⇦ | dillo [universe]
Last updated on: 2020-04-23 11:40 [UTC]

Metadata for dillo in universe

dillo.desktop - 3.0.5-6build1 ⚙ amd64 ⚙ armhf ⚙ arm64 ⚙ ppc64el ⚙ s390x

Type: desktop-application
ID: dillo.desktop
Package: dillo
  C: Dillo
  C: Lightweight browser
  lt: Labai paprasta naršyklė
  de: >-
    <p>Dillo 3 ist ein graphischer, plattformübergreifender Webbrowser, der für seine Geschwindigkeit und seinen geringen
    Platzbedarf bekannt ist. Er basiert auf Version 1.3 des Fast and Light Toolkit (FLTK).</p>

    <p>Entwurfsziele sind kleiner Ressourcenverbrauch, Stabilität, Entwicklerfreundlichkeit, Verwendbarkeit, Schnelligkeit
    und Erweiterbarkeit.</p>

    <p>To run the included dillo-install-hyphenation script the recommended perl packages need to be installed.</p>
  uk: >-
    <p>Dillo 3 являє собою графічний багатоплатформовий веб-оглядач та відомий своєю швидкістю та малим використання пам’яті,
    тощо. Він заснований на версії 1.3 „Швидкого й Легкого Інструментарію“ (FLTK).</p>

    <p>Він прагне бути невибагливим до ресурсів, стабільним, дружним до розробників, практичним, дуже швидким та розширюваним.</p>

    <p>To run the included dillo-install-hyphenation script the recommended perl packages need to be installed.</p>
  C: >-
    <p>Dillo 3 is a graphical multi-platform web browser known for its speed and small footprint. It is based on version 1.3
    of the Fast and Light Toolkit (FLTK) in version 1.3</p>

    <p>It aims to be small in resources, stable, developer-friendly, usable, very fast, and extensible.</p>

    <p>To run the included dillo-install-hyphenation script the recommended perl packages need to be installed.</p>
  en: >-
    <p>Dillo 3 is a graphical multi-platform web browser known for its speed and small footprint. It is based on version 1.3
    of the Fast and Light Toolkit (FLTK) in version 1.3</p>

    <p>It aims to be small in resources, stable, developer-friendly, usable, very fast, and extensible.</p>

    <p>To run the included dillo-install-hyphenation script the recommended perl packages need to be installed.</p>
  en_CA: >-
    <p>Dillo 3 is a graphical multi-platform web browser known for its speed and small footprint. It is based on version 1.3
    of the Fast and Light Toolkit (FLTK) in version 1.3</p>

    <p>It aims to be small in resources, stable, developer-friendly, usable, very fast, and extensible.</p>

    <p>To run the included dillo-install-hyphenation script the recommended perl packages need to be installed.</p>
  gl: >-
    <p>Dillo 3 is a graphical multi-platform web browser known for its speed and small footprint. It is based on version 1.3
    of the Fast and Light Toolkit (FLTK) in version 1.3</p>

    <p>It aims to be small in resources, stable, developer-friendly, usable, very fast, and extensible.</p>

    <p>To run the included dillo-install-hyphenation script the recommended perl packages need to be installed.</p>
  ru: >-
    <p>Dillo 3 is a graphical multi-platform web browser known for its speed and small footprint. It is based on version 1.3
    of the Fast and Light Toolkit (FLTK) in version 1.3</p>

    <p>It aims to be small in resources, stable, developer-friendly, usable, very fast, and extensible.</p>

    <p>To run the included dillo-install-hyphenation script the recommended perl packages need to be installed.</p>
  fr: >-
    <p>Dillo 3 is a graphical multi-platform web browser known for its speed and small footprint. It is based on version 1.3
    of the Fast and Light Toolkit (FLTK) in version 1.3</p>

    <p>It aims to be small in resources, stable, developer-friendly, usable, very fast, and extensible.</p>

    <p>To run the included dillo-install-hyphenation script the recommended perl packages need to be installed.</p>
  en_GB: >-
    <p>Dillo 3 is a graphical multi-platform web browser known for its speed and small footprint. It is based on version 1.3
    of the Fast and Light Toolkit (FLTK) in version 1.3</p>

    <p>It aims to be small in resources, stable, developer-friendly, usable, very fast, and extensible.</p>

    <p>To run the included dillo-install-hyphenation script the recommended perl packages need to be installed.</p>
  it: >-
    <p>Dillo 3 è un navigatore web grafico e multipiattaforma, conosciuto per la sua velocità e il basso uso di risorse. È
    basato sulla versione 1.3 di FLTK (Fast and Light Toolkit) nella versione 1.3.</p>

    <p>Mira ad usare poche risorse, essere stabile, semplice da sviluppare, usabile, molto veloce ed estensibile.</p>

    <p>To run the included dillo-install-hyphenation script the recommended perl packages need to be installed.</p>
  da: >-
    <p>Dillo 3 er en grafisk webbrowser til flere platforme, der er kendt for dens hastighed og lille fodaftryk. Den er baseret
    på version 1.3 af »Fast and Light Toolkit« (FLTK) i version 1.3.</p>

    <p>Den sigter mod at have et lavt ressourceforbrug, være stabil, udviklervenlig, anvendelig, meget hurtig og kunne udvides.</p>

    <p>To run the included dillo-install-hyphenation script the recommended perl packages need to be installed.</p>
  en_AU: >-
    <p>Dillo 3 is a graphical multi-platform web browser known for its speed and small footprint. It is based on version 1.3
    of the Fast and Light Toolkit (FLTK) in version 1.3</p>

    <p>It aims to be small in resources, stable, developer-friendly, usable, very fast, and extensible.</p>

    <p>To run the included dillo-install-hyphenation script the recommended perl packages need to be installed.</p>
- Network
- WebBrowser
  - name: dillo_dillo.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  - name: dillo_dillo.png
    width: 128
    height: 128
  - text/html
  - application/xhtml+xml
  - text/xml