⇦ | deluge-gtk [universe]
Last updated on: 2020-04-23 11:40 [UTC]

Metadata for deluge-gtk in universe

deluge.desktop - 2.0.3-2 ⚙ all

Type: desktop-application
ID: deluge.desktop
Package: deluge-gtk
  ja: Deluge
  zh_CN: Deluge
  hi: डिल्यूज
  sl: Deluge
  C: Deluge
  uk: Deluge
  sr: Deluge
  nb: Deluge
  hr: Deluge
  sv: Deluge
  fy: Deluge
  nl: Deluge
  zh_TW: Deluge
  lt: Deluge
  lv: Deluge
  pl: Deluge
  el: Deluge
  ast: Deluge
  id: Deluge
  ka: დელუჯი
  gl: Deluge
  ro: Deluge
  et: Deluge
  cy: Deluge
  en_CA: Deluge
  kk: Deluge
  be: Deluge
  is: Deluge
  ko: Deluge
  mk: Deluge
  da: Deluge
  de: Deluge
  tr: Deluge
  bg: Deluge
  ms: Deluge
  en_AU: Deluge
  C: Download and share files over BitTorrent
  da: Download og del filer over BitTorrent
  ca: Baixeu i compartiu fitxers a través de BitTorrent
  hr: Preuzimajte i dijelite datoteke putem BitTorrenta
  uk: Завантаження та обмін файлами через BitTorrent
  sv: Hämta och dela filer över bittorrent
  pl: >-
    <p>Deluge jest w pełni funkcjonalnym, wieloplatformowym i wielointerfejsowym klientem protokołu BitTorrent, używającym
    libtorrent-rasterbar w swoim backendzie oraz oferującym obsługę wielu interfejsów użytkownika: GTK+, WWW i konsoli.</p>

    <p>Został zaprojektowany przy użyciu modelu klient-serwer z procesem demona, który obsługuje wszystkie działania Bittorrent.
    Demon Deluge jest w stanie pracować na maszynach typu headless z interfejsami użytkownika umożliwiającymi zdalne łączenie
    się z dowolnej platformy.</p>

    <p>You may want to install this package to use the Deluge GTK+ user-interface as a thin client and connect to a remote
    daemon. See: &lt;URL:http://dev .deluge-torrent.org/wiki/UserGuide/ThinClient&gt;</p>
  de: >-
    <p>Deluge ist ein voll ausgestatteter, plattformübergreifender BitTorrent- Client. Er setzt in seinem Backend libtorrent-rasterbar
    ein und bietet mehrere Benutzeroberflächen: GTK+, Web und Konsole.</p>

    <p>Er wurde mit dem Client-Server-Modell entwickelt. Der Daemon-Prozess wickelt sämtliche BitTorrent-Aktivitäten ab. Der
    Deluge-Daemon kann auf Maschinen ohne Anzeigegerät laufen; die Benutzeroberflächen können sich von beliebigen Plattformen
    mit ihm verbinden.</p>

    <p>Sie können dieses Paket installieren um die Deluge GTK+-Benutzeroberfläche als Thin Client zu benutzen und zu einem
    entfernten Dienst zu verbinden. Siehe auch &lt;URL:http://dev.deluge-torrent.org/wiki/UserGuide/ThinClient&gt;</p>
  zh_CN: >-
    <p>Deluge 是一款功能全面、跨平台、多界面的 BitTorrent 客户端。 它以 libtorrent-rasterbar 为后端,拥有包括GTK+、网页和命令行 在内的多种界面。</p>

    <p>Deluge 使用客户端-服务器(C/S)模型设计,用一个守护进程处理 BT 活动。 守护进程可运行在无界面的计算机,并可以从任何平台远程连接。</p>

    <p>You may want to install this package to use the Deluge GTK+ user-interface as a thin client and connect to a remote
    daemon. See: &lt;URL:http://dev .deluge-torrent.org/wiki/UserGuide/ThinClient&gt;</p>
  sk: >-
    <p>Deluge je plnohodnotný multiplatformný klient siete BitTorrent používajúci na pozadí libtorrent-rasterbar. Má viaceré
    používateľské rozhrania: GTK+ +, web a konzola.</p>

    <p>Bol navrhnutý pomocou modelu klient/server s procesom démona, ktorý obsluhuje všetku aktivitu BitTorrent. Démon Deluge
    tiež môže bežať na počítačoch bez obrazovky, pričom používateľské rozhranie sa môže pripojiť na diaľku z ľubovoľnej platformy.</p>

    <p>You may want to install this package to use the Deluge GTK+ user-interface as a thin client and connect to a remote
    daemon. See: &lt;URL:http://dev .deluge-torrent.org/wiki/UserGuide/ThinClient&gt;</p>
  sl: >-
    <p>Deluge je polno zmožen odjemalec BitTorrent z več vmesniki, ki deluje na več sistemih in kot svoje začelje uporablja
    libtorrent-rasterbar in vsebuje več uporabniških vmesnikov: GTK+, splet in konzolo.</p>

    <p>Zasnovan je bil z modelom odjemalca-strežnika z ozadnjim opravilom, ki upravlja z vso dejavnostjo bittorrent. Ozadnji
    program Deluge se lahko izvaja na napravah brez zaslonov s katerimi se lahko oddaljeno povežete s kateregakoli sistema.</p>

    <p>Morda boste ta paket želeli namestiti za uporabo uporabniškega vmesnika Deluge GTK+ kot tanek odjemalec in za povezavo
    z oddaljenim ozadnjim programom. Oglejte si: &lt;URL:http://dev.deluge- torrent.org/wiki/UserGuide/ThinClient&gt;</p>
  C: >-
    <p>Deluge is a full-featured, multi-platform, multi-interface BitTorrent client using libtorrent-rasterbar in it&apos;s
    backend and featuring multiple user-interfaces: GTK+, web and console.</p>

    <p>It has been designed using the client-server model with a daemon process that handles all the bittorrent activity.
    The Deluge daemon is able to run on headless machines with the user-interfaces being able to connect remotely from any

    <p>You may want to install this package to use the Deluge GTK+ user-interface as a thin client and connect to a remote
    daemon. See: &lt;URL:http://dev.deluge-torrent.org/wiki/UserGuide/ThinClient&gt;</p>
  en: >-
    <p>Deluge is a full-featured, multi-platform, multi-interface BitTorrent client using libtorrent-rasterbar in it&apos;s
    backend and featuring multiple user-interfaces: GTK+, web and console.</p>

    <p>It has been designed using the client-server model with a daemon process that handles all the bittorrent activity.
    The Deluge daemon is able to run on headless machines with the user-interfaces being able to connect remotely from any

    <p>You may want to install this package to use the Deluge GTK+ user-interface as a thin client and connect to a remote
    daemon. See: &lt;URL:http://dev.deluge-torrent.org/wiki/UserGuide/ThinClient&gt;</p>
  ru: >-
    <p>Deluge is a full-featured, multi-platform, multi-interface BitTorrent client using libtorrent-rasterbar in it&apos;s
    backend and featuring multiple user-interfaces: GTK+, web and console.</p>

    <p>Разработан с использованием клиент-серверной модели, с демоном, управляющим всей работой bittorrent. Демон Deluge может
    быть запущен на компьютере без монитора, а пользовательский интерфейс будет подключаться к нему удалённо с любой платформы.</p>

    <p>Этот пакет можно установить, чтобы использовать GTK+ пользовательский интерфейс Deluge как «тонкий клиент», подключающийся
    к удалённому демону. Смотрите: &lt;URL:http://dev.deluge-torrent.org/wiki/UserGuide/ThinClient&gt;</p>
  en_CA: >-
    <p>Deluge is a full-featured, multi-platform, multi-interface BitTorrent client using libtorrent-rasterbar in it&apos;s
    backend and featuring multiple user-interfaces: GTK+, web and console.</p>

    <p>It has been designed using the client-server model with a daemon process that handles all the bittorrent activity.
    The Deluge daemon is able to run on headless machines with the user-interfaces being able to connect remotely from any

    <p>You may want to install this package to use the Deluge GTK+ user-interface as a thin client and connect to a remote
    daemon. See: &lt;URL:http://dev .deluge-torrent.org/wiki/UserGuide/ThinClient&gt;</p>
  es: >-
    <p>Deluge is a full-featured, multi-platform, multi-interface BitTorrent client using libtorrent-rasterbar in it&apos;s
    backend and featuring multiple user-interfaces: GTK+, web and console.</p>

    <p>It has been designed using the client-server model with a daemon process that handles all the bittorrent activity.
    The Deluge daemon is able to run on headless machines with the user-interfaces being able to connect remotely from any

    <p>You may want to install this package to use the Deluge GTK+ user-interface as a thin client and connect to a remote
    daemon. See: &lt;URL:http://dev .deluge-torrent.org/wiki/UserGuide/ThinClient&gt;</p>
  fr: >-
    <p>Deluge est un client bittorrent complet, multiplate-forme, multi-interface utilisant libtorrent-rasterbar en arrière-plan,
    et présentant plusieurs interfaces utilisateur : GTK+, web et en mode texte.</p>

    <p>Il a été conçu selon le modèle client-serveur, avec un processus démon gérant l&apos;activité bittorrent. Le démon
    Deluge est capable de fonctionner sur des machines sans clavier ni écran, les interfaces utilisateur permettent de s&apos;y
    connecter à distance depuis n&apos;importe quelle plate- forme.</p>

    <p>Vous pouvez installer ce paquet pour utiliser l&apos;interface utilisateur GTK+ de Deluge comme un client léger et
    pour vous connecter à un démon distant. Voir : &lt;URL:http://dev.deluge-torrent.org/wiki/UserGuide/ThinClient&gt;</p>
  gl: >-
    <p>Deluge is a full-featured, multi-platform, multi-interface BitTorrent client using libtorrent-rasterbar in it&apos;s
    backend and featuring multiple user-interfaces: GTK+, web and console.</p>

    <p>It has been designed using the client-server model with a daemon process that handles all the bittorrent activity.
    The Deluge daemon is able to run on headless machines with the user-interfaces being able to connect remotely from any

    <p>Poderíalle interesar instalar este paquete para empregar a interface de usuario de Deluge en GTK+ como cliente lixeiro
    e conectar cun daemon remoto: Vexa &lt;URL:http://dev.deluge-torrent.org/wiki/UserGuide/ThinClient&gt;</p>
  en_GB: >-
    <p>Deluge is a full-featured, multi-platform, multi-interface BitTorrent client using libtorrent-rasterbar in it&apos;s
    backend and featuring multiple user-interfaces: GTK+, web and console.</p>

    <p>It has been designed using the client-server model with a daemon process that handles all the bittorrent activity.
    The Deluge daemon is able to run on headless machines with the user-interfaces being able to connect remotely from any

    <p>You may want to install this package to use the Deluge GTK+ user-interface as a thin client and connect to a remote
    daemon. See: &lt;URL:http://dev .deluge-torrent.org/wiki/UserGuide/ThinClient&gt;</p>
  it: >-
    <p>Deluge è un client BitTorrent completo, multipiattaforma e multi- interfaccia che usa la libreria libtorrent-rasterbar
    nel suo backend e che ha diverse interfacce utente: GTK+, web e in console.</p>

    <p>È stato progettato seguendo il modello client-server con un processo demone che gestisce tutta l&apos;attività bittorrent.
    Il demone Deluge è in grado di essere eseguito su una macchina headless con le interfacce utente che si possono connettere
    in remoto da qualsiasi piattaforma.</p>

    <p>You may want to install this package to use the Deluge GTK+ user-interface as a thin client and connect to a remote
    daemon. See: &lt;URL:http://dev .deluge-torrent.org/wiki/UserGuide/ThinClient&gt;</p>
  nl: >-
    <p>Deluge is een volledige, multi-platform, multi-interface BitTorrent-client met libtorrent-rasterbar als backend en
    verschillende user-interfaces: GTK+, web en console.</p>

    <p>Het ontwerp maakt gebruik van het client-server model, terwijl een daemonproces de bittorrent activiteit afhandelt.
    De Deluge daemon is in staat om te werken op domme terminals (headless machines) terwijl de gebruikerinterfaces op afstand,
    platformonafhankelijk, kunnen verbinden.</p>

    <p>Installeer dit pakket wanneer u gebruik wilt maken van de Deluge GTK+ gebuikersinterface als een thin client en verbinding
    met een daemon op afstand wilt maken. ZIe &lt;URL:http://dev.deluge- torrent.org/wiki/UserGuide/ThinClient&gt;</p>
  da: >-
    <p>Deluge er en BitTorrent-klient med alle funktioner, for flere platforme og med flere grænseflader der samtidig bruger
    libtorrent-rasterbar som sin bagvedliggende motor. Mulige brugerflader: GTK+, internet og konsol.</p>

    <p>Programmet er blevet designet med klient-server-modellen og en dæmonproces, som håndterer al BitTorrent-aktivitet.
    Dæmonen for Deluge er i stand til at køre på maskiner uden skærm, hvor brugerfladerne bliver forbundet eksternt via en
    valgfri platform.</p>

    <p>You may want to install this package to use the Deluge GTK+ user-interface as a thin client and connect to a remote
    daemon. See: &lt;URL:http://dev .deluge-torrent.org/wiki/UserGuide/ThinClient&gt;</p>
  en_AU: >-
    <p>Deluge is a full-featured, multi-platform, multi-interface BitTorrent client using libtorrent-rasterbar in it&apos;s
    backend and featuring multiple user-interfaces: GTK+, web and console.</p>

    <p>It has been designed using the client-server model with a daemon process that handles all the bittorrent activity.
    The Deluge daemon is able to run on headless machines with the user-interfaces being able to connect remotely from any

    <p>You may want to install this package to use the Deluge GTK+ user-interface as a thin client and connect to a remote
    daemon. See: &lt;URL:http://dev .deluge-torrent.org/wiki/UserGuide/ThinClient&gt;</p>
- Network
- FileTransfer
- P2P
  - name: deluge-gtk_deluge.png
    width: 48
    height: 48
  - name: deluge-gtk_deluge.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  - name: deluge-gtk_deluge.png
    width: 128
    height: 128
  - url: d/de/deluge.desktop/601E09D367374738C42F37F14E4896A1/icons/128x128/deluge-gtk_deluge.png
    width: 128
    height: 128
  - deluge.desktop
  - application/x-bittorrent
  - x-scheme-handler/magnet