Type: desktop-application
ID: com.github.maoschanz.drawing
Package: drawing
pt_BR: Drawing
he: ציור
C: Drawing
fi: Piirtäminen
tr: Çizim
sv: Drawing
fr: Dessin
es: Drawing
hr: Crtanje
hu: Rajzolás
it: Drawing
nl: Tekenen
da: Drawing
de_DE: Zeichnung
pl: Program graficzny dla środowiska GNOME
pt_BR: Uma aplicação de desenho para o ambiente GNOME
he: יישום ציור לשולחן עבודה GNOME
C: A drawing application for the GNOME desktop
fi: Piirustus apuohjelma GNOME-työpöydälle
ru: Гафический редактор для рабочего стола GNOME
tr: GNOME masaüstü için çizim uygulaması
sv: Ett ritprogram för GNOME skrivbordsmiljö
fr: Une application de dessin pour le bureau GNOME
es: Una aplicación de dibujo para el escritorio GNOME
hr: Program za crtanje za GNOME desktop
hu: Rajzoló alkalmazás a GNOME asztali környezethez
it: Un'applicazione per il disegno per l'interfaccia GNOME.
nl: Een tekenprogramma voor de GNOME-werkomgeving
da: Et tegneprogram til GNOME-skrivebordet
de_DE: Ein Zeichenprogramm für den GNOME-Desktop
pl: >-
<p>"Drawing" to prosty edytor graficzny wspierający pliki w formacie PNG, JPEG i BMP.</p>
<p>Umożliwia rysowanie i edycję obrazów za pomocą takich narzędzi, jak ołówek, linie, łuki (z różnymi opcjami), zaznaczanie
(wycinanie/kopiowanie/wstawianie/przeciąganie/…), kształty (prostokąty, koła, wielokąty, …), tekst, wstawianie, zmiana
rozmiaru, przycinanie, obrót, ….</p>
pt_BR: >-
<p>"Drawing" é um simples editor de imagens, que suporta arquivos PNG,JPEG e BMP</p>
<p>Deixa você desenhar ou editar imagens com ferramentas como lápis, linha ou arco (com diversas opções), seleção (corta/copia/cola/arrasta/…),
formas (retângulo, circulo, polígono, …), inserir texto, redimensionar, aparar, rotacionar, …</p>
fi: >-
<p>"Piirtäminen" on peruskuvaeditori, joka tukee PNG-, JPEG- ja BMP-tiedostotyyppejä.</p>
<p>Sen avulla voit piirtää tai muokata kuvia työkaluilla kuten lyijykynä, viiva tai kaari (eri vaihtoehdoilla), valinta
(leikkaa/kopioi/liitä/vedä/…), muodot (suorakulmio, ympyrä, monikulmio…), tekstin lisäys, koon muuttaminen, rajaaminen,
kiertäminen, …</p>
C: >-
<p>"Drawing" is a basic image editor, supporting PNG, JPEG and BMP file types.</p>
It allows you to draw or edit pictures with tools such as pencil, line or
arc (with various options), selection (cut/copy/paste/drag/…), shapes
(rectangle, circle, polygon, …), text insertion, resizing, cropping,
rotating, …
tr: >-
<p>"Drawing", PNG, JPEG ve BMP dosya türlerini destekleyen temel bir resim düzenleyicidir.</p>
<p>Fırça, çizgi veya yay (çeşitli seçeneklerle), seçim (kes/kopyala/yapıştır/sürükle/…), şekiller (dikdörtgen, daire,
çokgen,…), metin ekleme gibi araçlarla resim çizmenize veya düzenlemenize olanak sağlar. yeniden boyutlandırma, kırpma,
döndürme, …</p>
es: >-
<p>«Drawing» es un editor de imagen básico con soporte para tipos de archivo PNG, JPEG y BMP.</p>
<p>Le permite dibujar o editar imágenes con herramientas como lápiz, línea o arco (con varias opciones), selección (cortar/copiar/pegar/arrastrar/…),
formas (rectángulo, círculo, polígono, …), inserción de texto, cambio de tamaño, recorte, rotación, …</p>
fr: >-
<p>"Dessin" est un éditeur d'images basique, qui supporte les fichiers de type PNG, JPEG ou BMP.</p>
<p>Il vous permet de dessiner ou d'éditer des images avec des outils tels que crayon, trait ou arc (avec diverses options),
sélection (couper/copier/coller/déplacer…), formes (rectangle, cercle, polygone, …), insertion de texte, redimensionnement,
recadrage, rotation, …</p>
sv: >-
<p>"Drawing " är en grundläggande bildredigerare som stödjer PNG-, JPEG- och BMP-filer.</p>
<p>Det låter dig rita eller redigera bilder med verktyg såsom penna, linje eller båge (med olika alternativ), markering
(klipp ut/kopiera/klistra in/dra/…), textinfogning, storleksändring, beskärning, rotation, …</p>
hr: >-
<p>„Crtanje” je osnovni uređivač slika, podržava PNG, JPEG i BMP datoteke.</p>
<p>Omogućuje crtanje ili uređivanje slika pomoću alata kao što su olovka, linija ili luk (s različitim opcijama), odabir
(izrezivanje/kopiranje/umetanje/povlačenje/…), oblici (pravokutnik, krug, poligon, …), umetanje teksta, mijenjanje veličine,
rezanje, rotiranje, …</p>
hu: >-
<p>A „Drawing” (Rajzolás) alkalmazás egy egyszerű, PNG, JPEG és BMP fájltípusok támogatásával rendelkező képszerkesztő
<p>Segítségével képeket rajzolhat és szerkeszthet a következő eszközökkel: ceruza, vonal, körív (számos beállítási lehetőséggel),
kiválasztás (kivágás, másolás, beillesztés, áthúzás), alakzatok (négyszög, kör, poligon), szöveg, átméretezés, vágás,
forgatás, …</p>
it: >-
<p>"Drawing" è un editor di immagini di base, che supporta i tipi di file PNG, JPEG e BMP.</p>
<p>Ti permette di disegnare o modificare immagini con strumenti come matita, linea oarco (con varie opzioni), selezione
(taglia/copia/incolla/trascina/…), forme, rotazione, …</p>
nl: >-
<p>'Tekenen' is een eenvoudige afbeeldingsbewerker, met ondersteuning voor PNG, JPEG en BMP.</p>
<p>Het stelt je in staat om afbeeldingen te tekenen of bewerken met gereedschappen, zoals een potlood, lijn, boog (met
verschillende mogelijkheden), selectie (knippen/kopiëren/plakken/verslepen/…), vormen (rechthoek, cirkel, polygoon, …),
tekst, herschaling, bijsnijden, draaien, …</p>
da: >-
<p>"Drawing" er en simpel billededitor som understøtter filtyperne PNG, JPEG og BMP.</p>
<p>Det giver dig mulighed for at tegne og redigere billeder med værktøjer såsom blyant, linje eller bue (med diverse valgmuligheder),
markering (klip/kopiér/indsæt/træk/ …), former (rektangel, cirkel, polygon …), indsættelse af tekst, tilpasning af størrelse,
beskæring, drejning …</p>
de_DE: >-
<p>"Zeichnung" ist eine einfache Bildbearbeitung mit Unterstützung der Dateitypen PNG, JPEG und BMP.</p>
<p>Sie können Bilder erstellen oder bearbeiten mit Werkzeugen, wie Bleistift, Linien oder Kurven (mit verschiedenen Optionen),
Auswahl (Ausschneiden/Kopieren/Einfügen/Ziehen/…), Formen (Rechteck, Kreis, Vieleck, …) Texteingabe, Größenänderung, Zuschneiden,
Drehen, usw.…</p>
C: Romain F. T.
ProjectLicense: GPL-3.0-or-later
- Graphics
- Paint
- Pintura
- Esboço
- Lápis
- Paint
- שרטט
- עיפרון
- Paint
- Maali
- Luonnos
- Lyijykynä
- Paint
- Sketch
- Pencil
- Paint
- Çizim
- Boyama
- Karakalem
- Paint
- Boceto
- Lápiz
- Paint
- Croquis
- Crayon
- Paint
- Måla
- Rita
- Penna
- Paint
- Skiciranje
- Olovka
- Paint
- Skizze
- Bleistift
- Paint
- Sketch
- Pencil
- Festés
- Rajzolás
- Skicc
- Ceruza
- Ecset
- Festő
- Paint
- Colore
- Bozze
- Matita
- Paint
- Tegn
- Blyant
- Paint
- Verven
- Schetsen
- Potlood
bugtracker: https://github.com/maoschanz/drawing/issues
homepage: https://maoschanz.github.io/drawing
donation: https://paypal.me/maoschannz
- name: drawing_com.github.maoschanz.drawing.png
width: 48
height: 48
- name: drawing_com.github.maoschanz.drawing.png
width: 64
height: 64
- name: drawing_com.github.maoschanz.drawing.png
width: 128
height: 128
stock: com.github.maoschanz.drawing
- url: com/github/maoschanz.drawing/CF5FB8099FD808A32398360219EF6821/icons/128x128/drawing_com.github.maoschanz.drawing.png
width: 128
height: 128
- com.github.maoschanz.drawing.desktop
- drawing
- image/png
- image/bmp
- image/jpeg
- default: true
fr: La fenêtre par défaut et son menu primaire
C: The default window and its primary menu
- url: com/github/maoschanz.drawing/CF5FB8099FD808A32398360219EF6821/screenshots/image-1_752x458.png
width: 752
height: 458
- url: com/github/maoschanz.drawing/CF5FB8099FD808A32398360219EF6821/screenshots/image-1_624x380.png
width: 624
height: 380
- url: com/github/maoschanz.drawing/CF5FB8099FD808A32398360219EF6821/screenshots/image-1_224x136.png
width: 224
height: 136
url: com/github/maoschanz.drawing/CF5FB8099FD808A32398360219EF6821/screenshots/image-1_orig.png
width: 910
height: 555
- caption:
fr: La sélection et les actions qui y sont associées
C: The selection and the actions associated with it
- url: com/github/maoschanz.drawing/CF5FB8099FD808A32398360219EF6821/screenshots/image-2_752x458.png
width: 752
height: 458
- url: com/github/maoschanz.drawing/CF5FB8099FD808A32398360219EF6821/screenshots/image-2_624x380.png
width: 624
height: 380
- url: com/github/maoschanz.drawing/CF5FB8099FD808A32398360219EF6821/screenshots/image-2_224x136.png
width: 224
height: 136
url: com/github/maoschanz.drawing/CF5FB8099FD808A32398360219EF6821/screenshots/image-2_orig.png
width: 910
height: 555
- caption:
fr: L'outil "arc" et ses options
C: The "arc" tool and its options
- url: com/github/maoschanz.drawing/CF5FB8099FD808A32398360219EF6821/screenshots/image-3_752x458.png
width: 752
height: 458
- url: com/github/maoschanz.drawing/CF5FB8099FD808A32398360219EF6821/screenshots/image-3_624x380.png
width: 624
height: 380
- url: com/github/maoschanz.drawing/CF5FB8099FD808A32398360219EF6821/screenshots/image-3_224x136.png
width: 224
height: 136
url: com/github/maoschanz.drawing/CF5FB8099FD808A32398360219EF6821/screenshots/image-3_orig.png
width: 910
height: 555
- caption:
fr: Exemple d'utilisation de l'outil "saturation"
C: An example of use of the "saturate" tool
- url: com/github/maoschanz.drawing/CF5FB8099FD808A32398360219EF6821/screenshots/image-4_752x458.png
width: 752
height: 458
- url: com/github/maoschanz.drawing/CF5FB8099FD808A32398360219EF6821/screenshots/image-4_624x380.png
width: 624
height: 380
- url: com/github/maoschanz.drawing/CF5FB8099FD808A32398360219EF6821/screenshots/image-4_224x136.png
width: 224
height: 136
url: com/github/maoschanz.drawing/CF5FB8099FD808A32398360219EF6821/screenshots/image-4_orig.png
width: 910
height: 555
- version: 0.4.11
type: stable
unix-timestamp: 1581811200
C: >-
Version 0.4.11 features several minor bug fixes, and various new
A few features have been added to the tools: the color picker picks
the alpha channel too, the ellipses are now geometrically correct, the
text can be outlined with the secondary color, and the corners of the
rectangles can be rounded.
It's now impossible to accidentally delete the selection while editing
it with the 'scale' or the 'crop' tool.
<p>Tabs can be closed with a middle-click.</p>
What replaces the transparent channel when saving as JPEG or BMP is
now an option the user can change in the preferences window.
- version: 0.4.10
type: stable
unix-timestamp: 1576800000
C: >-
Version 0.4.10 features several minor bug fixes, and various new
The "rotate" tool where buttons were inverted has been fixed, and
tools icons look better with the Adapta theme.
- version: 0.4.9
type: stable
unix-timestamp: 1574208000
C: >-
<p>Replace transparency with white (instead of black) when saving a JPG
or a BMP file.</p>
<p>Also, fix the color picker tool.</p>
- version: 0.4.8
type: stable
unix-timestamp: 1572998400
C: >-
<p>Add a "New image with custom size" action, the ability to open or
import images with drag-and-drop, and don't close saved but non-blank
images when opening a new image.</p>
<p>The UI of the preferences window, the toolbar, the spinbuttons and
the menubar have been improved.</p>
- version: 0.4.6
type: stable
unix-timestamp: 1570320000
C: >-
<p>Version 0.4.5 features several minor bug fixes, and various new
<p>Clicking on both mouse buttons will no longer crash the tools, and
the confusing UI for changing the colorspace has been deleted since it
was causing bugs with the history.</p>
- version: 0.4.4
type: stable
unix-timestamp: 1567900800
C: >-
<p>Version 0.4.4 features several minor bug fixes, and various new
oars-1.1: {}