⇦ | ceferino [universe]
Last updated on: 2020-04-23 11:40 [UTC]

Metadata for ceferino in universe

ceferino.desktop - 0.97.8+svn37-2build1 ⚙ amd64 ⚙ armhf ⚙ arm64 ⚙ ppc64el ⚙ s390x

Type: desktop-application
ID: ceferino.desktop
Package: ceferino
  C: Ceferino
  C: Save the cows!
  de: Rette die Kühe!
  de: >-
    <p>Ein Spiel, das ähnlich ist wie »Super Pang«. Sie werden von kleinen grünen Bällen angegriffen, die durch die Gegend
    springen und die sie mit ihrem Messer zerstören müssen. Ihr Messer ist allerdings so eingeschränkt, das Sie es nur nach
    oben werfen können. So müssen Sie also unter die Bälle kommen, um diese zu zerstören. Noch schlimmer, wenn Sie einen Ball
    zerstören, verschwindet er nicht, er zerbricht in zwei kleinere Bälle. Level bestehen aus kleinen, durch Stufenleitern
    verbundenen Plattformen. So können Sie hoch und runter gehen oder - falls erforderlich - Deckung finden.</p>
  pt_BR: >-
    <p>Um jogo similar ao &apos;Super Pang&apos;. Você é atacado por bolinhas verdes saltitantes que você tem que destruir
    com sua faca. Sua faca, entretanto, só pode ser atirada para cima, por isso você tem que ficar embaixo das bolas para
    destruí-las. Pra piorar, se você destruir uma bola grande ela não some, mas se divide em duas bolas menores. Níveis consistem
    em pequenas plataformas ligadas por rampas, assim você pode subir e descer e procurar abrigo, se preciso.</p>
  sl: >-
    <p>A game similar to &apos;Super Pang&apos;. You are attacked by little green balls which are bouncing around and which
    you have to destroy with your knife. Your knife however is limited to being thrown upwards, thus you have to get under
    the balls to destroy them. Even worse, if you destroy a large ball, it doesn&apos;t just vanish, but breaks apart into
    two smaller balls. Levels consist of little platforms connected by ladders, so you can go up and down or find cover if
  ja: >-
    <p>&apos;Super Pang&apos; に似たゲームです。あなたは周りを跳ね回る小さな緑色のボール から攻撃を受け、それらをナイフで破壊しなければなりません。しかしながら ナイフは上方にしか投げることができないため、ボールを破壊するにはその下
    方に位置取らなければなりません。さらに悪いことに、大きなボールを破壊す ると、そいつは消えて無くなる代わりに 2 個の小さなボールに分裂します。 レベルはラダーで繋がった小さな台で構成されているので、上下したり必要に 応じて覆いにすることができます。</p>
  uk: >-
    <p>Гра, схожа на &apos;Super Pang&apos;(надзвичайний напад гострого болю). Ви піддаєтеся нападу невеликих зелених куль,
    які кружляють навколо вас і які Ви повинні знищити своїм ножем. Ніж можна кидати тільки вгору, так, щоб знищити кулі,
    Ви повинні опинитися під ними. Якщо Ви знищуєте велику кулю вона не зникає, а розбивається на дві менші кулі. Рівні складаються
    з невеликих платформ, сполучених сходами, таким чином що Ви можете перейти вгору або вниз.</p>
  C: >-
    <p>A game similar to &apos;Super Pang&apos;. You are attacked by little green balls which are bouncing around and which
    you have to destroy with your knife. Your knife however is limited to being thrown upwards, thus you have to get under
    the balls to destroy them. Even worse, if you destroy a large ball, it doesn&apos;t just vanish, but breaks apart into
    two smaller balls. Levels consist of little platforms connected by ladders, so you can go up and down or find cover if
  en: >-
    <p>A game similar to &apos;Super Pang&apos;. You are attacked by little green balls which are bouncing around and which
    you have to destroy with your knife. Your knife however is limited to being thrown upwards, thus you have to get under
    the balls to destroy them. Even worse, if you destroy a large ball, it doesn&apos;t just vanish, but breaks apart into
    two smaller balls. Levels consist of little platforms connected by ladders, so you can go up and down or find cover if
  en_CA: >-
    <p>A game similar to &apos;Super Pang&apos;. You are attacked by little green balls which are bouncing around and which
    you have to destroy with your knife. Your knife however is limited to being thrown upwards, thus you have to get under
    the balls to destroy them. Even worse, if you destroy a large ball, it doesn&apos;t just vanish, but breaks apart into
    two smaller balls. Levels consist of little platforms connected by ladders, so you can go up and down or find cover if
  ru: >-
    <p>Игра, похожая на &apos;Super Pang&apos;. Вы подвергаетесь нападению небольших зелёных шаров, которые кружат вокруг
    вас и которые вы должны уничтожить своим ножом. Нож можно бросать только вверх, таким образом, чтобы уничтожить шары,
    вы должны оказаться под ними. Если вы уничтожаете большой шар, он не исчезает, а разбивается на два меньших шара. Уровни
    состоят из небольших платформ, соединённых лестницами, таким образом что вы можете перейти вверх или вниз.</p>
  es: >-
    <p>Es un juego parecido a «Super Pang». Le atacan bolitas verdes que rebotan a su alrededor y que tiene que destruir con
    el cuchillo. Sin embargo, sólo puede lanzar el cuchillo hacia arriba, así que tiene que ponerse debajo de las bolas para
    destruirlas. Peor incluso, si destruye una bola grande, no desaparece, sino que se fragmenta en dos bolas más pequeñas.
    Los niveles consisten en plataformas pequeñas conectadas con escaleras, así que puede subir, bajar o refugiarse, si fuera
  fr: >-
    <p>Il s&apos;agit d&apos;un jeu similaire à « Super Pang ». De petites balles vertes rebondissantes attaquent le joueur
    et doivent être détruites au couteau. Ce couteau ne peut être lancé que vers le haut, ce qui fait que le joueur doit attendre
    d&apos;être sous les balles pour les détruire. Pire, quand une grosse balle est détruite, elle ne disparaît pas mais se
    sépare en deux petites balles. Les niveaux consistent en de petites plate-formes connectées par des échelles permettant
    de monter, descendre ou chercher une couverture.</p>
  en_GB: >-
    <p>A game similar to &apos;Super Pang&apos;. You are attacked by little green balls which are bouncing around and which
    you have to destroy with your knife. Your knife however is limited to being thrown upwards, thus you have to get under
    the balls to destroy them. Even worse, if you destroy a large ball, it doesn&apos;t just vanish, but breaks apart into
    two smaller balls. Levels consist of little platforms connected by ladders, so you can go up and down or find cover if
  it: >-
    <p>Un gioco simile a &apos;Super Pang&apos;. Si viene attaccati da palline verdi che rimbalzano in giro e che bisogna
    distruggere con il coltello. Tuttavia il coltello può essere lanciato solo verso l&apos;alto, perciò bisogna essere sotto
    le palle per distruggerle. Ancora peggio, se si distrugge una palla grande, non solo non svanirà, ma si dividerà in due
    sfere più piccole. I livelli consistono in piccole piattaforme collegate da scale, in modo da poter andare su e giù o
    all&apos;occorrenza trovare un riparo.</p>
  da: >-
    <p>Et spil der ligner »Super Bang«. Du angribes af små grønne bold som hopper omkring og som du skal ødelægge med din
    kniv. Din kniv er dog begrænset til kun at kunne kastes opad, så du skal ind under boldene for at ødelægge dem. Endnu
    værre, hvis du ødelægger en stor bold, så forsvinder den ikke bare, men omdannes til to mindre bolde. Niveauerne består
    af små platforme forbundet af stiger, så du kan gå op og ned eller finde dækning om nødvendigt.</p>
  en_AU: >-
    <p>A game similar to &apos;Super Pang&apos;. You are attacked by little green balls which are bouncing around and which
    you have to destroy with your knife. Your knife however is limited to being thrown upwards, thus you have to get under
    the balls to destroy them. Even worse, if you destroy a large ball, it doesn&apos;t just vanish, but breaks apart into
    two smaller balls. Levels consist of little platforms connected by ladders, so you can go up and down or find cover if
- Game
- ActionGame
  - super
  - pang
  - ball
  - platforms
  - knife
  - name: ceferino_ceferino.png
    width: 48
    height: 48
  - name: ceferino_ceferino.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  - name: ceferino_ceferino.png
    width: 128
    height: 128
  stock: ceferino
  - url: c/ce/ceferino.desktop/E6AF888839B18DAC740B45745C71EE56/icons/128x128/ceferino_ceferino.png
    width: 128
    height: 128
  - ceferino.desktop