Type: desktop-application
ID: ding.desktop
Package: ding
C: Ding
de: Ding
C: 'Ding: Dictionary English-German'
de: 'Ding: Wörterbuch Englisch-Deutsch'
de: >-
<p>This is "Ding" * a dictionary lookup program for Unix, * DIctionary Nice Grep, * a Tk based Front-End
to [ae]grep, (hun|a|i)spell, dict, ... * Ding {n} :: thing</p>
<p>This package needs tre-agrep(1), agrep(1) or egrep(1) as a back end. (tre-)agrep is preferable, because it supports
fault tolerant searching.</p>
<p>Sie müssen eine Wortliste mit Übersetzungen installieren, wobei jeweils ein Wort oder Ausdruck in zwei Sprachen in
einer Zeile stehen muss. Die beiden Begriffe müssen durch irgendein Trennzeichen voneinander abgegrenzt sein. Standardmäßig
benutzt Ding das Deutsch-Englisch-Wörterbuch aus dem Paket trans-de-en, aber Sie können jede andere Übersetzungs-Wortliste
mit einem Eintrag pro Zeile benutzen.</p>
pl: >-
<p>This is "Ding" * a dictionary lookup program for Unix, * DIctionary Nice Grep, * a Tk based Front-End
to [ae]grep, (hun|a|i)spell, dict, ... * Ding {n} :: thing</p>
<p>This package needs tre-agrep(1), agrep(1) or egrep(1) as a back end. (tre-)agrep is preferable, because it supports
fault tolerant searching.</p>
<p>Należy zainstalować listę słów słownika translacji ze słowami/fazami w dwóch językach w jednej linii z jakimś separatorem
pomiędzy nimi. Domyślna konfiguracja dinga używa niemiecko-angielskiego słownika, który może być znaleziony w pakiecie
trans-de-en, ale można użyć każdej innej listy słów z jednym rekordem na linię.</p>
pt_BR: >-
<p>This is "Ding" * a dictionary lookup program for Unix, * DIctionary Nice Grep, * a Tk based Front-End
to [ae]grep, (hun|a|i)spell, dict, ... * Ding {n} :: thing</p>
<p>This package needs tre-agrep(1), agrep(1) or egrep(1) as a back end. (tre-)agrep is preferable, because it supports
fault tolerant searching.</p>
<p>Você tem que instalar algumas listas de palavras de dicionário de tradução com uma palavra/frase em duas línguas em
uma linha com algum tipo de separador entre elas. A configuração padrão do ding usa o dicionário Alemão-Inglês que pode
ser encontrado no pacote trans-de-en, mas você pode usar todas as outras listas de palavras com uma entrada por linha.</p>
zh_CN: >-
<p>This is "Ding" * a dictionary lookup program for Unix, * DIctionary Nice Grep, * a Tk based Front-End
to [ae]grep, (hun|a|i)spell, dict, ... * Ding {n} :: thing</p>
<p>This package needs tre-agrep(1), agrep(1) or egrep(1) as a back end. (tre-)agrep is preferable, because it supports
fault tolerant searching.</p>
<p>需要安装一些字典单词列表,同一行包含用某种分隔符分开的两种语言的单词或词组。 默认的配置使用 德-英 辞典,可以在 trans-de-en 中找到。 可以使用其他翻译 只要每行是两个单词的列表就行。</p>
sk: >-
<p>This is "Ding" * a dictionary lookup program for Unix, * DIctionary Nice Grep, * a Tk based Front-End
to [ae]grep, (hun|a|i)spell, dict, ... * Ding {n} :: thing</p>
<p>Tento balík vyžaduje ako backend tre-agrep(1), agrep(1) alebo egrep(1). Lepšie je použiť (tre-)agrep, pretože podporuje
vyhľadávanie s toleranciou chýb.</p>
<p>Musíte nainštalovať nejaký zoznam slov prekladového slovníka so slovami/ frázami v dvoch jazykoch na jednom riadku
oddelenými nejakým oddeľovačom. Štandardná konfigurácia ding používa nemecko-anglický slovník, ktorý možno nájsť v balíku
trans-de-en, ale môžete použiť akýkoľvek iný prekladový zoznam slov s jednou položkou na riadok.</p>
ja: >-
<p>This is "Ding" * a dictionary lookup program for Unix, * DIctionary Nice Grep, * a Tk based Front-End
to [ae]grep, (hun|a|i)spell, dict, ... * Ding {n} :: thing</p>
<p>This package needs tre-agrep(1), agrep(1) or egrep(1) as a back end. (tre-)agrep is preferable, because it supports
fault tolerant searching.</p>
<p>単語の間にある種類のセパレータを使って、一行に二つの言語で一つの単語又は フレーズを記載した翻訳辞書単語リストをインストールする必要があります。 ding のデフォルトの設定では、trans-de-en パッケージで見つかる独英辞書
を使いますが、一行に一つのエントリが記載された他の翻訳単語リストも 使用できます。</p>
pt: >-
<p>This is "Ding" * a dictionary lookup program for Unix, * DIctionary Nice Grep, * a Tk based Front-End
to [ae]grep, (hun|a|i)spell, dict, ... * Ding {n} :: thing</p>
<p>This package needs tre-agrep(1), agrep(1) or egrep(1) as a back end. (tre-)agrep is preferable, because it supports
fault tolerant searching.</p>
<p>Você tem que instalar algum dicionário de tradução de palavras com uma palavra/frase em duas línguas em uma linha com
algum tipo de separador entre elas. A configuração predefinida do ding usa o dicionário Alemão- Inglês o qual pode ser
encontrado no pacote trans-de-en, mas você pode usar qualquer outra lista de tradução de palavras com uma entrada por
C: >-
<p>This is "Ding" * a dictionary lookup program for Unix, * DIctionary Nice Grep, * a Tk based Front-End
to [ae]grep, (hun|a|i)spell, dict, ... * Ding {n} :: thing</p>
<p>This package needs tre-agrep(1), agrep(1) or egrep(1) as a back end. (tre-)agrep is preferable, because it supports
fault tolerant searching.</p>
<p>You have to install some translation dictionary word list with a word/phrase in two languages in one line with some
kind of separator between them. The default configuration of ding uses the German-English dictionary which can be found
in the trans-de-en package, but you can use every other translation word lists with one entry per line.</p>
en: >-
<p>This is "Ding" * a dictionary lookup program for Unix, * DIctionary Nice Grep, * a Tk based Front-End
to [ae]grep, (hun|a|i)spell, dict, ... * Ding {n} :: thing</p>
<p>This package needs tre-agrep(1), agrep(1) or egrep(1) as a back end. (tre-)agrep is preferable, because it supports
fault tolerant searching.</p>
<p>You have to install some translation dictionary word list with a word/phrase in two languages in one line with some
kind of separator between them. The default configuration of ding uses the German-English dictionary which can be found
in the trans-de-en package, but you can use every other translation word lists with one entry per line.</p>
uk: >-
<p>This is "Ding" * a dictionary lookup program for Unix, * DIctionary Nice Grep, * a Tk based Front-End
to [ae]grep, (hun|a|i)spell, dict, ... * Ding {n} :: thing</p>
<p>This package needs tre-agrep(1), agrep(1) or egrep(1) as a back end. (tre-)agrep is preferable, because it supports
fault tolerant searching.</p>
<p>Ви повинні встановити перелік словників для перекладу у вигляді слово/фраза (на двох мовах в одному рядку) з будь яким
роздільним знаком між ними. Типове налаштування, яке використовує ding — Німецько- Англійський словник, який можна знайти
в пакунку trans-de-en, але ви можете використовувати будь-який інший напрям перекладу.</p>
ru: >-
<p>This is "Ding" * a dictionary lookup program for Unix, * DIctionary Nice Grep, * a Tk based Front-End
to [ae]grep, (hun|a|i)spell, dict, ... * Ding {n} :: thing</p>
<p>This package needs tre-agrep(1), agrep(1) or egrep(1) as a back end. (tre-)agrep is preferable, because it supports
fault tolerant searching.</p>
<p>Программе необходимы словари со словами/фразами на двух языках в одной строке, отделёнными друг от друга определённым
разделителем. В конфигурации ding по умолчанию используется немецко-английский словарь, который можно найти в пакете trans-de-en,
но вы можете использовать любые другие списки слов, соблюдая правило «одна запись на строку».</p>
gl: >-
<p>This is "Ding" * a dictionary lookup program for Unix, * DIctionary Nice Grep, * a Tk based Front-End
to [ae]grep, (hun|a|i)spell, dict, ... * Ding {n} :: thing</p>
<p>This package needs tre-agrep(1), agrep(1) or egrep(1) as a back end. (tre-)agrep is preferable, because it supports
fault tolerant searching.</p>
<p>You have to install some translation dictionary word list with a word/phrase in two languages in one line with some
kind of separator between them. The default configuration of ding uses the German-English dictionary which can be found
in the trans-de-en package, but you can use every other translation word lists with one entry per line.</p>
es: >-
<p>This is "Ding" * a dictionary lookup program for Unix, * DIctionary Nice Grep, * a Tk based Front-End
to [ae]grep, (hun|a|i)spell, dict, ... * Ding {n} :: thing</p>
<p>This package needs tre-agrep(1), agrep(1) or egrep(1) as a back end. (tre-)agrep is preferable, because it supports
fault tolerant searching.</p>
<p>Tiene que instalar alguna lista de palabras de diccionario para traducción, con una palabra/frase en dos lenguas por
línea, con algún tipo de separador entre ellas. La configuración predeterminada de ding utiliza el diccionario alemán/inglés
que se puede encontrar en el paquete trans- de-en, pero puede usarlo con cualquier otra lista de palabras de traducción
con una entrada por línea.</p>
fr: >-
<p>This is "Ding" * a dictionary lookup program for Unix, * DIctionary Nice Grep, * a Tk based Front-End
to [ae]grep, (hun|a|i)spell, dict, ... * Ding {n} :: thing</p>
<p>Ce paquet nécessite l’installation de tre-agrep(1), agrep(1) ou egrep(1) comme dorsal. (tre-)agrep est préférable,
car il gère une recherche tolérante aux fautes.</p>
<p>Sont à installer quelques listes de mots de dictionnaires de traduction avec des mots ou phrases en deux langues sur
une seule ligne, avec un séparateur entre eux. La configuration par défaut de ding utilise le dictionnaire allemand-anglais
qui peut être trouvé dans le paquet trans- de-en, mais vous pouvez utiliser toute autre liste de mots traduits avec une
entrée par ligne.</p>
sv: >-
<p>This is "Ding" * a dictionary lookup program for Unix, * DIctionary Nice Grep, * a Tk based Front-End
to [ae]grep, (hun|a|i)spell, dict, ... * Ding {n} :: thing</p>
<p>This package needs tre-agrep(1), agrep(1) or egrep(1) as a back end. (tre-)agrep is preferable, because it supports
fault tolerant searching.</p>
<p>Du måste installera någon översättningsordlista med ord/fraser på två språk givna på samma rad med någon form av avgränsare
mellan dem. Dings standardkonfiguration använder det tysk-engelska lexikon som kan hittas i trans-de-en-paketet, men du
kan använda vilken annan översättningsordlista som helst som har en post per rad.</p>
ko: >-
<p>This is "Ding" * a dictionary lookup program for Unix, * DIctionary Nice Grep, * a Tk based Front-End
to [ae]grep, (hun|a|i)spell, dict, ... * Ding {n} :: thing</p>
<p>This package needs tre-agrep(1), agrep(1) or egrep(1) as a back end. (tre-)agrep is preferable, because it supports
fault tolerant searching.</p>
<p>ding을 위해서는 적당한 번역 사전 단어 리스트를 설치해야만 합니다. 이 단어 리스트는 단어/숙어로 이루어져 있으며, 한 라인에는 하나의 단어/숙어가 두 가지 언어로 분리되어 있어야 합니다. ding은 기본
설정으로, trans-de-en 패키지에서 찾을 수 있는 독-영 사전을 사용합니다. 그러나 한 라인에 하나의 내용으로 이루어진 다른 번역 단어 리스트도 모두 사용될 수 있습니다.</p>
it: >-
<p>This is "Ding" * a dictionary lookup program for Unix, * DIctionary Nice Grep, * a Tk based Front-End
to [ae]grep, (hun|a|i)spell, dict, ... * Ding {n} :: thing</p>
<p>Questo pacchetto ha bisogno di tre-agrep(1), agrep(1) o egrep(1) come back-end. (tre-)agrep è preferibile, perché supporta
una ricerca che tiene conto di eventuali errori.</p>
<p>È necessario installare alcuni dizionari bilingui compilati come lista di parole, ovvero che contengono in ciascuna
riga la stessa parola (o frase) in due lingue, con in mezzo un qualche tipo di separatore. La configurazione predefinita
di ding usa il dizionario Tedesco-Inglese che si può trovare nel pacchetto trans-de-en, ma va bene ogni lista di parole
con una voce per riga.</p>
da: >-
<p>This is "Ding" * a dictionary lookup program for Unix, * DIctionary Nice Grep, * a Tk based Front-End
to [ae]grep, (hun|a|i)spell, dict, ... * Ding {n} :: thing</p>
<p>Denne pakke kræver tre-agrep(1), agrep(1) eller egrep(1) som motor. (tre-)agrep foretrækkes, da den understøtter fejltolerant
<p>Du skal installere en oversættelsesordliste med et ord/frase på to sprog på hver linje med et eller andet adskillelsestegn
imellem. I standardopsætningen bruger ding tysk/engelsk-ordbogen, som findes i pakken trans-de-en, men du kan bruge enhver
anden oversættelsesordliste med en indgang på hver linje.</p>
- Office
- Dictionary
- dictionary
- translation
- Wörterbuch
- Übersetzung
- name: ding_ding.png
width: 48
height: 48
- name: ding_ding.png
width: 64
height: 64
stock: ding
- ding.desktop