⇦ | chessx [universe]
Last updated on: 2020-04-23 11:40 [UTC]

Metadata for chessx in universe

chessx.desktop - 1.4.6-2build1 ⚙ amd64 ⚙ armhf ⚙ arm64 ⚙ ppc64el ⚙ s390x

Type: desktop-application
ID: chessx.desktop
Package: chessx
  fr: ChessX
  C: ChessX
  de: ChessX
  fr: Base de données d'échecs
  C: Chess database
  de: Schachdatenbank
  pt_BR: >-
    <p>Com o ChessX você pode operar sua coleção de jogos de xadrez de diversas maneiras: procurando, editando, adicionando,
    organizando, analisando, etc.</p>

    <p>Current features:  - Multi-platform. Supports Windows, Linux and Mac OS X.  - Load and save PGN files.  - Work with
    multiple databases simultaneously.  - Browse games, including variations.  - Enter moves, variations and comments.  -
    Setup board, copy/paste FEN.  - Search header (click on columns in game list header).  - Display opening tree for the
    current position.  - Analyze using UCI and Winboard/XBoard chess engines.  - Observe and play games on FICS.</p>
  C: >-
    <p>With ChessX you can operate your collection of chess games in many ways: browse, edit, add, organize, analyze, etc.</p>

    <p>Current features:  - Multi-platform. Supports Windows, Linux and Mac OS X.  - Load and save PGN files.  - Work with
    multiple databases simultaneously.  - Browse games, including variations.  - Enter moves, variations and comments.  -
    Setup board, copy/paste FEN.  - Search header (click on columns in game list header).  - Display opening tree for the
    current position.  - Analyze using UCI and Winboard/XBoard chess engines.  - Observe and play games on FICS.</p>
  en: >-
    <p>With ChessX you can operate your collection of chess games in many ways: browse, edit, add, organize, analyze, etc.</p>

    <p>Current features:  - Multi-platform. Supports Windows, Linux and Mac OS X.  - Load and save PGN files.  - Work with
    multiple databases simultaneously.  - Browse games, including variations.  - Enter moves, variations and comments.  -
    Setup board, copy/paste FEN.  - Search header (click on columns in game list header).  - Display opening tree for the
    current position.  - Analyze using UCI and Winboard/XBoard chess engines.  - Observe and play games on FICS.</p>
  ru: >-
    <p>ChessX позволяет вам управлять своей коллекцией шахматных партий: просматривать, редактировать, добавлять, упорядочивать,
    анализировать и т.п.</p>

    <p>Current features:  - Multi-platform. Supports Windows, Linux and Mac OS X.  - Load and save PGN files.  - Work with
    multiple databases simultaneously.  - Browse games, including variations.  - Enter moves, variations and comments.  -
    Setup board, copy/paste FEN.  - Search header (click on columns in game list header).  - Display opening tree for the
    current position.  - Analyze using UCI and Winboard/XBoard chess engines.  - Observe and play games on FICS.</p>
  en_CA: >-
    <p>With ChessX you can operate your collection of chess games in many ways: browse, edit, add, organize, analyze, etc.</p>

    <p>Current features:  - Multi-platform. Supports Windows, Linux and Mac OS X.  - Load and save PGN files.  - Work with
    multiple databases simultaneously.  - Browse games, including variations.  - Enter moves, variations and comments.  -
    Setup board, copy/paste FEN.  - Search header (click on columns in game list header).  - Display opening tree for the
    current position.  - Analyze using UCI and Winboard/XBoard chess engines.  - Observe and play games on FICS.</p>
  fr: >-
    <p>Avec ChessX, il est possible de manipuler une collection de parties d&apos;échecs de plusieurs façons : navigation,
    édition, ajout, organisation, analyse, etc.</p>

    <p>Current features:  - Multi-platform. Supports Windows, Linux and Mac OS X.  - Load and save PGN files.  - Work with
    multiple databases simultaneously.  - Browse games, including variations.  - Enter moves, variations and comments.  -
    Setup board, copy/paste FEN.  - Search header (click on columns in game list header).  - Display opening tree for the
    current position.  - Analyze using UCI and Winboard/XBoard chess engines.  - Observe and play games on FICS.</p>
  en_GB: >-
    <p>With ChessX you can operate your collection of chess games in many ways: browse, edit, add, organize, analyze, etc.</p>

    <p>Current features:  - Multi-platform. Supports Windows, Linux and Mac OS X.  - Load and save PGN files.  - Work with
    multiple databases simultaneously.  - Browse games, including variations.  - Enter moves, variations and comments.  -
    Setup board, copy/paste FEN.  - Search header (click on columns in game list header).  - Display opening tree for the
    current position.  - Analyze using UCI and Winboard/XBoard chess engines.  - Observe and play games on FICS.</p>
  it: >-
    <p>Con ChessX si può lavorare sulla propria raccolta di partite di scacchi in molti modi: navigare, modificare, aggiungere,
    organizzare, analizzare, ecc.</p>

    <p>Current features:  - Multi-platform. Supports Windows, Linux and Mac OS X.  - Load and save PGN files.  - Work with
    multiple databases simultaneously.  - Browse games, including variations.  - Enter moves, variations and comments.  -
    Setup board, copy/paste FEN.  - Search header (click on columns in game list header).  - Display opening tree for the
    current position.  - Analyze using UCI and Winboard/XBoard chess engines.  - Observe and play games on FICS.</p>
  da: >-
    <p>Med ChessX kan du håndtere din samling af skakspil på mange måder: gennemse, redigere, tilføje, organisere, analysere

    <p>Current features:  - Multi-platform. Supports Windows, Linux and Mac OS X.  - Load and save PGN files.  - Work with
    multiple databases simultaneously.  - Browse games, including variations.  - Enter moves, variations and comments.  -
    Setup board, copy/paste FEN.  - Search header (click on columns in game list header).  - Display opening tree for the
    current position.  - Analyze using UCI and Winboard/XBoard chess engines.  - Observe and play games on FICS.</p>
  en_AU: >-
    <p>With ChessX you can operate your collection of chess games in many ways: browse, edit, add, organize, analyze, etc.</p>

    <p>Current features:  - Multi-platform. Supports Windows, Linux and Mac OS X.  - Load and save PGN files.  - Work with
    multiple databases simultaneously.  - Browse games, including variations.  - Enter moves, variations and comments.  -
    Setup board, copy/paste FEN.  - Search header (click on columns in game list header).  - Display opening tree for the
    current position.  - Analyze using UCI and Winboard/XBoard chess engines.  - Observe and play games on FICS.</p>
- Game
- BoardGame
  - PGN
  - FEN
  - Base de données
  - PGN
  - FEN
  - Database
  - PGN
  - FEN
  - Datenbank
  - name: chessx_chessx.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  - chessx.desktop
  - application/x-chess-pgn