Type: desktop-application
ID: ephoto.desktop
Package: ephoto
de: Ephoto
lt: E-Nuotraukos
ms: Efoto
fi: Ephoto
C: Ephoto
el: Ephoto
ja: Ephoto
eo: EFoto
gl: Ephoto
tr: Fotoğraf
fr: EPhoto
ca: Ephoto
de: Enlightened-Fotobetrachter
lt: Nuotraukų peržiūros programa
ms: Pelihat Foto Enlightenment
fi: Valaistunut valokuvakatselin
C: Enlightened Photo Viewer
pt: Visualizador de fotos do Enlightenment
eo: Foto-vidigilo de Enlightenment
gl: Visualizador de fotos de Enlightenment
ru: Просмотр фото
sr: Просвећени прегледник слика
es: Visualizador de fotos de Enlightenment
fr: Visionneuse photo pour Enlightenment
tr: Fotoğraf görüntüleyici
ca: Visor de fotos Enlightened
it: Visualizzatore di foto per Enlightenment
C: >-
<p>Ephoto is an image viewer and editor written using the Enlightenment Foundation Libraries(EFL). It focuses on simplicity
and ease of use, while taking advantage of the speed and small footprint provided by EFL.</p>
<p>Ephoto supports: * Browsing the filesystem and displaying images in an easy to use grid view. * Browsing images in
a single image view format. * Viewing images in a slideshow. * Editing your images with features, such as cropping,
auto enhance, blurring, sharpening, brightness/contrast/gamma adjustments, hue/saturation/value adjustments, and
color level adjustment. * Applying artistic filters to your images, such as black and white and old photo. * Drag
And Drop file operations to easily maintain your photo directories.</p>
en: >-
<p>Ephoto is an image viewer and editor written using the Enlightenment Foundation Libraries(EFL). It focuses on simplicity
and ease of use, while taking advantage of the speed and small footprint provided by EFL.</p>
<p>Ephoto supports: * Browsing the filesystem and displaying images in an easy to use grid view. * Browsing images in
a single image view format. * Viewing images in a slideshow. * Editing your images with features, such as cropping,
auto enhance, blurring, sharpening, brightness/contrast/gamma adjustments, hue/saturation/value adjustments, and
color level adjustment. * Applying artistic filters to your images, such as black and white and old photo. * Drag
And Drop file operations to easily maintain your photo directories.</p>
- Graphics
- Viewer
- name: ephoto_ephoto.png
width: 64
height: 64
- ephoto.desktop
- inode/directory
- image/png
- image/jpeg
- image/pjpeg
- image/x-xpixmap
- image/tiff
- image/svg+xml
- image/svg+xml-compressed
- image/gif
- image/x-portable-anymap
- image/x-portable-bitmap
- image/x-portable-graymap
- image/x-portable-pixmap
- image/bmp
- image/x-bmp
- image/x-tga
- image/vnd.wap.wbmp
- image/webp
- image/vnd.microsoft.icon
- image/ico
- image/x-ico
- image/x-win-bitmap
- image/vnd.adobe.photoshop
- image/x-psd
- application/pdf
- application/x-pdf
- image/pdf
- application/postscript
- image/x-xcf
- image/x-compressed-xcf