⇦ | cmake-qt-gui [universe]
Last updated on: 2020-04-23 11:40 [UTC]

Metadata for cmake-qt-gui in universe

cmake-gui.desktop - 3.16.3-1ubuntu1 ⚙ amd64 ⚙ armhf ⚙ arm64 ⚙ i386 ⚙ ppc64el ⚙ s390x

Type: desktop-application
ID: cmake-gui.desktop
Package: cmake-qt-gui
  C: CMake
  C: Cross-platform buildsystem
  de: >-
    <p>CMake wird dazu benutzt, den Ablauf beim Kompilieren von Software zu steuern, indem einfache Plattform- und Compiler-abhängige
    Konfigurationsdateien verwendet werden. CMake erzeugt originale Makefiles und Workspaces (Arbeitsordner), die in der Compiler-Umgebung
    Ihrer Wahl verwendet werden können.</p>

    <p>This package provides the CMake Qt based GUI. Project configuration settings may be specified interactively. Brief
    instructions are provided at the bottom of the window when the program is running. The main executable file for this GUI
    is &quot;cmake-gui&quot;.</p>
  pt_BR: >-
    <p>CMake é usado para controlar o processo de compilação de software usando arquivos de configuração simples e independentes
    de compilador e plataforma. CMake gera &quot;makefiles&quot; nativos e &quot;workspaces&quot; que podem ser usados no
    ambiente de compilação de sua escolha.</p>

    <p>This package provides the CMake Qt based GUI. Project configuration settings may be specified interactively. Brief
    instructions are provided at the bottom of the window when the program is running. The main executable file for this GUI
    is &quot;cmake-gui&quot;.</p>
  sk: >-
    <p>CMake sa používa na riadenie procesu kompilovania softvéru pomocou jednoduchej platformy a konfiguračných súborov nezávislých
    od kompilátora. CMake generuje natívne súbory makefile a pracovné priestory, ktoré je možné použiť v prostredí kompilátora,
    ktoré preferujete.</p>

    <p>This package provides the CMake Qt based GUI. Project configuration settings may be specified interactively. Brief
    instructions are provided at the bottom of the window when the program is running. The main executable file for this GUI
    is &quot;cmake-gui&quot;.</p>
  uk: >-
    <p>CMake дозволяє керувати процесом збірки ПЗ за допомогою конфігураційних файлів з простим форматом, однаковим для усіх
    платформ та компіляторів. CMake генерує файли Makefile, що підходять для поточної системи.</p>

    <p>This package provides the CMake Qt based GUI. Project configuration settings may be specified interactively. Brief
    instructions are provided at the bottom of the window when the program is running. The main executable file for this GUI
    is &quot;cmake-gui&quot;.</p>
  C: >-
    <p>CMake is used to control the software compilation process using simple platform and compiler independent configuration
    files. CMake generates native makefiles and workspaces that can be used in the compiler environment of your choice.</p>

    <p>This package provides the CMake Qt based GUI. Project configuration settings may be specified interactively. Brief
    instructions are provided at the bottom of the window when the program is running. The main executable file for this GUI
    is &quot;cmake-gui&quot;.</p>
  en: >-
    <p>CMake is used to control the software compilation process using simple platform and compiler independent configuration
    files. CMake generates native makefiles and workspaces that can be used in the compiler environment of your choice.</p>

    <p>This package provides the CMake Qt based GUI. Project configuration settings may be specified interactively. Brief
    instructions are provided at the bottom of the window when the program is running. The main executable file for this GUI
    is &quot;cmake-gui&quot;.</p>
  ru: >-
    <p>CMake позволяет управлять процессом сборки ПО с помощью конфигурационных файлов с простым форматом, одинаковых для
    всех платформ и компиляторов. CMake генерирует файлы Makefile подходящие для текущей системы.</p>

    <p>This package provides the CMake Qt based GUI. Project configuration settings may be specified interactively. Brief
    instructions are provided at the bottom of the window when the program is running. The main executable file for this GUI
    is &quot;cmake-gui&quot;.</p>
  gl: >-
    <p>O CMake emprégase para controlar o proceso de compilación de software empregando ficheiros de configuración sinxelos
    independentes da plataforma e do compilador. O CMake xera ficheiros makefile e espazos de traballo nativos que se poden
    empregar no ambiente de compilación que se queira.</p>

    <p>This package provides the CMake Qt based GUI. Project configuration settings may be specified interactively. Brief
    instructions are provided at the bottom of the window when the program is running. The main executable file for this GUI
    is &quot;cmake-gui&quot;.</p>
  es: >-
    <p>CMake se utiliza para controlar el proceso de compilación de software usando una plataforma sencilla y compilar archivos
    de configuración independientes. CMake genera archivos nativos makefiles y espacio de trabajo que pueden se pueden utilizar
    en el entorno de compilación de su elección.</p>

    <p>This package provides the CMake Qt based GUI. Project configuration settings may be specified interactively. Brief
    instructions are provided at the bottom of the window when the program is running. The main executable file for this GUI
    is &quot;cmake-gui&quot;.</p>
  fr: >-
    <p>CMake est utilisé pour contrôler le processus de compilation de logiciels en utilisant des fichiers de configuration
    simples et indépendants de la plate-forme. CMake crée des fichiers Makefile natifs et des espaces de travail qui peuvent
    être utilisés avec tout environnement de compilation.</p>

    <p>This package provides the CMake Qt based GUI. Project configuration settings may be specified interactively. Brief
    instructions are provided at the bottom of the window when the program is running. The main executable file for this GUI
    is &quot;cmake-gui&quot;.</p>
  it: >-
    <p>CMake è utilizzato per controllare il processo di compilazione del software usando dei semplici file di configurazione
    indipendenti dal compilatore e dal sistema. CMake genera makefile e workspace nativi, che possono essere utilizzati con
    il compilatore desiderato.</p>

    <p>This package provides the CMake Qt based GUI. Project configuration settings may be specified interactively. Brief
    instructions are provided at the bottom of the window when the program is running. The main executable file for this GUI
    is &quot;cmake-gui&quot;.</p>
  da: >-
    <p>CMake bruges til at kontrollere processen for programkompilation med brug af en simpel platform og kompileruafhængige
    konfigurationsfiler. CMake opretter makefiles og arbejdsrum, som kan bruges i et kompilermiljø efter dit valg.</p>

    <p>This package provides the CMake Qt based GUI. Project configuration settings may be specified interactively. Brief
    instructions are provided at the bottom of the window when the program is running. The main executable file for this GUI
    is &quot;cmake-gui&quot;.</p>
- Development
  - name: cmake-qt-gui_CMakeSetup.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  - name: cmake-qt-gui_CMakeSetup.png
    width: 128
    height: 128
  - cmake-gui.desktop
  - application/x-cmakecache