Type: desktop-application
ID: deepin-deb-installer.desktop
Package: deepin-deb-installer
zh_CN: 深度软件包管理器
sk: Deepin Správca balíčkov
C: Deepin Package Manager
sq: Përgjegjësi Deepin i Paketave
sr: Дипин Управник Пакета
fr: Gestionnaire de paquets Deepin
ca: Gestor de paquets del Deepin
ne: डिपिन प्याकेज प्रबन्धक
pa: ਡੀਪਿਨ ਪੈਕੇਜ ਮੈਨੇਜਰ
hu: Deepin csomagkezelő
uk: Керування пакунками Deepin
nl: Deepin Pakketbeheer
zh_TW: Deepin 軟體包管理器
lt: Deepin paketų tvarkytuvė
pl: Zarządzanie pakietami Deepin
es_419: Gestor de Paquetes Deepin
ast: Deepin Package Manager
cs: Správce balíčků
id: Manajer Paket Deepin
pt: Deepin Package Manager
es: Deepin Package Manager
et: Deepin pakihaldur
ru: Менеджер Пакетов Deepin
tr: Deepin Paket Yöneticisi
da: Deepin pakkehåndtering
ko: Deepin 패키지 관리자
it: Deepin Package Manager
de: Deepin Paketverwaltung
pt_BR: Deepin Gerenciador de Pacotes
mn: Деепин Багц Зохицуулагч
bg: Deepin Мениджър на пакети
ms: Pengurus Pakej Deepin
en_AU: Deepin Package Manager
fi: Deepin Paketinhallinta
zh_CN: 深度软件包管理器用于帮助用户安装和卸载本地软件,支持批量安装。
sk: Aplikácia Deepin Správca balíčkov slúži na pomoc používateľom pri inštalácii a odstraňovaní lokálnych balíčkov, podporuje
hromadnú inštaláciu.
C: Deepin Package Manager is used to help users install and remove local package, supports bulk install.
sq: Përgjegjësi Deepin i Paketave përdoret për t’i ndihmuar përdoruesit të instalojnë dhe heqin paketa vendore. Mbulon instalime
në masë.
sr: Дипин Управник Пакета је програм који помаже корисницима при инсталирању и уклањању локалног софтвера. Подржава групну
fr: Deepin Package Manager est une application pour aider les utilisateurs à gérer les paquets installés, il supporte également
l'installation multiple.
uk: Засіб керування пакунками Deepin використовується для полегшення встановлення і вилучення локальних пакунків користувачем.
Передбачено підтримку пакетного встановлення.
ne: डिपिन प्याकेज प्रबन्धक, प्याकेज फाइल स्थापना र स्थापना रद्द गर्न प्रयोग हुन्छ
ca: El Gestor de paquets del Deepin s'usa per ajudar els usuaris a instal·lar i eliminar paquets locals. Admet la instal·lació
zh_TW: Deepin 軟體包管理器用來幫助使用者安裝和移除本機軟體包。支援批次安裝。
nl: Deepin Pakketbeheer is een applicatie die gebruikers helpt bij het installeren en verwijderen van lokale software, zowel
één voor één als meerdere tegelijk.
lt: Deepin paketų tvarkytuvė yra naudojama padėti naudotojams įdiegti ir šalinti vietinius paketus, ši programa palaiko
masinį įdiegimą.
pl: Zarządzanie pakietami Deepin pomaga użytkownikom instalować i usuwać lokalne pakiety, obsługuje instalację zbiorczą.
es_419: El Gestor de Paquetes Deepin se usa para ayudar a los usuarios a instalar y eliminar paquetes locales, admite la
instalación masiva.
id: Manajer Paket Deepin digunakan untuk menolong para pengguna install dan menghapus paket lokal, mendukung install massal
cs: Správce balíčků se používá k pomoci uživatelům instalovat a odebírat místní balíčky, podporuje hromadnou instalaci.
pt: O Deepin Package Manager é uma aplicação utilizada para ajudar os utilizadores a instalar e remover pacotes locais,
suporta instalações em massa.
es: Deepin Package Manager es usada para ayudar a los usuarios a instalar y quitar paquete local, soporta instalación en
et: Deepin pakihaldur on rakendus, millega kasutajad saavad arvutisse tarkvara paigaldada ja seda sealt eemaldada. Toetab
ka hulgipaigaldamist.
ru: Пакетный Менеджер Deepin используется для помощи пользователям в установке и удалении программного обеспечения, с поддержкой
массовой установки.
tr: Deepin Paket Yöneticisi, kullanıcıların yerel uygulamaları kurup kaldırmasını sağlayan ve toplu kurulum özelliği olan
bir uygulamadır.
da: Deepin pakkehåndtering bruges til at hjælpe brugere med at installere og fjerne lokal pakke, med understøttelse af masseinstallation.
ko: Deepin 패키지 관리자는 사용자가 로컬 패키지를 설치 및 제거하고 일괄 설치를 지원하는데 사용됩니다.
it: Deepin Package Manager è utile per installare e rimuovere software in locale, supporta inoltre l'installazione massiva.
Localizzazione italiana a cura di Massimo A. Carofano.
de: Die Deepin Paketverwaltung unterstützt Benutzer beim Installieren und Entfernen von Softwarepaketen und unterstützt
zudem die Installation via Stapelverarbeitung.
pt_BR: O Gerenciador de Pacotes Deepin tem como finalidade ajudar os usuários a instalar e remover pacotes locais, suportando
a instalação em massa.
mn: Деепин Багц Зохицуулагч нь хэрэглэгчдэд програм суулгах устгахад туслахаас гадна бүлэг суулгалтыг дэмждэг.
bg: Deepin Мениджър на пакети се използва, за да помогне на потребителите да инсталират и премахват локален пакет, поддръжка
на групово инсталиране.
ms: Pengurus Pakej Deepin digunakan digunakan untuk bantu pengguna memasang dan membuang perisian setempat, selain itu ia
menyokong pemasangan secara pukal.
en_AU: The Deepin Package Manager helps users install and remove local packages. It supports bulk package installation.
fi: Deepin-paketinhallintaa käytetään auttamaan käyttäjiä asentamaan ja poistamaan paikallisia paketteja.
fr: >-
<p>Deepin Package Manager is a management tool for deb package, and is developed for users to easily install customized
applications that are not categorized in Deepin Store. With an easy-to-use interface as well as functions like batch installation,
version detection and auto-completion of dependencies, you can quickly get the software installed on deepin once you get
the right deb package.</p>
<p>Ce paquet fait partie de DDE (Deepin Desktop Environment — environnement de bureau de Deepin).</p>
C: >-
<p>Deepin Package Manager is a management tool for deb package, and is developed for users to easily install customized
applications that are not categorized in Deepin Store. With an easy-to-use interface as well as functions like batch installation,
version detection and auto-completion of dependencies, you can quickly get the software installed on deepin once you get
the right deb package.</p>
<p>This package is part of DDE (Deepin Desktop Environment).</p>
da: >-
<p>Deepin Package Manager is a management tool for deb package, and is developed for users to easily install customized
applications that are not categorized in Deepin Store. With an easy-to-use interface as well as functions like batch installation,
version detection and auto-completion of dependencies, you can quickly get the software installed on deepin once you get
the right deb package.</p>
<p>Denne pakke er en del af DDE (Deepin Desktop Environment).</p>
zh_CN: >-
<p>Deepin Package Manager is a management tool for deb package, and is developed for users to easily install customized
applications that are not categorized in Deepin Store. With an easy-to-use interface as well as functions like batch installation,
version detection and auto-completion of dependencies, you can quickly get the software installed on deepin once you get
the right deb package.</p>
it: >-
<p>Deepin Package Manager is a management tool for deb package, and is developed for users to easily install customized
applications that are not categorized in Deepin Store. With an easy-to-use interface as well as functions like batch installation,
version detection and auto-completion of dependencies, you can quickly get the software installed on deepin once you get
the right deb package.</p>
<p>Questo pacchetto fa parte di DDE (Deepin Desktop Environment).</p>
en: >-
<p>Deepin Package Manager is a management tool for deb package, and is developed for users to easily install customized
applications that are not categorized in Deepin Store. With an easy-to-use interface as well as functions like batch installation,
version detection and auto-completion of dependencies, you can quickly get the software installed on deepin once you get
the right deb package.</p>
<p>This package is part of DDE (Deepin Desktop Environment).</p>
- System
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width: 48
height: 48
- name: deepin-deb-installer_deepin-deb-installer.png
width: 64
height: 64
- name: deepin-deb-installer_deepin-deb-installer.png
width: 128
height: 128
stock: deepin-deb-installer
- url: d/de/deepin-deb-installer.desktop/09154FDB1C003A50B83AA7308481C500/icons/128x128/deepin-deb-installer_deepin-deb-installer.png
width: 128
height: 128
- deepin-deb-installer.desktop
- application/vnd.debian.binary-package
- application/x-deb