⇦ | debian-reference-common [universe]
Last updated on: 2020-04-23 11:40 [UTC]

Metadata for debian-reference-common in universe

debian-reference-common.desktop - 2.76ubuntu1 ⚙ all

Type: desktop-application
ID: debian-reference-common.desktop
Package: debian-reference-common
  it_IT: La guida Debian
  fi_FI: Debian-referenssi
  pt_BR: Referência Debian
  zh_CN: Debian 参考手册
  C: Debian Reference
  en_CA: Debian Reference
  es_ES: Guía de referencia Debian
  zh_TW: Debian 參考手冊
  ru_RU: Справочник по Debian
  ja_JP: Debian リファレンス
  fr_FR: Guide de référence pour Debian
  en_GB: Debian Reference
  de_DE: Debian-Referenz
  pl_PL: Debian Reference
  C: Debian Reference Guide
  pl: >-
    <p>Debian Reference ma na celu udostępnienie szerokiego przeglądu systemu Debian w postaci podręcznika poinstalacyjnego
    dla użytkownika. Dokument opisuje wiele aspektów administrowania systemem za pomocą przykładowych poleceń dla zwykłych

    <p>This provides menu functionality and other common files.</p>
  de: >-
    <p>Diese Debian-Referenz ist als breite Übersicht über das Debian-System und als Benutzerhandbuch nach der Installation
    gedacht. Sie deckt viele Aspekte der Systemverwaltung durch Beispiele für Shellbefehle für Nicht- Entwickler ab.</p>

    <p>Dieses Paket stellt Menüfunktionen und andere gemeinsame Dateien bereit.</p>
  zh_CN: >-
    <p>Debian 参考手册旨在为大家提供一本安装后用户指南,帮助大家了解 Debian 系统。它涵盖了系统管理 的许多方面,并为非开发者提供了一些 shell 命令实例。</p>

    <p>This provides menu functionality and other common files.</p>
  sk: >-
    <p>Táto Referenčná príručka Debianu má za účel poskytnúť širší prehľad o systéme Debian ako príručka používateľa po inštalácii.
    Pokrýva mnohé aspekty správy systému na príkladoch príkazov shellu, ktoré sú vhodné aj pre používateľov, ktorí nie sú

    <p>This provides menu functionality and other common files.</p>
  sl: >-
    <p>Ta Debian Reference je namenjen za zagotavljanje širokega pregleda sistema Debian kot uporabniški vodič po namestitvi.
    Pokriva veliko vidikov sistemskega skrbništva skozi primere ukazov lupine za ne-razvijalce.</p>

    <p>This provides menu functionality and other common files.</p>
  pt_BR: >-
    <p>Este Debian Reference tem o objectivo de oferecer uma visão global do sistema Debian como um guia de utilizador pós
    instalação. Ele cobre muitos aspectos da administração do sistema através de exemplos em linha de comandos para pessoas
    não programadores.</p>

    <p>This provides menu functionality and other common files.</p>
  ja: >-
    <p>本 Debian リファレンスは Debian システムのインストール後のユーザガイドとし て、Debian に関する幅広い概論を提供することが目的です。非開発者のためのシェ ルコマンドのサンプルを通じてシステム管理に関する多くの状況をカバーしています。</p>

  pt: >-
    <p>Este Debian Reference tem o objectivo de oferecer uma visão global do sistema Debian como um guia de utilizador pós
    instalação. Ele cobre muitos aspectos da administração do sistema através de exemplos em linha de comandos para pessoas
    não programadores.</p>

    <p>This provides menu functionality and other common files.</p>
  C: >-
    <p>This Debian Reference is intended to provide a broad overview of the Debian system as a post-installation user&apos;s
    guide. It covers many aspects of system administration through shell-command examples for non-developers.</p>

    <p>This provides menu functionality and other common files.</p>
  en: >-
    <p>This Debian Reference is intended to provide a broad overview of the Debian system as a post-installation user&apos;s
    guide. It covers many aspects of system administration through shell-command examples for non-developers.</p>

    <p>This provides menu functionality and other common files.</p>
  ru: >-
    <p>Это руководство создано, чтобы дать пользователю широкий обзор системы Debian после её установки. Оно освещает многие
    аспекты администрирования системы через примеры набираемых в консоли команд для пользователей, не являющихся разработчиками.</p>

    <p>This provides menu functionality and other common files.</p>
  en_CA: >-
    <p>This Debian Reference is intended to provide a broad overview of the Debian system as a post-installation user&apos;s
    guide. It covers many aspects of system administration through shell-command examples for non- developers.</p>

    <p>This provides menu functionality and other common files.</p>
  fr: >-
    <p>Le guide Debian (« Debian Reference ») a pour objectif de fournir une vue d&apos;ensemble du système Debian, tel un
    guide d&apos;utilisateur après l&apos;installation. Il couvre de nombreux aspects de l&apos;administration du système
    à l&apos;aide d&apos;exemples en ligne de commande pour les non- développeurs.</p>

    <p>Ce paquet fournit des fonctionnalités de menu et d&apos;autres fichiers communs.</p>
  en_GB: >-
    <p>This Debian Reference is intended to provide a broad overview of the Debian system as a post-installation user&apos;s
    guide. It covers many aspects of system administration through shell-command examples for non- developers.</p>

    <p>This provides menu functionality and other common files.</p>
  it: >-
    <p>Debian Reference è pensata per fornire un&apos;ampia panoramica del sistema Debian in qualità di guida utente post-installazione.
    Copre molti aspetti dell&apos;amministrazione del sistema attraverso esempi di comandi shell per chi non è sviluppatore.</p>

    <p>This provides menu functionality and other common files.</p>
  da: >-
    <p>Denne Debian-reference er tiltænkt at tilbyde et bredt overblik over Debian-systemet som en brugerguide efter installation.
    Det dækker mange aspekter af systemadministration gennem skalkommando-eksempler for ikke- udviklere.</p>

    <p>This provides menu functionality and other common files.</p>
  en_AU: >-
    <p>This Debian Reference is intended to provide a broad overview of the Debian system as a post-installation user&apos;s
    guide. It covers many aspects of system administration through shell-command examples for non- developers.</p>

    <p>This provides menu functionality and other common files.</p>
- Utility
  - user
  - shell
  - command
  - documentation
  - manual
  - help
  - guide
  - debian
  - name: debian-reference-common_debian-reference.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  - name: debian-reference-common_debian-reference.png
    width: 128
    height: 128