⇦ | developers-reference [universe]
Last updated on: 2020-04-23 11:40 [UTC]

Metadata for developers-reference in universe

developers-reference.desktop - 11.0.10 ⚙ all

Type: desktop-application
ID: developers-reference.desktop
Package: developers-reference
  C: Developers Reference
  ja_JP: 開発者レファレンス
  en_CA: Developers Reference
  en_GB: Developers Reference
  C: guidelines and information for Debian developers
  de: >-
    <p>This package contains the Debian Developer&apos;s Reference, a set of guidelines and best practices which has been
    established by and for the community of Debian developers.  If you are not a Debian developer, you probably do not need
    this package.</p>

    <p>Table of Contents:</p>

    <p>   1. Scope of This Document    2. Applying to Become a Member    3. Debian Developer&apos;s Duties    4. Resources
    for Debian Members    5. Managing Packages    6. Best Packaging Practices    7. Beyond Packaging    8. Internationalization
    and Translations</p>

    <p>This package contains the English version of the Developer&apos;s Reference. The French, German, Italy, Russian and
    Japanese translations are available in developers-reference-fr, developers-reference-de, developers-reference- it, developers-reference-ru
    and developers-reference-ja.</p>
  pt_BR: >-
    <p>This package contains the Debian Developer&apos;s Reference, a set of guidelines and best practices which has been
    established by and for the community of Debian developers.  If you are not a Debian developer, you probably do not need
    this package.</p>

    <p>Tabela de conteúdos:</p>

    <p>   1. Scope of This Document    2. Applying to Become a Member    3. Debian Developer&apos;s Duties    4. Resources
    for Debian Members    5. Managing Packages    6. Best Packaging Practices    7. Beyond Packaging    8. Internationalization
    and Translations</p>

    <p>This package contains the English version of the Developer&apos;s Reference. The French, German, Italy, Russian and
    Japanese translations are available in developers-reference-fr, developers-reference-de, developers-reference- it, developers-reference-ru
    and developers-reference-ja.</p>
  ja: >-
    <p>本パッケージには、Debian 開発者リファレンスが含まれています。同文書は、 Debian 開発者のコミュニティによって、同コミュニティのために確立されてきたガ イドラインと最良の実践方法をまとめたものです。Debian 開発者でないのなら、本


    <p>   1. Scope of This Document    2. Applying to Become a Member    3. Debian Developer&apos;s Duties    4. Resources
    for Debian Members    5. Managing Packages    6. Best Packaging Practices    7. Beyond Packaging    8. Internationalization
    and Translations</p>

    <p>This package contains the English version of the Developer&apos;s Reference. The French, German, Italy, Russian and
    Japanese translations are available in developers-reference-fr, developers-reference-de, developers-reference- it, developers-reference-ru
    and developers-reference-ja.</p>
  C: >-
    <p>This package contains the Debian Developer&apos;s Reference, a set of guidelines and best practices which has been
    established by and for the community of Debian developers.  If you are not a Debian developer, you probably do not need
    this package.</p>

    <p>Table of Contents:</p>

    <p>   * 1. Scope of This Document    * 2. Applying to Become a Member    * 3. Debian Developer&apos;s Duties    * 4. Resources
    for Debian Members    * 5. Managing Packages    * 6. Best Packaging Practices    * 7. Beyond Packaging    * 8. Internationalization
    and Translations    * 1. Overview of Debian Maintainer Tools</p>

    <p>This package contains the English version of the Developer&apos;s Reference.  The French, German, Italy, Russian and
    Japanese translations are available in developers-reference-fr, developers-reference-de, developers-reference-it, developers-reference-ru
    and developers-reference-ja.</p>
  en: >-
    <p>This package contains the Debian Developer&apos;s Reference, a set of guidelines and best practices which has been
    established by and for the community of Debian developers.  If you are not a Debian developer, you probably do not need
    this package.</p>

    <p>Table of Contents:</p>

    <p>   * 1. Scope of This Document    * 2. Applying to Become a Member    * 3. Debian Developer&apos;s Duties    * 4. Resources
    for Debian Members    * 5. Managing Packages    * 6. Best Packaging Practices    * 7. Beyond Packaging    * 8. Internationalization
    and Translations    * 1. Overview of Debian Maintainer Tools</p>

    <p>This package contains the English version of the Developer&apos;s Reference.  The French, German, Italy, Russian and
    Japanese translations are available in developers-reference-fr, developers-reference-de, developers-reference-it, developers-reference-ru
    and developers-reference-ja.</p>
  ru: >-
    <p>This package contains the Debian Developer&apos;s Reference, a set of guidelines and best practices which has been
    established by and for the community of Debian developers.  If you are not a Debian developer, you probably do not need
    this package.</p>

    <p>Table of Contents:</p>

    <p>   1. Scope of This Document    2. Applying to Become a Member    3. Debian Developer&apos;s Duties    4. Resources
    for Debian Members    5. Managing Packages    6. Best Packaging Practices    7. Beyond Packaging    8. Internationalization
    and Translations</p>

    <p>This package contains the English version of the Developer&apos;s Reference. The French, German, Italy, Russian and
    Japanese translations are available in developers-reference-fr, developers-reference-de, developers-reference- it, developers-reference-ru
    and developers-reference-ja.</p>
  en_CA: >-
    <p>This package contains the Debian Developer&apos;s Reference, a set of guidelines and best practices which has been
    established by and for the community of Debian developers.  If you are not a Debian developer, you probably do not need
    this package.</p>

    <p>Table of Contents:</p>

    <p>   1. Scope of This Document    2. Applying to Become a Member    3. Debian Developer&apos;s Duties    4. Resources
    for Debian Members    5. Managing Packages    6. Best Packaging Practices    7. Beyond Packaging    8. Internationalization
    and Translations</p>

    <p>This package contains the English version of the Developer&apos;s Reference. The French, German, Italy, Russian and
    Japanese translations are available in developers-reference-fr, developers-reference-de, developers-reference- it, developers-reference-ru
    and developers-reference-ja.</p>
  fr: >-
    <p>This package contains the Debian Developer&apos;s Reference, a set of guidelines and best practices which has been
    established by and for the community of Debian developers.  If you are not a Debian developer, you probably do not need
    this package.</p>

    <p>Table des matières :</p>

    <p>   1. Scope of This Document    2. Applying to Become a Member    3. Debian Developer&apos;s Duties    4. Resources
    for Debian Members    5. Managing Packages    6. Best Packaging Practices    7. Beyond Packaging    8. Internationalization
    and Translations</p>

    <p>This package contains the English version of the Developer&apos;s Reference. The French, German, Italy, Russian and
    Japanese translations are available in developers-reference-fr, developers-reference-de, developers-reference- it, developers-reference-ru
    and developers-reference-ja.</p>
  en_GB: >-
    <p>This package contains the Debian Developer&apos;s Reference, a set of guidelines and best practices which has been
    established by and for the community of Debian developers.  If you are not a Debian developer, you probably do not need
    this package.</p>

    <p>Table of Contents:</p>

    <p>   1. Scope of This Document    2. Applying to Become a Member    3. Debian Developer&apos;s Duties    4. Resources
    for Debian Members    5. Managing Packages    6. Best Packaging Practices    7. Beyond Packaging    8. Internationalization
    and Translations</p>

    <p>This package contains the English version of the Developer&apos;s Reference. The French, German, Italy, Russian and
    Japanese translations are available in developers-reference-fr, developers-reference-de, developers-reference- it, developers-reference-ru
    and developers-reference-ja.</p>
  ko: >-
    <p>이 패키지는 데비안 개발자 커뮤니티에서 커뮤니티 자신들을 위해 만든 데비안 개발자의 참고 문서, 가이드라인 세트 그리고 최고의 연습서가 들어 있습니다. 데비안 개발자가 아니라면, 이 패키지는 필요치 않을 것입니다.</p>

    <p>내용 테이블:</p>

    <p>   1. Scope of This Document    2. Applying to Become a Member    3. Debian Developer&apos;s Duties    4. Resources
    for Debian Members    5. Managing Packages    6. Best Packaging Practices    7. Beyond Packaging    8. Internationalization
    and Translations</p>

    <p>This package contains the English version of the Developer&apos;s Reference. The French, German, Italy, Russian and
    Japanese translations are available in developers-reference-fr, developers-reference-de, developers-reference- it, developers-reference-ru
    and developers-reference-ja.</p>
  it: >-
    <p>Questo pacchetto contiene la Guida per lo sviluppatore Debian, una raccolta di linee guida e consigli che è stata preparata
    da e per la comunità degli sviluppatori Debian. Probabilmente non si ha bisogno di questo pacchetto se non si è uno sviluppatore

    <p>Indice (in inglese):</p>

    <p>   1. Scope of This Document    2. Applying to Become a Member    3. Debian Developer&apos;s Duties    4. Resources
    for Debian Members    5. Managing Packages    6. Best Packaging Practices    7. Beyond Packaging    8. Internationalization
    and Translations</p>

    <p>This package contains the English version of the Developer&apos;s Reference. The French, German, Italy, Russian and
    Japanese translations are available in developers-reference-fr, developers-reference-de, developers-reference- it, developers-reference-ru
    and developers-reference-ja.</p>
  da: >-
    <p>Denne pakke indeholder Debian Developer&apos;s Reference, et sæt af retningslinjer og anbefalet brug, som er blevet
    etableret af og for fællesskabet af Debianudviklere. Hvis du ikke er en Debianudvikler, så har du sandsynligvis ikke brug
    for denne pakke.</p>


    <p>   1. Scope of This Document    2. Applying to Become a Member    3. Debian Developer&apos;s Duties    4. Resources
    for Debian Members    5. Managing Packages    6. Best Packaging Practices    7. Beyond Packaging    8. Internationalization
    and Translations</p>

    <p>This package contains the English version of the Developer&apos;s Reference. The French, German, Italy, Russian and
    Japanese translations are available in developers-reference-fr, developers-reference-de, developers-reference- it, developers-reference-ru
    and developers-reference-ja.</p>
  en_AU: >-
    <p>This package contains the Debian Developer&apos;s Reference, a set of guidelines and best practices which has been
    established by and for the community of Debian developers.  If you are not a Debian developer, you probably do not need
    this package.</p>

    <p>Table of Contents:</p>

    <p>   1. Scope of This Document    2. Applying to Become a Member    3. Debian Developer&apos;s Duties    4. Resources
    for Debian Members    5. Managing Packages    6. Best Packaging Practices    7. Beyond Packaging    8. Internationalization
    and Translations</p>

    <p>This package contains the English version of the Developer&apos;s Reference. The French, German, Italy, Russian and
    Japanese translations are available in developers-reference-fr, developers-reference-de, developers-reference- it, developers-reference-ru
    and developers-reference-ja.</p>
- Utility
  - developer
  - maintainer
  - packager
  - debian
  - package
  - documentation
  - manual
  - help
  - guide
  - name: developers-reference_developers-reference.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  - developers-reference.desktop