⇦ | cellwriter [universe]
Last updated on: 2020-04-23 11:40 [UTC]

Metadata for cellwriter in universe

cellwriter.desktop - 1.3.6-1 ⚙ amd64 ⚙ armhf ⚙ arm64 ⚙ ppc64el ⚙ s390x

Type: desktop-application
ID: cellwriter.desktop
Package: cellwriter
  C: CellWriter
  tr: Izgara tabanlı el yazısı giriş paneli
  C: Grid-entry handwriting recognition input panel
  pl: >-
    <p>CellWriter jest panelem z siatką do wprowadzania pisma odręcznego. Podczas wpisywania znaków do komórek następuje natychmiastowe
    rozpoznawanie ich postaci. Po naciśnięciu &apos;Enter&apos; na panelu wejściowym jego zawartość zostanie wysłana do aktualnie
    wybranej aplikacji, tak jakby została wpisana z klawiatury.</p>

    <p>  * Writer-dependent, learns your handwriting for reliable recognition   * Correcting preprocessor algorithms account
    for digitizer noise,     differing stroke order, direction, and number of strokes   * Unicode support enables you to write
    in your native language</p>
  de: >-
    <p>CellWriter ist eine gerasterte Eingabetafel für Handschrift. Während Sie in die Zellen schreiben, werden sofort die
    Zeichen erkannt. Wenn Sie auf dem Panel »Enter« betätigen, wird die Eingabe so an das aktive Programm gesendet, als hätten
    Sie die Tastatur benutzt.</p>

    <p>  * Verfasserabhängig, lernt Ihre Handschrift für eine verlässliche Erkennung   * Verbesserungs-Präprozessor-Algorithmus-Konto
    für Digitizer Noise,     unterschiedliche Anschlagsreihenfolge, Richtung und Anzahl der Anschläge   * Unicode-Unterstützung
    ermöglicht Ihnen das Schreiben in Ihrer Muttersprache</p>
  zh_CN: >-
    <p>CellWriter 是一个网格式的自然手写输入程序。 您只要把字符写入格子里,就会直接被软件识别出来。当您按下面板上的“确认”(Enter)键时,您方才 写入的内容会被发送到当前活动的应用程序中,和从键盘输入的效果相同。</p>

    <p>  * Writer-dependent, learns your handwriting for reliable recognition   * Correcting preprocessor algorithms account
    for digitizer noise,     differing stroke order, direction, and number of strokes   * Unicode support enables you to write
    in your native language</p>
  pt_BR: >-
    <p>CellWriter é um painel em forma de grade para entrada de caligrafia natural. À medida que você escreve os caracteres
    dentro das células, sua escrita é instantaneamente reconhecida caractere por caractere. Quando você pressiona &apos;Enter&apos;
    no painel, aquilo que você inseriu é enviado para a aplicação atualmente em foco como se tivesse digitado no teclado.</p>

    <p>  * Writer-dependent, learns your handwriting for reliable recognition   * Correcting preprocessor algorithms account
    for digitizer noise,     differing stroke order, direction, and number of strokes   * Unicode support enables you to write
    in your native language</p>
  sl: >-
    <p>CellWriter je vnosni pult naravnega pisanja. Ko vnašate znake v celice, je vaše pisanje hipno prepoznano na nivoju
    znakov. Ko pritisnete &apos;Enter&apos; na pultu, je vaš vnos poslan programu, ki je trenutno v žarišču kot da bi bil
    vnesen na tipkovnici.</p>

    <p>  * odvisen od pisca, naučite se vaše pisave za učinkovito prepoznavo   * algoritmi popravljanja predopravilnika za
    šum digitizirnika,     različen red potez, smer in število potez   * podora Unicode vam omogoča pisanje v vašem lastnem
  pt: >-
    <p>CellWriter é um painel em forma de grelha para entrada de escrita natural. À medida que você escreve os caracteres
    dentro das células, a sua escrita é instantaneamente reconhecida a um nível de carácter. Quando você pressiona &apos;Enter&apos;
    no painel, a entrada que você inseriu é enviada para a aplicação actualmente focada como se a tivesse digitado no teclado.</p>

    <p>  * Writer-dependent, learns your handwriting for reliable recognition   * Correcting preprocessor algorithms account
    for digitizer noise,     differing stroke order, direction, and number of strokes   * Unicode support enables you to write
    in your native language</p>
  C: >-
    <p>CellWriter is a grid-entry natural handwriting input panel. As you write characters into the cells, your writing is
    instantly recognized at the character level. When you press &apos;Enter&apos; on the panel, the input you entered is sent
    to the currently focused application as if typed on the keyboard.</p>

    <p>  * Writer-dependent, learns your handwriting for reliable recognition   * Correcting preprocessor algorithms account
    for digitizer noise,     differing stroke order, direction, and number of strokes   * Unicode support enables you to write
    in your native language</p>
  en: >-
    <p>CellWriter is a grid-entry natural handwriting input panel. As you write characters into the cells, your writing is
    instantly recognized at the character level. When you press &apos;Enter&apos; on the panel, the input you entered is sent
    to the currently focused application as if typed on the keyboard.</p>

    <p>  * Writer-dependent, learns your handwriting for reliable recognition   * Correcting preprocessor algorithms account
    for digitizer noise,     differing stroke order, direction, and number of strokes   * Unicode support enables you to write
    in your native language</p>
  en_CA: >-
    <p>CellWriter is a grid-entry natural handwriting input panel. As you write characters into the cells, your writing is
    instantly recognized at the character level. When you press &apos;Enter&apos; on the panel, the input you entered is sent
    to the currently focused application as if typed on the keyboard.</p>

    <p>  * Writer-dependent, learns your handwriting for reliable recognition   * Correcting preprocessor algorithms account
    for digitizer noise,     differing stroke order, direction, and number of strokes   * Unicode support enables you to write
    in your native language</p>
  gl: >-
    <p>O CellWriter é un panel de entrada de escrita natural á man con forma de grella. Segundo se van escribindo caracteres
    nas celas vaise recoñecendo o que se escribe a nivel de caracteres. Ao premer «Intro» no panel, o que se escribiu envíase
    ao aplicativo que tiver o foco tal e como se se escribise no teclado.</p>

    <p>  * Writer-dependent, learns your handwriting for reliable recognition   * Correcting preprocessor algorithms account
    for digitizer noise,     differing stroke order, direction, and number of strokes   * Unicode support enables you to write
    in your native language</p>
  fr: >-
    <p>CellWriter est une interface de saisie manuscrite naturelle sur une grille. Pendant que vous dessinez des caractères
    dans les cellules de la grille, votre écriture est instantanément reconnue, caractère par caractère. Quand vous appuyez
    sur « Entrée », le texte que vous avez saisi est envoyé vers l&apos;application active, comme s&apos;il avait été tapé
    au clavier.</p>

    <p>  * Dépendant du scribe, il apprend votre écriture pour une reconnaissance fiable   * Compte d&apos;algorithmes de
    prétraitement de correction pour le bruit de numérisation,     la différenciation de l&apos;ordre des traits, de la direction,
    et du nombre de traits   * La prise en charge Unicode vous permet d&apos;écrire dans votre langue natale</p>
  ja: >-
    <p>CellWriter はグリッドエントリ方式自然手書き入力パネルです。 文字をセルに書き込むにつれて、直ちに文字レベルで入力が認識されます。 パネル上で &apos;Enter&apos; を押すと、入力値は現在フォーカスしているアプリケーションに

    <p>  * Writer-dependent, learns your handwriting for reliable recognition   * Correcting preprocessor algorithms account
    for digitizer noise,     differing stroke order, direction, and number of strokes   * Unicode support enables you to write
    in your native language</p>
  en_GB: >-
    <p>CellWriter is a grid-entry natural handwriting input panel. As you write characters into the cells, your writing is
    instantly recognized at the character level. When you press &apos;Enter&apos; on the panel, the input you entered is sent
    to the currently focused application as if typed on the keyboard.</p>

    <p>  * Writer-dependent, learns your handwriting for reliable recognition   * Correcting preprocessor algorithms account
    for digitizer noise,     differing stroke order, direction, and number of strokes   * Unicode support enables you to write
    in your native language</p>
  it: >-
    <p>CellWriter è un pannello di input naturale a mano libera basato su griglia. Mano a mano che si scrivono caratteri all&apos;interno
    delle celle, la scrittura è istantaneamente riconosciuta a livello di singolo carattere. Quando si preme &quot;Invio&quot;
    sul pannello, l&apos;input inserito viene inviato all&apos;applicazione che ha al momento il focus come se fosse stato
    digitato sulla tastiera.</p>

    <p>  * Writer-dependent, learns your handwriting for reliable recognition   * Correcting preprocessor algorithms account
    for digitizer noise,     differing stroke order, direction, and number of strokes   * Unicode support enables you to write
    in your native language</p>
  da: >-
    <p>CellWriter er et gitterindtastningspanel for almindelig håndskrift. Mens du skriver tegn i cellerne, bliver din skrift
    øjeblikkelig genkendt på tegnniveau. Når du taster »retur« på panelet, så bliver det indtastede sendt til det aktuelt
    fokuseret program som om det var tastet på tastaturet.</p>

    <p>  * Writer-dependent, learns your handwriting for reliable recognition   * Correcting preprocessor algorithms account
    for digitizer noise,     differing stroke order, direction, and number of strokes   * Unicode support enables you to write
    in your native language</p>
  en_AU: >-
    <p>CellWriter is a grid-entry natural handwriting input panel. As you write characters into the cells, your writing is
    instantly recognized at the character level. When you press &apos;Enter&apos; on the panel, the input you entered is sent
    to the currently focused application as if typed on the keyboard.</p>

    <p>  * Writer-dependent, learns your handwriting for reliable recognition   * Correcting preprocessor algorithms account
    for digitizer noise,     differing stroke order, direction, and number of strokes   * Unicode support enables you to write
    in your native language</p>
- Utility
- Accessibility
  - name: cellwriter_cellwriter.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  - name: cellwriter_cellwriter.png
    width: 128
    height: 128