Type: desktop-application
ID: eqonomize.desktop
Package: eqonomize
C: Eqonomize!
C: Manage your personal finances
ro: Gerează finanțele personale
de: Verwaltung der persönlichen Finanzen
sv: Hantera din privatekonomi
de: >-
<p>Eqonomize! ist eine Buchhaltungssoftware für KDE. Besonderer Wert wurde auf Effizienz und Benutzerfreundlichkeit für
den privaten Haushalt gelegt. Das Programm stellt eine Komplettlösung mit doppelter Buchhaltung, Unterstützung von wiederholt
auftretenden Transaktionen, Sicherheitsinvestitionen und Budgetplanung bereit. Es wird ein Überblick über vergangene und
aktuelle Transaktionen gegeben sowie die Entwicklung von Ein- und Ausgaben mit Hilfe von Tabellen und Diagrammen dargestellt,
die zusätzlich versuchen die Entwicklung in der Zukunft vorauszusagen.</p>
pt_BR: >-
<p>Eqonomize! é um software de contabilidade pessoal para o KDE, com foco em eficiência e facilidade de uso para pequenas
economias domésticas. Ele fornece uma solução completa, com contabilidade pelo método das partidas dobradas e com suporte
a transações recorrentes agendadas, investimentos de segurança e orçamento. Ele dá uma visão clara das transações do passado
e do presente, e do desenvolvimento de rendimentos e gastos, com tabelas e gráficos descritivos, assim como uma aproximação
de valores futuros de contabilidade.</p>
sl: >-
<p>Eqonomize! je program osebnega računovodstva za KDE, ki je osredotočen na učinkovitost in enostavnost uporabe za majhno
gospodinjstvo. Zagotavlja celotno rešitev knjigovodstva z dvojnim vnašanjem in podporo za ponavljajoče se transakcije,
investicije in proračune. Da vam jasen pregled preteklih in trenutnih transakcij in razvoj prihodkov in stroškov z opisnimi
preglednicami in grafi kot tudi oceno prihodnjih vrednosti računov.</p>
ja: >-
<p>Eqonomize! は、KDE 向けの家計会計ソフトウェアであり、小規模な家計経済向けの 効率と使いやすさに焦点を当てています。 複式簿記による完全なソリューションを提供し、定期的な取引のスケジュール化、 セキュリティ投資、そして予算をサポートします。
過去および現在の取引のはっきりとした概観、収入および支出の進捗を示し、 表示方法として記述的な表やグラフを用いるだけでなく、将来の会計的な価値の 要約も表示します。</p>
pt: >-
<p>Eqonomize! é um software de contabilidade pessoal para o KDE, com foco na eficiência e fácil utilização para pequenas
economias domésticas. Fornece uma solução completa, com escrituração de entrada dupla e com suporte a agendamento de transacções
recorrentes, investimentos seguros e orçamentos. Dá uma visão clara das transacções do passado e do presente, e do desenvolvimento
de receitas e despesas, com tabelas e gráficos descritivos, assim como uma aproximação de valores futuros da conta.</p>
C: >-
<p>Eqonomize! is a personal accounting software for KDE, with focus on efficiency and ease of use for the small household
economy. It provides a complete solution, with bookkeeping by double entry and support for scheduled recurring transactions,
security investments, and budgeting. It gives a clear overview of past and present transactions, and development of incomes
and expenses, with descriptive tables and charts, as well as an approximation of future account values.</p>
en: >-
<p>Eqonomize! is a personal accounting software for KDE, with focus on efficiency and ease of use for the small household
economy. It provides a complete solution, with bookkeeping by double entry and support for scheduled recurring transactions,
security investments, and budgeting. It gives a clear overview of past and present transactions, and development of incomes
and expenses, with descriptive tables and charts, as well as an approximation of future account values.</p>
ru: >-
<p>Eqonomize! is a personal accounting software for KDE, with focus on efficiency and ease of use for the small household
economy. It provides a complete solution, with bookkeeping by double entry and support for scheduled recurring transactions,
security investments, and budgeting. It gives a clear overview of past and present transactions, and development of incomes
and expenses, with descriptive tables and charts, as well as an approximation of future account values.</p>
en_CA: >-
<p>Eqonomize! is a personal accounting software for KDE, with focus on efficiency and ease of use for the small household
economy. It provides a complete solution, with bookkeeping by double entry and support for scheduled recurring transactions,
security investments, and budgeting. It gives a clear overview of past and present transactions, and development of incomes
and expenses, with descriptive tables and charts, as well as an approximation of future account values.</p>
es: >-
<p>Eqonomize! es un programa de contabilidad personal para KDE, enfocado a la eficiencia y facilidad de uso para la pequeña
economía doméstica. Proporciona una solución completa, con contabilidad por partida doble y permite usar transacciones
que se repiten en el calendario, inversiones de seguridad y presupuestos. Da un panorama claro de las transacciones pasadas
y presentes, y desarrollos de ingresos y gastos, con tablas descriptivas y gráficas, así como una aproximación de los
futuros valores contables.</p>
fr: >-
<p>Eqonomize! est un logiciel de finance personnelle pour KDE qui met l'accent sur l'efficacité et la facilité
d'utilisation pour établir un budget familial. Il fournit une solution complète avec un journal à doubles entrées
et le support des transactions planifiées récurrentes, les investissements sécuritaires et le budget. Il donne une vue
claire des transactions passées et futures et le développement des entrées et sorties d'argent grâce à des tables
et graphiques détaillés, ainsi qu'une approximation de la valeur future des comptes.</p>
en_GB: >-
<p>Eqonomize! is a personal accounting software for KDE, with focus on efficiency and ease of use for the small household
economy. It provides a complete solution, with bookkeeping by double entry and support for scheduled recurring transactions,
security investments, and budgeting. It gives a clear overview of past and present transactions, and development of incomes
and expenses, with descriptive tables and charts, as well as an approximation of future account values.</p>
it: >-
<p>Eqonomize! è un software per contabilità personale KDE, con particolare attenzione all'efficienza e alla facilità
d'uso per la gestione dalla piccola economia domestica. Fornisce una soluzione completa, con libri contabili a partita
doppia e supporto per transazioni ricorrenti pianificate, investimenti di sicurezza e budget. Dà una chiare visione d'insieme
delle transazioni passate e presenti e dello sviluppo di entrate e spese, con tabelle e grafici descrittivi in aggiunta
ad approssimazioni dei valori futuri dei conti.</p>
da: >-
<p>Eqonomize! er et personligt bogføringsprogram for KDE, med fokus på effektivitet og nem brug, for den lille husholdningsøkonomi.
Programmet tilbyder en fuld løsning, med dobbelt bogholderi og understøttelse for planlagte og gentagne transaktioner,
investering i værdipapirer samt budget. Programmet giver et klart overblik over tidligere og nuværende transaktioner,
og udviklingen i indtægter og udgifter, med beskrivende tabeller og diagrammer samt en tilnærmelse for fremtidige kontosaldi.</p>
en_AU: >-
<p>Eqonomize! is a personal accounting software for KDE, with focus on efficiency and ease of use for the small household
economy. It provides a complete solution, with bookkeeping by double entry and support for scheduled recurring transactions,
security investments, and budgeting. It gives a clear overview of past and present transactions, and development of incomes
and expenses, with descriptive tables and charts, as well as an approximation of future account values.</p>
- Office
- Finance
- name: eqonomize_eqonomize.png
width: 48
height: 48
- name: eqonomize_eqonomize.png
width: 64
height: 64
- name: eqonomize_eqonomize.png
width: 128
height: 128
- url: e/eq/eqonomize.desktop/2B533E5E41877062E810F9A760EDBF1D/icons/128x128/eqonomize_eqonomize.png
width: 128
height: 128
- eqonomize.desktop
- application/x-eqonomize