk.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  - name: fityk_fityk.png
    width: 128
    height: 128
  - application/x-fityk