Type: desktop-application
ID: enlightenment_filemanager.desktop
Package: enlightenment
de: Enlightenment-Dateiverwaltung
lt: Enlightenment Failų naršyklė
ms: Pengurus Fail Enlightenment
pl: Menedżer plików Enlightenment
fi: Enlightenment-tiedostonhallinta
C: Enlightenment File Manager
ja: Enlightenment ファイルマネージャー
eo: Dosieradministrilo de Enlightenment
gl: Xestor de ficheiros de Enlightenment
pt: Gestor de ficheiros do Enlightenment
sr: Управник датотека Просвећења
es: Administrador de archivos de Enlightenment
fr: Gestionnaire de fichiers d'Enlightenment
ru: Файловый менеджер для Enlightenment
tr: Enlightenment Dosya Yöneticisi
ko: Enlightenment 파일 관리자
ca: Gestor d'arxius Enlightenment
it: Filemanager di Enlightenment
da: Enlightenment-filhåndtering
de: Die Dateiverwaltung bereitgestellt von Enlightenment
lt: Enlightenment failų naršyklė
ms: Pengurus Fail yang disediakan oleh Enlightenment
pl: Menedżer plików dostarczony przez Enlightenment
fi: Enlightenmentin mukana tuleva tiedostohallintasovellus
C: File Manager provided by Enlightenment
ja: Enlightenment によるファイルマネージャー
eo: La dosieradministrilo provizita de Enlightenment
gl: O xestor de ficheiros fornecido por Enlightenment
pt: Gestor de ficheiros para o Enlightenment
sr: Управник датотека Просвећења
es: El administrador de ficheros proporcionado por Enlightenment
fr: Gestionnaire de fichiers fourni par Enlightenment
ru: Файловый менеджер встроенный в Enlightenment
tr: Enlightenment tarafından sağlanan dosya yöneticisi
ko: Enlightenment에서 제공하는 파일 관리자입니다
ca: Gestor d'arxius proveït per Enlightenment
it: Il filemanager fornito da Enlightenment
da: Filhåndtering leveret af Enlightenment
C: >-
<p>Enlightenment is an advanced window manager for X11. Unique features include: a fully animated background, nice drop
shadows around windows, backed by an extremely clean and optimized foundation of APIs.</p>
<p>This package contains the core files for Enlightenment.</p>
en: >-
<p>Enlightenment is an advanced window manager for X11. Unique features include: a fully animated background, nice drop
shadows around windows, backed by an extremely clean and optimized foundation of APIs.</p>
<p>This package contains the core files for Enlightenment.</p>
- FileManager
- Utility
- Core
- System
- FileTools
- name: enlightenment_system-file-manager.png
width: 48
height: 48
- name: enlightenment_system-file-manager.png
width: 64
height: 64
- name: enlightenment_system-file-manager.png
width: 128
height: 128
stock: system-file-manager
- url: e/en/enlightenment_filemanager.desktop/88B76ECC85D0BC9C4CFD4B2A6C28BDF7/icons/128x128/enlightenment_system-file-manager.png
width: 128
height: 128
- enlightenment_filemanager.desktop
- inode/directory
Type: desktop-application
ID: emixer.desktop
Package: enlightenment
tr: Emixer
C: Emixer
ms: Emixer
ca: Emixer
de: Emixer
fi: Emixer
de: Ein Modul, um die Lautstärke und die Datenströme zu steuern.
ms: Modul untuk mengawal volum dan strim audio.
fi: Tällä moduulilla voit ohjata äänen voimakkuutta ja äänivirtoja.
C: A utility to control volume levels
eo: Modulo por kontroli sonfortecon kaj fluojn.
sr: Јединица за управљање јечином звука и токова.
tr: Ses seviyesi ve ses akışı kontrol modülü.
fr: Un module pour contrôler le volume et les flux.
ca: Un mòdul per controlar el volum d'àudio i fonts.
it: Un modulo per controllare il volume dell'audio e degli stream.
C: >-
<p>Enlightenment is an advanced window manager for X11. Unique features include: a fully animated background, nice drop
shadows around windows, backed by an extremely clean and optimized foundation of APIs.</p>
<p>This package contains the core files for Enlightenment.</p>
en: >-
<p>Enlightenment is an advanced window manager for X11. Unique features include: a fully animated background, nice drop
shadows around windows, backed by an extremely clean and optimized foundation of APIs.</p>
<p>This package contains the core files for Enlightenment.</p>
- AudioVideo
- System
- name: enlightenment_emixer.png
width: 64
height: 64
stock: emixer
- emixer.desktop