⇦ | empire [universe]
Last updated on: 2020-04-23 11:40 [UTC]

Metadata for empire in universe

empire.desktop - 1.15-1 ⚙ amd64 ⚙ armhf ⚙ arm64 ⚙ ppc64el ⚙ s390x

Type: desktop-application
ID: empire.desktop
Package: empire
  C: VMS Empire
  C: war game of the century
  de: Kriegsspiel des Jahrhunderts
  pl: >-
    <p>Empire to konsolowa gra będąca symulacją pełnowymiarowej wojny pomiędzy dwoma imperatorami: komputerem i graczem. Naturalnie,
    jest tam miejsce tylko dla jednego, zatem celem gry jest zniszczenie przeciwnika.</p>

    <p>Świat, w którym toczy się gra, jest prostokątnym placem zawierającym miasta, lądy i wodę. Miasta używane są do budowania
    armii, samolotów i statków, które mogą poruszać się po całym świecie niszcząc wroga, odkrywać oraz przejmować kolejne

    <p>Klasyczna gra z lat 80. używa wyjścia graficznego w trybie tekstowym, rysując jednostki, miasta i świat w kolorach.
    Polecenia wydawane są przy użyciu klawiatury.</p>
  de: >-
    <p>Empire ist ein Simulationsspiel in der Konsole. Es simuliert einen ausgewachsenen Krieg zwischen zwei Herrschern, dem
    Computer und Ihnen. Natürlich gibt es nur Platz für einen von beiden und daher ist es Ziel des Spiels, den Anderen zu

    <p>Die quadratische Spielwelt beherbergt Städte, Land und Wasser. Städte werden dazu benutzt, um Armeen aufzustellen,
    Flugzeuge und Schiffe zu bauen. Diese können sich über die Welt bewegen, feindliche Einheiten zerstören sowie weitere
    Städte entdecken und erobern.</p>

    <p>Der Klassiker aus den 1980er Jahren benutzt zur grafischen Darstellung den Textmodus, um Einheiten, Städte und die
    Welt in Farbe zu zeichnen. Befehle werden mit Hilfe der Tastatur erteilt.</p>
  pt_BR: >-
    <p>Empire é um jogo de simulação na console de uma guerra em grande escala entre dois imperadores, o computador e você.
    Naturalmente, há espaço para apenas um, então o objetivo do jogo é destruir o outro.</p>

    <p>O mundo onde o jogo ocorre é um retângulo contendo cidades, terra e água. Cidades são usadas para construir exércitos,
    aviões e navios, que podem se mover através do mundo destruindo peças inimigas, explorando, e capturando mais cidades.</p>

    <p>O jogo clássico da década de 1980 usa texto como saída, desenhando suas unidades, cidades e o mundo em cores. Comandos
    são dados usando o teclado.</p>
  uk: >-
    <p>Empire — консольний ігровий симулятор повномасштабної війни між двома імперіями, комп’ютером і вами. Природньо, що
    у війні повинен перемогти найсильніший, тому кінцевою метою ігри є знищення суперника.</p>

    <p>The world on which the game takes place is a square rectangle containing cities, land and water. Cities are used to
    build armies, planes, and ships which can move across the world destroying enemy pieces, exploring, and capturing more

    <p>The classic game from the 1980s uses text mode graphical output, drawing your units, cities and the world in color.
    Commands are issued using the keyboard.</p>
  C: >-
    <p>Empire is a console game simulation of a full-scale war between two emperors, the computer and you. Naturally, there
    is only room for one, so the object of the game is to destroy the other.</p>

    <p>The world on which the game takes place is a square rectangle containing cities, land and water. Cities are used to
    build armies, planes, and ships which can move across the world destroying enemy pieces, exploring, and capturing more

    <p>The classic game from the 1980s uses text mode graphical output, drawing your units, cities and the world in color.
    Commands are issued using the keyboard.</p>
  en: >-
    <p>Empire is a console game simulation of a full-scale war between two emperors, the computer and you. Naturally, there
    is only room for one, so the object of the game is to destroy the other.</p>

    <p>The world on which the game takes place is a square rectangle containing cities, land and water. Cities are used to
    build armies, planes, and ships which can move across the world destroying enemy pieces, exploring, and capturing more

    <p>The classic game from the 1980s uses text mode graphical output, drawing your units, cities and the world in color.
    Commands are issued using the keyboard.</p>
  ru: >-
    <p>Empire — консольная игра, имитация полномасштабной войны между двумя императорами (компьютером и вами). Разумеется
    есть место лишь для одного из них, так что цель игры — уничтожить противника.</p>

    <p>The world on which the game takes place is a square rectangle containing cities, land and water. Cities are used to
    build armies, planes, and ships which can move across the world destroying enemy pieces, exploring, and capturing more

    <p>The classic game from the 1980s uses text mode graphical output, drawing your units, cities and the world in color.
    Commands are issued using the keyboard.</p>
  en_CA: >-
    <p>Empire is a console game simulation of a full-scale war between two emperors, the computer and you. Naturally, there
    is only room for one, so the object of the game is to destroy the other.</p>

    <p>The world on which the game takes place is a square rectangle containing cities, land and water. Cities are used to
    build armies, planes, and ships which can move across the world destroying enemy pieces, exploring, and capturing more

    <p>The classic game from the 1980s uses text mode graphical output, drawing your units, cities and the world in color.
    Commands are issued using the keyboard.</p>
  fr: >-
    <p>Empire est un jeu de console de simulation d&apos;une guerre totale entre deux empereurs, l&apos;ordinateur et vous.
    Naturellement, il n&apos;y a de la place que pour un, donc l&apos;objectif du jeu est de détruire l&apos;autre.</p>

    <p>Le jeu prend place dans un monde de forme rectangulaire contenant villes, terres et eau. Les villes sont utilisées
    pour construire armées, avions, et navires qui se déplacent à travers le terrain en détruisant les pièces ennemies, explorant
    et capturant plus de villes.</p>

    <p>Le jeu classique des années 1980 utilise la sortie mode texte graphique pour dessiner unités, cités et terrains en
    couleurs. Les commandes sont lancées à l&apos;aide du clavier.</p>
  en_GB: >-
    <p>Empire is a console game simulation of a full-scale war between two emperors, the computer and you. Naturally, there
    is only room for one, so the object of the game is to destroy the other.</p>

    <p>The world on which the game takes place is a square rectangle containing cities, land and water. Cities are used to
    build armies, planes, and ships which can move across the world destroying enemy pieces, exploring, and capturing more

    <p>The classic game from the 1980s uses text mode graphical output, drawing your units, cities and the world in color.
    Commands are issued using the keyboard.</p>
  it: >-
    <p>Empire è un gioco di simulazione per console con una guerra globale tra due imperatori, il computer e voi. Naturalmente
    c&apos;è spazio solo per uno di voi, perciò lo scopo del gioco è di distruggere l&apos;altro.</p>

    <p>Il mondo in cui si svolge il gioco è un rettangolo che contiene città, terre e mari. Le città sono usate per costruire
    eserciti, aeroplani e navi che possono poi muoversi nel mondo distruggendo pezzi nemici, esplorando e catturando altre

    <p>Classico gioco degli anni &apos;80, usa una modalità di output testuale, disegnando le unità, le città ed il mondo
    a colori. Per dare i comandi si usa la tastiera.</p>
  da: >-
    <p>Empire er en konsolsimulering af en krig i fuld skala mellem to kejsere, computeren og dig. Naturligvis er der kun
    plads til en, så formålet med spillet er at knuse den anden.</p>

    <p>Verdenen hvor spillet foregår i er en rektangel, der indeholder byer, land og vand. Byer bruges til at bygge hære,
    fly og skibe, som kan bevæge sig omkring og knuse fjendtlige styrker, udforske og indtage flere byer.</p>

    <p>Det klassiske spil fra 1980&apos;erne bruger en grafisk teksttilstand, der tegner dine enheder, byer og verdenen i
    farver. Kommandoer udstedes med tastaturet.</p>
  en_AU: >-
    <p>Empire is a console game simulation of a full-scale war between two emperors, the computer and you. Naturally, there
    is only room for one, so the object of the game is to destroy the other.</p>

    <p>The world on which the game takes place is a square rectangle containing cities, land and water. Cities are used to
    build armies, planes, and ships which can move across the world destroying enemy pieces, exploring, and capturing more

    <p>The classic game from the 1980s uses text mode graphical output, drawing your units, cities and the world in color.
    Commands are issued using the keyboard.</p>
- Game
- StrategyGame
  - strategy
  - text
  - ncurses
  - terminal
  - console
  - game
  - war
  - armies
  - name: empire_vms-empire.png
    width: 48
    height: 48
  - name: empire_vms-empire.png
    width: 48
    height: 48
  - empire.desktop