⇦ | crossfire-client [universe]
Last updated on: 2020-04-23 11:40 [UTC]

Metadata for crossfire-client in universe

crossfire-client.desktop - 1.74.0-1 ⚙ amd64 ⚙ armhf ⚙ arm64 ⚙ ppc64el ⚙ s390x

Type: desktop-application
ID: crossfire-client.desktop
Package: crossfire-client
  C: Crossfire Client
  C: Cooperative multi-player RPG and adventure game
  de: >-
    <p>Crossfire ist ein grafisches Mehrspieler-Arcade-Adventure für das X Window System.</p>

    <p>Es hat gewisse Eigenschaften von anderen Spielen, insbesondere Gauntlet (TM) und Nethack/Moria.</p>

    <p>Eine beliebige Anzahl von Spielern können in ihrem eigenen Fenster herum gehen, Gegenstände finden und benutzen und
    Monster bekämpfen. Die Spieler können sich entscheiden, in derselben »Welt« entweder miteinander oder gegeneinander zu

    <p>Um das Spiel zu spielen, benötigen Sie Zugang zu einem lokalen oder entfernten Server.</p>
  pt_BR: >-
    <p>Crossfire é um fliperama gráfico de aventura multijogador feito para o ambiente X.</p>

    <p>Ele contém certas misturas vindas de outros jogos, especialmente Gauntlet(TM) e Nethack/Moria.</p>

    <p>Qualquer número de jogadores pode se mover em sua própria janela, encontrando e usando itens e monstros de batalha.
    Eles podem escolher entre cooperar ou competir no mesmo &apos;mundo&apos;.</p>

    <p>Para jogar o jogo você precisará ter acesso a um servidor local ou remoto.</p>
  sk: >-
    <p>Crossfire je arkádová a dobrodružná hra pre viacerých hráčov pre prostredie X.</p>

    <p>Obsahuje niektoré prvky z iných hier, obzvlášť z Gauntlet (TM) a Nethack/ Moria.</p>

    <p>Vo vlastnom okne sa môže pohybovať ľubovoľný počet hráčov, ktorá nachádzajú predmety a bojujú s príšerami. Môžu sa
    rozhodnúť, či budú spolupracovať alebo súťažiť v rovnakom svete.</p>

    <p>Ak chcete hrať hru, musíte mať prístup k lokálnemu alebo vzdialenému serveru.</p>
  ja: >-
    <p>Crossfire is a multiplayer graphical arcade and adventure game made for the X environment.</p>

    <p>別のゲーム、特に Gauntlet (TM) や Nethack/Moria などに見られるような 雰囲気を持っています。</p>

    <p>Any number of players can move around in their own window, finding and using items and battle monsters.  They can choose
    to cooperate or compete in the same &apos;world&apos;.</p>

    <p>ゲームを遊ぶには、ローカルもしくはリモートのサーバにアクセスする必要 があります。</p>
  pt: >-
    <p>Crossfire é um jogo arcade gráfico para multi jogadores de aventura criado para o ambiente X.</p>

    <p>Possui certas variantes de outros jogos, especialmente do Gauntlet (TM) e do Nethack/Moria.</p>

    <p>Qualquer número de jogadores pode circular por sua própria janela, encontrando e usando itens e lutando com monstros.
    Podem escolher entre cooperar ou competir no mesmo mundo.</p>

    <p>Para jogar você precisa de ter acesso a um servidor local ou remoto.</p>
  C: >-
    <p>Crossfire is a multiplayer graphical arcade and adventure game made for the X environment.</p>

    <p>It has certain flavours from other games, especially Gauntlet (TM) and Nethack/Moria.</p>

    <p>Any number of players can move around in their own window, finding and using items and battle monsters.  They can choose
    to cooperate or compete in the same &apos;world&apos;.</p>

    <p>To play the game you&apos;ll need to have access to a local or remote server.</p>
  en: >-
    <p>Crossfire is a multiplayer graphical arcade and adventure game made for the X environment.</p>

    <p>It has certain flavours from other games, especially Gauntlet (TM) and Nethack/Moria.</p>

    <p>Any number of players can move around in their own window, finding and using items and battle monsters.  They can choose
    to cooperate or compete in the same &apos;world&apos;.</p>

    <p>To play the game you&apos;ll need to have access to a local or remote server.</p>
  ru: >-
    <p>Crossfire — многопользовательская графическая аркадная и приключенческая игра для среды X.</p>

    <p>Она вобрала в себя некоторые возможности других игр, особенно Gauntlet (TM) и Nethack/Moria.</p>

    <p>Любое количество игроков может перемещаться в их собственных окнах, искать предметы и сражаться с монстрами. Они могут
    выбрать кооперативный или состязательный режим игры в одном из «миров».</p>

    <p>Чтобы играть, требуется доступ к локальному или удалённому серверу.</p>
  en_CA: >-
    <p>Crossfire is a multiplayer graphical arcade and adventure game made for the X environment.</p>

    <p>It has certain flavours from other games, especially Gauntlet (TM) and Nethack/Moria.</p>

    <p>Any number of players can move around in their own window, finding and using items and battle monsters.  They can choose
    to cooperate or compete in the same &apos;world&apos;.</p>

    <p>To play the game you&apos;ll need to have access to a local or remote server.</p>
  es: >-
    <p>Crossfire is a multiplayer graphical arcade and adventure game made for the X environment.</p>

    <p>Tiene cierto aire a otros juegos, especialmente a Gauntlet (TM) y Nethack/Moria.</p>

    <p>Any number of players can move around in their own window, finding and using items and battle monsters.  They can choose
    to cooperate or compete in the same &apos;world&apos;.</p>

    <p>Para jugar al juego tendrá que tener acceso a una servidor local o remoto.</p>
  fr: >-
    <p>Crossfire is a multiplayer graphical arcade and adventure game made for the X environment.</p>

    <p>Il s&apos;inspire d&apos;autres jeux, notamment Gauntlet (TM) et Nethack/Moria.</p>

    <p>Any number of players can move around in their own window, finding and using items and battle monsters.  They can choose
    to cooperate or compete in the same &apos;world&apos;.</p>

    <p>Pour jouer à ce jeu, vous aurez besoin d&apos;un accès à un serveur local ou distant.</p>
  en_GB: >-
    <p>Crossfire is a multiplayer graphical arcade and adventure game made for the X environment.</p>

    <p>It has certain flavours from other games, especially Gauntlet (TM) and Nethack/Moria.</p>

    <p>Any number of players can move around in their own window, finding and using items and battle monsters.  They can choose
    to cooperate or compete in the same &apos;world&apos;.</p>

    <p>To play the game you&apos;ll need to have access to a local or remote server.</p>
  ko: >-
    <p>Crossfire is a multiplayer graphical arcade and adventure game made for the X environment.</p>

    <p>다른 게임, 특히 Gauntlet(TM)과 Nethack/Moria에서 비롯된 특색이 있습니다.</p>

    <p>Any number of players can move around in their own window, finding and using items and battle monsters.  They can choose
    to cooperate or compete in the same &apos;world&apos;.</p>

    <p>게임을 하려면 로컬이나 원격 서버에 접근할 수 있어야 합니다.</p>
  it: >-
    <p>Crossfire è un gioco d&apos;azione e un&apos;avventura grafica multi-giocatore per l&apos;ambiente X.</p>

    <p>Possiede innegabilmente un po&apos; del sapore di altri giochi, specialmente Gauntlet™ e Nethack/Moria.</p>

    <p>Un numero qualsiasi di giocatori può spostarsi nella propria finestra, cercando e utilizzando oggetti e mostri da combattere.
    È possibile scegliere di cooperare o competere nello stesso &quot;mondo&quot;.</p>

    <p>Per giocare è necessario poter accedere a un server, locale o remoto.</p>
  da: >-
    <p>Crossfire er et grafisk arkade- og eventyrspil for flere spillere, som er lavet for X-miljøet.</p>

    <p>Der er ting, som også kendes fra andre spil; specielt Gauntlet (TM) og Nethack/Moria.</p>

    <p>Et hvilket som helst antal spillere kan bevæge sig rundt i deres eget vindue, finde og bruge ting og slås mod monstre.
    De kan vælge at samarbejde eller konkurrere i den samme verden.</p>

    <p>For at spille skal du have adgang til en lokal eller ekstern server.</p>
  en_AU: >-
    <p>Crossfire is a multiplayer graphical arcade and adventure game made for the X environment.</p>

    <p>It has certain flavours from other games, especially Gauntlet (TM) and Nethack/Moria.</p>

    <p>Any number of players can move around in their own window, finding and using items and battle monsters.  They can choose
    to cooperate or compete in the same &apos;world&apos;.</p>

    <p>To play the game you&apos;ll need to have access to a local or remote server.</p>
- Game
- AdventureGame
- RolePlaying
  - name: crossfire-client_crossfire-client.png
    width: 48
    height: 48
  - name: crossfire-client_crossfire-client.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  - crossfire-client.desktop